5 Steps To Set Up Mix in Dolby Atmos in Pro Tools (Mac Only)

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hey what's up everyone my name is young today i'm going to share with you how i upgrade my setup to mix in dolby atmos in pro tools okay guys before we start the first thing you need to decide on is either upgrade your setup to depth short for adobe atmos production suite or dems adobe atmos mastering suite the biggest difference here is that dabs is a single system workflow meaning your doll and the renderer are on the same mac where dams work on a multi system you need a separate machine to run the renderer regardless it's on dapps or dams the workflow stays the same in this tutorial i'll demonstrate how to set up depths for free in only 5 steps and start working in atmos right away first step we go to adobe website and download a 90 day free trial of adobe atmos production suite software and a music panner plugin i'll put a download link in the description box down below after installing the software we'll launch the dolby renderer software please launch it before opening pro tools now we will go to the renderer software and start setting up so first thing first we'll go to the preferences of the software and then we'll set up everything before we start and so first thing first audio driver we want to be on core audio and the second thing you will do is basically set up the audio input device to adobe audio bridge this is based on we're using the method called adobe audio bridge meaning receiving incoming signal to this software to this renderer through adobe audio bridge and then the audio output device i want to go to whatever the output device i'm doing right here and because i work from home and i don't have the surround setup i'm going to actually just connect it to a pair of headphones and then i can start some mixes as soon as i'm ready to move on to the next stage i can go to adobe certified atmos music studio to finish my mix right there the external sync source because i just did an upgrade on adobe atmos renderer for the people who just download the latest version which is the um 3.7 if you already have the 3.7 this option is actually grayed out you cannot choose any other option this is the only way you can transmit your simply time code and the input channel here we just have to make sure that follow along with whatever channel you will be sending to i'll put it on 129 default so far and then the frame braids adobe has recommended for music users to keep everything at 24 frames per second and then sample rates um for the 8k hertz and then the next thing will be to the headphone mode and make sure the headphone processing stays on and then the render mode will be binaural before we do anything we'll go ahead and go to pro tools so right now we're in pro tools and there's a couple things we need to set up before we can start the playback engine now we should select to adobe audio bridge basically we're sending the signal from pro tools going into the audio bridge and then through that audio bridge go into the adobe atmos renderer and so now they can do all the calculations and all the renderer in real time and then send it to your monitoring system okay after this we're gonna go ahead and set up the peripherals so under setup peripherals and then you can see if you are a pro tools ultimate user you will see the last tab here is adobe atmos and then we have to enable this so now we have the connection here so if anyone see the status light is blinking meaning that you have to actually go in here and choose your machine and if you work in a single system that's the only thing that you see but if you work on a separate system then you will see like a separate machine here okay after we set up the playback engine and the peripherals will go to the i o setup you can see here now i have my old setup for my stereo mixers i'll go ahead and delete all of the path here and then i'll import a settings from so after you install the software you will have all of the presets for io settings and session templates which is really nice and today we're going to select the adobe atmos renderer the audio bridge stereo go ahead and select it and now you can see we have all the setup here we have the 10 channels of the bed which is for traditional surround sounding formats and we have objects from 11 to 128 we have 118 objects to play with and now i notice here the mapping to the output box is not selected so we're going to fix it right now before we start so we're going to go ahead and highlight all the objects okay the same time we're going to hold down shift option command and then click on one of the mono boxes and now all of our objects are mapping to the right renderer input cool and then now we hit ok create new session we'll call it atmos setup and you can see here you can actually create it from a template and it's a very nice template but it's very overwhelming so i'm actually going to start blank the resolution will be 24 bit bit rate k herz sample rates and then we'll leave it at interleaved for the stems and location desktop is perfect so we're gonna go ahead and create and then now you can see everything is blank and then we'll go ahead here we're gonna select the objects so now we can see the object options right on the sidebar so we will go ahead and then import some of these stamps prepared for apple's mix now what i want to do is actually assign of the i o to the 7.1.2 bit meaning that if i carry this session to any other rooms if the room has surround settings and automatically everything will fit into the correct channel if i will use object for instance all i need to do is go ahead here and then select the object channels i want to use if i hit the bus here now this channel turns into an object this can be toggled on and off then i can just drag it around anywhere i want it to play in this 3d environment there's also a couple of things we need to set up before we can start mixing so i'll go ahead and create two mono tracks and then one of them is the ltc remember the simply time code that we're setting up in the renderer earlier so now we have to actually put adobe the adobe ltc generator on this track okay you can see the frame rate here is 30 frames per second which is not the same as our frame rate in the renderer so go ahead and change that which is under settings sessions and then we'll go ahead and change all of that to 24. okay now the settings 24 meaning we can sync it up we want to send this to our ltc channel right here one thing we can test it here if we play here and you can see the time code here is running meaning that we are in sync we're locking this is great and then in surround sound there's a channel called lfe which is the very low sub signal going into the subwoofers go ahead and create a mono extract this is gonna be for my um lfe channel i have this channel i'm gonna save it um and then go ahead i'll put a um actually a channel script and i'm gonna carve the signal from the high pass filter to 20 change the slope to 24 db per octave and then the low pass filter to 120 hertz and then slope to 24 decibel per octave right now i have a carved signal meaning that i'm only sending this range of frequencies into my ffv channel so that everything is very clean and controlled and then also the output of this of course i'm gonna go into the lfe channel okay cool so if you notice here there's also lfe channel that can be sent to meaning that you can actually assign any stamps you want to the lfp channel i like to do it this way just because i will have more control of what kind of processing i want to put on the lyv channel and in the future tutorials i'm actually going to show you guys how to properly mix and then how to properly deliver your final master file you
Channel: Yang Tan Produces
Views: 1,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dolby Atmos, Music Production, Mixing, Spatial Audio
Id: lSXefCJWnes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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