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all right y'all we're at another Dollar  Tree store over here in Texas let's check   this one out I'm so excited about  this one let's go see what they have just $2 million and you going to give us up like all right y'all so we're in another  Dollar Tree got my basket who this this   one is huge okay so starting over here  you got all the Kool-Aid pops going on   looks like they're going to get ready  to start setting the back to school so   that is going to be awesome I can't  wait to see all the back to school supplies all right so you still  got some summer funct prodcts going on the 4th of July area I'm having fun in Texas y'all Texas is nice everybody is so friendly out here too all right let's check out this  let's switch the hand basket up and   get a cart let's go this route looks  like we might be finding some name Ras Bo in the makeup area and they got their  Dollar Tree plus right next to the makeup area over here is all their dental hygiene now so time to pick up all the  toothbrushes Dollar Tree is like fully   stocked with name brand toothbrushes every dollar  tree that I go to I'm seeing like some great great   name brand to brushes at all Dollar Trees so Now's  the Time to pick it up it looks like the sock area   is another place that we need to go you've got the  Spider-Man socks these are the two packs for three   which are really nice actually I'll just go ahead  and put it back for them oh actually they're over   here we're going to turn you around and look  at the Dollar Tree plus area what a collagen   seash shot skin clo what Texas is this how y'all  staying young like this y'all collagen seash shots   sugarfree orange ginger wow that is amazing all  right so coming over here is the first aid area I still got my list going there's a  couple items we're still looking for   we're still going off of whatever  we find that's cute you know that part all right let's look over here okay so  coming over here in the plus area those are   where the two packs of the $3 socks are  so you got the teenage mut Ninja Turtles   the Spider-Man one you could also follow me  on my Instagram and see them over there and   then this one is the Lun tun ones and then  they've got Pac-Man and there's a couple   other ones that they have too for $3 now coming  over here is all the different razors that they have oh wow look at this brand modest  brought out modest basic that's a new   package packaging it's pretty cool all right  L y'all let's keep on looking okay y'all now I   will let youall know every state so far that  I've been into the I onlyi Beauty dollhouse   makeup bar this set is selling out so fast so  just want to give you all the heads up if you   come across it you see something you like you  might want to just go ahead and grab it Texas   is full like do you all see they're deep with  how many they have they have a lot of these   in stock the last Texas store too had a lot  of those in stock which I was actually really shocked here's all the different bathroom   accessories so you got like the  hand towels you have the shower curtains here's their Dollar Tree plus area then here's the baby area all right let's look over here  okay so coming over here is all the   April bath and Spa and shower products  that they have I have a different face mask oh look at this glow up skin  care collection ooh this looks nice   okay you got a glow up toner this is  by beer this is huge too this bottle   yes please I'm going to go actually go ahead  and pick it up although I don't need any more   but that thing is huge how many oun four fluid  ounces y'all you also have the glow up night   moisturizing cream you get a two fluid ounce wow  and then look at this the glow up serum and this   one is a one fluid ounce that is a gorgeous set  for a125 and I'm going to go ahead and just scoop   them all up like I said the girl don't need no  more makeup or no more Beauty anything but brand   new how can you not grab these this is awesome  remember y'all This falls under the category on   my list whatever I find that's cute that's cute  let's go let's go ahead and just stick it in my cart yes please look it do you see this is  such a great size product yes now now this   set also works really good I've tried them all  they're amazing I still have some of the face   wash because I've been switching up my face wash  with a different one but it works so good so if   you're on a pinch you want to pick something  up like that I recommend it it's a really   nice um cleanser it's not too abrasive it's  very very nice um this is new look at these   y'all want some summer scents you got daily  defense this is a h rating coconut enr with   hibiscus oil this is a conditioner and then  you also have this pineapple papaya scented   extra Volume Shampoo you get a 20 fluid ounce  and then you got the matching conditioner yes   please thank you Dollar Tree that is awesome so  we are finding some really nice scores over here   the cleaning area and they also have the plus  area mixed up with the $125 cleaning supplies all right let's go check out their fruit  area next because it looks pretty full   looks actually really nice over there  and well let's first finish section all   right let's look over here wow y'all your  Texas Cleaning Supply area is on point so if yall want to see more videos  like this or me possibly coming to   your state or city please just give  this video a like possibly share it   with a friend or family member but this is  like definitely I'm loving this traveling   thing going to different stores and  seeing what y all have wait is this a125 is this I'm going to have to  ask cuz if that's a125 that's a deal okay y'all look at this shampoo you guys  got my pet's friend oatmeal enhanced shampoo   deodorizing you get a 16 fluid ounce for $125 now  coming over here y'all look at the puzzle they got that's pretty awesome and it's a 500 piece so this is your all toy area  in Texas you got a nice toy area all right let's look over here wow  you got all the nice Blind Bags going on   right here all the little figurines  you got at the Dollar Tree plus area you guys also have a lot of new posters in  stock look at these no way these are actually   pretty cool so you got ride the wave they are 24x  36 in keep it going you've got this guitar and you   have the all the different like astrology signs  you also have Next Level gamer and then like a   corkboard with all kinds of cool little stickers  this is also new I haven't been everywhere but is   on my list that is so true friends forever  everything starts with dreams it does with   a dream it say dare to be different and then no  one else is you and that is your superpower that   is so true and be brave and go on an adventure I  love these These are actually really really cool okay y'all looking down your food  aisle you got these nice sprinkles   oh Wilton look at that green frosting  spray yes please that's $125 great   for Christmas time great for the  holidays nice y'all Texas you are busing Okay so a lot of this stuff is not supposed  to be on my wish list now we're starting to go   obsess with Dollar Tree products cuz none of  this stuff is on my wish list and you'll see   y'all see that's not on my wish list so yeah  we're breaking rules over here we're breaking   rules look at they also have the Sparkling  Ice Starburst orange flavor that is pretty awesome the store is definitely really close clean   really nicely stocked yall  see how your guys's aisle looks so we're going to go ahead and just walk   this area really quick so  this door is really nicely clean then your freezer aisles all right let's go take a look at another area  y'all okay you guys got some cute tote bags   going on all different sizes all right y'all  here's the wow you guys got a lot of nylons   in stock that is pretty awesome you got a  lot of different PS massaging foot covers look at how cute these socks are you guys  got going on those are so cute for $125   you also have some nice copper care socks  those actually really work don't sit on   those those are really amazing and then  you've got some nice shirts going on over here some gloves different stuff like that for  $125 okay over here is is all the different hair accessories how's everybody doing  today I hope you're all doing well   and amazing finding some major scores in Texas all right okay y'all so we're going to  go ahead and start ining this shop with me at   this location yall have some good stuff over  here this is all the photo frames that they got oh we're already putting Halloween stuff  out oh my gravy yes yes yes so we're seeing   the Halloween signs for five the porch signs  and then I'm seeing what are these 20 count   glass LED lights for $3 oh there we go we're  sending to see look pumpkins y'all for $3   those are actually really cute yes and then  oh Lord that there you go look right there y'all and then you got the scarecrows in they're  starting to really oh look at all these y'all so t   you're the ones holding out with  all the cute decorations and wall   creation signs how cute those are coming over here brass wreath Rings you have in stock and  then look at all the fabulous pics y all got so   you're a little more ahead of everybody right now  with the fall stuff that's super awesome you guys   got a lot of the wall cre wallpapers these are so  cute and then I'm seeing like the pumpkin gors and   these little pumpkin signs we're actually going  to get more into detail when they put them out more so Texas Texas you're a little ahead   of everybody else with your  fall stuff you got some cute stuff that little acorn look at how cute that sign is That's So Cute all right y'all let's go  check out the craft area real quick okay so coming down y'all teacher  Corner area and the crafting area all right let's take a look over here  y'all okay y'all so we're going to go   ahead and officially end the shop with me  over here in this area which is the crack supplies looking really nice over [Music] here oh how cute are these stickers right here   these are the Moco stickers  those are really cute the little pandas those are so cute some little  zebras some horses with glasses and some pandas all right coming over in this area  oh they've got the mixins for the resin kits all right Texas thank you for having me all here  you all be blessed now and if you guys want to   see more videos like this please make sure you  are subscribed hit the post notification Bell to   let you know anytime I upload any future videos  with that being said thank you guys so much for   having me as your holler to I hope you guys have  a blessed and amazing day and if you want to see   more videos like this please make sure you are  subscribed and hitting the post notification Bell   so with that being said y'all be blessed and I  will see you all in my next video see you all real   soon here's also all the different Yarns that you  all have so you got some good selection going on f
Channel: Tamara’s Bargains
Views: 8,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollartree, DollartreeTexas, Texas, Roadtrip, Travel, Dollartreefinds, Namebrand, Namebrandfinds, Namebrandforless, New, Newdollar
Id: pNO3ElfNoNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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