Don Johnson Is Prepping for the 'Nash Bridges' Reboot

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[APPLAUSE] Our first guest has acted in over 40 movies and 50 TV shows. Please welcome my friend, Don Johnson. [APPLAUSE] Hi, Ellen. Hi, pal. I'm so happy to see you on the show. I mean, it's exciting. This is fun for me, I'm a fan of your show. When I get a chance I tune in and I watch you. You always make me laugh and you're still the funniest woman on television, let's face it. That's very sweet of you to say, Don. You're still the most handsome man on television. [LAUGHTER] So we were in a movie together, they reminded me of this in the meeting. I had completely forgotten that we were in a movie, and it was 1998. Yes. And I recall the movie was called Goodbye Lover and I recall that you had made a choice to be frumpy in the movie and I thought well, that's brave. Yeah, she was an angry cop and she had worked way too long, she was tired, and I just thought she just let herself go. I wore these droopy breasts and kind of like a belly and I walked with a limp because I was so tired and, yeah. I don't know anything about the details, I'm going to place the disclaimer right there, but I do remember the corn dogs. Yes, I ate a lot of corn dogs in one scene, and I think they're showing pictures of me eating a lot of corn dogs. Hey, when I read 40 TV shows and 50 movies, that's crazy. And 2020 was your 50th anniversary in the business. [APPLAUSE] And still going strong. I know, crazy. Yeah. It kind of felt like I blinked and all of a sudden it was like five decades. You are so known all over the world. We were together, was it Italy, where were we on a boat that people were talking about how handsome you were. Oh, yes. We were in Italy and I think if I recall correctly you and I were shopping and we walked into a clothing store and the Italian sales ladies were very excited to see us. And one of them looked up to me and said, "Mr Johnson. Congratulations on the way you look." Yes. That's what it was. I was trying to remember how they phrased it. It was, congratulations on the way you look. That's wonderful. You are handsome, you are talented, you have really good genes, your kids are all talented obviously, and now I hear your son is a really good basketball player. Yeah, he's gifted, he's the one on the left over there. Are you one of those people that scream at him from the stands, do you go to the games and yell. Yeah, well, I've been cured of that. I used to be that dad who was screaming out to him, don't move your feet, defense is with your feet, move your feet. And one time I was screaming his name Jasper, Jasper, Jasper, and he turned to me and he goes, what? [LAUGHTER] OK, I guess this is my cue to shut up. Yeah, Andy just talks to me like I'm not on television. I'll just be talking and Andy will just start saying something to me. So I want to hear about you're doing yoga now, which does not surprise me because you're in great shape and you really do take care of yourself but you have somebody come in the house or how are you doing that. Kelly, my wife Kelly, you know Kelly. She's been doing, when the pandemic started we made a vow to each other to do something good for ourselves every day, and so I started meditating in earnest every day. I've always been a practitioner but doing it every day has some extraordinary benefits that I've reaped over the course of the past year and she started doing yoga. And a few months into it, I saw how amazing her body was looking and I said, maybe I should get in on this and at first I joined her class, which is all women and I didn't want to be on camera. But after I got pretty good at it, I said, hey, you can go ahead and include me in it. [LAUGHTER] So you're good at it? I've gotten pretty darn good at it, but I don't think I'm going to make a career out of it. I'm not a bona fide yogi. Are you flexible though? Very, amazingly so. That helps that you're flexible. I'm going to start doing yoga, I decided not too long ago and I haven't yet, but I will. I've decided that I will. That's such a good first step. Yeah, exactly. That's just deciding, and then the next thing is I'll do it, for sure. All right, Don we're taking a break and we'll be back and talk some more. We'll be back. We're back with Don Johnson. That is from his new show Kenan. This is your very first sitcom which I'm surprised about but I'm glad you're doing it. And I love Kenan, tell everybody about the show. Well, Kenan, the marketing line is it takes three men to raise two children those. Two little girls, I play their maternal grandfather. And Kenan of course, is their father, and then Chris Redd plays Kenan's brother and manager. And us three wackos are charged with taking care of those two gorgeous little girls who are so funny and so full of love and so full of energy that you come in the morning and you just go, no matter what condition you're in you take a look at them and you're going, oh, life is just great and I don't have to think about any of that crazy stuff that was going on. And we're having a lot of fun. And you're wearing some very bright colors. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, you know my character is a horn player. He traveled in bands and toured in bands and stuff like that and all of the, I have some experience in that, and I've noticed over the years that horn players are colorful people and wear colorful clothes, sometimes clothes that don't match that don't you know, polka dots with checkers and things like that. And so I adopted this sort of street fashion thing and the benefit of it is that I wear sweatpants the whole time. That's a good choice. That's a really good choice when you're working that you're wearing sweatpants. Smart, smart. Hey, you're working on something right now that fans are going to be excited about, tell about what you're doing. Well, we're in heavy prep for a reboot of Nash Bridges. [APPLAUSE] So we find Nash some years later. And Cheech is going to come back and join me. And Jeff Perry, that's the gentleman on the right, and we've got a pretty exciting show that we're prepping in San Francisco right now. That's amazing Don. It's a shame you can't find work because you really, after 50 years just really not a year goes by that you don't have a project, it's amazing. So good for you. [APPLAUSE] I'm just struggling along here. Yes, congratulations on the way you look. Kenan airs Tuesdays at 8:30. I hope to see you soon, Don. My love to Kelly. Thanks so much. Love you. All right, bye, Don. We'll be back.
Channel: TheEllenShow
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Id: Ww_YCC10EmE
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Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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