The Evolution of Dance - 1950 to 2019 - By Ricardo Walker's Crew
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Views: 51,886,062
Rating: 4.9484749 out of 5
Keywords: Ricardo Walker, Ricardo Walker's Crew, The Evolution Of Dance, Evolution, Michael Jackson, Billie Jean, Thriller, Vogue, Madonna, Despacito, Justin Timberlake, Uptown Funk, Bruno Mars, Ragatanga, Dance, Dança, Evolução da Dança, Psy, Gangnam Style, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Black or white, Single Ladies, Beyonce, Janet Jackson, Rhtyhm Nation, Footlose, Moonwalk, Crank that, Shuffle, Party Rock, Watch me, Old town road
Id: p-rSdt0aFuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Very cool video! Glad to see Michael Jackson was on there three times
Edit: Actually 4 times since Jackson Five are on there!
Their dancing is fine but their closets must be acres deep.
The stabilization on their heads gives a really bizarre effect. Like their faces are editted onto their bodies or something
Not exactly sure why single ladies came before n*sync, neat video in anyway.
During stayin alive did anyone else think the bloke at the front looked like he had a giant head/mask on.
Some devolution there at points
They are really good
They need to work on their syncronination.
Kinda lame that the last few songs were just Fortnite dances + popular music. A lot of other eras had actual dances to go with their songs.