Doja Cat - Boss B tch | Choreography by MIJU | Girlish Class LJDANCE | 안무 춤
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Channel: LJ Dance
Views: 26,117,690
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Keywords: 성남댄스학원, 서현댄스학원, 엘제이댄스스튜디오, ljdancestudio, 댄스팀lj, 댄스팀엘제이, lastjewel, 금순이금돌이, 낙타길, 이상길, nactagil, 분당댄스학원, ljdance, 엘제이댄스, Dance, Cover, 안무, 댄스, 춤, dance, 커버, cover, 위례댄스학원, 수원댄스학원, 용인댄스학원, 수지댄스학원
Id: wmkz53V_Lfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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