Don’t sculpt everything in Blender - model instead!
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Channel: GarageFarm Academy
Views: 145,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender sculpting timelapse, Blender scultping character timelapse, blender timelapse modeling, blender modeling character timelapse, blender batman, blender sculpting batman, blender batman tutorial, blender batman sculpting, sculpting batman in blender, blender batman mask, sculpting a character in blender, blender batman sculpting timelapse, blender batman sculpture, blender the bagman, blender sculpting tutorial, blender sculpting tips, 3d sculpting, blender tips
Id: Qbtw_i_0TVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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