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I don't know what heard about [Music] ofing I don't know what heard about me bit can't doll out of me you see I'm [ __ ] she in the club she [Music] who up playing with their donk what's popular YouTube another day another donk donk is a small but dangerous man with a great flow tiny Crosshair sometimes it's yellow sometimes it's white I've been watching donk demos all day what the Donk doing this guy has too many knives actually that's a big problem for me I have the same gloves as he does but he's got he's got got this in a ruby I think he has this in a sapphire too who's giving all these little kids so much money man Don playing for team spirit he's playing with art Frost you guys remember from Spirit Academy this team that he's got going on it's like magix used to be like one of the younger players on the team now he's he's one of the old dogs it's kind of like his Splinter Arc I mean him and Chopper of course it's like their their Splinter Arc I've been thinking about this for a while but how long is it going to be the case that Chopper is good enough to raise these teams but not good enough to play in tier one sorry he's in tier one but to play in to get the call up to a team like an na'vi or Cloud9 or to get enough players to stay on Spirit where they like call like they believe in him and they don't sell players off you know I I think of course like Chopper's not been always a perfect igl I guess he's been very good obviously this just so incredible how many talents have been able to come up underneath him but I also just want to say that Spirit are very good as an organization and finding a lot of these talents as well also massive congratulations to Spirit for winning TI I actually got to watch yoro refused to lift that trophy in person three rows back behind the ages that was really beautiful site that was very cool to watch and damn they had the best jerseys at TI as well uh so man what's going on here zonx was one of wait sorry zonx was from was zonx on na'vi Jr or was he also on Spirit Academy cuz I'm remembering ztics as a 15-year-old from maybe it was Spirit Academy sorry let me check let me check okay so it was Spirit Academy that he played on this lineup was great okay so let's see the last match they played and see what team what players were on that roster cuz it looks like it wasn't ztics okay no no the the the team's completely different so let me scroll back a little bit art Frost Don and ztics all on this roster now when I was casting in the spirit Academy I'm going to give myself some credit here even when Don had bad games in the spirit Academy I was actively saying on the cast wow this guy's really good I think this guy has huge potential I was saying that okay now a lot of people are seeing his recent stats and also the fact that he transferred to CS2 and he's taking over still very very cool now every demo I've watched people are still playing CS2 like at CS go so that makes sense I also think CS2 is actually pretty easy for CS go players especially the good ones so um I don't think the pros are going to have that much problem I think when you know the very best it's going to be a little bit about who's got the new tricks which kind of sucks for anybody who's a touch stubborn but like the players like donur they Learners they're sort of at that age where they're still willing to grind every single day and learn all the new [ __ ] they're going to just take off in CS2 right so let's see what was I going to look at oh Spirit Academy days he was still pulling very good numbers back then but the the quality of competition at these CCT events not as high but he was still doing very good uh let's see if his we play Academy League Seasons he just kind of climbed up so I don't know if I didn't cast six I don't think I would have casted four I think I casted four yeah because this mes NXT during four yeah Shane was still on the team so yeah I was still casting at four four years old okay I've been had my eyes on donk and uh I saw some good moves today when I was watching demo so we just going to look for him again right now he's averaging like a 1.55 rating on nuke so like it's unheard of but right now in CS2 your your ratings are really inflated like ratings are extremely inflated because of mr12 so they might need a new rating system for CS2 probably not going to come out right away cuz they also need to make sure it's it's really good but for the time being people who are good are going to have unbelievable ratings like I think this game that we're watching right now first 9z he had like a 2.3 rating on the whole map and yes we're going to watch the whole map okay so we got the vent dive of the knife out because the smoke comes out and if you don't have confirmation that someone could vent dive then if you get down there you know no one touched it very good movement from Don to not hit the bottom of the vent as well so they're watching this periodically uh but some very very good attention drawn from art Frost right you could say that this is like a risky push or an a lucky push from Don let's just go check this out okay so our Frost going to be in heaven see the cross as a smok's coming out they try to do a little risk here by Crossing with the smokes to be as fast as possible so that if people decide to throw nades or something you can punish but this can also get you killed especially if your op is just planning to chill and let the cross happen in this situation donk is downstairs right but as soon as AR Frost takes this shot this is like free for donk like why wouldn't you Peak so round's busted wide open they also don't Molly him in secret as they're Crossing let me think about that for a second it's hard to say exactly what info is right there but I'll just say that D is free to peek as soon as somebody else takes a shot you're just drawing aggro basically right you're drawing aggro someone else shows up simple stuff okay well round's not exactly over but Don makes the right rotation to go back in a ramp room so this the perfect reinforce should be a free kill for him especially with the game that he's having running around mowing him down uh dunk plays Flex on CT side he's in heaven sometimes he literally watching Hut sometimes he's watching mini sometimes he's secret sometimes in general he's a mini player but they stay pretty fluid yeah I missed two Eco kills what do you want to do about it see me outside if you're not playing this spot once per half you're losing okay no matter who you are no matter what level you're playing at if you're not playing here I call the spot a Le once per half you're losing okay look at the sight lines okay from this position all right first of all you have this anybody who drops into mini dead Okay instant they're not even looking at you they're looking into mini itself okay next you have the cross anybody who crosses in a big garage anybody who crosses outside or crosses in a big garage you have a sight line so that's three positions locked down anybody makes noise in secret you have information audible from this position the entire time they can't be seen from Silo you can't be spotted on the cross outside you can only be seen in this area where somebody could be on the CT side fighting from here fighting from Heaven fighting from back CT all to draw attention away from you from this one angle it is so safe it is so important play and honestly it can even be used as a slow Flank In The Secret when there's a good amount of information it's just locks down so many things it just covers up or your outside itself and you have audibles on secret it's such a strong position that needs to be played not every round again but you got to play this at least once a half you know what I mean it's never going to go out of fashion this position is like a pair of Rebox Classics like if you're not including this in your wardrobe then there's going to be a day where you're not doing enough and it was free like you could wear it with anything dunks frying on the rifle work now there's no like direct comparisons for me with Don and other Superstar rifl in terms of aim style that I can think of besides like I guess my best comparison to another rifler would be Forest if you look at donkey he's got very very calm aim very good calm long range aim um he has good movement it's not flashy though and he has good things like good angle smoothing a good Crosshair placement but again it's not flashy it's not too sharp or anything like that and when you see Forest play he's got a very soft focus on where he chooses to fight from but he just doesn't make too many mistakes okay D's got to get out of here now this is a play where in this situation getting crushed from both angles so what you can do is hide behind The Silo where Don's going right now so yeah this is a position I was talking about that you can stand here and fight he's going to die but you know considering you're at a 2.4 rating does he die yeah he does okay yeah you're just isolating angles right you see djt dgt excuse me coming here behind Silo to fight M Magics everybody's names and [ __ ] acronyms and names dude Magis Magics that's the hardest one for me I've been making that mistake for years wait what wait what even just happened maybe they heard something oh AR Frost started in mini okay so he needs some support so there's just something weird here they might just be having too much much fun cuz art Frost started mini which is fine but then they didn't have anybody watching anybody who could drop on top of um drop on top of mini behind him so I guess I'll say I need to start drawing like I just feel uncomfortable that I'm not drawing anything so if there's art Frost is inside of mini looking at uh squeaky then he's very he's very weak to outside he's also going to allow the well he's not necessarily going to allow the secet cross but if the smokes go up and everything he can't help with that so opping mini is not a position you want to be in if they just exec on you for example so he was trying to get some early info there's actually a flash I think to help art Frost draw aggro just like art Frost helped donk earlier on and then art Frost can get that kill let's go back and watch how that went down so you're going to see Don just threw his flash for art Frost and the flash works on Max who actually runs directly in a secret it gets a little scary right there for art Frost but as you can see the The Flash is the reason that uh Max has hands over face and he takes his time or doesn't take his time rushing little donk utility right there he doesn't even know about this but this works out beautifully oh make a show of it make a show of it where's the sequence at anymore no okay I hyped that one up that's nice oh use of the new nade beautiful at of dog and he can maintain vision and M even if you shoot a bullet or two if they shoot back at you it's worth it sometimes to hang out in front of a smoke it's so beautiful watching in CS2 how natural by the way jumping up on that in consistent valou fix that it's so beautiful watching how seamlessly people have been integrating ning the smokes like I always thought adding this like new tech would be awkward oh round loss from dong integrating this new tech would be awkward or very difficult to like learn the mechanics to get used to them but no it's just been people have been making great plays with uh nting the smokes over and over again and it's still very fun it's exciting I like it it's provocative oh and this is that check push play that I was talking about that only exists in CS2 right now where if you have someone set up in a in a smoke not to get the frag out of the smoke but just to make sure no one's watching it then you can nade the smoke and run through at the same time and it's not the same as pushing his smoke what's this [ __ ] idiot doing pushing his smoke it's not the same thing you cleared the smoke it's going to add for some very good moments man it reduces the power of smokes which is something that has been needed in Counter-Strike for a long time there was a one way that Don plays mini that I hope comes up in this demo that was really nice that I saw in his previous games wait how long is I expecting the wrong guy there God like okay so he's moling deep so that you can cross that so you can stop a push outside and sometimes when you throw a Molly like that it you can tell if it's going to get disrespected or not whether or not there's going to be a push coming right if you got someone going ramp to secret right away they know as long as outside's moled even if no one's watching it they have time to get there so it calls out the teas for not countering the pressure cuz you know they're not going to run through a full mly for no reason so they hug smokes and can't be seen looks like the tiniest Gap exists so right now they need to layer their rotations properly to think about lower ZK should just go downstairs yeah so now Don has taken over a spot zonk's coming back oh Chopper's downstairs all right never mind just read the mini map incorrectly right there but this flow of rotations is so important the flow of rotations with your ramp player is so important so another position where you don't plant at ramp but supporting your ramp player is life or death if you don't do that properly you're going to be completely in the dark if you don't know how many people are downstairs for example or have an idea at all times you're you're lost man the only reason they're going to blow that is because they don't know what to do with the map control but it's honestly I would say one of the easiest things to exploit in your pugs because the CT communication is so difficult like the higher up a level you go you play with any team that you played with controlling the map on CTS side nuke is a joy it's actually so fun like when you really see how good communication feels everything's working everything's being peaked so seamlessly I mean if you play with five good players you're going to be able to rotate pretty well if you play with five randoms that are good players you can actually have a good game but if you play with five people who are who don't understand the rotations it's a nightmare everyone's been there uh playing nuke so I just want to check on the rotation right now wait I had on for a second oh Chopper a mini okay so they leave lower open but the it's interesting because the bomb's actually in in lobby all right so what happens in this position right uh We've Got 5 CTS above ground at the moment they're might be calling a timing lower but they're not dealing with it right now and also nobody's coming into to ramp to reinforce wait are they reinforced let me go back and look okay so in this position ztics there's so much pressure on him this is um not a good position for Spirit to be in so D is sort of redundant outside right they have enough they have three people watching upstairs so if Don can cover the mini wrap sure but what would actually be better if there's a timing on this outside play is that Dons helps ztics inside of ramp now we can watch this from his perspective to see if anything goes wrong with their game they're having maybe it won't but okay art Frost comes in after the Molly actually really important if a teammate is rotating in or if you're leaving to Molly don't leave this Gap open don't leave it open for a second okay and they they deal with it they can see people going towards ramp they don't necessarily know it's the bomb but what that could mean is that it reinforces the idea that oh they took outside cuz if you're going secret and you're going ramp that's one of the most fundamental splits that you want to do on nuke outside and [Music] ramp okay they're making the round really really interesting now so let's see how this gets played out so they still get away with it even with losing that player and Don goes for the early frag oh he tries to fight this that Molly I think I don't know if that's spread properly but it's just to supposed to land in dark to push him back I think I was wondering if sometimes it spreads down anyway so yeah but they're still worried about it terrorist and no round win right there so why don't we go back actually and take a look again at what happened at ramp okay so it was one player on the ramp itself and now art Frost plays in turnpike so because he's playing rotation oh excuse me tge is also down there okay this is such a mess because the demo is all [ __ ] up but because AR Frost plays rotation when they're up numbers that one Molly even though he gets a kill means they can't hold ramp then there's also the two players who split lower earlier so they have full control they build that connection between the ramp guys and the lower guys they can meet each other literally all this action going down the guys who are who went down secret can go up ramp I guarantee you this is a round where Spirit literally had no clue that L was taken they would have had a much better response towards ramp and put more pressure on it D's very good on pistols from all the games I've seen he was on Glock rounds two kills every time I guarantee you this time will be no different I think the demo is buggy it's uh buy buggy [Music] demo clear smoke so don sort of plays an electronic role outside with the way that he clears things gets over toward W secret uh usually alone you know 2021 na'vi style I would like to start drawing a little bit there's so much utility on this mini map this want a draw man okay so it going to go away it's not going away oh there it is there's a little bit more okay that's fine okay let's just look at this for a second secret here is where his Don tries to get to so when he goes outside there's the fence that he bounces smoke off for the cross then uh he sometimes will line up a mly from here to secret and then when he's really well supported they'll SE cross smokes like this and then dong can walk up just inside of them and get into secret and then the whole idea is obviously assist son to get into secret hopefully fight someone outside wins that duel but once you get to secret is such a important point in the round it becomes overplayed at some point in Tier 1 CS where people like na'vi for example oh yeah they get all the way outside control and get the secret it's kind of nice to to know that no one could be pushing outside behind you okay it's nice to know for example that if someone did push maybe they got fought and they lost to your te player it's nice to know that you can have an aggressive angle on Mini but there are some situations where it doesn't do anything for you and there are some teams that overuse it and they don't they don't get anything except time burned off the clock especially the teams that are too scared to go for full wraps and especially the teams that are too scared to commit lower early and things like that sometimes you can just let somebody kill themselves by taking over secret control and delaying for time so what it does when it's supposed to work is again either get a kill deny information outside stop a squeaky uh mini push and leave you options so that you can wrap lower later to the rounds or literally take another step back up the steps and go to mini and that means that you can do this even if you didn't know what you were going to do before you got the secret right that's a big value add of secret it's a little safe house for you in the middle of the round to decide if you want to go for a lurk after words if things go sour maybe you weren't spotted when you cross and they saw these cross mokes every round so that means you can get away with a lurk or you can commit lower when again like I said ramp plays with secret are huge you don't need two people to go down secret if no one has the bomb you could have four guys in ramp and you could have one guy in secret and then everyone takes ramp and now you got a very strong ramp hit with a lower rotation like that all these CTS have as an option is to drop the vent and that's it two out of three locations to get to lower are completely locked so lot of value in it but you got to be active that's what I'm trying to say and uh also it's an asone listening party right okay remember that when you're inside of secret you've got a lot of information all the time audio wise same value that you'd have audio-wise playing a le as I mentioned as well um in previous rounds where you're in the back of big garage you're listening you can count the footsteps you know who's turned to corner so here's that smoking in for the cross and the Flash actually important as well and now it's going to be a fast cross round it's important to throw these in every once in a while there's no way Max knew that Don could have got that far away of course and Don now just is going to farm as he tears it up this is a very nice Tempo change it's lighter it's less telegraphed but that that's why going faster and going slower aren't necessarily good and bad options right they don't have anything to do with each other what's important is have adding variance sometimes you want to go fast with low grenades so that they don't counter grenade you sometimes you want to go slow with lots of grenades because you think that they're going to overstack something you know and sometimes you want to change it up because you've been doing the same thing every round that also is another reason what whatever igl tells you just do it a bad Strat is good if you do it together okay wait what oh that was from control side okay nicely done so this is something that when I was watching all these donk games he tears it up I mean he tears it up but there's nothing too flashy about the way that he plays is his consistency is really really nice so I guess I can show you well I can't show you anymore how he would flash Dodge versus a mini push but I think the reason that Don is so consistent is because he makes very few mistakes which is sort of a weird thing to say for somebody who is this young right I don't think I've seen Don spaz out and I don't think I've seen him overweight on a lurk I don't think I've seen him mess up a a clutch in terms of playing it incorrectly I don't think I've seen him miss any easy shots no he Heavens no I haven't seen that so we're on the donk wagon right now I mean you know donk Mees are up huge but it happens a lot that you know someone shows up and they're really good we don't know how long we don't know how long there'll be really good it does feel like Don's different I will say it does feel like Don's different but someone's been watching demos for a long time now um it's easy to get excited about people and they could fade away if they they're on the wrong team if they aren't supported correctly if something in their life changes you never know okay could be a million reasons um not to say that I'm betting against donk in fact if I could bet on donk I would be slamming bets on Don I would be betting the house on him okay because I'm not seeing anything wrong with him I'm not seeing anything that worries me it seems like very full control but I I also would just like to say that I think Spirit looked very good and I think art Frost looks like a lot more calm as well and has developed a ton since being in the academy league and I think magic and Chopper are creating a really good environment for this team so as much as Don has been fantastic I actually for the first time even though I made a made all my bread talking about individuals on this channel I would like to say that Spirit are just becoming a very like powerful team overall and this might be you know finally Chopper this might be Chopper Arc you know this could be it we could be on episode 900 of One Piece whatever happens then and we get some justice for Luffy I think or something okay I only watched 600 episodes of one piece so I don't know I just couldn't anymore it was just too many and I get fomo and I watched every filler Arc all of them and I hated it but I know I couldn't stop if I continued so I had to quit watching tirely but if we were 900 episodes deep on one piece and Luffy didn't win yet and Chopper was Luffy in this analogy then it might be a [Music] time
Channel: launders
Views: 69,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs:go, csgo, pov demo, review, pro, lau, coach lau, xray, analysis, launders, csgo highlights, launders pick ems, launders kz, launders crosshair placement, launders aim, launders bhop, donk csgo, donk csgo stream, donk cs2, spirit donk, donk team spirit, csgo 2, csgo case opening, csgo 2 gameplay, csgo skins, counter-strike 2 reaction, counter-strike 2 gameplay, counter-strike 2, cs2 update, cs2 case opening, cs2 gameplay, donk stream, cs2 pro match, cs2 tips, cs2 tutorial
Id: 0tU6OI8k5zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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