Donnell Rawlings Covid Tests The Breakfast Club, Talks Trauma, Brother Love + More

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wake that ass up in the morning the breakfast club oh i see now [ __ ] wanna play [ __ ] in a playful mood today morning everybody it's dj envy angelique charlemagne the guy we ought to breakfast club we got a special guest in the building he had a little little kobe schedule skit huh oh yeah i know cole was scared first off first off i had no clover skin first off i know i'm a corona survivor two times two times twice i had the old school junk and i had the um the soft joint the new job common crown yeah omicron you can take your mask off i was there for both of them yeah you just joined us no i ain't and i said to myself ain't no [ __ ] prank they could get off of me i was prepared for that right i was like ain't no way so i came in boom i'm fresh off three weeks i'm fresh off the road i got antibodies like i was gonna say up the ass but i don't want to get y'all excited all right so i came here i was like you know what finally this is what i said to myself this is what i said to myself this is what i said to myself because i'll be seeing post about mental oh it's that smudge he ain't nothing about smudge i put him on as much so listen i said that i gotta have a new lease on life okay because people always say danielle why you be going so hard why you be going so hard pause what are you doing i said what you mean not from you period poo imperious po period i'm listening so i said danielle you got to change your ways you've had relationships with people in the past and for some reason they go up and down or whatever right i said but now cause i'm looking at all these [ __ ] just keep on posting mental health mental health mental health i'm pushing mental health so i say i got to be a different person right gotcha i said uh danielle you got to be more caring you gotta be more loving empathy is good and sometimes you gotta let stuff go right right right so this is what's my idea how i was gonna start this interview and and it took me a lot to get to this point okay i said i'm going to say um that is a new one don't worry about that don't wait don't worry about it don't worry don't worry all that diamonds do change don't worry about it but listen listen so i said to myself i gotta be a different person right and i was gonna start an interview this is what i was i was gonna say dj envy i love you i love you angela lee i love you i know charlemagne i love hating you every opportunity i dream about hate you in the morning people say living rent free and all that every time i get a chance with something come on in there i said what about to get him again i live for his son and this is what i live for too i live for a football season where his team thinks they're dumb boys that turn out not to beat them boys i live for that yes the washing redskins stink i understand that correct but the fact that they do and what they always do it gives me great joy okay you know what i'm saying but i say i want to be in a different place i love your jacket bro i want one i think the dick on the back is very progressive that's i think that's a mic let me see you turn to me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me so this is oh this is what i'm saying son what what i was gonna be a different and i knew so i come up in here they take the cover test right first off y'all want to play games with cover test i don't know who is sponsored this y'all need to stop playing son yesterday price is not today's price my publicist said breakfast clubs demanding that you take a cover test i don't know where that money was going to go crazy he lost a lot oh look he already seen the investment opportunity he just saw seasons [Laughter] right now and i can show how your family can get generation generational testing for the rest of their life what the [ __ ] else yo this is a opportunist puppet right he will find a way [Applause] so what happened when they tested you okay that's what i'm saying first off this is very symbolic of today because this is my anniversary yeah i'm sorry this was a time when the whole crew popped in austin texas so i'm dealing with that of course i'm a comedian right and i make jokes about everything right i do make i do do some cover drawing but then even inside the jokes i think about people that their covet situation wasn't funny you know i mean was it was it real correct as a comedian how do you balance both of them right thinking about what it happened last and we was blessed enough everybody in our crew we went down like dominoes i didn't get it everybody you look i don't know how she i don't know her test is fake and [ __ ] you know i don't know what type of test you gotta say and i don't want to say anybody post to get it but she supposed to get it you know what i'm saying like you don't wish no corona or nobody but i'm like i just [ __ ] got three times she ain't got it yet and i was with you every time it's something i don't know it's the asian blood or something man it's something to keep away from so this is my anniversary so i come up here i'm excited and you know what i rested up for y'all [ __ ] look at the skin y'all see the skin y'all see this i like your new i like your new um your pictures too thank you i don't know what you call them headshots you're not gonna control this interview i know that's your thing son i see you in action you don't got to bring your little piece of paper so you know what questions to ask and don't do this the serious [ __ ] when you're just you're doing by yourself son you don't think it's you know i don't want to talk about that look how handsome he looks man that's dope that's a deal i'm changing the nerd of a deal what does it do dick i'd like to [ __ ] yeah they always say why you go at this man like that y'all see it y'all see it they always say they say what did they do to him like he won't stop they call me the 50-cent of the breakfast club right i won't stop and you see this right so go ahead continue so it's anniversary anniversary was a year ago so i come up here to breakfast club and first off the the whole setup that's first off your covet [ __ ] don't listen to the cdc he got a cloth mask on we all know that you can't have a cloth mask and another thing i saw one of his nostrils i'm never if you do cover the person i ain't never never ever should you see that you know and it's the ultimate yo you yo you sleeping like that he got it i'm trying to get it right your nose is against the law that's like that's like being an exhibition you know i already know the kobe [ __ ] is [ __ ] up right then they say 250 a pop right he still got his nose and now we all know the universal sign for put your mask on it's sign language this is this right here okay okay okay okay i never paid that attention okay this is this is the depth y'all go to the [ __ ] with me right so i go up in there dudes like first off he say oh the price for a rapid i'm like that's selling some pcr money i know the difference and i got i keep rapids in my thing so he tests me boom five minutes ago so i'm wait i know rappers take seven minutes six minutes right and then the energy is off so you know when you're waiting for your cover joint you act like you're tripping but you'll be tripping mm-hmm so i started into the mic down now oh so i i'm gonna feel worse waiting for cover to waiting for hiv too um uh don't nobody even get tested happy covered just knocked all that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah back in the day though back in the day so i'm waiting seven minutes i'm like something and i know like three weeks ago i had the new covert mm-hmm right and i just pcr like i p i pcr myself i travel a lot so whenever i travel i go back always piece of myself just for peace of mind so i was like when that [ __ ] said he okay first off uh [ __ ] everybody on your staff i mean everybody not one person i'm saying not [ __ ] you all right because this was a group effort yeah because they asked you to do drops yeah it didn't and then covert [ __ ] downstairs yo this [ __ ] i was like what covert school do you go to because you scared everybody he came up danielle you gotta go you gotta go you gotta go are you serious i'm so sorry are you serious yeah i'm so sorry you have to we gotta get you out we gotta get you out really first thing i said was which everybody says i was like false positive i'm saying to myself there this can not be happening and then he was like oh he do oh man he was the absolutely [ __ ] can you do another one we just we just have to go downstairs now because you're already affected [Music] yo yo i feel like the outbreak monkeys and i was like this nobody should ever feel this way i was like this what is your training your training cannot be to let the kobe [ __ ] feel like he [ __ ] the whole building up right he said you know he was shaking his acting was so good he started making me nervous hey i was like nah they figured he was like no i don't care darnell you gotta go just gotta go please everybody who did you call huh you called somebody my assistant okay and i said to myself i was like this oh i was like they just try to say you know how you gonna say they trying to say hey who the [ __ ] is that maybe that's the right pronoun or not them day he she's whoever they said they're gonna try to say that uh um and then i touched the box and she said that's impossible because she know just the situation like being vast and just i was like i was like first thing i said i was calm i said we have to take another test then he said um i don't know that and i i was like this these y'all ain't smart enough to pull this one off but i knew here's the thing this is what's going to come down with the whole kobe [ __ ] not that i was concerned i know it sounds crazy tesla that i was concerned about my health or anything like that because i've had it twice i think my immune system is strong enough to kick it that's what nobody ever talks about how do you prepare yourself in case you get it but the first thing i was saying was like [ __ ] i when he heard that news that's what i really wanted i would say to myself i was this one y'all weren't here to really [ __ ] you weren't gonna tell nobody yo [ __ ] let me smell you i wasn't gonna tell i was gonna call gregory i just want you to know all i kept saying oh this is right this [ __ ] alley right here i was like he bought the at me on his boat time this one's good and this [ __ ] yo here's the thing that really sold cameron and why you kicked the guy that worked here why you kicked the guy they think you kicked the ticket you kicked the tech not detect the the like the kobe tech yeah that nigga's gonna cost me money don't do this [ __ ] don't do this [Music] [Laughter] that it was a joke after he asked for an anal swap you know what i i still that's why i didn't think it was a joke because i didn't know this is why i would never stop [ __ ] with y'all i did not know how low y'all that's the only reason and i was saying i was going to hit y'all with some ethical [ __ ] right like you know that could cause anxiety right you know that i need mental health right now give me your coupon code yo i right before new year's i i had it right and this was like i got it and then but this was when the cdc changed the whole rules where you could still be in the game because you know whenever you get covered first thing you do is cope with math yeah how many days yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you like this you like you do your own you like okay i got a monday that mean i probably had it last monday so i'm good but in the situation when i cut i only took the pcr test just to make myself feel comfortable i know it's gonna be around family stuff then and i was like there no way i'm i'm not losing this [ __ ] money but i couldn't do just say i was going but then cdc said oh if you asymptomatic am i pronouncing it right yeah asymptomatic who you the teacher [ __ ] asymptomatic yes but why you had to say yep when i pronounce right like you get all your words right you're right right he's symptomatic they said no symptoms or whatever the new guideline is five days right with a mass five days if you're gonna be around people with uh five days isolation you're confusing everybody okay here we go five days isolation isolation and then um after that five days if you're gonna be around people with a mass the show out here if you're asymptomatic hey something yeah the show i had was on friday that would have been my fifth day i was like man i'm about to just mask up and i'm gonna go do this show and i i felt some guilt about it but then part of i didn't feel guilt because that's going to be an honest situation like are you going to stop people from making money if people aren't feeling sick or anything if they're vaxed up if there's a certain period of time where you're transmittable that's going to be the argument i said but i don't want to be on the forefront of that argument right you know what i'm saying i'd rather be on the back of it somebody it's going to be a big company or somebody's going to say this is what we're going to do we got to keep these people working at some point we got to live with it it's going to be like the flu and i told you i said look it's not about if you told me first she told me to tell everybody yeah i said you don't want to get other people sick that's what i said you don't know how it's going to affect somebody else but that's the truth of it like she didn't tell nobody when she had it i didn't have it she never had it i don't believe that see here's another you can't be this way what if people know you as telling the truth you got to always tell the odd uh uh god honest truth that was a lie you just slandered her and you know how these trolls are they could be like yeah i do remember that time she was coughing around me it happens it happens all the time yeah you know but you know charlemagne was gonna take a look like charlotte was like yo let's let him get back in the car and then then come get i wanted to cause you know why because greg wasn't there see i knew how to hurt you i wanted gravy so greg would be like damn we got to cancel this show i needed to hear greg say damn we gonna have to cancel the show today and greg is from carolina that's what i wanted to see i wanted to see that facial express you know you know why because you are a person that subscribes to cancer culture you believe in cancer no i don't you know what you are the perfect per that is what canceled culture that is not cancer coaching no what you said you wanted me to lose money no i wanted to see your facial expression no yes but i didn't really want you to lose it because it was fake donnell but when greg would have heard the news he'd been like damn we had to cancel the show you to look so distraught i wouldn't let that linger for like 15 seconds this thing even in my situation with the new year's eve show the losing the money is not important to me because i always can make the money in fact that date i'm getting more millions stop it don't do that you about to get me wrong loot that part the thing that well the thing that see how quickly the thing that upset me about that situation and what i was thinking about possibly this situation was letting my fans down you know what i'm saying like letting the people down they want to come to the show especially new year's eve did they miss you yeah and all that yeah of course they it was uh springfield missouri who replaced you they didn't they had to cancel the whole thing oh they ended up casting the whole thing yeah it's hard to like uh new year's eve show that's one of your biggest shows yeah you probably it's hard in the comedy in the comedy world comedy clubs are used to people having to say you get a movie gig or something but new year's eve it's a it's a tough it's a tough time if i pay for if i pay to see somebody on new year's eve i want to see that person cause you playing it out you get yeah you're playing it out exactly like exactly unless you've replaced them with that's a tough one like equal or somebody like oh my god because that happened to me once before uh charlie murphy when he was alive god bless the day he was having um his when his wife was really really ill he had a show um in northern california and everybody was excited to see him and it was just so happening i was over that weekend and i covered for him and it was one of the yeah they wanted to see him but to see somebody from the same platform that you got introduced it could kind of salvage that yeah but you know what i got i can't front and i had this is how i had already this is what my plan was what do you have there i have cover tests for you [ __ ] this is how i was ahead of y'all before y'all thought about it i said wait a minute if i heart and the breakfast club want to test me i want to test y'all so you're going to test us what kind of swabs are those is that the anal swab no just i do not want to make your day i told you i like you i'm not trying to make you happy jump for joy you know what i'm saying he's the only one get a coma test start like this yo how you reverse in the uk in the uk they actually do you wanted uh uh no nose or mouth or your mouth yeah you got oh no you gotta do both of them at the same time you gotta go nose to mouth or mouth nose how they do that like this you know how they do it you know let me see your pet let me see your passports then so just for everybody and this is the fact that i'm not taking your attention that [ __ ] downstairs ain't no doctor you ain't even pulling gloves out of a bag them gloves was already in your pocket well then you gonna do yourself here's yours oh you can do yourself i forgot how to do these no you okay no i did this i did one like this before i feel like you're wasting these no i'm not we're doing this what do you do you spit on it no i'm gonna show you i'm gonna tell y'all child to worry about a pregnancy test so this is actually very uh oh yo i know you're not dude it's just like a pregnancy you think they still use pregnancy tests come on man if we got enough kids they know exactly when you're getting yeah you are part of my dilf gang son what the dick i no not that i'm changing the name that's the people names of people used to it but dilf is dedicated involved loving father oh and you're a great example when you change that because that wasn't what it was yesterday no yesterday's phrasing today's phrase yeah you're going to take mine man no you're doing it y'all gonna do that and it's man it's already got some liquid in there what is that because that's what you do all right boom what y'all got y'all got your things no no this ain't no goddamn it's already been 21 minutes in but all right what are we supposed to do you do that boom got that take the q tip out everybody has a team we're in class take the q-tip out why is the q-tip already open danielle mine already opened the [ __ ] it is all right just what you do i'm gonna let y'all know this i don't need these gloves to just hear what you do nobody's ever done this at home it's so simple you get when when these tests first started it was very invasive are you a doctor no but i've i've i've been able to dr does not stand for doctor i'm not saying i'm a doctor but um going through what we did in yellow springs everything on the test that i'm kind of like familiar with so i'm gonna tell y'all when this first started a lot of people were afraid of it because they went deep and deep back yeah that's before they knew it's like it was going on your brain and everybody was that was why people had reservations oh i want to go they're going too deep it's like pulling on a needle a [ __ ] you can shoot a [ __ ] here five times they won't they'll take them you pull out a needle like okay i gotta call my mother what is you talking about that was terrible enough rewind it when you rewind it i don't want to get shot five times i'll take the needle all day come on okay so now this is not it don't go deep so what you do is the center the cylinder of your nose like right here just tickle the rim no you twirl it twirl it around like five seconds and then what do it on both knots you're gonna feel some moisture all right yeah okay five what are you doing both sides or no well what's this both sides yeah that's that's the applicator that's the solution all right now open open the solution up open that thing up i just took a test 30 minutes i know well just guess what i did too and i felt i had anxiety after this okay then what put it put it in here put it in there and then take your thumb and twirl it okay twirl it like for about five seconds this liquid that's already in here is the covey yeah yeah yeah well we'll see right and then on the applicator on the thing the little thing what part wait we put it in what are we doing i'm behind little area right right here yeah or this little box the little box yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah liquid pour it in there three drops pour it in there like this oh [ __ ] you trying to fall what do you mean pour it in there what you do oh pour this in there pour the liquid in there oh got in there yeah in the box so wait that way in the little box yeah three drops three drops okay then one way three drops okay now you see it's the c on there c is for the control panel it's telling you that the test is being administered why are we doing this because you did it to me it's only fair man if you test me i don't know what i'm doing now if you can get the kobe dude to do a prank on me i don't think you could just throw him ten dollars for you now i feel like we're wasting what we could be talking about you and what you have going on you got ten and then what and then what all right so now what i'm supposed to be looking at you just wait see see it should be a red line c is for the controller you if you see a purple line [ __ ] yo i'm telling you you ain't got no purple look that's it's a whole different purple mine purple too no that ain't it that's you overflooded just wait just wait so how many lines do you have man what the [ __ ] man no what it is the red lines control if you get the designer turn black gray that's why everybody at chappelle should be testing positive because they let you do the test this ain't even wrong no the reason why a lot of people should be tested positive because we care about trying to do life as normal as possible and we're going to isolate ourselves and stay in the house and be [ __ ] covered haters talking about oh my god i believe they're out there they believe we live in life that's why they answered what that mean is it red yes yes so right now you can stand the control panel is working and you're negative to this point what about me to seven minutes unfortunately well it's perfect for you you're negative sir yes that's the perfect all his test should come back like that so i have one red line yeah we could so see what we did for safety we was already 25 minutes in you are the craziest man listen congratulations donna you got uh i don't want you to know you're playing mr earl congratulations see when i try to have a conversation with you you don't want me to have a conversation okay who is mr earl he's on the um the new lakers show that looks fire that my man rodney barnes wrote yes right as a [ __ ] jesus it's a good thing i think that i think that it's going to gain it's a sports documentary about uh the lakers the lakers and the heyday the lakers the original title was going to be showtime because you know in that area they called magic johnson's showtime but because it's gonna be on hbo there was like there's no sense of promoting showtime so they changed it back to the winning team sports documentary about the heyday of the lakers who are you playing i play uh magic johnson's uh don't say it stop talking [ __ ] i play you didn't tell me that when you first told me about it i played yo that's what you said that's what you're saying yo let me tell y'all there's different levels of hate in this room hate hater i hate this that's what it is i hate hate i hate this i got all the hates in one joint and i'm really disappointed with you angela because i love you yo i really the level of hatred that's in this room you know frequency the frequency the hsc level in this room you know it's funny though you knew what he was going to say though you ain't fabulous enough to play uh magic son by the way no i don't have a friend on eg that's a bad [ __ ] i met pj in the club one day scared the [ __ ] out that's a bad [ __ ] you hear me ej is who the [ __ ] ej in a big way like yeah ej absolutely and he embraces so much and doesn't run from it if that's such a thing and like he embraces it and so those type of people people that may have reservations or whatever be like this the best thing the best thing you could do in your life is to be honest he's authentic and then if you're authentic people people do that so i played magic johnson's father's friend that works in the um in the car playing with him and also earthquake shot at the earthquake my man to earthquake how much if we got another show too i saw yeah earthquake killing we both just recently taped um a netflix special that was produced by paulo boyd production you know what you i only got to answer this i come to all your shows when you're in town it was in charlotte were you gonna go to charlotte i first off do me a favor envy right we're going to work on like right here see this part in between your nose it's scrunchy right this is how you see how your nose is like that i don't want to see that i want like smoothness smoothness you give me a little botox no i'm just saying you you'll be you're a better person than this and i do i will say this i will say i should have extended an invitation to you because you do you you always you me you always support me so it was always like i don't come to your shows don't start you always do this like i don't come to your shows are we rewinding [ __ ] yeah you don't come to it doesn't matter anymore i gave up i gave up my therapist told me my therapist told me to move forward with it certain things you just won't check and your brother don't have a crush on him no more no he gave up on him my therapist told i got a therapist too i'm happy for you you sure you know what my therapist is oh my man's okay right i don't do the couch [ __ ] i do the old school [ __ ] hennessy are talking about man 40. in the nick 40 and then he just said you write word to mother that's the thing therapy would be good for you donald what i think therapy would be good for you you like to talk you got a lot of things that i'm sure you want to unpack i'm not doing therapy ever why maybe you did it everybody don't need a therapist i saw you on the cabin though and you did have a little breakdown and i was like how did i have a breakdown it was like a little breakthrough moment when you when you want to show you wouldn't be the grumpy dwarf yeah you wanted to show the cabin when you're on the show when you walk in and burke cries and sit on the bear skin rug naked and then bobby lee just stripped out of your naked you have have a little trauma in your life too no but you talked about things i was like okay this is nice to see danielle opening up but what was the subject what i was talking about you talking about your dad oh yeah this is why i'm talking about my dad and i said i think the relationship that i had with my dad made me a doper or a more involved dad i saw your interview with chaz palm and terry too where you were talking about your dad yeah and my explanation to that sometimes people my dad wasn't a bad dad my dad just chose a lifestyle he didn't have the time to for all the kids that he had and i remember throughout my dad passed away three years ago yo wow the last time i'm talking about my father so crazy this is actually one of my main mindfulness people that's debbie brown she's like oh yeah she's she's in that world she's not a therapist but put on the phone and see if she can talk to me okay but what i was saying was sometimes i wanna do that go ahead no why not because you're talking about hey debbie brown hey i'm i'm doing an interview with donnell rollins i'm trying to convince him to get some healing he's about to uh break down about his father oh please heal yes give him that okay first of all doctor what's your name her name is debbie brown first off you don't even talk to me before you say i need healing because you talked to him i felt it no i felt it i felt your spirit through the phone and now hearing your voice i really know you need it what wow so what do i so what's what's wrong with my voice there's pain there i agree i agree too okay all right you know what i'm being open for therapy so what is this and that's okay because we all have it we all have it we just have to acknowledge it okay i know okay i got lure pain a little pain so what i do next what's the problem with your father what was the issue no it's not a problem with father i said i think the relationship i had my father made me want to be a better father and the reason why i said that because he wasn't a good father no that's not what i said and i'm not gonna let you talk about my father like that okay what i'm saying is he had a lifestyle that he didn't have all the time for the kids but as i remember i don't have a lot of memories with my dad like those memories the fish to catch a fish for the first time teach you how to fight all this stuff i didn't have that so with that said when i had my son and i had had him at a later age i said i want to make more memories and do a lot better in in building that relationship that happened with my dad who he sound like that's how that's me i say the same thing okay okay jeff so what is a what is a person's name this is what she said though no here's now what what is his mindset when we're talking about me and then is that a narcissist no we're telling you that you're not alone you did that charlemagne i'm the therapist now you did that charlemagne and then with that said you brought it right back to you immediately no i'm letting you know you're not i don't know what you said do he talk to you like this in the session compassionate reinforcement because one of the biggest hurdles i think for so many of us is we grow up in families with secrets so no one ever feels i'm keeping my seat never go to your house feel we said nobody ever talks about the things that they feel what did you say that you said it's a powerful place for donnell to be yeah everything that he just said like that shows he's in a really powerful place in his life right now like he's in a space of kind of neutral awareness like usually when we bring up memories especially memories with our parents there's a lot of charge to it right like there can be a lot of pain or a lot of ancestral pain that comes through and so the way that he was talking about it it was just like hey this is what was but this is what i intend to do i'm working on this experience i have another question all right i have another question for you so how do you deal with people that you're trying to be friends with right you're trying to understand them and you're trying to have better and with that said you come up with with p in in peace and they keep on doing corny pranks and let me tell you they go as far as i've been gifted a butt dab i love you i'm gonna call you guys by the way so exciting that you interviewed chaz palminteria on your podcast that's on the rolling show yes on the dino rolling show that's the show i know i'm talking too much but uh it's the show i'm excited about i started about a year ago with the podcast and i was so i did i got up to like 60 episodes and then uh the world opened up i started touring again so i didn't have enough time to put into what i wanted to and anybody y'all from the podcast well the consistency means more than anything so recently like the last three or four months i'm really starting to get back on it and i've always been a person that i never had guests to my show because i don't like asking people to be on my show it was just one-on-one me and my thoughts but now like i just did a stevo which was a great interview i did um chess from if you most people know him as sunny from the bronze tale and and the interesting thing is that i don't have like people like what's your interview and stuff i was my stylist not being prepared and possibly trying to get to know the person or find something different about him in the interview and he's done a lot of interviews but for me to be able to talk to him about him having jungle fever smashing black chicks back in the days him being the door guy at um at the line i found something to talk about that a lot of people don't i thought that yeah he was talking about borrowing money and how he borrowed money from a lot of people early on and yeah we were talking about um like i'll just say this and everybody in this room has probably had the same experience or at that place where you've reached a level of success right and everybody said they know you from here they know you from your shows they know you from getting papers they know you from houses they know that but a side that people don't know is what it took to get to that point the hustle the process i'm saying the process and even though i don't [ __ ] with you even when people when i talk [ __ ] about you behind your back uh the first thing i always say is that i respect where you came from for a person to be from south carolina and to have the face that you started with and now you know i'm just saying and that'll be the point where you are regarded in your mind a sex symbol you feel different from the days back in south carolina i know you do so let me no no no no no no no the point i'm making going back to her when we was talking about the things you appreciate the most is to come up it's the hustle it's those stories of not having something it's those stories of somebody telling you no and everything and you keep going and envy i saw that with you at hot 97 and you know you might know radio the night shift is the party shift you have fun without it ain't the money [ __ ] and i know you ding ding ding mr ding ding ding you knew that you wanted to get on the morning she didn't want to do mornings to be truthful you didn't no i didn't want to do mornings here i want no not here you don't have myself yeah yeah that's what i'm saying i'm telling you this story and this is why how far we go back i know that transition i know when you was a part of a dysfunctional family in the morning that being me you miss info and miss jones and miss jones oh talking about [ __ ] um can you get a therapist for miss jones that's interview people i like yeah i okay i respect it too but she said a lot of things that were false and the thing that y'all did and you did not defend me you gotta go what time what you i don't want to talk about that i don't know here we go i'm gonna talk about that let's talk about you now no no i want to talk about this situation what are you talking about right now what's this all about yeah we were talking she asked me a question the interview i had with chess yes and one of the things we were talking about when it was talk a part when [ __ ] didn't have money and we were talking about the thing that you appreciate the most that you can appreciate the most and live with the most is to come up those are stories out of everybody i talked to has a lot a lot of billionaires and [ __ ] they don't talk about i got this i got that they always talk about where i came from in the beginning and those are the type of questions that i asked him on the donna roland show and i continue to ask next question you know what i want to go back to your pops raise your hand i want to go back to your pops because you did say something that was real powerful in this we don't we don't give each other enough credit for that we are the generation of men that are breaking that cycle because i said your father was a bad father i didn't mean to say it like that but no i didn't you said it how you made no well our fathers were doing the best they could with what they had at the time you know they all was dealing with their own issues so they couldn't be the type of father that we maybe we are now but it doesn't necessarily this is what people try to say because you're not around you're a deadbeat that's not necessarily true a lot of times [ __ ] have kids it wasn't like we planned this it was like oh we got it popping yeah i went wrong that happened so it's always hard to build a relationship when it was never loved there yeah you know and your dad was a kingpin which i didn't yeah he was in kingpin heroin i know i will say as coming from the community and i know we look up to certain things but that knowing that [ __ ] there was a boston neighborhood you respected that my dad was a kingpin uh in dc he's he was in and out of prison you know what i'm saying i never not felt i didn't have love love from him like what level of kingpin now what's the what's the video g what's the og kingpin from dc everybody talking about [ __ ] like well raymond um rightful right right from the air i'll just say this all of those guys were his youngins if you were my dad's nickname was box right and you people that know the history of dc they they would they would they would they would co-sign that yeah but i i will say my father i'll just give i remember one time he was on the run he had jesus do go-go's at this place called the washington coliseum in washington dc and if you came up from the go-go era you know if the three top bands back in the day was uh trouble funk eu and red but they never played all together you would get eu in trouble or eu in essence they never came together it was like who had the money to do that too competitive and my father was one of the first promoters to put that show together at the washington coliseum i remember one show here eu red ester's trouble funk and he had [ __ ] new edition when new edition was popping off a candy girl wow this is the dope like i know certain things that i know my dad like really love me give a [ __ ] we was at gouache coliseum one time we we was running concession well yeah this was probably like uh 83 84 i'm old yes he was like it was around that time and i remember i me and my friend andrew fails we just have so much fun because we wear concessions we go to the go-go we have money and we got to go to the go-go and we have sold all the hot dogs and sodas we could sell and we watched the show and my father my mother came in and she said they looking for your father and i knew who they was they was looking for your father and then and my my i was like oh [ __ ] i was like this i don't know when i'm ever gonna see my father again damn i didn't know if the fest i was like i don't know if i'm ever going to see my father again and if i see my father again where will it be would it be at a funeral will it be uh court i just didn't know and and this went like he was on the run maybe like four months like nobody heard from him or anything and i remember this christmas uh and this uh this christmas i was like goddamn man me and my brother i was like man chris was gonna be [ __ ] up i don't even know where my father is whatever and i heard a knock at the door right and i still got this picture i had to knock at the door and i was like who is it and and he's always he'd be like it's your father i'm like [ __ ] don't you supposed to be on the run on the right and i was like and he was on a run but he made his business before he ran ran which was jamaica that he wanted to tell us he loved he loved us did they ever did they ever catch a father yeah they caught him in jamaica they caught him in jamaica and here's the thing when he went to jamaica you know jamaican government is easy to manipulate with money so he was over there he was like he had a lot of cash and he was over there living his life one of the only mufflers at the time had mercedes living the mansion all this type [ __ ] in jamaica in jamaica not low at all and he actually threw brought new addition to jamaica no he really liked new edition yeah he was like it was new edition i remember new edition i know it's a crazy lineup new addition melba moore and somebody else but he brought them to jamaica so he was doing a lot for the jamaican government whatever and then some guy in a way they had some type of fallout and they was like they sent him back come get this [ __ ] when's the last time you seen your boss he passed what's the last time you saw him rather this was like three years ago it was he passed away on valentine's day wow like three years ago yep and i've been thinking about everybody's been telling me you should write a book or like uh play him whatever just like the last thing but you know again going back to what we're saying like did he get life or did he ever come back out he keep get yo you want to hear a real crazy story so him being a kingpin we thought you ain't gonna be no old kingpin right this was like about five years ago right and uh i heard the same [ __ ] they looking for your father after he was out five years ago let me tell you something this about seven years ago right he was like he had a car wash whatever i'm like i had i get this call they looking for you for i'm like this nigga's still out here in these streets you hadn't been speaking to him yeah we've been speaking nobody knows that he was still participating and the [ __ ] news at dc yo they had just [ __ ] was ran from the cops right first off at what age what age was he now because now he's at this time he's like late late 60s he's not supposed to be on these streets right not only that [ __ ] had died man they took a couple they took a couple i have long nose hairs no right they they chopped it [ __ ] diabetic they was chopping this [ __ ] up here half a foot still trying to hustle running for the police i was like dude you're not running for the police with the coup de kinte right kingpin county so look this is a true story so boom they were they had they running they chased me i'm running i'm running running it was a big story in in in in dc news right he back in jail right and i'm saying to myself he'd been in and out of my life another reason why i'm so connected with my son when i look at my son he's six years old now my dad was locked up when my son at uh when i was the age of my son now and you know how you got kids you could just stare at them for like 30 minutes and just be happy that's right absolutely i mean just stare at them like the way they talking everything and i was like i could not imagine not experiencing this part of his life i'm like how do these [ __ ] what mindset are you in to be able to be locked down and knowing that the life that you made is out there growing personality and everything right so i'm saying myself my dad wasn't in good health and i know if they got him locked up anything i was like the reality i said my father gonna die in prison i i i knew that was gonna happen and i thought it was [ __ ] up now this is a selfish part i'm like you've been through in and out of life like that now [ __ ] like how do you do this who thinks like this then i said to myself you know how they say people that are born hustlers mm-hmm that he was an example i was going to ask you because you know usually people say i hustle for my family i hustle for my kids yeah but now you're grown you you're successful i think he's just aged why is he hustling now like i think because i think that my son my father could have been head of a corporation a lot of other stuff it all depends on what transition you make i think that he was addicted to the idea of knowing how to make money in whatever capacity it is it was what he knew yeah whether it's legal or not legal can i still get it [ __ ] you spending money for you ain't got [ __ ] no more you know what i'm saying it's nothing you didn't know anything else though right and he probably felt like if he stopped he'd die what else you going to do you already got a record you're a criminal did you ever meet yourself yeah i was so happy because of that i was really happy because of that because he was calling me all type of names he thought i was scared of [ __ ] and all that type of [ __ ] you know how why did you think that oh could you have a kid i'm going back before homophobia and all that [ __ ] like i'm just being real right now it's it's crazy how all of us got the same experiences when i got my earring my dad same thing yeah it's simple we're in a different place now absolutely the way we should think then that's why no the way they used to think and we used to think that way because they used to be meeting in our head like that was wrong but because of because of and i'm gonna say it's because of everything the lbgt community is doing for them standing on what their front lines are and everything we think different that's why i get upset sometimes when these organizations go too hard because i'm like you got to give an ignorant mind opportunity to evolve they have no idea the things that we were taught growing up and how ingrained it was that's what some of it is religious a lot of it is rooted in religion when we were growing up if you if someone said they were gay or whatever our ignorance told us he ain't gay what do you need he needs some blood [ __ ] yeah right oh we're gonna fight him it was stupid [ __ ] and think about the generations of uh kids or young men they had to go through that ignorance to get to the point where you even understand that this is who i am [ __ ] it ain't got nothing to do with the food i eat it ain't got nothing to do with that it's just who the [ __ ] i am how was your house with your brother cause your brother's gay so how was your pops with him let me let me answer i'll tell you that but let me tell you this is the story so my father's luck i'm like he gonna go he's gonna die in prison but my father was one he's built from he said he told me information he said [ __ ] man he said ain't no sense of me complaining now i wasn't complaining when i was spending that money i would he was just like he was just like what am i if i get caught it is what it is he even told me one time he said maybe i'm crazy saying say but i had fun in jail and i was like how did you say this all his friends was there but you talk about this is a perfect look at god moment so he don't have the money to get the best lawyer anymore it's straight up i'm this older dude court-appointed lawyer whatever and uh he was looking i was like he gonna die i said he probably got 15 years tops and then he was going to take a plea right i think it was complete until like 10 years and then um yeah i was talking about one time i called him oh he caught me and he said yeah i talked to my lawyer today he said he said yep a lawyer said i got some good news and some bad news which one you want to have first and then my father i'm locked up all of them could be bad news right he said the good news the bad news is that because lori's supposed to come see him he said the bad news is i'm not gonna be able to come see today the good news is because you're going home wow and when you talk about look at god there was a there was a rogue fbi agent and this one made news in dc a fbi agent that was on like 80 or 90 cases i remember that remember that he was uh using the dope stealing the dope selling the dope my [ __ ] father walked wow well you know he had half a foot he limped he looked out from the reason why this was so special to me because ever since he's been home i do a traditional show at dc improv thanksgiving show and he always comes he always comes with his manses all his managers come d his masters don't take pictures you know them old school pictures and i was like the thing that was hitting me the hardest i was like god damn man this is gonna be the first time in seven years that my father's gonna miss the show and that [ __ ] came home and it was the show and wow and i'm talking you talking about look at god that was i don't care [ __ ] what your beliefs are if a [ __ ] that was about to die in prison beats that [ __ ] or my father never had a technicality or anything and i was like man i wanted i wanted i wonder did he ever realize his purpose man i don't need no hugs i don't need those i don't you know i'm good i don't [ __ ] with y'all son i don't [ __ ] with y'all i'm never going to [ __ ] with y'all no i don't i'm never [ __ ] with joe i'm good i wanted did he ever find his purpose you think [Music] but i'll tell you one thing that's why i say his purpose but it's a really really quick story um when he first came to prison when i first started doing comedy he came to one of my shows and it was one of those your therapist where i talked about this you got different times where you could make a moment with your kid right so he saw my stand-up and i was just proud that he saw that i was doing it i was out in front of an audience and everything and i said i said dad how did you like the show he said you know what when the [ __ ] start off with this i mean it ain't going to be what you want to hear right i said i was just i mean you was funny but like i'm like he was like what you got to do is you got to end strong right he was giving me father-son advice but it was hard it's hard to take father-son advice from somebody that hasn't been there in your life that much like right now i don't want your advice [ __ ] i just want you to say i'm proud of you yeah yo i love you right and this is where i can understand how [ __ ] in your youth can be with you absolutely and throughout my entire career i used to always say you don't [ __ ] with my comedy right he was i'm at one time he said you know what comedian i like he said he said and i'm just waiting for him to say me i said he said charlie [ __ ] murphy wow i'm like wow i'm right here right he was like but this is what he liked about charlie because charlie just and everybody loved about charlie charlie was a honest street tough dad he tell about no joke [ __ ] he said i like he said that [ __ ] scout that [ __ ] look like he a [ __ ] [ __ ] right so i'm just explained a lot you know how much you project that childhood trauma even now i do but not with you yes you did but you you vintage me one time so much in the airport you were something like that i tell you that you're one of the greatest comedians out here all the time and he was like you don't [ __ ] with me you [ __ ] with andrew and you [ __ ] with you that's what you said and i'll tell you why then we get into here's the therapeutic part okay you said on the phone that's what you just said you said danielle i tell you you're funny all the time i said yes you do say but you don't tell that to your platform or your listeners that's a lie it's just it don't even matter anymore i know i'm funny it's just a lie i say it all the time no even when i name the best stand up honestly i said how honest you have to be in your sessions do you ever lie to him i i say that you want to when i saw you at radio city i can quote jokes that you did and i said you were the funniest person on this stage that night give it funnier than dave and gemma and then the respect you gave me after the studio when you put a butt in my face they don't go together you can't respect it they can still give my ass right what you mean you don't understand applause i'm just kidding you're talking about how your dad treated your brother oh he i remember when my like when i was growing up i thought my brother had all the [ __ ] because he was around women all the time right i thought we weren't saying [ __ ] you said i said i okay deposit [ __ ] is that better you literally did it in a span you went from [ __ ] to women in like a half a second um this is a question it goes back to how people's minds evolve whatever uh it's my half brother right so my brother came to one of my shows one time right and me him he went to college i went to military so we were closer when we were younger and then as we got to young adults we grew apart so he came to one of my shows in l.a and uh after the show he said you see that guy over here he said i said he said that's your brother-in-law right so i'm thinking that my father has so many kids i'm thinking he just popped another i was i'm not i'm not meeting my brothers and sisters right it didn't daughter me to what he was saying was that's his partner until i got home and i called my father i was like yo uh i said i think uh chucky just told me he was gay this had no [ __ ] changed and my father said yeah he said i knew what he was up to like being gay it was a craziest moment ever like if you i'm saying if you knew why you wouldn't tell me if you knew he said he said i knew what he was up to he said but oh that's so weird but right y'all are [ __ ] man y'all the ultimates y'all you can't get no more ass only than that son yo no i didn't know that man yo i said i said he said i knew what he was up to but were my father speaking on the partner that my brother chose my father said i knew he's up to what and my father don't you know when somebody said a certain phrase but he said so and so he said is a good [ __ ] right man like i know the streets understand what i'm saying when i say that you know that normalizes no i'm like nobody's a good [ __ ] right and in that moment and i was like bigger than what my father thinks of it's not a lifestyle my brothers checked me on this it's not a lifestyle uh bigger than what it's nature it's their name it's nature because my brother checked me one time and my brother checked me one time i did when i was did something with laura nas right my brother said i want to do your podcast i said why you wanna do my part he said cause i want the world to know i said what you want the world know you gay he said no i want the world to know that my brother is now homophobic he might be home more ignorant but he's not homophobic different difference ignorance don't mean malicious or anything it's like what the [ __ ] but what i realized in that conversation with my father when he was speaking to my brother was that you know even my dad was raised a certain way my dad's youngest brother was gay right and my brother my father protected him to no end we had internally in the family they were telling little jokes but let somebody outside of that [ __ ] you get in the [ __ ] hands you know and i realized at that moment is that my father cared about my brother uh being with somebody that he respected appreciated and approved of more than anything that's how it should be and at the end of the day that's it you know donna but i did want to ask you moving on from this bmf damn just [ __ ] all that good stuff you talking about this stuff too i know i want to make sure that he gets to where he's here to promote his stuff but not even promote it not it's not but we want to talk about it we want to applaud you but it's not a promotion it's just like an hour now and i would say i appreciate you brother thank you i'm not going to say anything nice about you [ __ ] but let's do your book yo you know what i was thinking about i got a book in front let's do the book my kid book no the book that you give your memo after that book he was writing down on that loose leaf i know i thought about that when i came up here too right i was like they could be like i'm on the 20th page it's been three years but i'm gonna make it nft come on let's do from ashley to classy the book bro i'm gonna do it nft but the reason why the bmf [ __ ] so you're back on for the next season yeah shout out to tasha smith now let's talk about your role on there though it's a little weird people think it's true my true love i play a hood doctor everybody know the doctor that you get shot you coming in you get here so you shut up you won't have to use no insurance or anything you have to go to the house i play yeah i play uh um alvin a character and he's a hood doctor that uh has his way with dead bodies yeah sex with dead bodies on there somebody called me up like have you been watching darnell on bmf yeah but it's like it was like i've been lucky enough in my career to like be connected to shows that are part of pop culture that was popping the wire was one of them chappelle's show geico which we did got called what's the platform spider-man that spider-man yeah platform like for like guys popped off a lot of people a lot of people you was the biggest star when we first started i was the oldest too but it was one thing um paul richie over there spoke to my guy paul he wanted to do something different instead of like getting stars for the show he wanted to build it and whatever his blueprint was it worked for you chris mccarthy chris mccartney yeah chris chris was the architect but it worked for you schultz pete davidson it's a whole job nicole yeah a lot of um oh damn shout out everybody shout out to lina wait that's a big show on bt 20s it kind of like a show about how it was for her being a young um uh writer trying to make it in the business and i play which i i hope they pick the season back up because i play a character that i think that we have a lot of legs i play her uh father who's a stand-up comedian um that she didn't look up to had a bad relationship with um that's maybe that'll come back this season but and netflix special is coming when is that february february yeah you could work before that and then also of course you had caroline's this weekend why the jewelry like you're not a jewelry person i never seen you wearing iced out watches and all that i had the floss with john's son why you wait till now and everybody getting robbed out here this was a gift son who gave it to you kid rock you need a couple more lengths yeah wow what's the story he just gave it to you it's just yeah take it to uh greg unit great you know diamond tester that's what he's asking oh i was just hanging around bro that's like the most that's the most uh don't take it off that's the most interesting story i met kid rock on the river during summer camp last year and a lot of people say a lot of crazy stuff about him whatever but i met a different person somebody was at peace that was like somewhat concerned about the people's thoughts of him but at the same time rebellious said i don't give a [ __ ] but you know we all in hip-hop we grew up with kid rockers some kind of way it was a disconnection with him in the community but i met a good dude and he gifted me this he said hey take it he just had it on and gave it to you yo i thought he was trying to get me to do something to him what what do you mean what do you do when it's ready what do you mean you thought you gonna try to get you to do something somebody give you a gift like this son it's like you know you're trying to hit i don't know what it was but it's not just a it's not just a gift that you give people unless i was like this maybe i left a strong impression on him maybe it's not real on the river what what what is it breitling i don't know all that fizzy [ __ ] sir what does it say on it it's like ball too far let me see here all right let's see let's see what's going on let's start with the chapel joint i think we already i've never seen you he's real yeah dad's real let me see oh he's so hyped now you got to do it you ain't saying don't even worry about it they got rich [ __ ] i'm good thank you kid caroline thank you kid rock we got to make america diamonds again by the way we got a great guest that's coming in next so you have to go it's my man jay shetty he's one of the best people to talk to in in regards to myself in my opinion yo please please please stop pushing mental health for everybody no everybody everybody don't need it did you ever did you ever tell people to stop pushing uh guns and drugs on people did you ever say that to any rapper tell him i was a police son what are you talking about man shut up what was police in here for a son i know that story i didn't see that story i know well carol yeah make sure y'all know caroline's this weekend make sure y'all go to the donald show on youtube and all podcast platforms y'all know what it is i'll be there saturday 9 45 show can we do real quick top five you're mount rushmore comedians that's something i want to ask every comedian that comes on this year we had ryan davison he gave his mount rushmore who's your mount rushmore comedians i'm going to take this from a um scheduled chappelle show and i'm going to replace dailan dailon dailan dailon dailon with daniel daniel daniel daniel carolinas this weekend even if it's storms they're gonna be opening up i'll be there we appreciate you for joining us brother strip club again after i love you danielle oh [ __ ] donald we [ __ ] love you okay i really do love you donna and by the way make sure you watch me and dinner our partners on kevin hart's game facebook that was a lot of fun yeah so angela is very very competitive i am hate i know and i was prepared to lose okay well you'll see what happens okay all right it's the breakfast club it's down rollins [Music] you
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 1,691,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy
Id: op3ufqI3By0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 54sec (3834 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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