Retroid Pocket 4 / Pro ULTIMATE setup guide

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setting up an Android gaming device can be really frustrating so I'm going to take this from a bit of a different angle today and make this as comprehensive as I possibly can do it so the other day I did a sort of down and dirty setup guide with the retroid pocket 2s but there were a lot of shortcomings in that because I used emulators from retroid um I used old emulators because that's the way to get it done as quick as possible but the thing is some of these emulators are new and so some of them are old and are stable and you can use the older versions but these new ones there's some really exciting developments in them so once you get through this your device is going to be running really nicely and your games are going to be looking really cool I'm also going to reference reference some other YouTubers as I go along who have done some interesting stuff in this regard so let's get into it what you will need is okay this is a 32 gig but I recommend uh this is just for show there's a 256 gig card in here but I would recommend a 512 I am running into issues because you know sometimes you don't get the chance to sit and compress all your ROMs and all that kind of thing so some of my GameCube ROMs specifically are really big and they're taking up a lot of space so I'm using the 128 gigs inside the device and a 256 gig card and I'm running out of space because this thing is so powerful it can play really big games and if you start putting your switch games on you they can run up to 16 gigs each you need a card reader um you do need a quality reader I don't know why they ship some of these devices with SD card readers because they can really cause problems for you they can corrupt data and all that sort of thing this is one you can see it's battle worn I've used it for years now uh the transcend but there's there's many good quality ones online so you can check that out you will also need a pocket knife no just joking you will need a computer with internet I'm going to gloss over some of the sort of computer related stuff I consider doing a screen recording all that but that's going to take up a lot of time and I want to get to the nitty-gritty if there's some sort of admin detail that you can't get right just leave it in the comments I'll answer your question but a lot of that stuff is really simple stuff like click paste all that sort of thing which I'll just explain to you in the video all right so you're going to power on your device for the first time and it's going to go into the startup wizard the setup wizard the setup wizard so welcome to the Retro pocket 4 Pro um we want English you can choose your language here so you want to connect to the internet here's my internet connction nection I've already signed in here so um you put your password in next thing um you want to choose your time zone uh because well there's not many reasons but I like it because I use dualingo on here and I've got like a time limit to do lessons every day so I like to put my time zone in here cool time zone in go back next all right so enable Google Play services it's not like we're lacking performance on this thing all right now I've given this part a lot of thought because I like to sit on the fence of convenience for you as the viewer like cuz I try to keep the the Newbie the person who's new to this in mind and then also try to do something complicated for the people who are into this but now because these devices are more powerful I don't think it's worth using these old tweaked emulators by retroid I think it's worth just getting the latest and greatest I think that some of them that are older it's worth just getting them from the App Store but I don't think we need to get these performance-based ones anymore although so if we go through here I don't think we need cetra I don't think we need their dolphin I think their dolphin for handeld is still pretty cool so if there's a specific game that isn't working on GameCube or Wii you can use their dolphin for hand off because you can drop the resolution right down to like 0.25 or something so if there's something that you really want to play use that ducks there all of these I'm going to get elsewhere um we've got oops the game test is already install these I'm just going to download from the App Store uh PPS PPSSPP um you can get from the App Store I have the Gold version please pay for as many of these apps as you can because these people do this for the love of everything now retroarch 64 you can download from the app store or directly from the website but then your setup is going to be longer and although retro Arch is being developed regularly it's playing all the older games and it is pretty up to date so I would say just use the Retro Arch one that's already compiled for the device by retroid um you can add steamlink if you plan to do some streaming this I'm going to get from the App Store you can install ether sx2 I'm going to recommend um I've compiled a little version of nether sx2 because it doesn't have adverts and it jumps straight from digeso into the game and doesn't go to the app and into the game so I like using nether s62 we're we're going to install that um you can install e t62 if you like um and that's that so we say next it's just going to install those things for us um I recommend just going for the AOSP launcher because for the setup guide we are going to use daer show as our front end um don't worry if you don't know what that is we're going to get to it now and then we just say start to complete then in terms of the App Store let's go and down all loads now we'll speed this up in the edit okay so we're going to get drastic now drastic is a paid app so please just go ahead and buy it the next one is Yaba s Shiro 2 you can get two or Pro I have the pro version again please just support these devs PP SS PP and I have the Gold version purely just to like I don't think there's much difference but I got the Gold version just to support the devs all right redream and then duck station and then the m64 plus um I have the pro one yes so I'm just going to install that so the reason I'm using the app store for these ones is these are fairly stable apps that have been around for a while now the next lot are ones that I want to get from an external website because they have had some seriously awesome developments in the past year or so so we are going to go do that now so for these links you can navigate to my website on your device you can just go here and navigate to aen I haven't put it live on the website yet so I'm just going to Google them all so we're going to look for Citra Canary you don't want to go to the GitHub go here to download Citra manual download and here you go here's your Canary build just make sure go that's nightly I don't want nightly I want the canary build so we go here and we say Android cool that's downloading the next one we want is the Dolphin Emulator also had some nice developments over the last year or so um there you see get it there okay now we're on the downloads page I'm just going to download a beta version here um we say Android it just gives you the latest and greatest version and the last app to download is Yuzu which is for switch emulation so this Yuzu app is fantastic so I'm really excited about Yuzu let's go to the download page 10 hours ago that's the one we want again you can make life easier and get these from the App Store but because they are new apps like you saw that's things been developed 10 hours ago so they developed it last night rather just get those okay so it takes you through to the GitHub and you just go here to browse files and then what you want to do is just go here to releases and you want to get the Yuzu APK now again if this is too much for you all you need to do is just get it from the App Store makes life a little easier so now we just wait for those to download we can go to file salong to downloads Citra Android universal so let's install the Citra salong do you want to install this app install app installed all right so Citra is installed let's install Yuzu there say install let's just say done okay then we install Dolphin say install done okay now let's set things up but before we move on to that uh a few other notes I have had issues with Citra uh and it was because I had my ROMs encrypted incorrectly so I had to I've I've put a link in my WR notes on how to decrypt your ROMs if you've got the wrong type of ROMs or you can just encode your ROMs correctly in the first place so there is a decryption tool available on my written notes and then I've got it on my Discord and I've also put it on my written notes is nether SX so you'll notice that I didn't install ether SX because I want to use my little compiled version of nether XX it's here somewhere under apps and tools put it under emulators which would make sense okay this is a slightly older version but there hasn't been a lot of development on ether SX uh there was a big drama with e SX a little while ago um these guys in E XX are trying to salvage something okay let's down uh install nether sx2 so that's the link provided in my Discord or on my written notes and then one other thing we still need to do is to download daer show which is going to be our front end d a i j i s h o so download daer show from the App Store okay now all of the things are downloaded remember this is an Android device so you can download things like Spotify YouTube all that sort of thing um I've downloaded the edge browser just cuz I prefer it um you can get your Xbox apps and your Xbox streaming apps on here I've put Steam link on here because that's what I use um there's an app now go to my R notes there's an app called optium and I'm going I've also linked in my written notes to Retro Game Call's guide on how to set this up I just don't want to get into that for this video I've shown you how to install everything but what optium does is those extra apps like Yuzu and that that we that downloaded from external sources it will keep those up to date so if you get an update last night the you know last hour it will update it for you so optium is quite nice for guys who want to stay on The Cutting Edge for me I'm definitely putting optium on straight after this but I think for the everyday User it's not super necessary and then Odin tools I've also put the link in my written guide it adds some really cool features like drop- down menu items to help you with a bunch of things which I will talk about later on in the video but I want to get into the ny- gritzy now so the initial android setup bits so just a note the Retro pocket 3 plus had dead spots at the bottom of the screen that seems to have been fixed here I don't have any dead spots when I'm using any of the apps in the Retro pocket 4 it also makes me think that the the reason they couldn't calibrate the screen cuz they all said oh obviously it's the same screen as a retro pocket 3+ I don't think this is the same screen might be the same format but it's I don't think it's the same screen anyway next next thing you want to do is swipe down you want to swipe down and you want to go to force landscape there we go unless you're using some vertical apps like I use Dural lingo most people are going to want Force landscape to be on um at all times so there's that so that when you turn it around everything doesn't reverse so it just stays in a nice handheld formats then we go to settings so let's go to settings and we say display say dark theme and we want to enable that dark theme it's these are some of these are preference some of these are things that you will need um then we go to display again and we go to night light okay start time 1 p.m. end time 6:00 a.m. all right there we go Okay Google sign into Google if it hasn't already at some point in your setup so just go in here if this isn't here just sign into your Google account all right then we go to handheld settings and we want to say vibrator someone need to tell them that that's weird and then you can set your vibrator to low medium and high and you can test it now you need to choose your input control style whoops not there your um controller style I've left it at retro but you'll see once we've installed Odin tools this will become null and void um here you want to set your triggers to both but again so if you're in a game and it's not registering analog triggers you can set it to strictly analog and those things you always have to go into the menu but Odin tools fixes that and we'll get to that later on in the video so navigation we go to settings we go to accessibility so let's find the accessibility thingy there and I like so some of the emulators the the swipe up feature of Android leaves a little line here and then some of the emulators will resize the screen to allow for that line which I don't like so what I do is at accessibility we go to system controls system navigation now you can choose you can have the gesture navigation which is a swipe up thingy or you can have the three button navigation I like to have it set to three button navigation so it doesn't resize the screen specifically N64 does that so if we go to handheld settings and we go to power surve saving and we say clean process win in standby I've enabled this but I do want to warn you that this is quite annoying so we will also need to ignore packages diger show um and I'm trying to decide whether I should just go and just select all the emulators I'm not sure because then the emulator will run in the background and kill your battery and I'm even thinking about disabling this and just taking the knock with battery life because it's quite frustrating every time the screen locks I lose whatever I was doing on the device so you can enable that but actually one now that I'm doing it I'm actually just going to disable it um and just take the knock on the battery life okay then just a note about formatting your SD card this is just for show um but when you format your SD card you put it into the SD card slot over here it will ask you to use it as um like external storage as a like a as a plug-in storage or as handheld storage do not go I tried the handheld storage just as a test for this video and it's more trouble than it's worth rather just set your SD card to portable storage also that's nice for I'm also finding data rates via a cable into the device is so slow and it fails and all that thing sort of thing so it's better just take the SD card out use your reader and pop your ROMs onto the card that way and also if you are buying a slightly cheaper card generally the read speeds are fast enough for gaming but the right speeds are atrocious and so which is fine for safe state and that sort of thing but um to actually get the rums on there it takes hell of a long and so to have it as external and being able to plug that in that act that removes a bit of a barrier between you and getting the ROMs onto your device okay now in order to get your RS onto your device simply okay well I just said otherwise but I'm just just for the purpose of explaining this plug this into the into the computer it'll prompt you to use it as um as a external storage or as a file storage um say yes and then um then transfer your ROMs over but like I said um I think the best way to do it is just to get the SD card out use your reader and um get the file the ROMs onto the device that way but if you want to use the internal storage you'll have to use the USB feature also within your ROMs folder so let me quickly just show you how I've done it let's go here in my internal storage also got a folder called games and inside this folder I've got a folder called bios and I've put all my BIOS files in there now I can't show you how to get these there's a legal issue there but if you go to my written guide I have put what you need for each system in terms of BIOS files so just Google it find it and get it onto your device that way so just to clarify you want to create a folder system so let's just say let's just look at my internal storage you want to create a folder system called games or ROMs or whatever create cre a folder in there called bios put all your bios files in there then create folders that you're going to recognize uh for each game system and then put your ROMs into those game system folders kind of make a mental note of where those are cuz you're going to need that later to set up dig show okay now we are going to get into the nitty-gritty let's um start setting up these emulators so the first one we're going to look at is retro Arch so we open retro Arch first thing we say is just continue um and it's going to unpack a bunch of these little apks and stuff um so the one that you see the nice thing about using a a retroarch that's already been set up by retro Arch um by retroid is the fact that they've done some little things so um to save on quit is already enabled in here so when you if you if you do anything just make sure you quit retro Arch and it'll save your changes so just make sure you officially quit the app and then things will be saved um and then we want to remap some of our controls open your retro Arch and then go to settings so we tap on the Cog there we say input we go to menu controls for some reason they've reversed as menu swap okay and cancel buttons I like to use the the Nintendo controls within my menu system if you don't this might not be applicable to you if you use the Xbox style it might have not be applicable to you but what I do is I just go disable here then we can go out of there then another input thing so we go back into while we're in inputs so we go back into input we go to retropad binds go to Port One controls and we say analog to digital type and we say left analog so that we've got our left analog stick enabled within retro Arch all the time then let's go back to home um if you ever nervous that something's going to crash just quit retro Arch and it'll save all your changes now we want to go home and we're want to go to online updator we want to go to call downloader now this this will take some time to save you the hustle of figuring out what to download just download them all I know which ones I want to download so I'm just going to start downloading them just go through the files aren't big so you really can just go and download everything it makes a little hashtag next to it once you once it's downloaded so when you're done you can just go back and check that everything has downloaded just wait a bit and then you just go through and you download these so this takes a little while make sure you connected to the internet all right so you can see the little hashtag there those are all the Calles that I've downloaded you know if you don't know what you're doing just download them all and then diger show the front end that we're going to install will select the right one for you later now we want to disable the onscreen overlay so what we do is we go back into settings user interface onscreen display onscreen overlay and just disable that now we want to map the hotkey so we go settings input now we find the hotkey section now we need a a hotkey enable now because we use the back button for all the other emulators to enable the menu or that's what we're going to do to set the system up for you um we're going to make the hotkey enable the back button so we press and hold now the back button will enable our hotkey system now hot Keys give you shortcuts to various things throughout your gaming experience so now um menu toggle we're going to do select so hotkey back button select will now be your menu button if you want a quit controller combo I like L3 R3 as a a quit combo so let's enable that so I like to keep things simple and I like to do a load State on L1 and a Save State on R1 and then uh that will follow through later on in the system as well to create that unified system that I've sort of promised with the setup guide um so that's that okay so now we want to go into settings and want to scroll down to achievements so diger show does have a retro achievement section but I just find it doesn't seem to work through from daer show to Retro Arch if I it seems that you do still need to sign in in retroarch and then just make sure hardcore mode is disabled because it causes issues with some of the emulators and then again remember to quit rer Arch and it'll save your settings okay so moving on to duck station which I'm going to use for PS1 it's a preference thing you can also use retro Arch so we go to next um I'm going to set this up I'm going to say resolution now we can go crazy because we've got so much head ROM on the processing power so I'm going to make it to 1080p you don't have to do this but I'm going to set a lot of my resolutions to 16 by9 because I have decided that I just like 16 by9 I'm actually going to add the wides screen hack as well um then we're going to import our bios uh will tell you no bios found okay so let's go here one of these you can choose one of these 5500 um so we say there yes there we go to detect whatever and then we say next all right so it's found our bios we are all good now we're going to add our games directory so we go to games I know that my PS1 is actually on the external card so we go to games you see that's why I said make a little mental note of where you put all your games we'll just make an actual note use this folder allow and say next say finish it's going to scan and find all your games now what we're going to do is we're going to the top left here we are going to go into app settings here we go and we're going to go to achievements and we're actually going to enable retro achievements because we want retro achievements I like retro achievements so if you go to Retro achievements. and create a log in just make a note of that log in encouragements as you game it's just fun you get a little Badges and stuff there we go we are logged in ready to roll okay the next thing that I want to do is I want to so we go to controller settings we go to touch screen we say single analog thingy and we say none we remove the touchcreen overlay because we don't need a touchcreen overlay then we go to Port one and we start start mapping it's already selected dual shock which is what we want we say d-pad up d-pad right d-pad down d-pad left okay now it's important to note okay I have set when I'm in the menu system and when I'm in general use of the device I've set it to the Nintendo layout so my device is set to the Nintendo layouts once it needs to be in the way that you are going to use it all the time then map your buttons okay so triangle is X circle is a because if you reverse it in Xbox now a is going to be B and it's going to confuse the whole thingy cross is b square is that one y select the start the L1 now I'm going to make it so that it flows with retro Arch so l1's actually going to be L2 R1 is going to be R2 and then we're going to not map L2 and R2 we're going to go down down down M your L3 and R3 if you really want to there there and then you map your left stick left right down up left right stick right right stick down PL stick up all right and now we got to hot keys I am going to do something very clever because I am a genius so open pause menu we say back button so now our back button is our menu button very similar to retroart which is back and select so we are on the road in terms of having a a similar system now quick load L1 just like retro Arch quick save is R1 just like retro Arch and then we are done for duck station that's that okay so let's go out of that and let's go to m64 plus FZ Pro I've already set that up so I'm going to just set the normal one up which is probably the one you're going to use so we just say next now we want want to add our ROMs so we go select folder N64 so games N64 wherever you put your games you says use this folder you say allow and you let it scan this takes quite a while takes quite a while so let it do its thing okay once you've replaced your ilre with Robos you have seen that all your games have loaded go to the little top left menu thingy go to settings go to display and we're going to increase our display to 1440 x 1080 because we can then if you want to you can go to screen scaling uh like I said I'm stretching my stuff I've just decided I prefer a 16x9 aspect ratio to take advantage of the 16x9 screen so that's what I'm doing if you don't want to do that don't do that okay now we go to settings touch screen we want to disable the touch screen overlay so we go to button opacity and we set that to zero Ys there we go okay we go back we want to go into the menu then we we go to profiles and we go to controller now we want to create a new profile you'll see there's no profile here we go to new and we say it's called Aiden you can call it Aiden if you like and remember me lovingly every time you use the profile okay so L remember my little trick so I'm going to do L2 for um L R2 for R then Z we're going to make L3 the push you push the button in here this is the start button a is a b is B cpad we're going to make the right analog stick so there there there and up Boop in d-pad obviously the d-pad which is the d-pad this is a d-pad so we're doing the d-pad and then there and then analog is our left analog stick so left left sorry right left down up okay now so to create the similarity with retro Arch and the rest of the system save slots R1 load slots L1 okay so that's done now we go back and we want to select our profile so we we still in settings we go to select profile over here so profiles select profile we go to controller one profile and we look for a we say yes and then here the only real thing that I would recommend if you are having performance issues which I doubt you'll have is to reduce that screen resolution okay now we're going to set up our 3DS which is Citra now remember we downloaded the canary version of Citra so we say get started we say Grant permissions we say allow we go to next we say Grant permissions we say while using the app next Grant permissions while using the app next uh so now we're selecting the user data so I just just Ed the ROMs folder for this is already there 3DS so you navigate your 3DS folder you say use this folder say allow say okay there we go next now we add our games same folder just going to use the same folder so everything's in the same place so if I ever need to move save states over or anything like that it's all there yes okay so we're going to tap the top left we're going to go to settings we're going to go to game pad and we're going to map our buttons so action buttons are the same cuz we are running the whole system in Nintendo mode all right select select button start start button uh Circle pad we are going to do the left analog stick so this was the up down axis the left right Axis C stick is the right analog stick so up down left axis all right and then our d-pad up down left right so you can just press left or up or whatever on that axis all right and our triggers what we are going to do here is we are going to go with normal triggers here R ZL because you can't map those for saves as far as I know all right so swap screens I'm going to do L3 and then cycle landscape I'm going to do R3 so that's going to give you all the different formats that's quite a nice new feature in this latest version of Etc okay then we go to settings we're going to go to graphics and we're just going to make sure that Vulcan is enabled this is one of the performance tweaks you can switch between Vulcan and open open GL all right and then while we're here we can set the internal resolution and I'm going to set it to 2x um I tested 3x and I couldn't see a noticeable difference and again this is one of those places where you can change this if you are finding any performance issues because I am finding that three 3DS is not perfect on this chipset for whatever reason um I thought we would just have seamless 3DS gameplay and it's not the case so you might want to switch to 1x resolution on some games so now what we want to do is we want to open a game so let's open a game so we press the back button we go to Overlay options and we say show overlay disable that now the overlay is gone and then also just a reminder in the performance twe so drop the resolution to 1x switch from Vulcan to open GL and also don't forget that this has standard performance and high performance if you are having any issues if you really do have a game that you really want to play there is an app called Citra MMJ it's a very old version but it is built for lower spec devices the Nintendo DS is with drastic the paid app say okay while using the app install shortcut to your desktop no so we're going to go to change options external controller then we uh select key mapping and we say no mapping all right okay so we're going to map control and you follow the prompts we're going to go x y b a now we're going to do that little trick again so R 2 for R L2 for L we're going to do start we're going to press start button we're going to say select for select this is your d-pad so up right down left if uh you make a mistake just tap it again and do the mapping all over again now we do map special so we're going to do L3 for the screen swap we're going to skip for fast forward so here's where we keep that whole system going so R1 is quick save L1 is quick load open menu we're going to press the back button up left is your trigger your analog suc up left we go up there we go up right I don't think it registers this here so we just say skip down left down right I'll just skip it now half screen swap so here we are going to press L3 microphone noise skip Auto fire toggle skip pointer down skip because we got a touch screen okay so now we're going to go out of here we're going to say change options just to be clear where we are change options we go to video and then what we want to do is enable high resolution 3D rendering and this does make a a nice little impact on the quality of the the game like the look of it it adds a sort of 3D Shader to it and removes like the sort of pixelated effect so that's quite nice all right now we want to open a game so load new game it probably will just open into the file browser if it doesn't if it opens here just press the plus sign and say add scoped storage directory so now we go here and actually I think my Nintendo DS is on the onboard memory uh let's have a look here yes Nintendo DS and we say use this folder say allow here we go let's open Lego Harry Potter all right so we want to disable that overlay quickly so we say open menu press back button yeah uh tells you about safe states don't use them anyway and then we want to just tap this with drastic I do find that it's mostly a per game basis so you might have to do this every time you open a game I haven't really figured out how to do it any other way if you know please leave a comment the next little setting is is it's up to you you can do this so this this is that sort of screen half Swatch which is one and two one and two 1/2 and then you can switch between the two screens Some people prefer to have a big screen with one side by side all that sort of thing so we're going to go menu we're going to go menu and we are going to go screen layout and I like the landscape times one so you have a small one there a big one there that's what she said so now we want to get rid of this little triangle so we press the back button we go to menu and we want to go to options virtual game pad menu button position hidden and that is done and then here I doubt you're going to need any performance tweaking but you can disable that um high resolution 3D rendering option all right so next is PP sspp for PlayStation Portable that's a lot of PS I'm going to use PPSSPP gold uh we're going to say continue say okay so now we're going to choose our PSP folder um I've already navigated it on my external SD card and the folder games and the PSP so I say use this folder I say allow already contains PSP data that's cuz this is like third time I'm setting this up so let's just say okay you might not get that option now we're going to go to settings we're going to go to graphics and here you'll see I have set my rendering resolution to 4X you really can go crazy here I saw a Rob from retro Tech dad set it to something like eight times or something so and it did see a difference cuz um some games have got a lot of detail in that bumping up that resolution in a game like Bridge racer made a big deal so you can play around with that then we're going to do the controls so on the left we got controls we go to control mapping I'm just going to clear all um just so that we can go through this um it might map itself but let's just go through it so we go d-pad up d-pad down d-pad left d-pad right and our Circle button will be here x button will be there square button will be there and triangle button will be there right and then start is start select is Select now we're going to stick with our thing so L1 at L is L2 R is R2 analog up let's do our analog stick PSP only has one analog stick or like analog nub right pause we're going to use the back button save states R1 load States L1 then onscreen touch controls those will that will be enabled it's stored my settings from before so disable that now we can go to tools that retro achievements account you created you can put the login details here I see it saved my login details so my Aden walls account is all ready here and rearing to go performance tweaks you're not really going to have an issue here but you can reduce your your resolution maybe and the other thing go back to graphics and for back end just make sure that Vulcan is selected um there are spreadsheets on which is better so that is another performance tweak thing some games run bed on Vulcan some games run B on openg G oh but there we go PPSSPP is set up now we're going to do Dreamcast which is redream here's our redream emulator we're going to say continue okay so now we go to library and we want to add directory this is your games directory so you navigate mine's on my external card games Dreamcast and I say use this folder it is going to load all my Dreamcast games now at the top we're going to go to inputs this is a really good emulator um so here it's currently set to touchpad so we're going to it's actually picked up the Retro pocket controller here now delete the action button mapping so our a XY all that stuff what's nice is it's got a picture of the controller and it shows you what the buttons are on the original controllers so if you look at a a is this button so a is b b is a and your X is actually your y button Y is actually your x button and then just a note for Dreamcast Dreamcast is one of the first I think it was the first system with analog sticks what I have noticed so now I just tested it and it it sets this did the incorrect thing if your triggers are set to both so you need to set your triggers to analog so go back into the settings but you'll also check Odin tools will allow you to do this easily like I just did now so just kind of ignore that for now but what you need to do is set your triggers to analog and then map these so L left trigger is L2 there we go so let's just delete that now you'll see it says axis which means it's got a like an axis because it's it's analog so there now it's registered as a analog trigger because there are games ining cost that do register analog trigger inputs and the rest should be fine if it did pick up on the Retro pocket controller if it didn't map all of these okay and then under the videos tab I am going to just say 16 by9 this emulator does allow for full screen hacks and you do that on a per game basis so you can go into games and per game you can set it to do the full screen hack I'm just going to set it 16 by9 because I am a Savage yabas Shiro for Sega satin we want to say continue we're going to say start we're going to let it update we're going to clean our screen okay so you can create an account and back up your data you can say except I'm just going to decline for now to for Speed sake so we're going to go here and we're going to look for select game directory and select game directory you can see I've already actually I haven't added anything that's just there folders here's my Sega satin so games satin so I'm going to say use this folder I'm going to say allow and say okay the next step is to enable autosave States so we're going to go in here Meridian settings so we're going to look for enable autosave state so automatically saves the state upon exiting which I like so when you exit um it will save now we're still in settings and we are going to go to player one input device here is our player one input device okay so we're going to edit our key map which is here now we're going to map our buttons so up down this is d-pad Left Right L trigger is L1 R trigger R1 start is start a now remember this is a Sega Saturn so a is going to be y for our three button setup B A is going to be c x is going to be X for the Y button we're going to press in L3 for the Zed button we're going to press in R3 for the analog X that's the x axis for our analog stick now you got to be very careful because this is very sensitive but xaxis y AIS if that double registers or something just go back and do this again unfortunately okay so analog L analog R so that's L3 and R3 um menu button we're going to press back and that is done and that is Sega satin sets up and and ready to roll Okay so we've installed nether sx2 uh the reason I did this is because it allows for jumping straight from daer show into the game doesn't have a go between of going from diger show to the emulator to the game which kind of defeats the whole point and it doesn't have adverts which I like okay so we're going to open nether SX and we're going to immediately add our game directory PS2 add this folder so I see the whole startup thing hasn't shown yet but I have shown it in my setup guides so in the beginning you want to select the optimal safe because this is a higher performance handheld um it asks you about your aspect ratio if we go into the menu and we say app settings and we go to Graphics you'll look here there I am going to set mine to 16 by9 as I mentioned I am a wild Savage um and then we go up to GPU renderer we're going to choose Vulcan then we're going to go upscale multiply we're going to go to 2X and see how that goes we've already added our game game directory I read added the game directory I noticed this as a bit of a quick with nether SX is that it sometimes it takes a while because um specifically I have um compressed my ROMs and so it takes quite a while to scan this so I'm just going to let this run and I'll come back and film the rest okay so now they have properly imported sometimes it's a bit glitchy on that so I just made sure that that is done okay the other thing we need to do is import the BIOS otherwise things are going to get so let's go to app settings we can go here to bios we can import our bios I think I've put it in a bios PS2 folder there we go and let's get there we go I just wanted to get the US one because most of my ROMs are us not sure if it's going to make a difference but just make sure that they have the right bios file file installed there now we're going to do the controller settings so we're going to go to controller settings we're going to go to touchcreen and we are going to disable this so none for touch screen in controller view now we're going to go to controller Port dual shock 2 yes um and then we're just going to map everything so d-pad up d-pad right d-pad down d-pad left uh triangle is your x button circle is your a button cross is your B button square is your y button select start now we're not going to switch our L1 and everything here we don't want to over confuse the issue here L2 two there we go R1 R2 L3 R3 analog toggle you can either that's a left stick up we go just make sure that's was a bit Weir right left stick down left stick left then right stick up let's do that again right stick right right stick down right stick left okay so there's nothing else for us to do there and then for performance tweaking so you will probably need to tweak a bit of performance here for some reason PS2 is not perfect yet and I unfortunately think it has more to do with the emulator than it does have to do with the processor um but you can go into I think it's system here and you can drop the e cycle rate you can go down to 50% um and you can drop your resolution uh this one has a nice handheld resolution of of 0.5 it's going to really drop your resolution it's going to look pretty bad but uh it is available to you to tweak it a little bit um other performance options are uh there are two versions of ether XS SX out there and I've seen other reviews specifically Rob from retro Tech dad and Russ from Retro Game core those two guys have seen varied results I haven't done my full game test yet but varied results between those two different emulators so now we are going to set up the do of emulator remember we downloaded this from an external Source we are going to say continue enable statistic reporting you can say no I'm just going to say yes now we are going to add our games so Under The Game Cube Lo Cube logo we're going to go look for games we're going to go find our GameCube games we're going to say use this folder we're going to say allow now we go to our Wii section um he he we're go to games and we go all the way down to Wii and we say use this folder we say allow now those two thingies are enabled okay now we tap the Cog at the top right so that we can do other things we're going to say config we're going to go to General going to scroll down and we are going to enable Save State now we're going to go to graphic settings we are going to enable the video back end to Vulcan we are also if you want like I said I'm insane I'm going to make it a 16 by9 because I just like it that way now we're going to set our inputs so so we are going to go to GameCube input we're going to go here GameCube standard controller so we're going to go there we're going to press the little Cog oh there we go it's picked it up you see you can create profiles here now specifically the reason this is useful and I'll do this when I talk about consolizer later video is you can create different profiles so that when you're using your external controller you switch to that profile and you don't have to remap the thing every single time you use a different controller Okay so a is a b is b x is X Y is y z I'm going to do o three start is Start Control stick lift analog stick down oops down there we go let's try again down left right and then we're going to do the C stick which is our right analog stick up down left right there we go and now we're going to do our triggers so we got l r analog left analog right d-pad as a note throughout any of this if the these triggers don't work work in your mapping it could be because they're set to both or they're set to digital or they're set to analog and so you might have to play around with that and map it correctly according to how it's set on the device all right so that is GameCube now we're going to do wi now I've decided I'm going to probably do a whole video on this um because wi input is quite complicated so now I'm going to set it for and in sort of a a landscape mode for specifically because I want to play Super Mario Bros on here so let's go to buttons um a b now I'm going to do one there so L1 two is L R1 minus just like the switch plus so select is minus start is plus home let's it home to L3 deep that up d-pad down d-pad left d-pad right okay so Mo so I'm not I'm not going to say anything about that yet but motion simulation I've set the pointing to the left analog stick for up down left right I'm not sure if that works actually yet so I want to do a bit more research on this um motion input I'm going to enable so what I did find when I was playing um before I deleted all my settings for this video is um I could do this sort of thing in game and use the um gyroscope in the device to play Wii games and so I'm going to enable that and that does help a little bit in games but every game is different because it uses used the controller differently it used external controllers that sort of thing um so I'm going to do a little bit of research on that I'm going to release a video on that soon uh performance tweak try open GL instead of Vulcan um use dolphin for handal that's another option oh and then what we the other thing we want to do is open again so specifically for let's just do GameCube uh let's open a game now we want to get rid of the overlay control so we go here we go to Overlay controls um toggle controls and we say toggle all and that should do it same thing for Wii new Super Mario Bros okay it seems to have disabled it for there as well so we are good to go all right so that's Wii and GameCube done for now and then the most exciting part which I nearly left out of this video is Yuzu so Yuzu for your switch emulation now Yuzu is surprisingly easy to set up so we're going to get started we say Grant permissions we say allow we select Keys now I've mentioned in my show notes that you do need um these prod keys so uh you'll just have to get that from your switch um add games let's go to switch and then uh use this folder we say allow um I need to do a deep scan and then we say Okay continue going to scan for my games I only have three games on here sneaky little Super Mario Bros Wonder on there all you need to do is open a game so we open a game and we want to get rid of that overlay so we press the back button uh we say overlay options I want to use the FPS Cel because I'm going to be doing testing now uh toggle controls and we say toggle all and we say okay now the overlay is off now we get out of here we say say exit emulation and you can do settings so you can set your global settings so you can go in here um you can set your graphics um accuracy level normal that's fine um resolution let's leave it at one for now for the overall setting aspect ratio is fine but what you really want to do especially since this is really pushing the limits of this device is go um game by game specific settings so for instance I've already tested this and I know that I want to go into Super Mario W go to Graphics um leave the resolution at one um actually the resolution is the thing I want to tweak I think 0. five is ideal I hate low resolution so I'll rather deal with a little bit of glitchiness and go 075 and then we go to system and some games some games just work in dock mode so you can toggle between dock mode and um set your your resolution per game and then each game will be set specific for performance cuz you're really going to need to tweak to get the best performance out of Yuzu but it is insane I have been playing Super Mario Bros Wonder on a small screen and a compact device it is the smallest device in the world that play Super Mario Wonder it's crazy I can highly recommend it all right moving on to Da show so we have downloaded da show all right we just say continue to allow all the thingies we're going to download platforms so whatever games you have on your SD card you download those platforms so um I think I actually got all my Tor games on there that is it so we just say import and I'll make sure you're still connected to the interwebs and it will download all of those things if you find during the process you're like listen it's just not syncing a certain thing or downloading artwork whatever you go into settings you go into library and you say sync entirely and it will just try and sync everything up for you then the other thing regarding the library that I found very useful this is something I learned now with this setup is here we go to uh we're in library and then clear all disjointed items so when you're setting up let's say you find a ROM it's broken you delete it and you put another ROM on what can sometimes happen it sinks but it leaves the game in the library and then it just is a dead length the whole time so you just confirm that you want that on clear all disjointed items and it'll remove any games that aren't working BAS basically that aren't linked up to something appearance so we want to make this thing look cool let's go back again um back again appearance want to go to download platform wallpaper pack a there we go I said I chose angle um I think it's a new one I just enjoyed it so their angle if you want to view them I've put a a link in my written notes where you can actually go view all of these um these packs um so that it is a little bit easier I find it take quite a long time to to load on my browser for whatever reason but anyway you can go view them in your browser check them out okay now that is downloaded hopefully it's starting to load here so you can see it um I don't know why I just like this one back into appearance I like the dark theme so let's enable the Dark theme I said followed system so I think it's already in obviously it is already in Dark theme because I have dark theme set for my Android Okay navigation search hotkey there isn't a search hotkey so this is something to remember actually forgot while I was using it that I did set a search hotkey just select as my search hotkey press again to register there we go so now I can search for games with a hotkey that's quite nice and your homepage will be set by default to widgets which we set up just now but that is um quite nice because then you sort of curate your library of current games that you're busy playing so we'll do that just now just now is a South African thing by the way retro achievements so we go to settings we go go back uh we go down to Retro achievements and we're going to go in here fortunately because of the setup guide I remember my log in details off by heart so there next okay and then we are into Retro achievements I find that it doesn't actually work I find that I have to go in and sign in retro Arch as well okay so the next section is to set up your platforms now it's very important at this point so I I do get comments about stuff like this and guys are confused they don't know why things aren't working and I think it's because they aren't following these sets of gu step by step so what I mean by that is you need to First do your emulator setup you first need to set up your Yuzu and all all those emulators first before you do this because if you haven't downloaded the CES in retro Arch if you haven't down done all those things you haven't synced up the files with some of the emulators this will not work so very important if you haven't done that yet go back into to my video and do that now please okay thank you okay okay so now we got uh NES so let's go here so the first thing we're going to do is look for the folder so you will should remember where your NES folder is I think it is on my onboard memory um so let's just go here have a look here NES that's correct and we say use this folder say allow and we sync now this should just default use a core from retroarch let's just double check so you um for setting up the Calles you just tap this little pencil pen icon here nestopia I definitely downloaded that so it should be fine um to double check we go in here you see your emulators are here um while we have also you can do grid view or you can do list view ah I vacillate between the two sometimes I like grid view sometimes I like um list view anyway let's just open a game so now you'll see all my settings retro Arch is working so now we just go through the systems and do that so use sync up add more um P Edge should be here somewhere I've just got a couple of cards from P edge here use this folder allow sync now P 8 um I specifically remember don't think we actually have the f8 let me just double check us yeah so we need to switch from the f8 to the retro8 and we say save all right and you go through this and do all the things I'm going to mention the systems that need an emulator change as I go through this now PlayStation PlayStation one um it's also selected duck station if you want to use retro Arch you can go in here just remember to use a retroarch 64 um core and that will work fine just a note turbog graphic 16 is the same as PC engine in case you are wondering with switch just make sure that switch has actually selected Yuzu and not um Skyline so now GameCube is Auto Select to Dolphin handheld so I'm going to go look for GC GameCube and we are going to choose or. Dophin U doin emu that should be the correct one say save or. Dophin emu do Dophin emu that should be the correct one say save N64 Orin 64 plus ae. v3. fita dopro so that is my one safe okay so it's still a quite a while to sync so I'm just waiting for everything to sync but that was quite a boring task but it is worth just checking that the emulators are correct if you it's a beginning stages and you don't know what you're doing um I've left in my written notes the ones that could possibly go wrong um otherwise just go in let's go to a system that has actually synced up just go in New Super Mario Bros for Wei see if it opens the rights you see there that is one that I missed so we let's go in here it's selected the dolphin handh hold so let's go down to it's says GC so we got GameCube there we go or. Dophin u. Dophin emu and says save all right now let's try it okay so let me quickly show you how to get your widgets going so your default homepage within daer show is the widgets page and what I mostly use it for is um I use an uh app called dingo I'm sure a lot of you will know what that is and uh so I put that as an app shortcut but then mostly I put pin and plays so games that I have found that I want to go oh that is such a good game I want to keep playing it so one of those games has been vican to so I'm going to add that to that unfortunately the artwork hasn't scraped but usually it has a nice little picture there and then so this is good to do later once everything is scraped and looking good I'm busy playing Metroid red okay so that's kind of how it goes and you can do other things here you can add your retro achievements and it'll give you a thing here but I like I said it doesn't seem to be logging in and I'm not sure why and you can even do a random game pickup so you can say entire collection if you're feeling confused in life just pick the random game picker and that's kind of how I roll with this the other thing that I want to show you is how to make daer show your your home app so you want to go into the settings of your device and go go to apps and you want to go to default apps and for home app you want to select da show and da show will be your home app okay so the next thing I want to show you is Odin tools so uh if we go in here you'll see Odin tools I've been using it up until now um it's mostly set up for you but I'll show you how I have now tweaked it in a few small ways controller style I've removed disconnect disconnect I think is going to be useful when you start um but I've removed it so that I've just got Odin and Xbox so it switches the the the action buttons between Xbox lad where the a button is here the Y button is there and then it switches it around for Odin which is the Nintendo Nintendo mode okay so we save that L2 and R2 you want to be able to select these um so I'll show you now the drop down menu uh single press home button this allows you to just press the home button and get out of what you're in and it go straight to diger show because diger show is not our home if you don't like that if you like it to give you a warning before you press home then disable that and here you can actually set the screen saturation so that is really cool so that's Odin Odin tools um and with the drop- down menu you've got your controller Styles there you'll see Xbox and Odin you've got both analog digital both um and then you can go into the Odin tools to set your saturation as well and if you want to change that home button setting okay now this is a cool thing that I like to do and it is my favorite retro shaders specifically for the Retro Arch systems so that your games get a nice retro look to them um it it kind of justifies why I like to do the 16x9 thing on this device with a 16x9 screen the filters kind of finish that all off so let's get into it okay so we're going to start with Game Gear let's open a game there now you might not like this if you don't like this then don't do this but uh I think it's pretty cool so we go in here to our menu and the first thing we do it's important to follow these steps otherwise it's not going to save correctly so we open a game we go to settings we go to video we go to scaling we set the aspect ratio to full now what we do is we go home and we go uh quick menu and we save the overrides so we go here overrides save content directory overrides it's important to do contact directory overrides otherwise you might affect other games and then you go quit retro Arch now it's going to try and save what we've just done okay and then I've already done it before so I'm just taking you through the motions now we go to the quick menu which we are in already and then we go down to shaders uh we go to load we go to shaders glsl uh we go down to handhelds we say console border and we go to the gg- 4x1 so let's find GG -4x GG -4x then we want to save the shaders so we're go to save we go to save content directory preset okay then we go home quit retro Arch and obviously I've already done it but that will save everything as it should be okay so let's do gamb boy so let's open Darkwing Duck now again if you don't like like this don't do this um but you can play around with shaders and should be able to get what you're looking for so we open a game we go into the menu we go to settings we go to video the reason we make it full is it needs to stretch this border across the screen so we set the scaling to full then we want to go to override so we go home we must be in the quick menu and we say overrides save content directory overrides we go home and obviously I've already done this so there's no overrides to be save but then you say quit retro I'll just follow the the steps and you will come right we want to be in the quick menu and we want to add the Shader that border of mine um so we go to shaders load we go to shaders dogso we go to handheld content border and the content border we're going to use is DMG -4 X so DMG -4x we want to save that so we save it as a Content directory and then we want to go and quit retro Arch to save our changes open the game and you should have that all set all right let's go into Game Boy Color right so we're going to the menu we're going to settings and again we want to set the scaling to full because we're going to use another one of those cool little border thingies so aspect ratio full um there and then we want to save an override so we say quick menu save content directory overrides then we go home and we quit retro Arch let's open that up again now it's full screen we're going to go into the settings again and we're going to find uh so we're in the quick menu we want to scroll down to shaders want to load then we go to shaders jgsl we go to handheld content border console border and then we go to the GBC 4X so we go for GBC 4x- 4X okay there we go so now we want to save the shaders so we're going to save we say save content directory presets and we just want to quit retro Arch to allow to save and we open the game there we go now we've got a Game Boy Color thingy unfortunately it's cut a little bit here and that still is pretty cool so if you like the look of that one go ahead and do this okay the next one is Game Boy Advance we're opening a game in the quick menu we're going to go to shaders we want to enable video shaders obviously um we want to go to load and we want to say shaders dog LSL then we're going to go to handheld and then we're just going to say LCD grid uh so go down LCD LCD grid V2 GBA color okay and now what we want to do is save it so we go down to save go down to save content directory presets we go home we want to quit retro Arch to save our changes and all it does is just add this little pixelated effect on it and I think that looks really nice like it's this one is more subtle than the other ones but it's probably my favorite quit retro just to be safe there we go now this is the thing that I'm doing for all my TV systems all the systems that we plugged into our TV not GameCube uh yeah let's do Sega Genesis this is a very good example um all right Aladdin so let's open a game let's see if it saved my settings so you do this for all this the systems like NES SNES whatever you want if you want it to go 16 by9 you can do that as well so let me take you through those settings we go we're in the quick menu and we go to shaders uh remember we want video shaders enabled and then we want to load the correct Shader it's just one Shader fits all for this I just like it it's something I found and I just kind of go with it that's kind of the way I like to do things course it keeps things simple for you so we go shaders glsl we go CRT then we go to CRT Gom so let's just find the CRT GM there we go just the basic gm. gsrp we select one now we're going to get a little bit sneaky with this one uh we're going to go to Shader parameters and we're going to find uh G CRT Gom curvature toggle so the curvature toggle we're going to set that to zero now we're going to save it what that's going to do is it's going to it curves the screen which I don't like we're going to remove the curvature now we're going to say content Direct directory presets then we're going to go here we are going to we're going to quit retro Arch just to save what we just did now we're going to open it again now this has saved my settings from before but if you are busy with this it's not going to be 16 by9 yet if you wanted 16 by9 do the next step so we're going to settings and we go to video we go to scaling and here we go aspect ratio full now we go home make sure we're in the quick menu we go down to overrides and you want to save content directory overrides and then home and just quit retro AR to save your changes and then it should look the way that I have it now and then don't forget to quit retro Arch once you're done and that's it you should have a really nice unified system now you've got your drop down menu with your Odin tools uh you've got colorful retro systems you've got all your highend systems running there as well so if you have any questions let me know in the comments I'll be happy to try and answer them thanks for watching
Channel: Adin Walls
Views: 11,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retroid pocket 4 pro, retroid pocket 4 setup guide, ultimate setup guide for the retroid pocket 4, set up your retroid pocket 4, best setup guide for the retroid pocket 4, retro game corp setup guide retroid pocket 4, eta prime retroid pocket 4, taki udon retroid pocket 4, retroid pocket 4, retroid pocket 4 pro review
Id: 86hS2z6Do7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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