The Tenderfoot (1964)

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[Music] ten dollar boots here comes the tender foot he's pulling up his roots and riding quests he sold his flower kissed his cow goodbye he's hidden westward he got the word there's lots of food and water there and everywhere a welcome mat is waiting at the door and then he heard that cameras treat you right and engines never fight and rappers never fight you anymore crossing the plains sitting so tall here comes a tender foot riding for a fall he's riding west to that pot of gold if you don't get bushwhacked i have colder die of thirst along the way that tender foot might live another day here comes tenderfoot here comes tenderfoot here comes tenderfoot here comes [Music] [Applause] tenderfoot [Music] there's the water gentlemen all right all right i was wrong about the river but i'm sure not wrong about my thirst let's go wait pike we got company [Music] apache must be we've been in apache country for the past two weeks how come we haven't seen him before this well they're supposed to be in mexico this time of the year otherwise i wouldn't have come off don't look so mean does he what are we waiting for let's go drink pike stay here now what's the matter you scared a one lone indian let him water his animals and move out and we can water ours i'm sorry thatch i've waited a long time for this water i'm with you pike wait no sense looking for trouble all right then you stay here kid so [Music] [ __ ] [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] he claims that you fired the first shot unprovoked attack he's a liar we told the truth captain very likely i tried an age-old trick and you walked right into it i couldn't resist captain mule just how could we have avoided this fight well you just said it sir by avoiding all indians keeping out of arrow shot and staying together let them go sergeant what are you doing you let him go scot-free i have no alternatives there captain one of our party lies over there with an arrow in his back i'm sorry about that but i'm not going to build this incident into a war no wonder them indians are murderers and thieves you don't even punish them you mind your tone sir you're new out here not as critical of you as i might be captain we're sorry about this it won't happen again i didn't catch your names penny is thatcher i'm jim teves welcome to arizona bound for tucson well yes how'd you know everybody goes to tucson as to thatchip before you continue on your way i'd like to offer you the hospitality of fort buchanan root though it may be well that's very kind of you kevin where are you from ohio i was born in virginia my folks moved out when i was i'm a virginian myself sir tell me mr tevis our defense is still as white as i remember the grass is cool and green well i wouldn't know sir so my family moved to iowa when i was just a kid hatch harry's dead sergeant muster a burial detail listen i know we're burying ourselves captain he was our friend [Music] yes sir thousands of candles and crystal chandeliers offices and splendid uniforms growing gorgeous ladies in their arms i tell you mr terrace richmond will never see the likes of it again that's a fine looking animal you got there captain fastest horse in arizona i wrote him all the way out from virginia sergeant yes sir no grub for the men until they've stable rubbed water and green their mouths yes then show our friends the hospitality of fort buchanan hospitality find cover for their bed roll sergeants show them the offices mess make do yes thank mr tevis mount sir you come with me make yourselves comfortable chance i'll see you later [Applause] looks like jim's found himself a friend some friend regular old parade ground martinet if you ask me don't underestimate him pike troopers tell me he's been out here 10 years him yeah him campaign with kearney in 46. he's been on the frontier ever since ha [Applause] we'll chat a bit about virginia there's better things to talk about right here kevin what's all this assay equipment you interested in mining i'm interested in anything it'll get me out of the army and back to virginia in it it phases me really how any man could volunteer to leave the paradise back there for the hell out here why mr tevis tell me why i don't rightly know myself sir why is any fella leave home you farm boy yes sir yeah that explains it never took the family myself too secure was a man's edge well that's just what i mean captain i've been reading a lot about the far west about the mountain man and the indians and high adventure on the wild frontier where a man can breathe pure air make his own way have a chance to prove he's a man believe me sir this is the life it's not quite as wonderful as the book say mr dennis about man without a fashion with the beaver hat indian up close on freight is not a very noble savage game's not as plentiful as it once was and a man needs a job out here just as he does banky i mean i came all the way out to arizona i wouldn't feel too badly about it i think maybe there's enough excitement with the grit in the sand in the bottom to pepper things off of it i think you'll soon realize that only in retrospect when you're back home bragging to your sweethearts will the high life of adventure be as romantic and as dashing as it's cracked up to be [Music] who is it [Music] i'm busy come back later what is it i'm making my reporter i sit late at your house moving up north i know you do how comfortable you were squandering your time at two sides then i took out a patrol myself as a matter of fact i rescued a party of eastern gentleman from under their scouting knives oh most carson tell us hey mr carson we're discussing business i'm sure you understand oh well i better stick around then and not about these parts almost carson don't know i ain't as much as set foot in tucson and i ain't had a drop of anything since the last time i used to treat things what's the use [Music] carson yeah any relation to kit carson the famous scout did i say something wrong got it off mr tevis this is kit carson's brother oh boy you listen and try to get this straight pit carson wouldn't be where he is today if it wasn't for me you understand that moe's taught kit all he knows according to moe's that's right don't you never forget it neither nah oh it's scouting he would think sir oh that sculpting he was supposed to done for fremont and the trailblazing for garner yet it was moe's really did all those heroic things mr terrace kit just took the credit true words was never spoke to honest men mr teres wherever they may be i like that sentiment sir i liked it very much i'd even drink to it if i let anything drink [Applause] you know i can take this stuff or leave it it just so happens right now i've got my teeth all sought for taking it uh thank you sir well here's the moe's carson may someday get his just desserts i may be so emotional terrible i careful bill neil are you here's to your quick recovery well colonel i i'll be into my report sir i'll see you again when the fight disappears you too son you stay too a hole like this not me captain says there's work here for those who want it work like like being chip made for all these army horses huh get out [Music] i sure wish you'd change your mind jim i hate to see us break up before we reach our journeys and what are you going to find in a broken down fort like this well it's a good place to learn learn [Music] learn what well how to stay alive for one thing i figure i've been lucky so far i think there's some experts around here who could teach me a few tricks i would put an edge on my luck good morning gentlemen speaking of experts who's one of now mo's carson mo's is mr thatcher mr pike please make your queen sir welcome to arizona always likewise moses kicked carson's brother i taught kit everything he knows oh not entirely however it is nice to have an old friend vouch for a man's good repute say i just happen to have a few little articles along with me this morning might be of interest to you fellas here's how you're new to the wild west now gentlemen i want you to know that each never one of these rare and genuine items comes to you direct with my personal guarantee from the dexton dexterius hands of the american app originally now here's some fancy little foo roos elegant little googles for the gal you left behind lovely thing ain't it here's a wide assortment of sundry and select articles and necessary such as you might want for yourselves hold that sir you're holding in your hand that is a ceremonial breastplate of a comanche warchief made entirely out of porcupine quills armadillo claws and the beak the horny toad comes in mighty net say will you look at that now ain't that a stroke of luck that's just your size young fella you know i put my brother kid into one of them things about 25 years ago look what i've done for him would you i want you to take special note of the quality of them feathers there young man they're from the histopath old yamashi warbler you know the male of the species are pretty near extinct now poor little fellers now to get the full effect you got to hold it up let's see now spread it right now look at that gentleman transmortifies him already don't it that's it i hate to part with it well son the tender foot days is over how much oh ten dollars ten dollars can't go no cheaper boy i took that off coachy's brother-in-law come here cost me my life big savage devil all i have left is eight hey that'll do fine i ain't demanding equivalents all yours for eight dollars boy that's five dollars sir it seems now it's slightly new what did i tell you about selling that junk on my post colonel you're being i'll talk to you later gentlemen be careful on your way to tucson if hatchet's ready to kanoa ranch this morning kill two herders ran off for the cattle and the horses is it your cows how would i know you're supposed to be the scout southern arizona there's one law of the united states army me since i rarely get to tucson your wits and your guns are going to be your only protection remember that well don't you worry none about us captain we can take care of ourselves i'm sure you can good luck gentlemen [Music] [Applause] army pay me yeah come on that's we want to make tucson by nightfall we better get a move yeah so you run the best [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] apaches [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] yes sir dude for the breakfast double time what's going on apache [Music] [Music] come come on [Music] sound assembly target i think i don't [Music] what are you doing there i'm trying to sleep we've been raided i know they're making considerable racket about it too hurry we're riding in pursuit there ain't no point me going colonel it's captain mr casa not colonel captain captain here very well sir you're serving sir first platoon monitoring ready sir you're not out of that playground immediately your contract with the first dragoons is cancelled excuse me sir but my contract is with general blake colonel blake who is your boss the same as he is mine no matter what you call him and it was him as hired me as expert in indian affairs whose duties is scouting tracking and parlaying with friendly apaches don't say nothing about writing to pursue or fighting or nothing like that and why do you have to get a body all roused up and knocks asleep right out [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] coming around the nose as soon as we top the rise we charge as soon as we tap the rise charge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what's the matter with this thing [Music] don't worry captain i'm trying to what on earth are you wearing huh never mind now if you want to help round up the loose horses yes sir [Music] you got child assembly [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so take him away [Applause] [Music] sleep well mr carson no well i was turning and tossed but sleep no more it's after you woke me up i figured i might as well come out see what was going on that's very considerate of you you recovered the horses all but three and we lost young mr trevis [Music] that nice young fella got himself killed i said lost literally and last seen he was headed up that canyon there why ain't you gonna look for him what is needed now mr carson is an expert in tracking scouting and indian affairs in a word mr carson you and if you don't get that pampered caucus of yours out there and bring that boy back i'm going to give you the terror cowards with a recommendation that they [Music] you say that tucson is closer than the fort yes sir well that's where we're going to lick our wound we'll move about as soon as the men are able yes sir all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh which way would you say maybe if i fired a shot somebody would [Applause] [Music] hear hello [Music] hello i suppose you try guessing for a while maybe you do better [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] ha ha ha ha [Music] what is it it's sure where no white man garment that's a wedding shirt of a chiricagua apache how about that stranger you will patch well i tell you fellas it's like this actually i'm cochise's brother-in-law do tell him yeah that's right he gave it to me for christmas you like it get him a funny engine we don't like engines in tucson kid oh especially funny ones funny apache it's the most worse all right fellas i was just kidding actually i'm looking for a couple of friends of mine maybe you can help me apaches have no friends in tucson well come on now fellas a joke's a joke you know most times we give an indian a running stop before we begin shooting but a funny indian we sculpt them first juarez is our expert scalper [Music] where do you think you're going engine hey don't you stop running to your toe [Music] come to the big city already you're in trouble didn't come looking for trouble it found me usually does in tucson environments like this got names that spell nothing but troubles if they pronounce it different what are they doubling about you sold me an indian wedding shirt so i did yeah why didn't you tell me because i figured if you fancy something bad enough to want to buy it you ought to be man enough to stand up for it i am you fellers got some objections to this indian garment we would just haven't spoke with a moe's bart vegans when you call that sport i'm beginning to worry about you boy and begin to get curious if you're worthy of wearing such a fine shirt as that give me your handgun you too boy give me that handgun what for your old time is boiling for a fight we aim to oblige now hand it over take it off right over here now right there now then the sport here is going to try to take the shirt off your back whilst you're finding out if you're man enough to keep it on fair enough fair enough ho ho ho [Music] here [Music] [Music] you're doing fine [Music] i'll get out of there [Music] come here you [Music] you had enough [Music] oh jim boy am i glad to see you you got to give me a hundred dollars quick deal come on boy don't quit while you're ahead jim jim well sport here we are now you still think you're man enough to take the shirt off his back [Music] do you say if you say a hundred bucks and forget it jim boy don't matter now [Music] you know all right jim boy you sent him packing i did sure did didn't i uh here's a little gun ah forget it never worked anyhow it hadn't fired a shot for me yet here watch see [Music] jim boy out here in the wild wooly west you've got to have a handgun that works now it just so happens it back and forth you can and i got a little beauty there a bargain like don't you have for 15 guaranteed believe me it is a bargain at any price i don't care where you going water and grain the horses see that they want to get proper care yes sir oh [Music] colonel there was no use you coming into town i got everything in hand here did you find a shortcut to tucson mr tubbies uh no sir my horse did you thought you could take care of yourself hey mr pipe might have just got my hands on another hundred bucks oh it left some familiar faces why did i tell you what happened to me you'll never believe it sure we will you got beat up and robbed yeah yeah right in my hotel room i'm telling you captain conditions this town are terrible just terrible you've got to do something about it indeed sir indeed while i'm thinking about it why don't you all go tidy up a bit remember gentlemen you're always welcome back at port buchanan hey thank you [Music] well colonel you think that tender foot's ever gonna make it probably mr carson just as we did trick is to keep breathing precisely uh i've been wondering um you know i could use a little help uh you figured you could get the general to sign on young jim there's my junior scout splendid idea always better to have a junior scout than no scott at all [Music] yes [Music] i have a job that may interest you mr tevis ah colonel now this lads all wore out now before talking business don't you think maybe the government could afford to treat him to a plate of hot beans and maybe uh something cool and to wash them down with splendid suggestion mr carson first thing we're going to do is to get you out of that shirt come along gentlemen [Music] alec schweckable too oh maccabini ain't you got that stuff loaded up yet you got enough fun there now to feed the army for six months we going off to the babo camry today are we going tomorrow a lot of excitement hey captain i'm trying to ignore it there's always room for one more jam come on mr tevis you be careful out there here when i come back captain we'll have a race your hot shot against my phantom [Music] [Applause] stallion on jim let's go get us a mustang so [Music] that's what's left when i'm old spanish ranchos a little fixing up has to do with base camp on mustangs from and shoot from them if the colonel's right about them coyotes [Music] my god [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bow [Applause] he's out there where where he went right around that bend what's going on the phantom stallion he was here biggest life believe me fellas he was here i saw him right here he was looking me over sniffing at me are you sure you didn't see him mose well i guess it does sound like i was dreaming doesn't it yeah it sure does jim but i wasn't you know amigo most people just has nightmares in your gym oh no he has night stallions savvy merry stallions as long as it's set up we might as well start getting ready all right so i was dreaming no you wouldn't you've seen him now i don't need any of that mose i just must have been dreaming you have it any way you want wild horse has been known to steal tame horses huh it could be you just come out here to look things over it's his country in it is it why in the same hill you think i brought you out here and orchards picked us out to give him a sport and run so let's just go see he gets it [Music] there you are boys the phantom stallion just like i predicted now that's a horse it sure [Music] i is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] there he is [Music] where'd he go [Music] how did he get over there so fast that's why they call him the phantom [Music] [Applause] [Music] he sure is like a needle in a haystack [Music] that's impossible how could he get back across that draw without us seeing him no coward he's going to make a fuller paulo i go get him i don't know my horse is so tired he's about ready to quit on me why waste time on that will of the wisp i came out here to catch mustangs you catch the fan the rest of the herd is going to come easy mr thatcher and if we don't catch him and mustang is gonna be mighty poor a couple here a couple there that's all what would you suggest we do we rest and graze these horses and we can think this up a way to outsmart him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on get your ropes on him [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] jim [Music] el barranco [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't believe it i just don't believe it it's a mirage it's it's gotta be a mirage [Music] he's a spook maybe you're right pablo maybe we shouldn't be hunting him at all [Music] uh [Applause] hmm [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hoes [Music] you all right no how can i hear anything with you yapping [Music] never mind where are they how would i know you come stampeding up so i can't hear nothing what's all this about i saw two indians where well one was by the corral and the other one was at the wall what were they doing looking us over as far as i could tell what further would looking over us well how do i know all i know is what i saw and that's all like that nightmare you saw the other night if you actually saw indians jim why didn't you yell and get a lance jabbed in me or an arrow you got a gun ain't you sure i got a gun and i used it as quick as i could look don't blame me everybody swore they weren't indians for 50 miles yeah that's right wasn't that you said you could hear apaches just as good asleep as awake yeah that's what i said i surely did and why in the sam hill didn't you hear them well because apaches move so soft it don't make no difference whether you're asleep or awake and they say no time to bandy words it's time for deeds so if you stay here and watch i'll go out and do a little scouting [Music] wait a minute jimmy boy it's only me that ah i was just pressing my eyes for a minute yeah sure what'd you want oh it's time to graze the horses it's your turn you and pablo oh hey wait a minute we can't risk the horses when there might be indians out there oh come on jim there's no indians out there believe me thatch i saw him let's not go through all that again moe's still out yeah well don't you think we ought to wait till it gets back with a report we'll lose half the day when you better get a move huh well i'm not taking those horses out afraid yes i am i'm afraid we might lose the horses all right patch but you wait and see it'll be just like captain euless say we'll go back to fort buchanan on foot if we ever get back all right if you're so fired sure about it then don't take them out well might as well let the tail go with the hide [Music] maybe i'll just give up and go back what's the matter and just got you spooked no i'll tell you what has got me spooked it's ignorance not a one of us including that so-called scout knows what he's doing i feel the mercy of i don't know what that's what's got me spooked you hear that see see what is it it's horses [Music] the tree run for the train [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign indians would have been bad enough but to be robbed by wild horses we ain't ever gonna hear the end of this can't sit around here moaning about it we got to decide who goes to the fort for help could we all go what and leave our gear saddle supplies half of us stay the other half goes we draw straws here comes our unfamous carson brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what happened yeah i see him going down the draw too bad i wasn't here maybe i could have saved him what would you have done talk the stallion out of it no but i wouldn't put him out to graze in the first place not if i'd seen indians indians didn't steal them no but they could have that's not the point yes it is honey but you've seen indians like you said you did shouldn't have put them horses out to graze and they wouldn't have got run off by indians nor mustangs uh speaking about apaches brother carson have you seen any lately no i seen plenty of sign new tale yeah and i guess i'm gonna go have to get the colonel if that's you fellas in that's obligion of you well i figure it's the least i can do seeing how i bring you out on this wild horse chase in the first [Music] place [Music] sorry i flared up most oh it's all right i guess you earned it mind if i come along yes i do [Music] one man is an old man and two men is only half a man that's why then i'll go by myself either way i ain't gonna sit here all right you put nothing in your pocket possible what i tell you and you're gonna do precisely like i tell you all the time teach me why i trust you most who else you want to trust them green horns say you fellas now once we're gone you best hole up in here with your weapons and provisions because i wouldn't want the old colonel to come find you with your hair missing along with the horses [Music] [Applause] [Applause] about half a mile behind i don't see anything moving never move when you're looking at how can you be so almighty calm i know they're there you don't and always fears mostly don't know how many nine don't pull my leg moe's if they're that many what are they waiting for well he ain't got nothing to do but kill us and they got all the way from here to the fort to do it in so what's a hurry ain't hank die no more than you are if you're pulling my leg mose what's up [Music] [Music] in bed down here um eat dressed up try a little water with it scared i'm a foot and i'm outnumbered by an enemy i haven't even seen yet and if you can swallow this stuff without any water it's because you're a liar [Music] [Applause] [Music] wondering about all i've done for brother kitten him taking all the credit huh [Music] right about now you'd kind of like to know what's true one word other than you that's right moe's i sure would all right you just whale about sun up to mars honey you might get yourself some proof [Music] right now you better eat good that's what i used to say a kid kid i used to say you always got to eat good when there's trouble with indians coming up that's what i used to say to my brother kit back in the old days that's when there was beaver in that mountain and we used to get fighting over them squads ah i tell you come springtime rendezvous there weren't no prettier gals nowhere between the snake and ruby dude and them sweet water shy and squaws [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] um [Music] wake up and freshen yourself boy apache just come and call him where just keep watching you'll see him soon enough [Music] ah you're gonna need that water for cooling guns and you wasted that one jimmy i can jump faster you can [ __ ] your finger now here what you gotta do is pick out one of them rocks that's got an indian hiding behind it and you draw a bead on that rock try to reckon which way he's going to jump once he fills his side squeeze off [Music] feel better uh-huh that's good cause things are gonna start picking up around here pretty soon [Music] i'll go across that sag see if i can get a shot at the blankets with my handgun no idea i'll cover you here take my shield or give me a rifle [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so i got behind you [Applause] he's dead your shot got him well we sure sent him packing didn't we well a colonel might have had a little something to do with it are those our friends riding double [Music] so [Music] gonna be a little embarrassing isn't it just losing the horses no well man does what he has to in all of time are you doing [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we don't have to settle this up with guns when it comes time to pay off let's get straight on how we're going to bet yeah all right now this here is gonna be a match race between colonel yule here captain mueller colonel you who's gonna be riding on his virginia saddle bread for the name of a hot shot black strap fell here who was gonna be riding on a snake with the ears which somebody told him was a horse remember i got a month's wages going on [Music] boy that was something paul that was surely something how'd a trooper like you ever learn to play like that you have it the wrong way around jim what you mean is how did such a fine musician as i ever become a trooper there are perhaps five great pianists in the world i tried to join them i tried in boston i tried in vienna i tried in paris london but here i am women and this perhaps even more beautiful to me than music certainly more irresistible anyway here i am [Music] [Music] over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] come on i'll take them waders now gentlemen get in that hot shot virginia racing blood counts every time mr davis cantina thank you here's stand and treat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah this exercise is done in two movements first the vault then take your seat right hand on the wiz left hand on the main fair amount moon [Music] i'm uh much better at music sergeant perhaps i should try for bugler in the dagoons even the buglers ride this phone that's right [Music] ah thank you sergeant morning sir morning mr turpist [Applause] single file closer [Music] [Music] keep those toes in [Music] oh stuff they sent me these days misfits and drinks that man is giving us all the trouble there paul durant yes you know what he was before he was imposed on me mr tevis sir concert pianist yeah incredible isn't it [Music] we'll try it again this time in a war detail it's hunt for the work single file oh one of your [Music] that was not funny i assure you sergeant i was not trying to be funny you're not trying to be a dragoon either i i resent that remark sir what i'm doing my best sir then your best is not good enough well put a saddle on the horse and i could probably write him as well as the next man no man rides well who can't ride bareback what are you running here circus i thought i joined the army clear out of the air with pleasure what do you mean clear out i mean clear out a fort buchanan all the way out i never want to see you again go you're ordering me to desert i'm ordering you to settle the fastest horse on this floor and to get out of my sight before i lose my temper yes sir sergeant yes sir sir continue the [Music] i'll exercise him [Applause] now let's just try to get it right and this is to remind you that i have a few very pleasant details for anyone else who thinks he's a comedian oh when i walk single file i'm taking out hot shot corporal let's saddle him up hot shot that's correct you can't have hot shot that's a captain's virginia saddle bread is pride and joy i am merely doing what i've been told corporal captain's orders uh you there trooper did you hear our commander tell me to take the fastest horse in the fort i sure did good luck there you see no you mean that you would deliberately disobey your commanding officer no then bring out hot shot and i'll fetch a saddle that's what he wants that's what he wants after all who am i to try and figure out the old man's mind let's do as you're told that's all stay out of trouble come on hot shot you're going to get some exercise wake up balls wake up something terrible apparently oh no worse than that duran stole a hot shot and it's your job to tell the captain what trooper duran stole the captain's virginia saddle bread he woke me up to tell me that i'm i'm sorry mose but it's your job to tell the captain why how come it's my job any other senior scout give me a hand oh wait a minute i get paid for scouting and tracking that tail bear and you tell them yourself no i can't mows i'm a career man i think like this will ruin me that's what wouldn't have happened what's the matter you scared him moe's carson ain't scared a man or beast betwixt earth and sky i'll have you know get out of there all right then tell how much is worth to you sergeant you owe me 20 bucks i could forget that could you all right it's forgotten [Applause] ah why this ain't my job no more that is yours this here's a duty for the junior scout come on we'll go find jim tevis the deal was for you to tell the captain not covers oh quit [ __ ] about try for sarge that's unhealthy for the mine oh but moe's it was my 20 bucks [Music] i'll kill him with my bare hands thanks a lot fellas i'll see with can't rely on heavy's head in our lands sister silence heavily and mount the troops we're here sir modern ready oh yes of course well let's not say our ceremony or two yes he said get him so mad [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are we going i have to troop it duran sir i know that but where is he gone i wouldn't know that's mr carson nice colonel sir where would you say our horse thief had gone wild straight for the border sir i'll cut his trail be quick about it there's not a moment to lose [Music] no sir we just crossed into mexico see there's no speak back there in the east i know i know do you have to announce it at the top of your lungs oh well i didn't know you meant to sneak across carnot oh what's the use with the head start he got in the fastest horse in arizona what's the use captain yes mr tevis bill law against civilians crossing isr gentlemen there is a citation for courage for any bravo that brings back my racehorse well i'll go oh arizona was rough but mexico is rougher mr tevis now this aside but needs experience yes uh colonel how much is this citation worth and money it'll be accompanied by fifty dollars cash bonuses fifty dollars well there ain't nothing i wouldn't do for that kind of citation i accept her bravely spoken mr carson bravely spoken i'll go too not on my citation you won't i wouldn't think of it mose just want to repay the captain for all the good turns he's done me i'll never forget this mr tevis especially if you bring back my hot shot sagan these scouts are about to embark on a mission of utmost importance to the prestige and morale of the united states dragoons ride with good fortune gentlemen and my blessings now you sir [Music] ah colonel's horse the front runner all right padre there says he come through here two days ago and gains a day on us every day well it's best to be behind a man when you're trailing instead of in front get ahead of them that's when you lose them for sure [Music] do [Music] do [Music] black horse american dragoon i'm sorry cenotes but such a man on such a horse has not been seen in nakosari or i actually would have been informed uh perhaps he passed in the night going on to chihuahua is this one a deserter well no not exactly he's never mind jim let's not take up any more of the general's time it is the name which i should now it comes you are the famous kid carson see good idea corporal we're in a terran hurry i say something wrong i'm afraid you made a diplomatic blunder huh that man is kit carson's brother and he happens to be even more famous richer and smarter than kid will ever be i with a blunder um i won't mention it if you won't we'll hope the whole thing blows overseas guess what was you talking about in there oh just setting the record straight about you and kit wouldn't want the folks down here to get the wrong impression now would you [Music] [Music] [Applause] mose what's wrong [Music] well listen piano sounds pretty good [Music] sounds almost too good to me give me a hand [Music] so [Music] bose come back here with my horse uh hold on down there i know these men friends of mine from the north don pedro i'll be right down [Music] the wine is from don pedro's own vineyards and the uh cakes margarita made herself oh well oh ain't that nice try a cake most meal glasses let's see here [Music] and like you i was passing by heard the piano the door below was open so i walked right in and found this beautiful young lady practicing alone [Music] i sat outside and began to play naturally she was startled cried out don pedro the entire household came running but i continued to play magnificently and no one dared to interrupt such great artistry for this is a cultured family with a discriminating taste for all things beautiful [Music] as you can see i've become part of the household uh they display me to their friends as an artistic lion and i've made them the social envy of northern mexico that naturally my intentions are to marry the century to margarita and live happily here ever after and this is what you gentlemen wish to take me away from who said anything about taking away and what are you here for hot shot ah the captain's horse which you stole which i did not steal captain europe ordered me to take that horse you were there you heard him paul you know as well as i didn't mean hot shot he was upset he spoke without thinking well and perhaps this will teach the old grouch a lesson in uh self-control lots of other people with worse faults well collaborating on fix nothing that the horse won't why don't you just give this hot shot and we'll clear on out here i don't have him anymore [Music] i sold it how else do you think i've been playing the role of the rich americana who did you sell them to captain marlonado the commandante of the garrison yes why scallywag was lying he said he never set eyes on you nor the stallion neither what are your chances of buying the horse back impossible even if i still had the money you see carman dante is a great admirer of fine horses worse even than captain ewell he'd rather sell his soul first well let's put it this way either way take that horse back or we're going to take you back for the firing squad that clear enough better make up your mind paul quick a gentleman you seem to forget i am not your prisoner you are mine that one word for me to commandante would affect your removal not only from nakasari but from uh life itself i suggest you think it over carefully jonathan you're duran [Music] you lied to me senor duran lied to you you are a deserter from the united states army and this horse which you sold me is stolen not so loud it's it's siesta time don pedro should be awake to hear the truth yes senor i implore you think before you act be fair two americans are searching for you they have told me all couldn't we meet someplace private i will explain what is there to explain you are a criminal in the casa don pedro you must go at once but that's impossible i promise to play a recital for don pedro and his friends on sunday cancel it leave and ruin don pedro's reputation oh i advise you to think very carefully senor don pedro would never forgive you forgive me see and how embarrassing for the senorita why she would demand your head your career would be chopped off like that i advise you to think very carefully before you do something rash senor you are a dangerous and clever man senor all right you have until after the recital ah gracias senor you are a gentleman seeking me [Music] [Applause] one word to the commandant and he removes from life itself huh i take it back appears to me you could use a couple of friends along about now uh care to make a deal paul what kind of a deal help us get hot shot back to captain ewell and get shot at sunrise no thank you i'll take my chances right here oh the captain's a fair-minded man sure once he claps eyes on hot shot he'll forgive and forget you think so well least-wise nobody could call you horse thief no more or could they or a deserter the way things are right now you don't stand much chance to marry and don pedro's money please but you would if you were respectable how about it paul do you think captain ewell would give me an honorable discharge oh no i wouldn't go somewhere you're giving that horse he'll give you a fort buchanan forget fort buchanan just the honorable discharge scooters in the bag jimmy here pulls a lot of weight with the colonel you know yeah don pedro my honorable discharge from the united states dragoons the highest accolade my country can bestow and then the common dante wouldn't have anything on me would he oh you could tell them to go jump all right you get me the discharge and i'll help you get hot shot is it a deal a boy or a man after my own heart wheel's up there going every minute how do we go about it uh we'll think it's something we always do gentlemen i have it where i are i told you we think of something [Applause] the recital know what well we need a tactical diversion don't we we you i'll make certain that the common dante is invited now he'll undoubtedly be riding hotshot which he'll tie up out there with the other horses while i'm here at the piano holding them spellbound with a rhapsody by franz liszt creating a wild romantic mood suiting the occasion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] and now something special for a very special young lady leave a strum by franz liszt [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fight [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] of foot for a while now let's get on out of here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] farewell my love i shall return [Music] adios come on oh well it's good to see you back i begun to worry about you did you recover my racehorse uh yes sir i mean no sir well that is to say i didn't recover by myself what i mean truly mr carson is completely ineffectual but you did bring me back my standing well that depends on you sir what do you want nothing sir why are you dropping you haven't dismissed me sir dismissed yes sir now watch this about hachin well bluntly sir duran is willing to return hotshot on condition that you give him an honorable discharge willing honorable discharge yes sir for that horsty that deserter never that was a misunderstanding all the way around sir why do you have to complicate matters so mr tevis why couldn't you just abandon that report to the apaches and simply return my horse well captain it wasn't that simple see if it weren't for duran's help hotshot would still be a captain of the mexican army would you step inside mr tevis i want to make sure the heat hasn't added your brain [Music] i missed you hot shot i've missed you well now let's see see how you fed no santa claus [Applause] no santa breakdown how's his wind sound as a drum colonel sir everywhere he's been captain he's gone first class he's a horse that just naturally commands respect sir yeah ever did trust these spanish bits [Music] fortunate for you trooper still as soft and beautiful as ever oh you handsome devil i'll see you three gentlemen back at [Music] headquarters i don't know perhaps i should quit now while i'm still alive you don't have a thing to worry about paul your honorable discharge is as good as in your pocket the colonel promise he did there what did i tell you we should have held out for one with gold stars and blue ribbon on it [Music] well let's get back to the fort [Music] there are two charges against you i shall take them in order the first is desertion how do you plead but not guilty sir not guilty on what ground i was acting under orders sir orders to deserve yes sir whose orders your orders sir mine don't you remember sir how could i possibly remember something that couldn't possibly have happened captain stay out of this mr teves this is a military matter you're asking me sir to believe that an officer and a gentleman of the united states dragoons commanded one of his men to desert yes sir doesn't that strike you as idiotic absurd and entirely unbelievable of course it does sir and you must have been mistaken right it's possible i could have been mistaken sir and now that we've settled that for the record we will turn our attention to the matter of your request for a honorable discharge trooper duran you may be a credit to the world of art but to the world of the military you are an unmitigated disaster therefore as a favor to the united states army i hereby grant you an immediate and honorable release [Applause] how can i ever thank you sir my pleasure mr duran captain sorry sir arrest this civilian horse thief throw him in the guard house we'll try him in the morning captain you can't do that colonel uh you don't know what that boy's done for you what a gentleman i gave you a command sergeant okay yes sir [Music] sir i would like to re-enlist out get out you gave your word captain i kept it he has his discharge well it ain't gonna do them no good in the calaboosh i'm sorry gentlemen but there's a point of military discipline involved here the entire thought knows that that man stole hotshot oh that was just a joke colonel everybody knows that there are no jokes and army records mr casa i allow that irresponsible piano player to go unpunished and horse thievery will become a game instead of a cry you seem to be caught between your word as a gentleman captain and your honor as a soldier precisely mr teres and i would welcome any suggestion that might release me from the dilemma [Music] well [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not the fastest horse in the fort but it's not the slowest either now get on and get my deepest gratitude jim [Music] oh no you don't once shot while trying to escape not me i'll just stay right here and take my chances you stay here you won't have any chances they hang horse thieves [Applause] [Music] head south don't look back [Music] that's right sean you try whilst i get to colonel colonel he's excited there you are prisoner just escaped you better go tell the colonel right away well i'll do it for you sergeant if you're gonna make [Music] yes [Applause] captain thank you boys thank you come on the pursuit i'm pursuing escort i want to make sure that that piano player gets across the border out of my hair forever uh colonel um about my citation yeah for bringing back hotshot remember see me later now i'd like to have it now i beg your pardon well i am a marvel attacking colonel and uh if you ain't nice to me i could have that piano player back here for sundown yes you could couldn't you could care could except that i happen to have a letter here that says you won't how's that from the comma dante of nakasari demanding the expedition of one most carson as a horse thief you'll get your fifty dollars mr carson but in the meantime you'd better be very nice to me [Applause] [Music] ungrateful [Music] you
Channel: Chris Johnson
Views: 326,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Keith, Brandon De Wilde, James Whitmore, Richard Long, Donald May, Christopher Dark, Rafael Campos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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