Dollar Tree Haul

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hello everyone it's Chris and I'm finally back with another video I have a Dollar Tree haul for you it's my store in a store over in uh Warsaw Indiana Adam had a um cardiologist appointment over there last last Wednesday um so or the week before week before for Wednesday so we stopped and uh I got a few things they didn't have a whole lot and then this week I went to my Dollar Tree Tuesday and I went we went yesterday didn't find a whole lot of new in my store um or the Warsaw Indiana store when we went I have had zero luck finding the Wet n Wild Sesame Street line in my area um the stores are just not um if they're getting them they're putting them out and they're gone or um one store has them but they're not P putting them out so I don't know what that's all about but I'm just like if I find them I find them if not no big deal we're move on that's the point of going to the Dollar Tree is we just yes it's the fun of the hunt but if we don't find it we don't find it I'm not going to sat here and cry about it but anyways and then this past week I got that nasty stomach bug that was going around I um I had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday cuz I had to follow up from my sleep study um I do have severe sleep amnea so I waiting to get my equipment being contacted to go and get size for my mask and pick that up and I asked him I said is there like a bug going around or something he said oh yeah there's a stomach bug and he listened to my stomach and he's like oh and boy that evening I kicked me for a loop so but I am I'm feeling better it's Sunday I haven't you know I showered Adam and I took Trenton to work we went in and got some groceries and um yeah now we're home I got laundry going and then we're going to finish putting out um my first item I'm going to show you I saw I can't remember who I saw haul these but I thought they were so cute so I picked some up um a while ago and I I think I picked four up and uh brought them home put them out along my sidewalk and we really really liked them so we went back and I think I bought like 10 or 14 more and they are just so darling so so darling these are what they are you can adjust the little lights in there the LEDs but they come like this and it comes with like a little shepher hook thing there and it it goes just like that it'll line that's exactly what it looks like at nighttime they are absolutely beautiful um for a buck and a quarter you can't beat something like that it they're absolutely beautiful so we're going to finish putting those out today um along our sidewalk and yeah just go from there it's really warm here in Northern Indiana today we and yesterday was really really warm but man we've got the wind it's like holy cow so so windy but um yeah but it's beautiful it's nice to see um the warm weather but the we're going to maybe have some storms so the sun's been coming in and out today but yeah so I got some more of these uh chocolatey chip uh bear grams these go in my snack container at work so I got a package of those then I got some um bro Basics sponges to scrub my sinks with and then I really like these eye drops they work really well for me um so I picked a box up of those and then everybody's been hauling this new line and I was really happy to find it at my store so I got this one the dispensing dish brush it's soap dispensing replaceable head with Easy Clip technology soft touch dispensing and it's by simple made so I picked that up and then I picked this sink caddy up I thought this was really really cute to have and it's by simple made so that'll suction cup right to the sink and I think I picked another one of these up in another bag because I thought that'd be neat to section cup um in the shower you know you could put whatever you want in there in the shower and then I solve this this um is hand cuticle cream and it's by dermacell I love the dermacell brand I abs absolutely loved it it's shea butter and coconut oil so I picked one of those up and then at the Warsaw store I found these and I'm like I said I told Adam I said I've got to get every single one of them cuz there wasn't much left cuz I haven't been able to find it anywhere the only place I found this at is when we went to Fort Wayne um a few few weeks ago and I fell in love with it I have always liked the Bolero products and this is the uh Bolero refreshing oil infused moisturizing body wash and it's the watermelon and mint so I saw that they had it up on a top shelf and I'm like oh my gosh I got to pull that down so we pulled that down and I got one I got what they had left two and I don't know if there's another one in there or not there's three and then we saw they had this so I thought I'm going to grab it and you know try it this is the body scrub watermelon and mint by Bolero so I picked that up look at that how that's like offc centered so that must must have been part of the you know maybe part of why they didn't um yeah so I was able to get three three of these is all they had left and then I got three of these then and that's what they had left so or four is what I picked up and then I saw this this is by that Lonnie and this is face highlighter and bronzer so I picked this up excuse me I picked another one of these up to have on hand I use this each and every day like I said I wear makeup Monday through Friday I usually don't wear it on the weekend unless we're going out somewhere um but yeah I picked another one of those up oh what were these I don't remember these oh this was Body Oil I wanted to try this I thought this is refreshing Body Oil watermelon and mint and it's a little spray and this says apply generously to dry skin to give a radiant glow I'm going to try that I'm going to try that today cuz I am in shorts today so I did pick two of those up cuz I have not seen these anywhere are these new for this season or these last year's cuz I haven't seen them in my store or any other store I've been to so I was happy to see and then I picked uh these big gelocity um pins up I wanted to give them a try so now that I'm looking at them they don't look like they're full of very much ink so give those TR TR when I pick two of those up and then when I was at the doctor too on Tuesday I have um what they believe is arthritis in my knees um they're progressively getting worse and in my right knee I have actually had um I have went down on my right knee I two or three times years ago and the one time that I went down on it oh it was bad I was bruised from my kneecap all the way down to my toes and so I go to the uh I see the orthopedic doctor this Friday afternoon for X-rays and see what shows up in the x-rays and what they're going to do but in the meant time my doctor told me to get some um muscle some muscle cream in that so I was at the Dollar Tree and I thought I'm going to look at the Dollar Tree to see what they have and it's by care all and it's arthritis and muscle pain relief cream and let me tell this stuff works wonderful wonderful so I picked two up and I've know I've I've picked more up because this stuff oh my gosh I I sleep better because my knees usually hurt you know when you're getting in bed and you're trying to get comfortable in that this stuff has worked wonders for me I'm very grateful and then I found two more of these this is the floral lip gloss this is the B pure and this is with like the blue flower in it and then this one has the red the pink and this is the Mother's Day um says turn bottle upside down and shake before first use apply lip gloss on lips as often as desired so I picked those up those are from the Mother's Day line and then I haven't seen these forever and we found these in the wora store and I got two boxes of them I've got one out under my kitchen sink cuz I used a pack yesterday I used a tablet yesterday this is the dishwasher cleaner maximizes machine's performance fights mineral and lime skill deposits and so I picked two packages of these up and worked good like I said I used one yesterday and then up here I found another one of these cups my store got restocked in them so this color I did not have so I grabbed it I grabbed a pink one and I gave it to Kelly because these are really good cups I use one each and every day I have one at work I just I love them so if you see these again grab them for a buck and a coin you can't beat it and it's got the straw so the straw don't come out set that down there I needed a little tote um to do some little organization so I picked this one up I thought this was really pretty this is storage Essentials and I just really liked the color so I picked that up and then I saw these and I thought these signs were just so so cute and I had to get them excuse me I loved this one always be honest be kind be friendly just how you want to be treated these were in the te Teaching Tree section this one pro proceed with kindness I love that one and then I got this one kindness starts here I had to get them I I said you can hang these up anywhere because you know what we all need to be reminded to spread that kind this um I'm just going to start grabbing bags now I needed a buffer for my fingernails so I picked one up and then this is amazing that the Dollar Tree carries these um these are the AG13 LR44 alkaline Button cell batteries these are are the kind of batteries that the um candles take that I hauled so if you're looking for them be sure to check out to see if your Dollar Tree has them so we picked up two to have on hand I picked up these I thought these were good these are color point they have a built-in sharpener four mechanical pencils and different colors I thought to use for my CR cross my word searches that I do some more of the sve Tropical Paradise deodorant I love this brand I love it and I love that scent so good and I picked another one up and then these are so cute I saw shy town girl haul these and so I know I have some more back in the bags but they're so cute these are sticky note sets and they're by jot so you open them up and you've got the different kinds of sticky notes to use aren't those cute so there's that one and then this one is so cute it's got the strawberries on it look at that so cute so I picked those up and I know I have more back here in a B oh this was an awesome find I saw at the Dollar Tree um these are precut parchment paper and you get 25 I use these a lot especially at the holidays um when I'm baking cookies and so I picked two packages up cuz I haven't seen those in a long time so I thought I'm going to pick those up and another one of my favorites is these worlder original original sugarfree caramel coffee so I picked three bags up and then another container of the bear grams for the snack uh Bin I the one for work and then I got one for here at home I'm just going to glb I hope you're all doing well yes I do oh and then I got these because I have never seen these um they must have been always sold out by the time I saw them so I went ahead and grabbed them I'm going to put these up in the closet for Trenton's graduation next year but these are a beach ball and it's got the graduation hats on it and everything and so I got them because they're in red white and blue Trenton school colors are red and white so I picked three up to have and I'm going to put those away for his graduation next year oh and then I got more I got this uh seal brush from simple made you can put this twist to remove um you can put the soap in there so I got one of those oh and and then I got another one of these Globe pins I think these are so cute so that's going to go in my novelty pin container oh I got two more of the eye drops to have allergy season is upon us and then I just thought these were so cute and I know a lot of you know I'm letting my hair grow out and I just thought these were too cute these are Bobby pens look at those look at those aren't they beautiful so I got those and then I got this mirror I had hauled the um purple and I think the pink but I didn't haul the blue so I went ahead and I picked the blue one up of these this is a compact mirror um yeah so I just think those are so handy I'm going to put this one in my purse oh oh and then I picked this one up the bottle brush this one I found over um in the baby section cuz I always walk down every aisle at the Dollar Tree and so I did find that one so be on the lookout they may not all be together in your store but I did find that in the baby section I got another one of these to keep and put up cuz I just thought for a buck and a quarter you you just can't eat that oh and then I got some sugarfree mints I really like these mints those will go in my purse I already broke into them oh yes I did get another one of these cuz like I said I'm going to put it in the shower and then these I already have these I have this set in my uh sink but I bought more just to have and what I like about these is they have the little like handle that you can pull them up so yeah I picked up another one of those I've seen that they've had different shapes I've seen people haul um different styles of those oh here's another one this is a different type of bottle brush so I got that okay those are those I got these little uh what are they called funnel set so I got one of those oh and I got these I thought these were cute too these are hair clips and look at those aren't those so cute with the seashells I absolutely love the seashells I got stuff everywhere I know Adam was like oh my gosh you've got so many bags I'm like I know I need to do a video I got behind when I got sick so I got these the Armen Hammer ESS Essentials kids face and body wet lives I thought for me have on hand put in the car some uh reach floss dental floss it's always nice when you find the name brands and then here's the bag I found more of these in so I showed you that one already look at this one says be happy save the turtles be kind it's got a um look at all that on the back it's got like an avoc Vado or rainbow and then this is the inside of the notes so that's cute and then another strawberry this one is just kind of I thought was different and neat and these are by jot amazing products that we know and love at the Dollar Tree and then did I yeah and then this one I just thought these were so cute oh oh this is soap I love this Delta is it yeah it's Delta home soap I absolutely love it I love the uh eucalyptus I love it and they had this one yesterday and this is Cactus flow and this smelt so good so I picked three of these up to have we're getting there I picked up another one of these makeup brushes I love these makeup brushes you know use it and then pitch it because for a buck and a quar and you know me with makeup brushes another one of those love this then I have never had anything like these and I thought I'm going to pick these up because you get two in a pack and they are the taco stand and so I picked two up and red never had them have to make tacos one night this week oh see I've picked a bunch of this up while I've been in stores two more this I was so happy to find the I have used the dermacell face cream forever forever forever forever I use it when I put it on with my foundation so and this is oil free I love it it's the new packaging they even have it with the price on it but I absolutely love dermisil you cannot go wrong with deril and then what's my last oh I saw this and this is one of the shades I wear every every day as my blush um it's a highlighter and it was from the LA Colors just vibing line and so I picked it up I'm going leave my glasses on and it's always out so I picked that up that was my super long Dollar Tree haul everyone I hope you've enjoyed it um this is everything that I have had probably for a week and a half now I just didn't get to it last week with having the stomach bug and thank you to everyone for all of your well wishes H why I was sick cuz oh that was rough rough rough um so yeah thanks for watching I just appreciate each and every one of you um if you're new think about tapping that subscribe button and then hitting the Bell so you get notifications when I post the video and I also let everyone know on my community Community page that I do have an address now that you can mail things to if you uh wish to um so yeah and I'll have that link posted down below too thank you everyone for watching have a great rest of your Sunday hope you all have a great work week um and try to stay healthy I know it's hard but thank you all for watching and I have a Ross and a Marshall's haul that I am going to combine together um that I want to bring to everyone so I'm going to work on getting that one done too so thank you everyone bye-bye
Channel: Widowed Mom Raising 2 Sons
Views: 1,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SYEnMWg1cmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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