Bob Newhart & Don Rickles on Donahue, November 13, 1989

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I am pleased to welcome you from whole bunch of places this is a lot of suburbs in search of a city including good old Burbank California Van Nuys Beverly Hills Newport Beach Laguna you pick your town [Applause] how to make a guy feel good [Applause] and you're not kooky and you're just like all of us you look just like the folks in New York and we're counting on it well I hope you're complimented by that I am pleased to present two of the most successful entertainers in our business they've hit the long ball for a long time and what do you know they've been buddies for almost 25 years here our Don Rickles and Bob Newhart [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've been pals for almost 25 years you've been around the world together your wives are pals you guys have been in trailers you've been to Israel you incidentally done have you met the Pope why I met a few rabbis but never the Pope I got to be honored if I hadn't met the Pope know about Bob well we did meet the Pope in a way I don't know if this is the time to tell you but it was at the the Vatican we were on a trip to Rome and Bob and a fellow friend of ours Carroll O'Connor said listen I have influence that you guys can see the Pope I said the Pope wow this is terrific the Pope the holiest man in the world this is wonderful and Bob's a devout Catholic and I'm a Jew and I remind him of that every single day and we both were in Rome and Bohm and Bob said okay Carroll O'Connor called and said so and so father so-and-so is going to take us to the Vatican to see the Pope I have pictured seven of us sitting around with a cigar and a cigarette saying holy father what's new you know and we got up that morning and I said Bob it's time we were ready we have and he said let's get some let's get some sleep Bob talks like that because he fears an earthquake that didn't hit him yet and make a long story short I had to wake them up we went to the Vatican and there was 1,500 people in a packed auditorium there was a little man on a litter 70 miles from us I mean when holy father that's how we met this whole Bob dis tryin tighten up the answers just a little bit okay on our show you didn't really need me well there's something going on here I mean obviously you guys must be good for each other to be traveling like this how'd this happen I mean you remember did you work together what no actually what happened was that my wife Jenny knew Barbara she was a secretary for an agent and she was going with the agent so she knew Barbara so don don was in the and we were in Vegas together I was in the main room and so Jenny called Barbara and she said why don't we get together with with Donna marry both you at the time yeah yeah no working the air so Jenny called Barbara and Don at that time was still one of the big spenders invited us to have dinner at the cafeteria at the Sahara so he did and Don was saying oh and at that time there was just Mindy and I think we had to Robin Tim and Tom Don was saying Oh Mindy and I gee I hate to be away but you got to be on the road and if we're leaving are going to see Don's third show on the lounge and Jenny said Jenny said to me she said he's such a sweet man he's such a lovely man I said well honey it may be a little different once we get into the lounge so we got in the lounge sat down and he said I want to introduce very good friends of mine the stemming idiot from Chicago above new heart and his hooker wife and Baio yes whose hand did I see over here somebody yes ma'am this question is for Don why do you hide your feelings for your so patriotic sometimes it comes out in your nightclub acts and sometimes it does and what why do you hide that why does he hide as me you took the words right out of this is what I've been waiting to ask him alive he can be so funny and then yet bring tears when the end of your show you come in the end of your show you you say things about our country and I saw you yes he does I liked it yes well I was in unfortunately World War two as a sailor and I say these patriotic things in in case they want a man over 60 again I don't want to go yes I was wondering Don how you got interested in your particular brand of humor well I'll say one thing compared to the young people that are coming up today I'm a priest what's it like working with Daryl and his other brother Darryl well they become like they've become almost almost cult figures they're like the they become generic because I'll go to a place and and somebody will say you know we got we got Larry and Darrell and Darrell in the back what have them fixed it you know whatever but they're great they're very unusual they're fun to work with and the interesting thing is that Darrell and Darrell come to the script reading which is on Monday even though they know they aren't going to have any work excluding each other who are your role models well I can only speak for myself my role model was is is thank God is Frank Sinatra and Milton Berle Ferdinand Marcos I guess I know I would say I would say Jack that Jack Benny would be how we developed the phrase you hockey puck I really don't know how that came about I think in my days in Miami and a little tiny Club I called the guy a hockey puck he passed it to three other guys in Brooklyn and it skyrocketed yes is our Larry and Larry or Larry and Darryl and Darryl is Darryl Darryl ever gonna talk at all before the show's over if if this year is our last year that might that's a possibility that they might they might say something I don't hi you both have very unique comic styles did you start with those styles when you first started your career or do they evolved from something else well I don't know I think it's to me is just being around at the right time I mean I this is I mean I I talk like this I this is not a foot off yeah didn't you have a buddy and you have a double act a guy by the name of Gallagher you work with a check Gallagher yeah I must have been 14 years old at the time right we did a kind of a poor man Bob and Ray kind of show and actually on the real live radio or radio we were in northampton mass Jacksonville Florida and I told Falls Idaho that's true in nineteen like 58 something like that and we charge seven dollars and fifty cents a week for five five minute comedy routines and at the end of 13 weeks one of the states and stiffness never paid us and two wanted to renew us and that we wrote him back and said thank you very much but we can't afford to do this show anymore I mean it was it was costing this more in tape to send it out than we were getting it and he became a big-shot advertising guy went into straight real work yeah but obviously this was the origin of your one one-sided conversations as well it is yeah there's always there always seems to be somebody there now your pal is a your pal you long Alan right can't be all bad your father was an insurance man in the dry-goods sky what no he was an insurance man for a Metropolitan Life and he was he was a great great salesman yes he must have made him laugh - I mean you must remember he was the kind of a guy the best way I could explain my dad was rest his soul was in the kind of guy Phil he'd put his arm around a lady and never be dirty about it I think I know that kind of person we could use more of those folks thank you you had how many in the family I was the only child and my mother knew that every morning cause she put on her patent hat and woke me up but you didn't you had a good childhood I mean there's no I did I was backed against the rad a little lot she went well you were a good student no no no I I was the president I'm not proud of that I was the president of my high school and had trouble spelling cat now here's everything I know about you this kind of humor as to which the person in the audience referred a moment go didn't you have to work to a bunch of guys off the ship where's the Broads you know didn't you and you went to one of the guys uh-huh and you went out and took him on and started coming back and you well that was because that of as Bob knows in our business and our in our time when we stood out in the stage you know a television and improv there was no such thing I worked in Bob came out of radio and television and I came out of what they call strip joints for the lack of another word well it had 17 girls with a fan and I used to stand in the back being single and go and we have these shows and the out of frustration I did impersonations badly and I had an act that wasn't too funny and I started to talk to the audience and the sailors would yell up and say why are you gonna get funny you know the old cliches and I would tell them you know how would you like it if I suck your neck you know and all of a sudden that became very funny as you can see now it had trouble now just a couple other things you'll pardon this once again this preoccupation with comedy I'm impressed with the fact that you guys have hit the blonde ball for so long and in your private lives I mean your storybook guys I mean married once loyal faithful I I mean this is gonna be a long show for me we have no scandal I am not the first person that's going that you've heard it you look you guys are probably never gonna get on Current Affair now you should know you also seem to have whatever neurosis there might be there and I hope there's some that's what makes us human but that's very very manageable neither of you drink certainly to excess what is this how this happened it I'm a Gentile and the Jew along the way well somebody called me up and said you have a sister and none it's just a great Irish Catholic Chicago fair all right go ahead interrupt somebody called me up and they said look Don Rickles is looking for a best friend and none of us want to do it and I said how long they said a year at the most we're so opposite you know there it makes me laugh and I make him live that's why we're friends I don't part of the question you asked is that humor has an awful lot to the duration of a marriage some of the longest marriage showbusiness marriages are comedians yeah Ruth Fair may she rest and Jack Benny yeah a George Burns yeah and I also think which of Bob and I Danny Thomas let's get it in and Rosie yeah the secret of his success my own great couple and you're gonna come into a lot of money sometime if you reward this we get more of it and I'll have to take it what I was saying though the basic thing is between Bob and I being as I say I say this in my performance every night I appear wherever I always mentioned Bob which is unusual for a fellow comedian to mention another community every night in his performance because I mean it's for my heart the basic thing is for all of us the great thing is as Barbara says it's key when the wives get along that is a great secret to becoming great friends and Bob's wife and my wife are like sisters Jenna and Barbara are like sisters really they love each other dearly Bob and I will raise two American guys to different worlds and yet we became great friends but the basic thing is that we both have the same values I really believe that and I know it for a fact we both believe in the same basic things yet we can make each other laugh we can be annoyed with each other most times I'm annoyed with him not really but I but that's that's the whole thing a ship doesn't run every day we don't get up into one and say yes Bob up is Donna up it's not like that you know now do you do you split the bill right down the middle on vacation artists you know I had the alamode and you had the pyro that's his big he will tell you the honest truth about our trips when when it comes to handling everything he's a CPA Oh getting out no I'm not a CPA send the luggage watch it see Pierre you had to take it you had to pass the test I just said it straight i degree in a comic that was aware how your clothes so I'm in charge I'm in charge of the money and I reconcile it at the end of the at the end of the trip and it's good because Barbara is very efficient I'm we flew one time we're going to Venice and we landed in in the Heathrow and London and Ginny and Don were just sitting with the luggage and I was going converting American dollars in de lira and and Barbara was checking on plane flights that connections and all that and we both came back and they were both sitting there on the luggage and I said you realize if we got on a plane and flew back to LA they would still be sitting on yes hi I was wondering if you're ever going to do a show together we did we did well did you've done several things as always a bob is the kind of a guy he's an investigator and he's a kind of a guy that really is devoted he's a fine writer I'm I'm pretty much a gypsy I should say what time do I show up if the right property came along I am sure we both would be delighted to do something together before the light goes out yeah this is for each of you if you weren't comedians and thank God you are what what would each of you have gotten into and you thought about that I would have been a bagman no I really I never thought of other than being a comedian all my life I think I could have been some sort of a social guy in a hotel greeting people whatever that kind of job is but I was never good at business I was always good at meeting people so I can't say that I would other than being a comedian Bob could have been running the country but that's a whole story I probably would have been a teacher like I would think either of you have children and if so I bet their life was pretty exciting well we both have children as we said at the beginning of the show I have a daughter 23 and a son 19 and they live their own lives and they live it well and I'm proud of them and Bob has the same well I don't want to speak football but I can't say knowing his kids because I'm uncle Don and vice versa and he's Uncle Bob and our kids are very well adjusted you kept them off the you kept them out of the old spotlight well mice mice my son hides my daughter wants to be an actress she gets up in the morning goes lesson dad Showtime no I'll hear about that that's a joke honey [Laughter] are you wives here now huh me are your wife's here now no no they're in Europe sitting on a luggage hi Bob I've always enjoyed your telephone routines can you tell me how they got started well you know that I didn't originate them I mean one of the first records ever made was George Jessel did a routine called I forget what it was now talking to his mom on the phone and then Shelley Berman of course before me did telephone routines there they're just some routines that lend themselves to because when you I'm not really saying anything funny I really am NOT what you're laughing at is what is unheard which the other person is saying because I've had to put it down on paper and when you look at on a paper it's not funny at all but thank you Bob I love your show but I miss Suzanne Pleshette did she turn the role down I thank you Susie you'll be glad to know there was when I first started thinking about coming back to television after being off for like four years we thought mate well maybe we'll pick up the old series where it where it left off but as soon as he wanted to do a play in New York and the more I thought about it that was kind of too easy to do it that way you know it there's more a challenge to start with a whole new concept and and see if it works that I don't yes how do you get along with the people on the show off-screen well that's obviously directed at me since he doesn't [Applause] we're a family you have to be a family you're you're with them eight hours a day for eight years now I mean you've got to be a family Bob after seeing the show that was aired last week are you sure you never wanted to be a nightclub singer I missed that one I do it's not ready you wait all right okay this is this is uh you still bring it home kid I mean I'm talk about mr. television every week you are you may be the longest-running person in that particular vehicle that is to say comedy such uh-huh no Oh Lucy not even okay well that's that stratosphere let's talk about more okay yeah Don I've seen you do drama before have you ever gone for any more dramatic roles or have ever thought about going up because you're very good at drama well thank you I have a picture coming out now with the Lee Majors in a pagoda a picture that's what I said when they got the part and it's called Keaton's cop and then did we shot it in Galveston Texas I don't know if you ever been down there but it's great I have an uncle there but it's wonderful he just sits around going why am I here anyway but we had a good time doing it and it's a little different for me and I'm delighted to when I get an opportunity to act I enjoy it here is brother Newhart on his program the script apparently it's an amateur night and a murder and you won't go and everybody's saying come on come on and everybody gets up and tap-dance does something plays the bones you are not moving finally you just say you're not doing it you're much to the disappointment of everybody you feel a little guilty about it but you can't get up in front of a that is not the other thing yeah yeah this isn't it this is the one where he gets up and he's everybody is gone everybody is gone rates dead [Applause] listen they're having an argument and this is Costa car yeah well Peter Peter in order to pick a $50 a night sings at this club and we're forced to go there and it doesn't go well for him at all and they leave and I'm sort of tagging behind because the place is empty bob has not apparently you know wonders if here is a man who's delivering this is as fine as it gets sir here is a wonderful wonderful moment no writer could do this Bob Newhart delivered [Music] [Applause] but don't pass the plate folks don't pass the cup I figure whenever I'm down and out the only way is and I will be like a roll don't thumb your nose body just take a little tip from I am no I may be a little bit short of the elbow room but let me get me some [Music] yeah [Music] ching ching chong ching ching [Applause] oh just a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] transportation furnished by TWA we are called Transworld airlines but don't take the world tire too literally because even though we do fly most of the world this is the part of the world we fly most today's TWA Brian let's see some of this stuff I want to see this album business I'm gonna I promise I'm gonna get you on you better I know I listen I don't want you mad at me but I do want a show show them here Brian from the new heart Rickles here we go here's the cast pictures tonight ok we'll go through quickly you know these people here's Newhart look at this Prince Charles Farrah Fawcett and Johnny Mathis here's Newhart with Rowan and Martin here's brother Bob with Ed Sullivan and with Buddy Hackett Gene Wilder and then the that's the casbah now we move to Donny here's Don with Tommy Lasorda what's out there you are Cary Grant and Fred Astaire boy I tell you we should all have this kind of life here's Rickles and Reagan you do you know them Rickles in Cosby Rickles and Hull Rickles and Johnny Carson Rickles and Frank Sinatra Rickles and the Duke John Wayne card table come on yes yes hi I'm I don't mean to put you on the spot but I was wondering don rickles how you felt about Jackie Mason and his new role on chicken soup does it make you feel well how do you feel in general I guess about racial jokes does it make it any better or more acceptable if the person telling the joke is of the same ethnicity that the joke is in about the whole idea is it's what the public enjoys a Jackie Mason has attained it took him a long time he's attained great success I can only say I wish him the best and I must say it's according to what your taste is if you enjoy that wonderful then he's a winner if you don't nobody begs you to turn it on so Dominic oh you're like two different people today you're so cute and like a teddy bear I was in a show in in Las Vegas and I wanted my money back [Applause] God love you yes I was wondering where did you get the inspiration for the the carpet commercials a great deal of money yes now I know Don you you caused a lot of embarrassing moments for a lot of people what was your most embarrassing moment well I think the most embarrassing moment feel at the top of my head is I went out on the stage with Donald O'Connor and I have a thing that I do with Bob I did it on his show when I was his guest at the end of the show I kissed him on the lips and Donald O'Connor was out on the stage with me and in Las Vegas many years ago and I said Donald I love you and I kissed him on the lips and he bit me will the two of you be performing in Vegas together well you answer that Bob I don't see any of the plans Bob schedule is so difficult with his television show which is going better than ever I would like someday to have some sort of performance live between the two of us maybe that'll come about but right now his schedule and mine is is such that I don't see it in the immediate future yes but you are such darling but if you're my husband I would be so angry because I want to see some tamper you just seems eminent I want to see a fight okay how are you with your wife regarding that show us a fight no I have a temper I just tell the truth tell her I Ted I tend to to stifle it but then it's like a volcano when it happens it's it's not a pretty sight this is for Bob Don Rickles has such a sarcastic sense of humor being a good friend of his can you tell us a sensitive part of him oh what Donna no he's very sensitive he's very active in charity work and if he if he ever thought that any of the people in the audience was offended by anything he said I mean no he really I I saw Don one time he would feel he would call that person up the next day and say oh gee I'm sorry I hope you understand that's what I do and I saw him one time there's a guy sitting in the front row at the Sahara guy had on the worst hairpiece the worst rug I had ever seen in my life and he's sitting right in the front row and I'm going oh my god how could they put this man and Don keeps walking past him not saying anything I think finally just looks down he said no one would guess sir and he walks on I love your show and I hope it goes on for a long time but when it is and when it does and what do you what do you have planned for the future well I would take like a year or two off and probably do personal appearances and then and then probably come back in another vehicle I can't imagine retiring I can't imagine playing golf every day it's just you got to do something you know I done when you were a kid did you get beat up a lot with your sarcastic not really I had blue cross you weren't on this stuff this aggressive thing didn't happen to you too early adulthood do I understand that I was in my 30s before I started doing this kind of thing whatever I do knocking on people and making fun of everybody it happened as the camera gets in my way yeah it's alright I want your name you're gonna look for work [Applause] kidding he's alright find his name berry but it really happened later in life out of frustration of not having an act so to speak and it for many years of standing up there and talking to the people it became a performance you did not married oh you were 38 years old that's correct I was lonely you know I I must say that I I married the best lady in the world for me and our marriage with in March will be 25 years so you'll get the buzz before the solo performance in the big room where the guy has just spent a hundred dollars on a bottle of champagne and you guys better be funny if you know what I mean that can be a tough out well Bob I think you agree right it's always a challenge to us right yeah there's the eye I remember reading one of the young comics wrote that he said you know there's the first show but no matter how good that is there's still the second show and I thought to myself wow what insight yeah that's the way it is no matter you know but people have been doing that for years long before us I mean it's just if you're not nervous there's something wrong yeah um Bob you being Catholic and Don being Jewish have you tried to convert him and if not why I had a letter from the Pope saying one time one time because when we went to Israel when we went to Israel I said to the Israelis take him to the birthplace of Jesus did I or did I and the Israelis kept saying one time we called we called Donna Brava and we said what did you do today because this is the Jewish tradition which Catholics don't have he's don said we went out and we picked out our plots and I said what do you mean you picked out your plans he said well we picked out for Mindy and Larry and Barbara and I and Eleanor and and I said well I said we don't Catholics don't do wherever you drop that you're fine then there is saying whatever and that's where you go you know he said no in the Jewish religion you buy your plots ahead of time and I said how many plus did you buy and he said eight I said eight why did you buy eight there was only seven of you and Barbara said he didn't want anybody next to him [Applause] [Music] question I have a question for don don what is of the Nuka me Here I am over here look over your shoulder of the new comedians today who do you have a favorite what is your well I wouldn't like to mention a favorite I think there's a lot of talented young people out there today and it's so competitive it would be unfair for me to say one particular person I think there are a few in my personal opinion that are outstanding but there are a lot of youngsters coming up real fast yeah I have no corrosion as a star already she doesn't need my support as she told me yes hi this is for both of you what words of wisdom would you give to any new upcoming comic or comedian be funny gee I don't know just I'd say get a day job it's very very tough to say to become a comedian I think you have to start out and acting as barber didn't radio he did all those radio years and I did in the American Academy Dramatic Arts learning a little bit about what this is all about and then you go out there and you throw your best shot and hope and pray with a lot of luck and talent and if you're really lucky you make it it's a very tough competitive business yes Bob the question for you when you've been on a series for a few years do you find the character it gets a little more sarcastic a little more complacent towards the end no I think that you have to keep it alive and you have to find nuances and and open new avenues and and that and that's really the the work of the producers and the writers and they they've done a wonderful job they've done an incredible job right I am about to present I don't know whether this is the first time coast-to-coast the worst home movies I have ever seen in my life now you would think to guys you know television where do you see this this is us on the bus I think you're in Jerusalem you're in Israel here right this is Israel all right let's this audience see no friends let's kill the lights or so we can see so the problem was shooting is you're never in the film so no one believes you actually went along on the trip so I and this is where this is in Israel and this is Israel you're about to see the caves I assumed that was marble now watch the bus let's watch out in case and the better ones would actually keep their camels and their animals the other problem was shooting the film is you never can see where you're stepping out now there's your guy I need to live David yeah they were loved in these caves and they would enlarge the case they needed more room now watch this hi you're both so cute Bob how long have you been married and are any of your children either of you following in your footsteps at all well I'll be married 27 years in January and my oldest boy Rob turned 26 just we just celebrated his birthday it's very close but we made it being Catholic we just Timmy is 22 and he's a gopher at MTM my daughter Jennifer they've been around the business as is with Mindy and Larry did you know that they'd be backstage so they know the glamorous but they know the unglamorous they know what it is to walk through a kitchen to go on stage and say be careful don't step in that you know and so they they're pretty level-headed about their expectations of the business and why might as I said earlier my daughter is studying as an actress she's studying very hard and she has a part-time job also and my son is interested behind the scenes in film editing and directing and he's very very involved in that and I wish him the best Don considering your brand of humor have you ever had any lawsuits against you no are you planning to make trouble of all the travel trips that you've taken together which is your most favorite yes Tom well we here I would say Israel that was incredible but Harris was the toughest course our lives every time yeah it's also Venezuela so it was one of the most beautiful cities really did in the gondola the two wives going this is exciting yeah Bob on your show do you have any children or will you have any children well no I won't but this year this year Julia Duffy was pregnant and and we're going to incorporate that in this show she's going she's had had Daniel already but I think in January she has the baby and yeah I wanted to know since your best friends and all if you are both have the same barber that's the truth Brian he's our barber and he comes in and in 10 minutes $300 to go that's it hi mr. new heart your comedy is fairly subtle and straightforward and in both your shows both bill daley and Tom Poston play more or less dim bulbs or you can you know their characters are people that you can play off against and your comedy is brought forth more do you prefer working with people or characters like that you like to be surrounded by stupid people well not see I loved I loved playing opposite Stephanie and and Michael because I mean they're not stock situation comedy people you don't see them every time you turn the dial and they're wonderful to work against I love working against Larry Darrell and Darrell and Tom and Mary and it's you know it's it's I work against people I guess that's what I do this question is for both of you how long ago exactly did you start in Las Vegas and how has it changed from then to now well I would say I started before Bob in Las Vegas in my day it was an individual owner today its corporate operations and it's hard to reach except I worked for Steve Wynn at the Golden Nugget and he's one of the few guys that's a one-on-one guy that I can pick up the phone and say Steve you know my toilet paper didn't come and he would sit in his penthouse and said who cares you know but it's it's a different world and in the beginnings when Bob and I when I first started it was more of one-on-one guys and now it's big corporations with a lot of people from Japan wandering around going I want to play go that's Vegas and a lot of other places and we'll be back to good old Burbank California in a moment [Music] once we cheese oh yes the so many young people in the Oasis that's the great part and sometimes you get the ladies with a shopping bag second as you know Bob Newhart starring very successfully in Newhart - which as you know airs Monday night CP CBS that's the ten o'clock timeslot and you own it kid boy that's some achievement was very proud to bring you the mouth that roared the merchants of venom what do you want to call Don Rickles outside of being a very loving guy with a wonderful family he's at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas December is 1 & 2 don't forget Keaton's cop with Lee Majors in a pagoda on the big screen I hope it's a killer I hope you make with both you being friends in the comedy business deservin is there ever any friendly competition well I can say this very honestly it is a rare occasion that Bob and I talk about each other in the competitive ways we talk about other performers together when we're on trips or just out socially but i-i've never found an occasion when he and I went one-on-one about each other we have always said hey I really enjoyed that particular performance or what he would tell me about a certain show I did but we've never been competitive that way and I think that's what's made our friendship even stronger it's very funny about comedians other singers will rave about the greatest the last show they did was incredible and people were lined up and standing ovations and dancers and you put two comedians together and they will say I died last night you can't believe how bad the audience wasn't if you say it you're hoping it won't happen again so how do you feel about having done in the audience when you work say it's happened I've been in his audience he's been in when it's okay it doesn't alter it at all for you no I I become a little nervous when Bob's in the audience really I find that I get a little uptight I become I realized he's there to see greatness and and we have a lot of fun but being that I respect him so much when he's in my audience and vice versa I think he feels the same way don't always make me crazy though if if the material doesn't doesn't crack the ceiling like it did last night there's gonna be two people in the room who know you and him do you know what I mean it's yeah fell alright goodnight god you're annoying Phil you really are Don will you be at the roast for Tommy Lasorda no dear I just finished the roast for Tommy I don't know when this is aired just this past weekend in Atlantic City but I did a tape for them and it'll be on tape what I say because I'll be in the Orient with my wife looking to buy Chinese food I'd like to know what the two of you were like in your school days were you the Nerds or the class clowns well I know that bob was the student he taught me how to add four and four I was the class clown I have to admit that yes Don I'd like to know since you're such close friends do you live next door to each other or in another town no no I'm trying to move to another town now we live we live pretty close to each other yes sir this is for mr. Rickles I'd like to know Kelly's heroes is one of my favorite movies and this new movie are coming out with I hope can be as good do you ever get together with any of the old Carrie Kelly heroes bunch well Telly Savalas and Clint Eastwood I adore Donald Sutherland I don't see too much Carol O'Connor as a close friend so we get together and I keep telling Clint you know that he looks good but and who is your favorite talk show host Jill Donny oh oh [Applause] [Music] for a transcript of today's show send three dollars to Donahue transcripts 267 Broadway New York New York 1007 are called to one to two to seven are EAD [Music] [Applause] mr. Newhart I've seen you on your TV show every week and then I but I've seen you in Reno onstage how come your your humor gets so mild on TV yeah and you're so raucous and such I love it you know if it ain't broke don't fix it that's that's my that's very very service is provided and promotional fees paid by the Father I needs to thank these two [Music] from Milton Bradley True Value Hardware stores your place for service and selection where you'll find quality tools hardware and housewares along with helpful service while in Los Angeles the Donohue staff and guests they have the legendary Beverly Hills the only hotel after which a city was named limousines for donahue show guests furnished by music express limousine service New York and Los Angeles [Music]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 555,379
Rating: 4.710145 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Donahue, Bob Newhart, Don Rickles
Id: HMvFeiFoTJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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