Doing Iggy Azalea's Makeup

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hi sisters James Charles here and welcome back to my youtube channel as you guys can see we're done with a very special guest for today we're here in Atlanta working on a very special project a good little Sally Walker moment which what's really the project is make me prettier that's the real project he just doesn't know okay cool yeah so a few weeks ago on Twitter I woke up and you had tweeted James house doing a makeup talent because I guts I've been on a lot of like long-haul flights lately for 10-15 hours and so I started to watch videos on YouTube and I just got in this rabbit hole of watching your videos and I was like everybody looks so pretty when James does that makeup oh my god I love that I would look that pretty yes if he did my makeup like everyone knows and that's why I said like James Charles do my makeup challenge I was on the plane like I just want to know what I looks like the video that's so cool I said I was like girl let's do it cuz I love you I love your who's here I think you're so cool we're gonna talk about so many things in today's video but we're currently here on set because it first today we were actually shooting a geese album cover photo zombie making for that kind of fun kind of funky kind of rash and we have a very beautiful look planned so without further ado should we just jump right into this glass makeover on sister Iggy Azalea [Music] so I'm just off with a little bit of foundation that we're going to get a little concoction it going oh my god I am so excited that we were here today this photo shoot is going to be so much fun and the music video shoot already yesterday was it was a great time the thing that was my favorite thing about the video yesterday and about this look that we're about to do today is that it's new for me because I'm always so afraid of wearing eye shadow because I feel like I have not a lot of like lid space between my kind of my crease yeah yeah you do have small actual eye in black whenever I'm watching makeup tutorials I always feel like they do like a [ __ ] crease or things that happen on the lid and then I think well I can't do that because I don't have that much lid space so I don't really wear a lot of like colorful eye shadow looks or things like that even though I really like them you see them in pictures I see the picture and I think like well I won't look like that when I wear it because of my eyelid right I feel about it but then you did it yesterday I was like you know what I'm just gonna trust him if you say it can happen I believe you and we did like a full on smokey big red eyes so dramatic and I loved it I ended up getting so many compliments on this little picture that I posted yeah you could even see the make of it and people are already commenting you're like oh my god she's wearing oh my god am i an eye shadow girl now I I should have gone oh yeah say you've changed me oh my love you've left your mark on me oh so we're here in Atlanta together for the Sally Walker shoot which is your new song then is for when this video comes out going out in a week from week from now today yes exciting Fridays yes so next so it'll be out next Friday from this video it's honestly you guys such a buff literally when we were on site yesterday I was thinking up all day long it was stock if I had do you want to talk a little bit about Sally Walker and what the song kind of entails it like a little sister sleepy before comes out whenever people hear the song and I would play it for them they'd always say to me this is a strip club oh this is at work anthem like this is gonna go crazy in the strip club and I think probably would but obviously I love torquing but I just felt like that was too obvious I really wanted to do something unexpected and not twerk yeah and not anything that you would hear and think that it was yeah which I'm like somebody a [ __ ] dying yep you would not you know thinks I'm a dad I know but then make it me girls yes I love me girls yeah it's such a fun concept it was so fun even just being on set with you yesterday and working at the entire team like just the concepts and everything was so dope the thing that I love about music videos because I always do my own concert but I have been working with Collin who did the Sally Walker video with us yesterday for two videos now this is our third together okay and he just like adds the coolest little details that nobody would ever think about to the video that I'll get there on the damn day like this guy thought about every every but little thing yeah yesterday I saw they had the wreaths for your funeral home yes and he had actually got the wreaths made with the little sisters lace you know I didn't tell him to do that that wasn't my idea he just takes whatever your idea is and he just like makes it a whole universe where every little attention to detail is taken care of and it makes it feel so real yeah yes there was that first time ever actually being on a music video set before yeah I don't know why but it was so cool I would not have thought of that I know me either well I really want to get into music myself one day but yeah it was a really fun one tail was always that big I'm just thankful I'm just think no we actually got there in the first place oh my god I was freaking out because I got a text message at like 11:00 11:30 oh yeah late saying that he's stuck in a storm in New York so we were traveling in New York because I just did Good Morning America which was so much fun and had a few meetings and film with Nightline and I did that entire day in New York on two hours of sleep right so my manager and I were we finally got to the airport so I had here to Atlanta because the shoot was the next morning and after waiting in the airport for six hours of flight delays we finally got a note that it was canceled at almost midnight and I called eggie eggie he's like no we're putting you on a car right now to get you to Washington and then we're gonna get a private jet from Washington to Atlanta and I was like okay it was so crazy to make matters even worse literally after a four-hour car ride we get to the airport and I'm like hi we're checking it first 6:30 flight to Atlanta and she's like oh that flight isn't flying out of this Airport and I was like oh that's actually at the other Washington Airport that's 40 minutes away yeah so don't be home due to the other airport and guess who must have played this one so it was a really bad a few hours but I knew how to get you out of there because I've been stuck in New York in crazy storms so many times like hurricane levels where there's not even power in the buildings and I'm like oh get out of here let's go that's always be in my entire team really I don't understand the issue good y'all from New York yeah you know I grew up in New York so I avoid traveling to New York at all costs and I probably will not have you even went if it weren't for this shoot oh that's funny something even worse a little bit but I do like Australia where I'm from a lot of people think that I hate it I don't I like it but I never I don't really like to go back I like it's not for me young time yeah like I would love to take a vacation there I would recommend anybody go and visit I really like it and it's my favorite place on earth yeah it's really nice the food's really fresh weather's beautiful in summer rust it's pretty clean I like I like a lot of the beaches are great my family lived there but I would just never be able to live there because it's too slow paced for me yeah and it's not ridiculous at all but you did grow up there in Australia why did you move to the US when I was 16 oh wow love that okay yeah so remember a long time reonardo a [ __ ] doing music when you were trying yes okay okay cool so was it hard just because I feel like not a lot of people for some reason like I don't know that many people that made it babe from Australia so I'm sure it made a lot of sense for you to move LA and pursue music well I moved to Miami first yeah for a little while less than you didn't like that one okay and then I lived in Atlanta where we are now we are like two or three years and then I moved to LA yeah now I moved back here but I've been all around LA was kind of like right when I was on the brink of about to get signed yeah and I had somebody that worked at a major record label hit me up on YouTube where I saw was it can stuff and he was like so I am a totally legitimate person that works at a record label I'm dating this girl who's a flight attendant who's from Australia and I asked her who is she into because she's a big fan of music that isn't signed he was an A&R and randomly this girl that I don't know a day in my life said that she likes my music and she liked to watch my music on YouTube and so he messaged me off that that's so moving yeah he was like I'm an A&R and he legitimately was and I was like I don't really believe this person yeah always uh-oh and he flew out to Atlanta like totally legit um he worked for UNESCO I wasn't good enough to get a record oh but I think he just thought that was something about it that could maybe work yeah he's at attention yeah so I went to LA on that trip for a week and I met these producers that I ended up making like [ __ ] and my first mixtape with Leon down the line and I just like clicked with them straightaway and I was like you know what I'm one of those people that just loves to like do crazy spontaneous things yeah let's just do it same that's why I was like get in the car J yeah let's go let's go I think I always worked the same way yeah like I like to do stuff like that so it appealed to me even though I was really happy living in Atlanta to be like this is like a crazy roller coaster maybe this could end up being the right thing so what made you like get into music in the first place especially like rock - well I don't know why I love rap the most I guess everybody has their like favorite and style right and there's not really much reasoning to why you like what you like in terms of that I just always liked to rap music I thought it was cool Yanis but I like pop music too but I never I'm I can't sing oh hey but I really liked writing music on writing Lehrer so writing poetry stuff like that yeah I was like well I can't sing but I think I can write so yeah if no I some people might say that's no common sense I think they're pretty good hey enough people like them so you still do write your own music right I write with other people but yeah I write on every single song on my last album which was so long ago now unlike pop hooks and stuff like that which led to be collaborating with like a lot more like write is in the room where there might be like four or five people and we're trying to think of a big pop book and then I go and work on my verses and another day another time how many people here but this process of this album has been like completely almost like when I would do mixtapes like I haven't had maybe two writers the whole time the majority of the time it's just me and jy it's sitting there with engineer he's the producer yes he's the bass when I was signed to a major label and I had one song which was fancy that ended up working that had a pop hook I just got pushed so much to make more of them was gonna ask who you left your label recent waits who with that yeah we talked about that yeah we can talk about it okay so that's crazy because like I obviously we have wanted to pursue music for a little bit it's like one of my biggest passions and obviously when you were are talented at something you either have like a label or an agency almost everybody has representation in that field so I thought I actually thought it was really cool that you laugh because I don't have an agency either you don't need one anymore no we're doing a okay ourselves I feel like it's true but do you want to talk about why that happened and like how is it your life and music to change cents I know that it wasn't a good fit anymore for really the last like two or three years because they just wanted things to still be so pop inclined right and I just didn't feel I felt like that was very stagnant and not I really wanted to kind of do anymore I didn't really want to write songs like that anymore so now they're gone you would say your have a lot more freedom to really release the music that you want to one I have the freedom to lease whatever I want to yeah but then also I felt like I wanted to be the owner I didn't want to be the worker and being in that deal and signed to a major for most people at least for me it didn't involve me like earning the masters to my music right on top of the fact that I was having to creatively Bend in ways I didn't like or fight with people and then we don't have a good relationship because I'm always like no I don't want to do that I don't want to do that I don't want to do that to wear it it's like when you're saying no no no no no to someone all the time it's not a good relationship yeah so what does it break up process usually how long would you say it takes to get ready it takes me about an hour to do my makeup same and then I have to do my hair which I can't do I have to call for help okay okay but my makeup I just wear the same thing every single time yeah oh I bought this the other day the morphe styling spray and it was good so mom I like the continuous mist it gives yeah I seriously bought this because of you dreams I like that your beauty gear in the making coming for the job so let me tell you what five colors I feel I can put on my face here this one ring light oh this one campus this one sister this one face and then this one wig the end oh this one cuz I do my eyeliner with teeth and those are the only colors that I know how to use okay I don't know how to use anything it's okay it's the thought that car yeah I know the boring colors what's cuz the reasons why I wanted to create the palette to that has a lot of neutral wearable colors and it along said of all the rainbow colors too but yes the whole point of the palette is unleashing your inner artist everyone has an artist with a ton a designs really fine and I figure out what works for them so the whole point of the palette that you can buy it no matter what your skill level is of makeup and have every single color in there to create whatever look you want and to I like having the more neutral colors mixed in with the rainbow colors so even if you're playing with a more neutral wearable look maybe you'll see a color I'd be like I want to little pond today I want to get inspired so it pushes on another kind of play around because maybe I am going to buy a bunch of my eyeshadow I probably wouldn't buy rainbow because I'd be like when am I gonna wear blue but it's all right yeah all right guys so we're gonna start off Aggies eyeshadow tonight now for this look we wanted to go with a blue smokey eye which I was so excited for because on yesterday's that we did a bright red and it was so much fun it was one of your first was ever actually wearing eyeshadow call it a color eyeshadow well you asked about I think it really was the first time that I've ever won like a puppy color that's socially like I said I only people who ever do these colors right I'm sold on that I get to play with this with you today okay so we're gonna go with blue because is that for the album cover is going to be blue you guys will have seen the photo by the time that this video comes out I'm just gonna grab an M at four five six brush and dip into a whole lot in the bottom row and we're going to start packing this on the outer V to form a little wig so you like I would be so scared about I am scared of that but it's fine because you're in good hands so you are one of the Queen's of wrap and you're released so many iconic songs what is it like being a female at such a male-dominated industry it's awesome yeah actually I like it more yeah I think one of the reasons why I wanted to rap was because of that and it's not because I don't like other girls or anything I actually love girls it was because I felt like it was so bad ass to be like I'm doing a job that a boy does when I was younger when I was a teen I started getting into like writing my own rap songs and having this idea that I wanted to rap and that that's what I wanted to do when I was about 13 or 14 oh well so you've known for a long time yeah but it just always really appealed to me because there weren't a lot of women doing that thing I played soccer and I was a kid which now a lot more girls play but back then it was kind of like that too that was like this is a boy sport so I'm gonna like I want to do it because I want to be a strong girl and I want to be like a badass and I want to do stuff that you wouldn't think a girl would do but I was always really girly I wasn't a tomboy or anything right I listen to the Spice Girls but uh but I just I don't know that just appealed to me so I kind of think I love that even though I there's a part of me now as a grownup that thinks like we should have more women doing this and we should have more representation of different voices or different types of women you know like right we need that but there's still that like little kid of me a little part of me that little girl it's like I kind of love that I'm one of only a couple of girls that are kind of like they're killing you have the balls enough to come and like paying and do this and take the fact that it isn't easy that there's a lot of guys right I mean yeah it's even the same way for me it cuz I'm a male and I NFV and I actually which is also equally as cool and I have so much respect for my female counterparts but it's really awesome to be one of the few that are really killed in the industry and being able to inspire young kids especially young boys afterwards like express themselves it's like literally my favorite part of the entire job that I get the same thing when I actually just travel to the UK a few weeks ago and this one newscaster was like doing an interview about me talking about how we shut the city down and learning the whole interview was I don't even know who he is her co-host was like well you did a beautiful makeup we don't know about him and she's like no that's because I take advice from a woman not a man by the truth like she really does have them they're off face because if you have a face than you probably qualify to take makeup tabs I was like that makes no sense it was like it was so done why does it have to be a woman's face it's so stupid do you still deal with a lot of the hate and backlash towards being a woman in the industry all the time because I feel like there's always like drama and like the female around community but I thought you do a really good job of staying out of that I do now yeah I didn't for me I felt like the drama for me was always more about the fact that I'm from Australia than me being a girl but that definitely is that element and like it's an additional layer there are many layers to the drama right that's what I was saying having a vagina is just one of many ways I love rap drama right I feel like I just couldn't really be bothered yeah to be honest with you which sounds like cliche it really does and it's not even like I think I'm headed on a know something necessarily I think once you get in a position where maybe you're successful or you kind of like understand the inner workings oh yeah motivations of certain stuff even when it's not my own drama that I'm a part of I find myself less interested because I don't even know if it's real yeah drama or if it's you've got a single coming out next week and a lot of the time yes I'll get I or in the past I have gotten invested in whatever the narrative is that I might think is entertaining not even two pertaining to me right Oh who's having gossip what's it what to who would know well I mean I'm reading every article like I'm running everything and then it's like you know a music video comes out five days later and I'm like I'm actually booboo the fool right now yeah like buying into this room so I don't know I kind of like feel that I don't really care so much about that anymore I'll give it my energy as much but I'll still troll random people online like I notice that you definitely do like to reply to people on Twitter every once in a while but that's different cuz that's just a little like your dumb [ __ ] drama aside is there anybody that you do want to clown that you really like right now well I kind of want to work with Becky G because one I think that she's so hot all of a sudden she's like a woman and I'm like wow she's really hot and two I was supposed to work with her way back in the day and she sent a song over and everything you know but she was a teenager then and I didn't do it because I have this thing where I don't really like to work with people that are in that like teen kind of a inch range just because my musics always been so like [ __ ] [ __ ] vagina it's work that it was like I just don't know how that could translate fit together that was why it was not that I ever thought like I heard the song never think and I just was like this is good I just don't know that this works who would you say are some of your biggest role models in the music industry or in general I really like Missy Elliott everybody really knows that but the reason why I like her is because I just feel like her legacy is so untainted like there are a lot of people that are great that I really like or look up to but in this day and age I don't like what they're doing or I'm not into it or not filling the music or I don't live for the looks right anymore but I lived for the Old Stone like but Missy Elliott I kind of just still live for her every day so I'm gonna cut your inner corner now just we did yesterday I'm very like drag pulled out okay do we like that yes wait what does this do so we put that white on her inner corner to yesterday and it gave you the like the brightness right there but it also opens up your eyes we can have appear bigger and since we put it on the inner corner and round it out it pulls a lot more yeah suddenly my eyeballs were bigger yeah like it looks like a face tunes and I was like aha when you're not setting time in the studio what do you like to do for fun in my free time I usually I ride horses that's what I really do really I think I like to do something that's like active yeah in my free time instead of being like stuck in the house because I feel like I spend so much time in my house already to be honest with you kind of need an excuse to get out of my house it's not work-related right these eyelashes are way bigger eyelashes than I would ever do but they're working a lot of times people will put on the lash that's too big for their eye and without trimming it and if you put on the outer corner it can sag your entire eye downwards so you have to make sure you trim them to fit and then you can almost like lift it up in the end and that will give you that - see I always lift my eyelashes up a little bit higher than my lashline and other ends because I like that like it's funny because in my mind I always watch your videos on YouTube your tutorials and stuff and I've thought to myself sometimes like it would be so nice like James has so many fans men it would be so nice to be like James like anything that James does he has so many retweets and he has his fans are so crazy everybody thinks that we have mercy yeah like and then like when I'm like oh guess what James don't think I'm so excited be like you know why would you do that and I'm like oh my god maybe everybody's in the same situation people just like me maybe people just hey everybody and everybody hates everybody and everybody's a stupid kid yeah at the end of the day I think everybody does always have people that are gonna like that aren't gonna support but it's always important to focus on the people who are loving and are supporting and aren't looking for those issues because I always say like when people get mad over stupid stuff and they're like okay I'm following you I'm like bye please go I want to focus on the people who are listening to what I have to say and are thinking or what I'm trying to say and if I'm talk about something a little bit controversial they want to do some research and hear more about it instead of just instantly jumping to conclusions that's not somebody that I want following me anyway because it means it'll have a very good judge of character so it's like you're in the same boat and we'll be a-okay yeah I feel better knowing people hate you I think we look for negativity like in our lives about people judging us and we notice that more than we notice people being negative towards other people yeah when I'm looking at your videos I just see all the positive comments yeah and I don't really notice the negative things because they're not being said about me so I they don't like resonate with me my way somebody's negative comment about me would resonate and I've never even talked to anybody about that before so that's really cool that you even just said that like it's good to know that at least from the outside perspective of looking in I think you have five million fans everybody loves you I don't think people want to write me and stuff about you let me spin how I can make James Charles an [ __ ] that's in mine be surprised alright we're gonna go ahead and line eggies left using the colour-pop I love snotty lipliner in a kirby just for a little new to moment [Music] something inside me that just wants so badly to be like when you're doing my lipstick let's finish our last half which is going to be to bring back your walls please do I hate when people try to cover up my walls I love oh I have beauty marks all over my face too and I always try to bring them back I used to hate all of the little freckles and stuff out of my face except for these two but it's cuz when I was in school since primary school kids would always be like moly moly moly moly moly [Music] like be self-conscious about it but then I was like you know what people draw these on my moles gonna be like back here on them when I get old and I get a facelift it's gonna be like my mole will be back here - are we ready sister I get to do our last seven sisters set it in place so you're ready for this photo shoot I'm ready let's do it Sally Walker walking down the street she didn't know what to do so she jumped in front of me little Sally Walker walking down the street she didn't know what to do so she jumped in front of me Gong yes oh yeah yeah we just talked about the fact that I let you do my whole face of makeup and I do look in the mirror that's awesome let's see okay Oh oh my god yes you like it yes because the way that he did the makeup like this is what I have - Giggy I know you're watching watch this tutorial this is how you want your eyes to do it you can do it this is your face and he did it I love the way that you do the shape because it just makes it like my whole cheek and face looks smashed it just looks like sister snatched it looks like yes I love this I'm ready to go have my album cover now yes well sisters thank you so much watching this videos there's me and sister No thank you for the best time ever this was such a cool experience and I'm so excited future me too does that mean you're gonna do Yahoo I'm just one phone call away I really really hope you guys enjoy this video today and if you did it please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below and mean so much to me and also make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and come join this sisterhood we were fourteen million at sister Charlotte allowed to have you join the family also make sure to LIKE the Baloch on so you can go to vacation every time I upload a brand new video if you like to follow me and I makeup tourney can follow me in Twitter they're both the same Charles my snapchat more behind the scenes that stuff is genius Charles that extra ass after Charles holy crap where can they find you oh my god that was a rap verse James I know I know that's wise that I could be a rapper I speak so fast he just wrapped I can't say this fastest James but if you do want to check me out on Instagram it's at the new classic no thank you I don't know who about all the way post news search her on YouTube and also don't forget Nellie was coming out next week one week one week from right now also if you guys like the hoodie and the sister Iggy is wearing and my a brand new jumpsuit you can shop now at sister's apparel calm this video sister said it goes it's a serve Organa thank you so much love for always falling in supporting nor I love you little you so so so much and if you like to the next videos sister shadow don't forget to always we release they go like on Twitter and all certain of my YouTube hosted a vacations for your career I'm gonna be the rapper you just need to get a little be in there just get a drum pad yeah you better watch out girl I'm coming I'm a researcher so thank you so much watching this videos today thank you so much to hope you guys enjoyed this video I love you so much and we will see you in the next one go walking down the street she didn't know what to do so she jumped in front of me little Sally Walker walk-in down the street she didn't know what to do so she jumped in front of me the gun go Bo bang
Channel: James Charles
Views: 14,303,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james, james charles, makeup artist, mua, covergirl, coverboy, cute, jeffree star, manny mua, easy makeup, how-to, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, beauty tips, hacks, beauty, iggy azaela, sally walker, fancy, black widow, doing iggy azaela's makeup, album cover, cardi b, nicki minaj
Id: Fgr_xoab7q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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