Doja Cat being herself for 6 minutes (which is too cute and funny)

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who are you I am Doja cat I rap and I sing and I write music and I do stuff and stuff I'm gonna go with twerk because I can isolate my booty cheeks and I and I have fun doing that I do that in bed I do that [ __ ] in my sleep so Twerk oh my God I'm about to oh my God chill baby gonna need the wiener hey some of these [ __ ] need dick like she needed the wiener I don't know what her problem was that she wanted to come at me like that she probably needed the wiener can't trust the big butt and a Gemini I'm a Gemini oh oh you can't trust me oh that's what I'm saying I don't know if I could trust you like but how big are you are you you got like you get you working on it maybe I don't know I I don't even know what happened look if you got a big booty and you were Gemini at the same time it means something okay so maybe if I've got what a medium but yeah I don't hate vegans I just don't give a [ __ ] that you're vegan stop shoving it down my [ __ ] throat I don't care great what you're doing thank you for helping the cows and the stuff and the Ants and the [ __ ] fruit flies and [ __ ] that's great do that and I'm really happy for you keep doing it because I like animals but I also eat them um so I'm kind of conflicted what can you say about Paul Anka and samples that if I was in the 50s I would have I would have I probably would have hit he was fired like I would have I would have smashed I'ma go without my friends for a day because I don't have any friends you must have at least one drink nope almost those you got dude foreign [Music] [Music] yes I tried yes I tried to eat I love those times I give my my fries to you my hot fries my hot fries [Music] [Music] it's kind of political and [ __ ] you know I got a little political in it allegedly cows are farting right now and they are ruining the ozone this is not helping and me eating this don't do what I'm doing advice don't get drunk on Instagram live don't get drunk on Periscope don't do it bad idea what are we doing today what is your Vibe how are you feeling all right so so it's gonna happen I'm apart and then you sample that and you make all the percussion these out of my fart into okay but I can use my own drums I have to do some percussion with your farts yeah yeah you can call me a crackhead but I make more in a year than you will in 10 years so no if that's you asking me if I can pay your crack bill to know I don't know what song still don't know what song that's from I just know that I saw a Vine the other day and some like Indian girl was with her mom she was like this song and her mom was like and then she was like second [ __ ] dick us out and her mom was like suck a what [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I don't listen to her music but I definitely listen to her boobs fire Festival dude I want to be stranded on an island with no food and the [ __ ] sheet of cheese in Ja Rule maybe and a bunch of people I don't know fire Festival man no Coachella Coachella you guys they're not because I just took it really back she's not gonna get this mac Apple [ __ ] get it together I love you but love me back if I were an animal uh I'd be I feel like I wouldn't be a cat I'd be a cow I'm just kidding are your shoes and your pants are so cool together dude I love your outfit it's so good this top was like a huge distraction for me I would like go to hit the keys on the keyboard and like I'd have [ __ ] in my way like I literally can't function with this and I'm just like hitting the keys I'm like you know what I'm just gonna make a song about cows
Channel: Dosage of feelings
Views: 5,331,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X0WXU-m_Q6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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