Doja Cat - Kiss Me More (Official Video) ft. SZA
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Channel: dojacatVEVO
Views: 22,769,942
Rating: 4.9241581 out of 5
Keywords: doja cat, sza, kiss me more, doja cat kiss me more, doja cat sza, doja, kiss me more video, new doja cat, new sza, planet her, doja cat planet her, streets, doja streets, say so, doja cat rules, tia tamera, kiss me more lyrics, doja cat juicy, hot pink, sza good days, broken clocks, hit different, drew barrymore, sza the weekend, all the stars, supermodel, doja cat live, sza live, doja cat tiktok, new pop, new r&b, silhouette challenge, Doja
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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This is yet another case of when a music video elevates a song for me. When I first listened to Kiss Me More I liked it, but I didn't love it. Now, after listening to the song a few more times and finally watching the music video, I do.
Vocally, the track reminds me of Doja Cat's earlier music, which was more downtempo, dreamy R&B (see Purrr!, 2014) rather than Rap and Dance-Pop, but production-wise, it sounds like a step into the right direction coming from Hot Pink. It's almost like she took the Dance sound of Say So, which she became mainstream with, and added more of her early days essence to it. Pink Doja from this music video actually reminds me of blue Doja from the So High one.
I'm biased here, because I'm a fan of both SZA and Doja, but I honestly love the song now and these visuals only collaborated for that to happen. I love their verses and vocals, SZA's especially, they both looked absolutely gorgeous individually and together in every single shot, and the treament and overall concept for this music video just feels right. And it smells like bubble gum and cotton candy too.
Last, but not least: I commend Doja for picking that Asian model to be their love interest here. Not only is he handsome and deserved to be in the music video, but Asian men are rarely considered for anything in the entertainment industry, almost never get picked for their looks and this puts him and hopefully other Asian models in the spotlight.
this is EXACTLY what i wanted from planet her, chilled out funky r&b. the music video is STUNNING and starts this era off great. really excited for what she has next!
this is easily a top 3 doja mv for me and it might just be #1, helps that the song is fantastic too
SZA just kills all of her features!! I think they work so well together: visually, sonically, vibes-ually itβs all working fah me
Really love that there is a representation for Asian men here and in a "sexy, attractive" role - it's really important
As a bisexual guy the mv was... visually overwhelming to put it lightly lmaoooo the song is fire too. New Brockhampton and Doja+SZA? The gays, RCA, Popheads, HHH (and Playstation from the super obvious product placement) are all eatin today
I can see why Doja was tired of Hot Pink's stale ass, this is fantastic and I'm so excited for Planet Her! The visuals are off the chain and this is a summer bop (gives me funk wave calvin vibes)
also what is SZA's skin routine I need my skin looking that good
Edit: His name is Alex Landi
is it just me or is the mixing on the video version, like, bad? sounds way better on spotify for me.
Alex Landi is so fwine MY GAWD!!
Also I'm definitely gonna abuse that "shut up!" snippet at the end