Don’t Embrace Truth — Merge With It

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and you got this artist [Music] Nanako Lucy [Music] so - so - nah Hawaii jeez Sochi look [Music] you bet your burner Hawaii Elie Tahari with our houki Apple could know the but nobody apart says he are nabela goo [Music] use a tiara [Music] [Music] whoo Goomer did I tell you no no no click here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] need you [Music] [Music] new [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon welcome everyone to this satsang with Mooji Baba welcome to those of you present in the room and also to everyone joining us from around the world for this fantastic blessing to be with this great master for another Sunday satsang so for those joining online we want you to know that today we are translating in several languages Spanish French Russian Italian Portuguese and Turkish and you can find those translations just by clicking on the flag that you see right there on this broadcast page so for those of you who are present in the room how many is it for you is it your first time coming to meet would you bother in person for satsang very nice so usually we like to say that if it's your first time here in satsang big welcome and it's very good just to be present and to not be in a rush to raise your hand and ask a question and just get a feel for how things flow in in this satsang and then for those of you who are familiar with the teaching and perhaps have been here before this is your opportunity to really bring forward your questions for freedom and we always remind that it's just this opportunity is so rare and to make best use of this time and to not bring forward any domestic questions really bring forward your burning questions that serve you and everyone who's joining this satsang so occasionally after satsang Mooji Baba will read some letters this happens sometimes after the satsang he takes a short break and then returns and if that's going to happen today we'll let you know and if that does happen the broadcast will continue so we'll indicate that at the end of the satsang today now this is the last Sunday satsang until September actually as the current schedule stands as kind of an unusual year because this summer Mooji Baba will be doing some traveling so we urge you to look at the website to check the schedule and also wanted to let you know about the retreat in Holland that will take place in August you can find information about it on and it just opened for registration on Friday and it's already filling up very quickly so we thought we just pointed out to you today thanks for your attention and Mooji Baba will be with us shortly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so Oh lost a welcome everyone to satsang today welcome welcome welcome and welcome to the friends who are joining us from different places around the world for today's satsang here in mantis aha so very good thank you thank you so the person sees the seeking as its highest wish it's only real desire but the active looking and it's not happening there is no sitting down in an asana looking like question that's another important asana is the very looking itself the earnestness of the seeking you may regard that the sufficient asana but there is like a seeing that maybe oh maybe there should be should create some guilt or some kind of frustration so that I will more intensely seek instead there is now just a passive vague witnessing because there's you once I'm fine once I'm fine no but I understand what you mean because sometimes it feels as though some kind of friction is needed something to make you work for it a bit more because if times are too good when we are simply sort of joyriding the state of being rather than really coming to the to the experience or conclusion of it then it will not be fair to be sufficient and someone like yourself was quite right to stand up and say actually and I'm wondering if if there is some kind of laziness or does something need to happen you know for me to really take this seriously is he how long has it been like that just since you've been here or for a long time I suddenly had a spontaneous experience about two or three years back and then after that I was actively looking and then after a while it just became sort of passive seeing and so because I'm not sitting down and going into it like deeper into it I cannot as passive seeing the question can the seer be seen doesn't go into that black hole well you have to be ready for that now somehow it's yes because I see that hmm there's some urge for going more deeply but it seemed as though the their life force is not moving in this way it is okay doe maybe you want to what have you found though you say three years ago you came you had an experience it seems down here but like I think I started off with Kundalini my family does that and then in the beginning the first time I experienced something else I was very actively like I tried we passed now I tried all these mantras I went to all these secular courses so I was actively looking and then when I found Ramana like I was satisfied like this is what I want to do so I found you and your teachings and your practice was very helpful towards that but I'm not sitting down trying to get empty I'm not doing that instead it's just life is so they put bland and we just life is felt to be a little bland and just sort of like wow yes but you're not here for flowers not here for friendship not here for you know nice holiday you came for freedom maybe there's still been some concepts about what to be free is what it means to be free with it what is this for you what it means freedom well right now I have a lot of free time so basically sitting like some kind of sadness will arise I'm watching it it doesn't seem that important I know it's a passing feeling but like it's me seeing isn't there everything that you are experiencing a passing there is there must be more like there must be more than this okay okay well okay you you you give me a lift or something okay if everything that you are perceiving you recognize to be something passing know everything you perceive whether it is joyful or sorrowful it is just another sensation passing okay okay and that which observes the appearing and disappearing of all these states and sensations give me a reading about that itself is that also passing you are witnessing all these of the witnessing does have a strengthening and like there is a stronger a connection of the witnessing and a lesser recognition of the witnessing but it's always there yeah and sometimes like I think you'd call it an impure witness there is interest the witnessing it's there's an interest in like ah this is a sad feeling this is interesting yeah yeah but that is also watched the messaging is consistent but the the intensity of the watching no because anything that you're seeing whether it is a feeling or object or something like that no you're noticing that also it's here for some time but generally things are not fixed and if they are not fixed if they keep changing in their intensity in their shape and so on it is not reliable what you're seeing it means that any moment it changes again isn't it so for these things if you have you come to see this or not I see the person I see these emotions just it just is the way it is and I have come to accept that like if you ask me who I am and I tell you that I'm the collection if I tell you I'm the person is in the collection of heart feeling mind thinking body acting then I am just an impermanent unreliable self you're just a person like I'm a changing person is yes yeah that's so changefulness is perceived and person also is perceived or not your person is perceived as this changing yes by what is it perceived don't we're not giving mental answers and mental questions now I'm just asking you just to be with what you're saying now if they are perceived or what is perceiving them in India when astaire perceived and what is this what is the climate of awareness how does that is it sad about what is or happy about it this is just here yeah then there's a little feeling of disappointment uh-huh yes whose disappointment the awareness is disappointment or also so the thing that is disappointed is also seen or not so don't identify with that also that's also a thing perceived do know like that if you can recognize that even the feeling like but it's all perceived and this is perceived leave this is perceived you know it's perceived okay and I said the one who is you know that is also perceived not so you cannot be even that one although it feels almost intimate it feels right near now and it's also perceived so if all that you're perceiving is out there on the screen of perception that which perceives them is that disappointed is it does it have expectations homework come look more say something more something more can you say because there's a gesture I am yeah but it's also seen that which season is that is that not necessarily doesn't feel it is also perceived that reaction which is getting nearer to what you may feel is your identity the one that's feeling yes so what yeah okay the one who is the at this so what state that is also seen tuna by what is it seen the same thing that sees everything else yes would that be you or something else would identified as me I'm sorry I would identify it as me because yes like awareness when you ask like it's normally like it's the I am like just existence just being so let's say that existence also can be perceived yes it is yes yes yeah you know where are you in all of this are you you as I said before an object also in front of the lens of perception or are you behind lens of perception or you both should I say yeah would you your position in all of this that we've spoken so far are you also an object being perceived in the lens of perception are you something being watched or are you the one watching to the nope don't you no one watching yeah you're the one watching you have interest in what you're seeing not deeply no so if you have okay at the times when you feel that you have interest in the things perceived that is also perceived yes it's always the more in the purest waves bigger the way is the easier it is to receive them yes but even subtle things are perceived yes yes so that in which all these perception the functioning of perception takes place and that itself mmm can it be described in any way I'm having a hard time catching what you're saying I understand why I also you see somehow all that you have felt you have seen or perceived throughout your life has helped to shape the identity you think you are right now everything even what someone else has said you know it's only because you have accepted that you say Einstein said this you said but even whatever Einstein say is sure you're showing that you accept that you know that whatever you may not know Einstein you're as a name and you may say okay you know Einstein said that and you believe it so it joins somehow the reference of knowledge that you have does it make sense yes isn't me listening to you and conditioning myself to see in this way also is it a conditioning I is it a conditioning it's there the same way the body is there what is there same way as the body's there the way the same way the witnessing is there the body is there the mind is there the witnessing changes though depending on who the identity is behind it if you're a person the person is also capable of witness yes but the personal witnesses with a sense as some sort of historic attachments and destruction so it's not pure witnessing in the field of the pure witness you see there is no bias there's this perception there is I've only asked you see how can that be a conditioning just an opportunity to look in a way perhaps that you have not done so acutely before in I will admit it's not a cute the looking is not a cute enough and that's what I want once you said that you don't really have a choice the only choice you kind of have is whether to be a person or whether to witness yes who was I talking to who would be the one who received what I said this is important today if you don't understand me at the moment okay it's okay we'll come around to another way but when I was making this statement as you're recalling now you know who was I speaking to that there's nothing you can do what would I be addressing you as if I say to you well that's a person and I would only be doing that if you insist on you know on claiming that position as you they say well the person cannot do very much so my question is do I have a choice in looking acutely like do I have a choice in sitting down getting deeper do I have a choice in that or am I supposed to just keep perceiving until eventually do you have a choice to follow what I'm asking you to do now I don't know yes you do yes I don't know because sometimes you will say something and maybe will move me or maybe even make me go somewhere I don't know but like that is not a choice for me it's just a happening the same way everything else happens okay well if everything is just happening then don't interfere with it it seems to be going fine by itself if it's just happening no it's true if the things are happening by themselves why trouble them are they happening fine yes okay so what you let them happen are you yourself a happening a happening yes I am a happening yes you are yourself a happening yes and what what happens to see that what is what is theme that yourself is that happening is that it does that also happening now you got thinking I know but you can look now yes the witnesses are happening this the witnesses are happening yeah yes if the witnesses are happening what knows that no no don't we're not playing with words I'm getting somewhere with you I thought hmm I seem to be running say what it's hard to focus that can happen especially when you're actually coming on to something when you're really approaching the thing that really matters the mind begins to throw stones in the bush and then you you cannot keep your focus you know of your experiences before that sometimes there's a power in you that is afraid to have to follow what I'm speaking yes it is in everybody there is a force inside it's part of the play of duality there's a force inside that that fighting against the deeper understanding it's fighting against even the possibility of you awakening to a higher state of consciousness and so as we begin to look in because I'm not giving up you see I'm you push it then it starts to get irritated until you leave me alone I mean go to somebody else you know but you put your hand up noise and so I'm asking and I feel it it is good to stay with it to stay with it and and and you keep exposing okay now my master run we're gonna plug the choice you want to sit down or you want to talk about it and look is that choice is this it I don't know what you're talking about is what it I mean do I just keep going the way I'm going until I hit something how are you going you don't see your going anywhere yes how are you going to do that maybe you read too much you read a lot yeah preoccupies the mine occupies the money we all occupy in mind we are all giving a lot of importance to mind so of course it feels mmm very very much a part of who you are there will come a time hope not hopefully not too long when it will not have the kind of influence it has over your attention as it probably does at the moment for this reason I'm speaking with you because if you understand and and can follow the paintings it's not difficult it's only because of resistance make it feel difficult actually it's very it's simpler than simple it is not because it is complex it's because the mind itself and identity is in resistance to it I will tell you what happened also if you will just bear with me a moment or two someone came to see me in London when I was in my small apartment in London and he was speaking first he was saying you know I don't think anybody's ever been happy I don't think there's any happy people and I think people just pretend to be happy and so but he said but I want to ask you because you seem to be happy you know how it's possible to be happy so we started talking like that when somewhere in the conversation I started to talk about him but where are you speaking from something that it's not and he said as I put the light on him a little bit he said Mooji can I have a glass of water please whatever watching oh okay yeah sure go in the kitchen you can get some water each other like water very slowly mm-hmm I said should we carry on you know he says okay so again I was just pushing like this because it's very important to do this but when you speak from this place when who are you referring to as yourself and he says mmm it's a bit hot in here now can we can we open the door my place is very small so everything is we didn't reach open the door okay so again you know like this like I'm speaking with you and we came to another point and he says you know sorry yeah I feel that no so I said you know what you can why are we going through this you don't have to go through this you know I can sit here watch TV have a cup of tea I don't have to talk you can leave anytime you want you're not a prisoner here and and only then he says my mind just wants to get out of here you know my mind just wants to run away it doesn't want to be here I say so I said to him does that mean you want to run away no so then I said then sit down and talk and then we looked and then after just a minute or two all that resistance fell away in him laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing is nothing like this so were you laughing about he says maybe it may be I'm happy so it's the same thing I'm asking like this something inside when you have come to a certain point and it's important now because I didn't want to take up all day do I see you let's come to this point and see if we can catch all of why you know what is happening here because whatever it is that she is you know okay okay but you know almost to the point of maybe Senate said being cynical about it no because that's not getting anywhere and so on they said but even that that state is also seen mmm then you know at the place where it is also seen you know what is seeing what is it that is seeing that the very function of seeing or perception is happening in front of it but it is not passionately involved in that just all things are seen near this in the morning you your you some other waking state happens and you're right there did you just begin something is aware of that aware of the feeling of the person coming up and so on I want you to look from this place and see what emotions does that suffer from what does it want to do does it have any dreams to fulfill hmm okay so if that is true does it go no and you are aware different from that so what is your feeling now can this be described as he what remains now can it be described no answers for you no answers is there any disappointment for you I don't know are you containing anything are you a container for all these feelings now seems that way you have a form a clear form that you are yes which is what the body and leave it for a moment thank you okay I see I'm only hesitating because I talked too much and this is too important to bury in words you your beautiful Sangha the world Sangha the world I knew this community was special isn't even the right word extraordinary it's buying a beautiful gym of God I've watched it grow and thrive this beautiful spot on the planet just brighten everything in this world and all of us who through grace were brought to you to this I didn't know I'd be able to come but it didn't seem to matter if I came because I've been here all along and then a miracle of yours of grace everyone's manifestation produced all the circumstances brought me here and I thought I knew what I'd be experiencing I I thought I was experiencing it virtually through the screen and I was but your saga they are so beautiful so exquisite Hey their love and they are all you all of them are you I met you thousand times in ten days it just it's so beautiful thank you Oh vodka for being here and bringing this beloved master to all of us you are the best of the best this is this is the best of the best in my humble opinion [Laughter] thank you process you yeah yes [Music] we staged one original master I feel to start with her thank you for calling me home for the beautiful Sangha both here and in London you've held my hand walk me every step of the way but to keep it brief courage II I have a request my request is in this form I don't know if I will have to borrow this horse isn't fire please please please turn up this fire pose power courage II and burned everything that I am not because I don't want to die any before I have left thank you because of some and just like you we made all these new youtubers you know because some one we made one noting the first youtuber ever may we ever made I don't know anything about making these things it's not but when was made and then I wasn't sure about it because someone came many years ago in Tiruvannamalai a man walked up to me and said why don't you put some of the sub songs on YouTube as a what is YouTube I thought it was some kind of microwave or something he said no no no because everybody's watching something you know so I am a little bit naive about these things so we made one and then someone wrote and say doctors I'm sick in a minute spittle and I cannot leave this room and I want to thank you because through this video you made you came into my room and showed me freedom and I cried because I couldn't it was a test to see is it possible that what we are sharing here in this intimate environment is it possible for something like technology to convey that the spirit of that love and that was the proof because I never met this person in form and he he has left his farm now but because of that we started to make YouTube's because I found that even through the medium of this people were finding waking up to the truth of them sailfin that's all you know this is really wonderful and then someone like you now speaking like this but you know whatever is there this person put turn up this fire leave nothing on bank burn but I am NOT maybe one day the world will have such a prayer you know let us not burn each other let us burn only what is not true can you imagine how beautiful let's stop hurting each other over over our own delusions by God's grace let each one wake up to the the inner beauty of the self so that this life is spent well you've used life well you have attained freedom what is freedom it's not just idea or yes I know this I can say it is these smart things know is that your life becomes the proof that God exists blessed is the one whose life is the evidence of the truth for this reason I come it's all like like anyone who feels the love which is not merely personal you know can only serve or you have to taste the privilege of service to do whatever can be done to facilitate the clear understanding of who we are in the heart and in the mind this is genuinely someone's prayer how can it not be hurt so when you say things like that do you put my heart on fire also you see because yes that's what moves me and for sure the grace of God works in such a way that even as you sleep even as we sleep yes we are expanding in that understanding maturing true race it need not be some strenuous work just that your art is becoming more open to this you begin to appreciate you being to recognize the great miracle and that within your own self something perfect is there already no human being can perfect it see you can only discover satsang is for that to discover that so that mmm the mind does not have dominion over you over your heart it never has it's just we dream it it's never true when you recognize again completely in the heart the truth of yourself it is already beyond familiar to you the more you lose of yourself the more you find of yourself another way the more you lose of what you are not lose the idea you have of yourself the more you discover you're always here you take everything away your what remains put everything back you are what remains you have to notice sometimes we have to leave everything aside to find the one thing that cannot be left aside the one the one thing that cannot be removed to find that when you find that you can put everything back it won't matter so we have to be cured from that delusion is he that we are merely our body mind and conditioning and you must know this beyond merely intellectual conviction it must be closer than intimacy even not even close it's not good because close to means apart even you must be so one with this you know and it is happening if you what is our role is to cooperate with grace welcome it appreciate it love it be it thank you if I may be so bold one more request although you are already here always have been yeah [Music] so beautiful isn't it so beautiful to feel that love it's inside husband yes and to meet anyone who is yearning yearning for God this beautifulness is all the food I need wonderful wonderful wonderful thank you so thank you thank you London Sanka I love you how'd you think I love you [Music] who is it you come yes you are ready yeah come in play basket in Portuguese but it is a translation please nobody gather cated the master thank you very much beloved master you your patience with me I said this was under for you for your patience with the Sangha with me please go any faith or another in cardiology since I began this journey in search of freedom I got my when I managed to come closer to you wait does vastness we didn't look you miss a coconut some eighteen is gonna smell many of the suddens arose inside this heart in this mind what arose what the sudden such a matter of kid way to deny to me to tamp we range fees Comanche physical logical age I was sick for some time million mentally and physically give even with problem Mikey Maharaja I caused a lot of trouble here in sergeant together didn't you pathetic me and I want to say thank you so much for being so patient with me Vicky deploy this is the Pella Premier Division you should all satsang because I feel for the first time I would say after all this time that I'm really in satsang no Joe you know it's tough night I wasn't in satsang but thank you something you keep practicing if you say but I did take us mu Ahmad master novia that Dell Satguru we go somewhere to gratitude estimate that was here and yeah I just want to say thank you and that you are my true master and I'm so grateful that God gave me you I got this here token of some oil I finished the obrigado I'd like to come there to touch your hand and just [Music] [Laughter] actually when when we come to some place and I like this you know and some people are shocked because they find very sometimes bad behavior coming out of them no and it has to be a bit like that that some things that we have not recognized until now you know begin to come to the surface beyond your control even they come there and we are not accustomed to thinking like that we think but they come here for peace yeah and then everything is war big tsunami is coming and everything and I just want to just reassure that it is a natural phenomenon that happened and it is actually a good sign because it means that something is moving because grace has got hold of something and now it's exposing sometimes these energies but don't just avoid forming any firm conclusions about anything for a while everything is moving and you're feeling sometimes great place and other times really feeling low and so on because you're in God's soup but you know something is cooking with all these things happening you know sometimes people even the feeling to run why is he if the place had no power you would feel nothing you'd probably feel just bored but no if you're disturbed you know meaning there's something the mind the aspect of the mind which is functioning with ego that is being caught and because of this you see it wants you who you are not it it wants you to keep identifying like your ego and you run also I said no don't because the thing you will be running away with is the very thing you should run away from okay so if that feeling come oh it's going to for a while be looking for any kind of thing to trigger some resistance or some some kind of flaw something is not good to try and convince you mmm the tool to to run away who are you and who is it you are the self somehow in its dynamic portrayal as life and as now even the seeker of truth you see waking up to your original state and some forces in us that seems to work to prevent this full awakening from happening to go as far away as you can none of this would have been possible if it wasn't that the mind has the as the capacity to imitate the self to print pretend as though it is also true in that way and it is like all the beings we get bitten by this serpent of identity for a while and gradually because being the self you have the advantage all the time because you're always the self is just it's not aware of it and because you're not aware of it because we are not aware of it we are taking ourselves barely to be a person on the body mind then you're not firing in your full power in your own natural state the mind is no comparison for you it really should be your servant but when we are identified as personhood we're in the lowest we are the weakest link you see so this this is changing because you're growing and understanding you're discovering your your natural self your natural being and how wonderful as somehow the consciousness is moving to higher ground going to higher altitude with eNOS it is capacity you know - you may say evolve in this way on every stage you go the layers become more pure more harmonious who are beautiful but in the beginning fight fight is there you see will the egoic psychological identity overpower you see it cannot in truth but in the play in the dream it can appear to do like that so satsang is really the waking room not just a waiting room that you're waking up recovering your natural understanding and natural being recognizing again I say this so that we are aware that if you feel yourself feeling or terrible and stuck inside it doesn't mean that you're failing it means that something that you've been that has been hiding somehow is being exposed and that is not you is he but the reflex is to try to protect it because when we identify with these states we feel vulnerable insecure and something wants to protect us from having this feeling is he so this is what waking up means it's just waking up to they aren't a deeper understanding a deeper recognition of her own timeless being not to create itself thank you so much Mooji thank you um [Music] when I arrived at sahaja I was a prisoner of my circumstance so I didn't really know that because I I can be in the business and think into that stillness and it's very beautiful but I have this set of circumstances in my lives that are quite difficult and as the week has unfolded they've been kind of snipping at me and yeah trying to kind of hang on to me and I realized that I can't I can't solve the problems that I have not even solve them or live with them with ears and until I transcend them it's not it's like I would I've been kind of working with my mind and being very relaxed and being in the isness and I've been allowing a part of my person to keep going trying to deal with something that's very difficult and I realized when I was here that that's never going to help it's never nothing will ever change if I keep on coming from my person yes and where I need to be is in a completely different place yes the place you truly are and can never not be you have to wake up to this one I see and and so what happened is that you see you you give it a way that you listen to the to the invitation at the end of the invitation who is there does the ego survive the invitation well it must I mean it must do because there's a part of it there's still quite but in the invitation I I you know I am the wind I am I am The Sun I just expand into it we've a modern wind you're the space in which the wind blows and that the wind is perceived you see when it's a person come the person is like a memory it comes up again is it will come because you have a dynamic expression you're also a person you feel yourself as a living being and with a background and so on and at the same time you have experienced the immensity the formlessness of the pure self you see you you don't merely believe that you've experienced that so how do they tally up this one who seem to have a life that is all these things in you know going on and you say you know that one will not be free and I have to transcend this one this one has to be transcended not just it's not just its problems the idea we have of who we are is suffering from its own projections the idea we have of who we are is suffering from its ideas about itself who are we really easy so when you say it comes back or maybe this things keeps coming back it comes back but from the standpoint of your new seeing it cannot come back with that virility not with that power it is seeing more it's just like some kind of shadow it is a it is an apparition it doesn't have that power it is new I mean what occurred to me was that being in the person is something that I know very well yes and it's habitual and it's my way of being and then I set my mind well let's look you say that it is a bitumen but the sense of it's a bit well less is also perceived in the sense of the the habits are even is perceived you must really pay acute attention to that that if that is seen as something much more refined much more subtle than the habit is here to perceive these things you don't have to imagine now because right there you're in the very heart of it and if you wish you may write down these things to be reminded of them again you see if these things are perceivable if they are pretty even then the most subtle things they're perceived then don't identify with the thing that you perceive phenomenally yeah yeah stay formless a lot of what we talk about is about thoughts but what happens when the people or a person in your life my my beautiful daughter is some psychotic and that's a label I mean she's she's lovely but she has a different reality well and it can be really really challenging yeah like coming at me so with such force yes that's I mean sitting here you know what happens well I hear where you're going what I'm going to chop it right there I tell you why because actually it is grace itself that gives you these situations to say will will this be enough to remove you from me okay how about this is this gonna be enough to separate you from me you see because it is not that you say yes I hear you saying being in monte sahaja is raizy and for something become it's him I'm in my element I feel really good but what happened when I go out there sometimes I've had to say this to people also put it to the test I had won some time years ago one man came and into my place and then somehow he said I've told many of you this story he said in one moment of insight he said oh you know Moochie Wow I feel right now I feel my beingness is filling this whole room I said wow that's really good isn't it he said yeah it's really good it's filling this room I said okay what about the kitchen he says no no no it's just inside the room my kitchen is just right here okay enjoy that room I said go in the kitchen and see so he is a big guy he gets up he walks on the kitchen I got very tiny kitchen he said it's in here as well I was very good very good cinder in the sitting room it's in the kitchen what about in the hallway oh no no no no no it's in the kitchen and it's in this place go in the hallway he goes in the hallway he walks he said it's here - what about the bathroom ah okay I'll go and see when it's in the bathroom it's here - it's here - then I said what going to garden he said no definitely it's inside the apartment going in the garden it goes in the garden he says it's here - this is in autumn now he says it's fine maybe it's - dude where you live Mooji but when I get home when they go out then it will go now and do so he gets up puts on his coat and he went walking he was gone for over half hour when he came back and asked him so what'd you find he said it's everywhere sometimes you have to put it to a test you know you say okay do you say this is here now okay okay you keep moving in here ness and tell me when when you reach their nests okay just keep moving in the ear nests and see when I go out now I'm in there you know left here I'm there you never are if you pay attention like this it may seem like silly a big joke but it is true sometimes we just assume you know we assume you may say yes but in my situation I have a daughter it's very very not in my control there our way of proceeding not in my control okay but just leave that open for now and fully be here because maybe previously the relationship very strong mother daughters are very strong and also very accustomed to each other so their relationship you know may feel like well we can't just I can't just come out of that but you may find that as you discover more and settle more in what you're discovering and that that has an impact than an influence far beyond your you're trying as a person to be better and this I've seen enough times to say you know be encouraged by this don't expect don't expect don't expect positively or negatively don't expect when I go and everything is gonna be fantastic or when I go home is gonna be miserable but if you feel you know okay you know what when I go here well wait and see we don't know all I can do is stay as you are and it's it instead of making me want to run from business it makes me want to embrace it you go oh yes March in it don't embrace it be one with it imagine it and leave the outcome of life to life let life take care of life you will see it makes a big difference you see you don't hold any idea how it was gonna be many times we go back we think ok I'm gonna go back it's easy here but when I go back to reality when I go back to the reality of my life it's going to be like that don't predict you don't know you go and just go move in your booth you see just move like this you may even up sometimes a feeling you don't know anything at all I don't know anything at all I don't know anything at all sometimes you have this book I don't even know who I am he's a terrible thing no no you see so somebody might move in this thing because you're more than a mother you're more than friend you're more than you see you're more than this somebody calls you sister somebody call your daughter somebody call your aunty somebody called you mum somebody calls you friend somebody call you cousin mmm and to all these roles something responds totally spontaneously and appropriately you see something responds like that totally spontaneously and appropriately without you thinking sister okay yes I'm sister hello brother you know you don't know it spontaneously you do it while at the same time knowing that you're not absolutely any of these what is a hyung crew you know for example we don't know it's a it's a roll it's a label as a roll but it's part of our our culture part of our tradition and so we have this very intimate response but these roles somebody call you sister or dot is my daughter this my friend is my cousin this is my my auntie whatever it is you respond knowing that's what you are is beyond all these roles and here in satsang you're discovering even more don't even talk to anybody about it just quietly be immersed in and merge with it with this understanding how do you merge with it you don't know you don't even how you merge with some you don't know you just keep loving it and appreciating it and you find that your old way of thinking the orientation of your thinking has changed where is changing for the better you feel much more expansiveness more lightness life doesn't seem to be squeezing in on you you're experiencing of life is not claustrophobic you feel more this these are this is the fruit the evidence of your own maturing and seeing yes don't take anything for granted can I give you something yes very small I did them now see okay this one just like the B and then they weren't chose me I'm just telling beauty about these little tiny paintings I did last year when I was here because I really found myself in the isness and I kept painting them over and over again I couldn't I brought my paints with me to do something yeah yeah it's good you know well I know that what they where they come from is good did this what the gesture that they are and where they come from I it's that which compels you to express these things it is for me you don't have to have a few hand up in satsang anymore you don't know we don't know anything it's really good when you don't know anything you know you don't know then someone asked you know so what would you like for breakfast tomorrow how am I gonna know I don't know what they want and in the moment I would know but beforehand I don't how can you know but we are so accustomed is he - thinking what how you feel about tomorrow you're making it up you don't know hmm then I found this place I don't know it's a very big space the space of I know is very small the space if I don't know it's very big I like that space I don't know you see then you're not troubled because you've not put a shape to yourself that you have to now become so you stay shapeless it's beautiful sometimes you have to you know people ask things and I have no thoughts about them and I have to pretend like I'm thinking about it but nothing is coming but it's this normal thing also yes Oh singular G yeah I my mind was going not really sure what to ask but I wanted to come up and stand here in front of you today is my last day I leave tomorrow and I feel I'm at a point where I don't have any other pursuit I just want to finish this journey oh I'm done I don't have clarity of what I should do next okay okay is it today's your last day yeah tomorrow suppose it was really really our last day it's still being generous okay because you know why not the last minute we don't know so in general it looks the last day to have to today no more Sun sunrise sunset last day what is your state of being unfinished business what'd you say I don't know what is the next what's the move I should make I wanted to be finished this journey around the finish this journey is the journey itself bandar mmm what is the journey what is the journey it may start rough looking if it starts in personhood it's quite rough if it moves into the state of presence it becomes nice fun and beyond presence into what pure unblemished awareness what is a journey so these stages we all must experience hmm one the stage of the journey based on personal hood you're on a journey of life you're moving life you're discovering as much as you can about life and about yourself whatever that's the first station it seems very difficult you know you have your dreams that get smashed and things up and then you have a lot of expectations that don't kind of work how to have you know some things unexpectedly go beautiful for you and then next minute something so it's quite a roller coaster now but if you evolve into the stage of presence whereby what do I mean by presence you see where you are able to observe what is the functioning of life you're observing without actually a deeply identified with it I don't know if some of you remember I gave an illustration before like I saw a picture of of a tree and on one branch there was a bird building a nest one bird is building an S on a branch industry so this bird I took it like this bird is the is the bird of life everybody's it's like for most people they are identifying with this stage of building the nest meaning trying to make your life more comfortable more secure about the future taking care of family all these things that's the first bird building this nest above this bird on a branch just above sits are not a bird identical in appearance but this second bird is not building any nest it is just quietly observing in its view is the first bird and the first birds activities and it can feel the wind and see see the great landscape everything but he's not actually doing anything so this second bird correspond to that space within you within our own self from where we are simply observing life we're simply observing our first bird position even even as we are in the world doing things there is a second bird position of just quietly observing it is observing actions interactions reactions but it's not identified it simply looks can you can you see this position within yourself or not yes we know of our activities in life we have to do and our commitments and science on so and at the same time at a deeper place when I ask you to look but just observe don't participate in the activity of the first bread just your observing at a certain point what you are observing hmm you may find that not only you're observing the movie in front of you but at a certain point you begin to observe where you're looking from not just watching the movie going and telling the story of the life as a movie but I you become aware of the one who is observing when you become aware of the point where you are observing without identifying with it already a great space has opened up in you some time ago I've been sharing with some of you that there are a number of places some of them prisons around the world who are being introduced to this way of observing and prisoners the worse many of them on long term sentences are reporting they are so happy that they're discovered that capacity within themselves to observe and to observe with the attachment that's the second part because as they begin to observe they saw that there were choices that could have been made and that also times when their reactions they identified and participated in certain actions that if they'd stayed in the place of observing that action would also just become a passing cloud but they jumped on the passing cloud and got swept away into our kind of trouble and so on as a result of this capacity of looking and observing without identifying a number of these beings some of them in prison are reporting now actually that they have never been more free in their life locked up in jail but free as a bird what it mean is it possible is it possible sometimes more freed and we who can go anywhere we want to go but they're free internally they're free internally they're free now let's see if we can see if they're free eternally what would it mean to be free not just internally but eternally what it mean that you have come to a place where now that even the witness of all these things have have been happening even the second murders are so seen when the second bird is also become an object of attention where are you looking from and as what are you looking as he can the seer in whose sight exists the first bird and second bird and their worlds can this year itself be seen now you may need to take a little time and just to contemplate this because the answers are not in words but in experience in Revelation and you must sit with that because the discoveries you are going to make you know I don't want to tell you what they will should be then I want to hear from you what you find you follow so you say you are indirectly in response to what you've just said and I know that you are serious about it because you ask me can I speak with you before I go and I suspect it must be similar thing you want to talk about you see what must I be what's the next step then what is to do you see first you who you are identified we have identified with a state of personhood we have a sense that some people say my life is so heavy there's so many things I mean I don't know where to do I have no friends this is always from the state of personhood always from the state of ego identity personhood meaning that you believe that you are merely your body and your environmental conditioning who you take yourself to be there but as we are introduced to the ability to simply observe without becoming attached to things you're seeing if a greater field opens up behind the things you're seeing and you find that you are here also you see but now emotions are not so hot you're not being thrown in some roller coaster of feelings you can watch them but at the same time don't go into shape you're not trapped inside the box or the bubble of any scenario or action you you are watching but you're not sure from where are you watching all of this that would be an experience I don't want the answer merely in words but if you contemplate the questions I ask you'll discover something here maybe you'll not be able to speak about it and that would be fine with me thereafter wherever you go the scenes will be changing but the seer is unchanging and you will intuitively and spontaneously come to know what you cannot know by study you cannot learn mainly by books when I have the opportunity to share these things you know moment by moment frame by frame I like to take that so that we can experience together the true place on the true place of being so here in sahaja we are playing in their light the invitation on a regular basis every day you can come and sip simply sit and listen and follow through and see what your what you are being shown what your being guided to see it's like you're being guided to see something which cannot be seen by merely just the eyes how can you see that which is formless unless you yourself are formless you say you're leaving in tomorrow hmm when you follow like this I would not be concerned about wherever you go but we'll have I know it will be fine for you that you will keep honoring your seeing and it will keep bearing fruit and this is a fruit as I say before a fruit that keeps getting sweeter and sweeter but never becomes over sweet you'll never decay Thank You Guruji because I've learned so much from you and my life definitely is it surprises me how easy it has become - yes - just be and I guess that's just not that interesting anymore what is not interesting there is no pursuit no other pursuit the only obsession is to is to know myself yeah sorry the obsession will become a joy use word obsession meaning that the strong urge within to discover that will that will transmit it pure joy pure joy easy it's not a strain it's not hard work it only feels hard work if we if we were retaining the ego and and trying to be free can I come and where are you going back to us thank you it's long flight to California okay thank you what's the best we can do today what's the highest what's the highest we can go the deepest we can discover okay hello hello I don't know I know I don't know it's it's I feel more close or you know I come to speak with you and of all the respect I'm not alone I never felt alone and and like I'm speaking English my language it's not English I'd learn listen and I'm appreciated for the people speaking to me and I learned it and I don't understand really everything but tell me I can use the way to understand anything I would like to feel your energy in the way possible for me this is my way and I'm very happy to just to know I'm here with you with all these people in try to to put energy to outside because this is like like the church speaking with a bridge father bridge real priest bridge now like all the vision and some people you have so many things to go out and I'm happy I'm happy people like you exist and and I meet you in the trip somebody told me oh you have to to know moji and where were you this person and I have I live here in Portugal and I know you are six years and I just know you yesterday the last hearing I don't know it's it's nice to see anything and you create good things and sometimes is like fighting with me about these kind of things because I'm not I belong where I am but like seeing see your eyes I see my eyes either you know and I feel comfortable because I fell you a good person and I feel natural either and not fighting but sometimes I'm fighting it is not with with me is to be and how can i how how is possible to share when it's somebody not like you it will tell you the truth but for me sometimes it's difficult to have friends like this like you quarter hair and I see like and I don't like but I'm a friend I have to say maybe like no I didn't get this part like yeah if somebody caught the hair if he's a close decision oh yeah okay but I cut to care okay I don't know because in the life the people you want to to to share the best hmm I think and sharing the besties doing things well there was also just want to explore also people want to explore after from children you put down my want to explore to discover something natural so I know to try things out we try to try different ways to be or something so I let them people do what they want they do of course if it's some things in a space like this to get the best out of it after two time together then I may say something like maybe that's not bad good such a good idea right now to focus on these things try and do this because this is the particular offering here you know but to to tell people you do this don't do this I don't like so much except when it is necessary and if they're open then it's different so so sometimes you may find that in life generally it's not so easy to express these type of things with people because they're not open to that hmm sometimes they're not open they think you're strange if you talk about look you know you know I am you know I observed my mind yeah they can behave like this also you know and people did we learn energetically also who you're comfortable to speak with some people for the first time you may meet them and they start to cry we don't even have time to say hello yet they are crying why because somehow they maybe feel a vibration of love or openness and she is natural and so something inside doesn't have to hide anymore they Candice relax and that relaxation can come out in crying also can be a joyful crying you see so it is true you're right that you don't necessarily find it's so easy to speak with people and on the more deeper you go maybe the less people you can speak with also I like to write it's like when I pass I'd like to to still equal or better and when you do it when I pass in some place yes I would like to if I see a place I want to be there I would like to keep this place like EF before yeah and because I like is why I choose this place is because I like if I put something more I can like more but after I I don't it's like yes I keep more things and after it's not my space he's not the same species it's something else you know so great is the world and so great is God he gives everybody space to try out everything some people don't like this some people like this way we gonna try yeah like words it's it's you can I can go out of here speaking you know but the world the world it's not just here the world is outside and the the world the the people maybe if he's hot now or if isco I appreciate because I did that the best for keeping this way but if I don't like I felt them do nothing I think the world is I accept or the world going you know but I think yeah attention attention and everything okay it's okay pay attention you know be attention he's like like I speak with a friend like attention is love attention is big care and I care about this and I like this place I like this place because you don't change too much you just make this place a little more for the people stay calm and enjoy it this is very like Electra man and I'm staying here thank you thank you for and IVA normal I'd sleep in a camping in the tent and have 10th and it's I don't know it's Wow and I'm happy there I don't know I think he's the way to come here and to approach it's everybody made for each other one like one and thank you thank you thank you thank you you just called me I was stunned it's very good something very good happen it's very good what is happening if you spit it since there are no words but it's important to its heart you asked for more but so hard to take the space you know I was listening to him and so man I just needed to come up and I couldn't interrupt him you know but I just don't give a space the life here that is exploring and looking and discovering more and more the self that really is in us you know it's quite deep here in Montes Ashima the beings are given the space to really look not just to experiment but to really look and to discover the power and beauty of true human life and the more that you are established in in your own heart and then it's not that you have to say so much your very presence is your message not that you have to convince anybody I am talking because people ask things was okay with John see you know okay this is seems to be too much focus on this thing leave this for a while and so it's easy to direct if you're open it is easier to direct something and so you come back just to the clear seeing if somebody once knowledge was a lot of knowledge is it okay yeah your knowledge can cause no such a big deal you know because people come then generally to kind of questions one question we call knowledge questions when people want to know about you know what happens after you die and what it was a consciousness of so and so but then there are another kind of question we call freedom questions meaning that question you ask when you just want to to transcend the psychological attacks from the from the ego mind or something as it is a kind of urgency about that and we look like that but being here in this energy field of Sajha hmm when the beings are becoming many and becoming much much more sensitized you see the clues that life offer you know you're not just living in in a little bubble something is much broader than your bubble and you you sense things you become more intuitive more sensitive to life subtle suggestions and the more you pick these up the more the consciousness is just flowing with so much grace and so much joy thank you [Music] continue for now Thank You guru Tyrion I would like to to check with you if I'm on the right way knowing as you said before sometimes mind pretend to to be free and maybe it's let me tell you something you the mind is there for you to transcend its cunningness in a way not because for a while we say all my mind is doing this and it's saying this and so and so on so mmm and the more you become clear as to your own true self the less influence the less power and virility the psychological mind will play in your life it's like you overcome that you overcome it's voice you see because there are some people when something comes from the mind they instantly believe it so you're very easily influenceable so someone say something you say something bad about someone else's and you pick it up like it's your own thing see this doesn't happen when you become more established in the truth it's just very very clear and even these tendencies of people they don't find that they want to talk to you because there's no space in you for that so we have to overcome and you use it you know you have to use the things that might say to look at them to see what is the truth of them you have to exercise your own discerning capacity to look and to evaluate you know whether this is this is based on truth this is it a piece of personal that's another easy way how often are you functioning only from person this is why I say you can go into any restaurant or any public place sit quietly ever you know have a in juice and just listen to the conversations because they are plenty no listen to the conversations and see if you can evaluate on what basis people are speaking what are they relating to each other as and from themselves as what and you see that almost always is personhood my person your person your present my person and you have a sense of how viral the the identity of personhood is in the human Kingdom and the one who is free must transcend this mode of consciousness and it's not difficult first of all you are already the thing that you are searching for thus if even a search has begun in you yet sometimes we can be in a state of personhood totally unaware of the possibility that exists for you to wake up into your Christ consciousness Shiva being whatever one way you want to call it into the pure unpolluted consciousness undistorted so in an environment like this where truth is venerated the goddess is venerated you're in the highest climate and environment for your spiritual evolution growth and what harm is it going to do what harm is it going to do to discover yourself no how you stop making harm so mind you will come to see that's an easy way not just if what the mind is saying good or bad but more if it is personal or not if it is personal quickly detected this is you know you cannot be the person the only time you can be in deep sorrow and the state of problem problem problematic life is by being pulled back into personhood because the pure self cannot experience problems it's such a high way is so high in a solid ways it doesn't have a treant or jealousy or envy or you know desire or attachment you see it's in the personhood mode of consciousness that these things come and gradually we transcend them because why there are they are our sickness my way of putting a true human being is someone who is open and kind and someone wants arcs Papaji when will mankind this is property my master when will mankind is he really evolved into his true nature when will mankind evolved into his true nature he said when mankind becomes kind man was he but his kind man meaning free of ego free of enmity free of anger free of lies free of delusion then he can all done alone you can live in peace as peace also you give us this example with the change of money you know it's like new new kind of life but sometimes it's like like from memory ego relationship and it's only few really few things what activates is old regime of yeah relationships are going to continue the difference is that the more people are true to themselves you see the more you're true to yourself the less you will tolerate relationships which are not being lived in truth it's not that it is against the relationship relation peace play of life also but you will not compromise on the truth you have discovered you will not put through any relationship above that and that is wisdom you see so of course you know the flow of life and things that you're accustomed to true tradition and so and they will come but they will be lived at an experience at higher levels of consciousness from higher states of consciousness you see how far can the person go in a sense the person is compelled into states of evolution also that's the big river of consciousness that you are growing more but you're encouraged by life to become more open more kind more appreciative more respectful and things like this but we don't always are going 90 sometime you drop back into something sometimes you're very good in one area and not a area for every pore and so that's the general way but that is to do with the paradigm called a personhood you see as you are discovering what I'm pointing to you see ya you can't evolve the consciousness you cannot evolve the truth you cannot improve it it is already pure but you can improve the person you cannot improve the truth it's beautiful to live without wishes without desire and yeah but but not if you are doing it is that ok today I'm not gonna desire anything no you're gonna do it is it it's just as you discover your true place you find that there's less desire there or there's no desire there because it's complete what does it want it's complete and yet it is not selfish it's something still what I would like to ask ok it's a big river intimate relationships and I'm not sure if it's just from memory this is fish ok to to be to have a family it's a classic question probably I I feel somehow I'm I fall in love with life itself because I see I'm complete I don't really need something to be more happier and be more free but time to times this wish yes and I don't know is it is it like from conditioning it's only what yes but culture and society I'm or family to put in my head and it stay like but you must say is it coming from family or just emerging from within your own self I don't know because it's not really wish like to have it I don't okay so while you were talking about it because it's a it's a topic isn't it like many times we drop it some some wishes some something from past something what is on the way and yeah if you feel I'm gonna drop this I drop this you know that's one way it can come back up again but if you have transcended it by understanding and be grounded in your own so if it comes thing with a relationship and so on it may find that it's also quite harmonious that could also happen have an expression you see it's not that the self the truth is against relationship no no it's that you're at a better place to you know to somehow experience one and still grow through a relationship result but you're not actively looking out it's not like you're saying well you know this it's really my time you know it's some I mean season or something you know it's there's more sorry so this okay but you know that this is sometimes these these desires his way they come in waves and you know it feels like war while this become something again I would like to trust you and that to say that you stay with your heart it will guide you in that moment you know if you're not you know dreaming about it dreaming about it and so on your gear carrying on you know and like everything else it it it it has its time you know then it's more likely than whatever it is where its relationship with a person or with with a with something else is something it feels integrated integral and harmonious and you don't have to doesn't become a topic just feels true you feel happy you feel grateful even like this this is good but if you have thoughts like you know you are you know you're you're you're not complete without someone dangerous thoughts to do happy and very thankful for Oh what do you say because it it's all true it's it's really it's like then the standing happened on different levels yeah so it's like from 100% first it's maybe only ten percent and it goes more and more and more and understanding happened here and also here yes so I'm working with this is very easy people and and somehow you're pointing scope through me to them we don't speak about consciousness but somehow know the topic about happiness all people can can feel this yes yes yes it's good also to use resistor yes regular words also you know you don't have to you know otherwise maybe you try to show offering to impress people and it doesn't work out so good happiness is okay you know you know happiness is not a word for consciousness thank you guru ji where did you come from okay good yeah I just feel to stand here and we talk we speak about half of the hopper vibe in half of my brother and sister in the Middle East that recently have very intensive time and they cannot be here but they heart are with us and to ask for the blessing for the peace in this area and also for whole world that I can feel and I can say in my country and other countries in Middle East there are lots of pressure at the moment and sometimes it goes beyond of their limitation and I feel just few words from a Sufi master that was living in Iran around 800 years ago his name is society and we grown up with his words at the school and he always mentioned about oneness and we are one just have these words and if you feel like we go for this prayer for whole world and our brothers and sisters that it feels they need our help yes he said I said first impression these few words Benny Odom on saw yet eager and kadar all fairness say a coherent to us v Bedard over at rooster call de carros hora naman at are all human beings are different organs of one body we are created from the same essence the same clay one be troubled by pain others would suffer yes so I just feel that it is it's a great privilege to have the feeling inside heart of goodwill towards all our people we know and that we we we pray for a world of real real peace but a piece that's also shaped out of compassion and understanding and appreciation for who we are if we believe in that there is only one God and there's one truth and that is expressing in so many diverse ways but is one in essence then some somehow we our life is that living prayer or so and it is that because you don't make a judgment against from one person against another one although I know on the surface we have these things playing but here we we just have this prayer for all mankind because if if if an Israeli child is is is hurt I hurt if an Arab child is hurt I hurt Rosa if the Muslim is hurt I'm adding if Christian is hurt I'm hurting if in duet am adding if atheist hurt am hurting so my prayer must be for everybody that is not and it continues like that as long as God puts breath in this body one's life must be for this my life is only for me I don't want it so for not just Middle East but all over the world wherever their conflicts when families are so in neighbours all these things they come Mina letter h' attitudes be that peace be upon you and god's blessing be upon you to be healed of our apparent differences because much of what we fight over is so superficial when we know who we are in the heart no and then these things will not matter so much you would not want to hurt someone but yes challenging times may these conflicts come swiftly to an end to be resolved in genuine understanding and for this reason I would pray for all of all the leaders of the world in that and that in whatever realms they operate in you know that they grow more wise and more kind and I supported by the deeper understanding may God's grace shine upon everyone and me truth become contagious again and a real love for starting with God everything becomes easy starting from men everything becomes harder so Soviet as the best thing I said that they each and every one who longs for the truth comes to the complete awakening to the timeless being and be happy and may your light be bright in this world made those who may you so be absorbed and merged in the truth because it is totally available may each one becomes so so absorbed in that understanding that life that whoever you meet on the way of life that they are also becoming so inspired by meeting you that is so moved by your light and openness compassion and your silence and joy your peace and love may they be so inspired that they are compelled to seek within themselves to find the light that they see in you and also come to find peace enjoy let's be so thank you thank you we've come to the close now on this satsang for today usually at this time we we take a break we'll have some music and those can get prepared for that so we're gonna do that and those of you who have to leave now you can you're welcome to during the break to take some child I think some has been prepared for you the following this I will come back for another of you know maybe 40 minutes or so to read some of the letters that come in some let us come each day and I the only time I get a chance to really look at them is today so sometimes you come back and I read some and they're very it's a very good part of satsang also so those of you who feel you would like to do to be here for this you go and take some China can come back as soon as we're finished it's generally about 20 minutes to half an hour so yeah okay [Music] thank you for your grace for your holiness and for the love which is spreading all over the world and I have no words for my gratitude but this song is also for for the whole world and for each heart please me don't you ease feet oh me [Music] [Music] please meet you please me to me [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so cleared so here thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ah [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] just a few verses from the avenue to get down everywhere always and in everything no this the self alone exists everything both the great void and the manifest world is nothing but myself of this I am certain there are no divine scriptures no world no imperative religious practices there are no guards no classes of race of men no stages of life no superior or inferior there is nothing but the brahman supreme reality the subject and object are inseparable that undivided one is your own self when this is so when no other exists how could the self be objectively perceived non duality is taught by some some others teach duality they don't understand that their all-pervading reality is beyond both duality and non-duality there is no color or sound to the one reality it has no qualities at all how can one even think or speak of that which is far beyond both the mind and speech when you know all this universe forms to be as vacant as then you will notice you prim reality duality will forever cease to be to some the self appears as other to me the self is I like undivided space one alone exists how then for the subject and object of meditation be to nothing of what I do or eat or give or take exists for me I am purity itself beyond birth and death note that the whole world know that the whole of the universe is without any form note that the whole of the universe is forever unchanging note that the whole of the universe is unsustained by its contents note that the whole of the universe is of the nature of God you are the ultimate reality have no doubt the self is not something known by the mind the self is the very one who knows how then could you think to know the self myah myah how could that be a shadow a shadow it does not exist the reality is one it is everything it is all pervasive nothing else exists I have no beginning nor middle nor end I have never been nor will I ever be bound by nature I am stainless I am purity itself this I know for certain I always recognize everything as the one indivisible reality that undivided one constitutes the world devoid all space and the five elements thank thank you [Music] sunbathing [Music] thank you I know you know what I have to know in your truth I disappear my job and my job [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 61,512
Rating: 4.8235765 out of 5
Keywords: Ramana, peace, maya, wisdom, bliss, divine, spirit, self-inquiry, Monte Sahaja, Buddha, sacred, self, meditation, sahaja, surrender, awareness, Jesus Christ, Self-realization, Satsang, God, truth, I Am, time, non-duality, reality, being, ego, supreme, presence, soul, eternal, enlightenment, awakening, contemplation, duality, Portugal, Mooji, spirituality, philosophy, Shiva, Krishna, devotion, seeker, yoga, Liberation, nirvana, Papaji, love, guru, mantra, prophet, freedom
Id: YDAsBkFf9Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 0sec (10080 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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