DogDay Caught a CatNap...šŸ˜± - Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Animationā”ƒComic dub

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oh I think I really like you too you're such a cute bunny oh my gosh you crazy thing what are you talking about Kiki you're making me blush hi crafty you look stunning today how are you feeling what's up oh my gosh thank you for the compliments Kiki that's so kind of you ah damn it kein why the hell are you hitting on that stupid horse what an idiot you are ah don't worry bunny keep is just a boasting fool the main thing is that I love you I just adore you cutie thank you for your support darling I love you too oh my gosh here they are again all lovey-dovey they're such a cute couple but they keep telling everyone they're just friends yeah right who would believe that haha hey dog day stop her she ruined the cannon and now everyone is trying to romance catnap what do you think relived by the fandom script my love I no longer play Val makes X hey crafty please be more careful next time I'm always happy to help you but I also worry about you a lot oh thank you so much dear friend I'm so glad that you care about me ah why is that stupid horse allowing herself to do such a thing if she keeps flirting with my dog day I'll turn her to ashes looks like she's finally asleep great now I can finally get some rest I should start charging her for these therapy sessions haha your favorites eat it or I'll eat it that looks delicious thank you piggy don't you think love is a beautiful thing no I think you said something stupid and I want to burn this stupid horse to ashes for drawing my dog day do you want to go eat at KFC with me h no after all KFC sells chicken H what the hell was that trolling knowing that I have many projects and tasks I don't know what else to put those who fight love each other hey dog day I'm so glad that we managed to escape from that scary complex now we finally live happily just as we always wanted I'm happy we've overcome so many hardships so many fears however I'm truly happy that everything ended well and now we're together forever don't worry you're already a big kitten there's nothing to be afraid of everything will be fine come on come here catnap all right stop clinging damn it pull yourself together catnap you're already in ad why are you acting like a child let's go wash up quickly oh hello dear friend do you often fly around here let's be friends oh it seems we're friends now I'm so glad oh no where did you go what a predicament hey catnap where are you come here we've all been waiting for you hey catnap come to us see we've all been waiting for you wow guys you all gathered for me I'm so touched thank you guys I adore you you let's go catnap everyone's been waiting for you hurry let's go dear friend we're going home together forgive me friends I didn't mean for this to happen hey what what's happening why am I in such a strange outfit why am I wearing this skirt and what's going on anyway what what's happening a minute ago I was locked up in the facility and now and what's happening with catnap it oh I don't know what happened but catnap looks very cute right now oh what happened shut up and come here stupid dog day aren't we friends don't be afraid of me come over here H I really want to approach however catnap is acting very strange I don't know all right screw it what am I hesitating for I'll go to catnap and I don't care what happens next it seems like dog day stopped being afraid of me great I'm really glad however it seems like I can feel that he's very nervous haha don't be afraid dear friend I'm still the same catnap and I'm glad that we ended up here together thank you I I am also very happy that we ended up here together I I am very nervous however I am overwhelmed with feelings for you dear catnap hi dog day and cat nap what are you doing here explain quickly what the hell is going on here here what are you doing catnap why are you dressed like that you've needlessly disturbed us silly kin now I'll have to deal with this we both know very well that you can't keep your mouth shut you have to trample on them you have to destroy them you have to scatter their ashes what's this everything's fine everything's fine inhale exhale everything will be okay catnap pull yourself together you can't control me you vile creature I Won't Let You Escape and take over my body so sit tight and don't show yourself hey catnap hi how are you why are you standing there alone come here well here I am catnap what are you doing here alone well shall we go play catnap I'm feeling really bored and lonely without you I think this miserable weakling will let me out of this feeble body and then everything will fall into place that dog will go where it belongs yes dog day I'm so glad you wanted spend time with me of course I'm happy that we will walk and play together let's go quickly kicken are you ready to lose right now haha you are slow you are going to lose to me right now we'll see about that hoppy Watch How I can do it kein that's a hit oh no damn damn damn just not into him damn oh no looks like it's the end for us what what just happened did someone want to turn into ashes damn kein looks like I need to change my pants I'll crush them I'll destroy them turn them into ashes and scatter them keep the ball friends and be careful after all you can get hurt don't worry about it trust me you are way Kinder than them you have this kicken my nipple crafty AK your heart idiot sometimes I wonder how I taste I can help with that I really want to kiss her I want to get a little closer to her when she smiles I really feel better how I crave to eat when I smell the aroma of Juicy Wings my soul starts to soar I want to be with my beloved bucket of wings does your girlfriend have to be here there yours hey and what about you are you going to keep burying your head in the book pretending that nothing is happening and that you're too far from our argument memo your number shut up silly cat I have a feeling that catnap will surprise us greatly today I have a feeling that he has a plan and he's sticking to it I think you're exaggerating catnap does have some issues but he's not that crazy hey guys what do you think of my new outfit don't you agree I look stunning ready to worship me and that dog day quick answer what do you think of my new style don't you dare lie to me oh catnap I don't even know how to put it into words I I really like your new style damn blabber mouth if you lie to me now pray to God that I never find out about this otherwise I'll have to scatter your ashes over the complex it looks like I'm finished damn dog day catnap draw your favorite here H unfortunately I can't draw but I'll gladly give it a try H I'm not sure what to draw wait I think I have an idea I like smiling friends I'm happy to be with you're such a good boy dog day you've made a very cute and beautiful drawing you're a good boy hey what is catnap drawing what idea did you suggest to him for the drawing to be honest he doesn't show me what he's working on and doesn't allow me to give advice sometimes he scares me oh damn I've Got Talent this drawing turned out so cool I was right to forbid that horse from coming near and teaching me ha oh I finished my masterpiece dog day this is for you please tell me what you think about my drawing oh catnap likes dog day that's so cute I always knew you would be best friends damn for some reason I feel like catnap meant something completely different shut your mouth stupid dog instead tell me did you like my drawing I mean I didn't try too hard being a genius and all but still still wow oh my I'm so embarrassed don't squirm silly dog play I just want to wash you like a cat you're not against it are you it's a bit embarrassing but I'm okay with it haha 1 hour later so that's it catnap stop it I'm tired of sitting motionless I'm all slippery and sticky don't cry silly dog and sit still I haven't finished yet sweet dreams little kitten may you dream of the brightest and most positive things and wake up in a great mood sleep tightly little dog day I'll guard your sleep from any ghosts and monsters oh big dog day what are you doing here ooh hi cat nap I was going to take this kitten to bed she loves sleeping I think it's a great idea to put them to sleep together now they can get a good rest and we'll become a little more free yes now we can spend time together without being distracted by this little detail come here little silly horse you thought you could criticize me haha now you're not so brave anymore please forgive me dear catnap I will never joke about you or criticize you again where did Big Dog Day go I can't find him anywhere what if I never find him again darn it where did he go oh I finally found you big dog day why did you run away from me what happened little catnap don't worry I'll always be by your side will you pick me up big dog day I really like it when you do that of course catnap because I enjoy spending time with you why are you crying catnap did something upset you I I it's just that I still don't fully believe that I managed to completely separate from the Dark Side I'm just so happy don't worry catnap everything will be fine the main thing is to remain as cheerful and joyful as you are I'll always be by your side you're welcome catnap I'm glad to be by your side at this moment hm interesting what could it be it's quite challenging to understand exactly how Sam decided to help us further but I already feel the warmth of his care sunshine you made this scarf uh I made that scarf for you but it has too many mistakes so I was going to make another one it doesn't look that good does it I'll make for you a better one thank you sunshine I love it oh come on dog day calm down you're making me a little uncomfortable though you wouldn't like it oh darn Sunshine got hurt because of me he decided to take care of me and got injured that makes me even happier inside I've never met people like them before how warm thank you for such a wonderful gift now it will keep me warm on the coldest nights I'm glad that you like it I hope it turns out to be really warm and you'll never get sick hey it'll heal soon you don't need to do that it's a long time since I saw them that happy I want to attach more me too hey dog day hm what's up do you think yeah do you think you'd still want to be my friend when we're older huh where is this coming from is this another one of your grown-up questions what brought this up catnap I I don't even know how to exactly respond to that question dog day when I think about the possibility that in the future we might stop being friends it makes me feel really bad very anxious very bitter I don't want that catnap hey talk to me I'm right here for you I don't know why I'm thinking of this but I just I'm so scared the future is so scary and unknown things change we change what if that makes us drift apart we wouldn't hang out anymore I wouldn't see or talk to you anymore what if you just start to hate me sorry it's stupid I know but I just can't get it off my mind I just hate the idea of not hanging out with you anymore please don't worry catnap we made a promise to each other remember together and forever if we don't forget about it nothing will ever separate us you understand so we will be friends forever catnap hey kein what a pleasant day today enjoy your meal hey kein kein hello can you hear me damn you kein kein why the hell are you ignoring me I'm getting angry bleach you have days whoring M what is happening in your attic your old friend I'm remembering hoppy remembering the pain if you want to survive the nightmare follow me I remember after dog day saved me from crafty he cared of me I wonder how he was so pristine until I saw him fighting it was the sickest thing ever I knew the factory he knew how to survive then what happened we found some that broke him after 5 years what did you find that catnap was alive get away of My Sanctuary dog day he got obsessed with the idea of saving catnap the last thing he said to me was I hope your plan works kicking if not see you on the other side it has been near as hoppy even the minis are here except dog days and cat nups listen kicking I know you had a thing for dog day but we should be happy for what we have man you can eat all the livers you want because it respawns in your fridge oh darn why do I feel so sad and lonely I I don't know what to do H fact catnap are you okay you've been spacing out a lot lately L if you need anyone to talk to about it mhm I don't even know how to start a conversation with dog day oh my poor head I'm right here so what's the matter darn I need to gather my thoughts and tell dog day about my fears my concerns I sincerely hope I can do it I hope he understands me am I a good friend dog day yes of course you are why is that even a question I just feel that maybe I'm not good enough what if one day something horrible will happen and it will be all my fault and what you are always good enough even if you do the bare minimum although what did you mean by something horrible will happen I've known you for so long now and never have I seen you do anything remotely bad if I'm being honest you wouldn't even hurt a fly hours later thank you dog day however I think I'm feeling kind of tired oh I haven't even noticed how fast the time flew by I hope that now you are feeling feeling somewhat better and if you still would need anyone to talk to after don't be shy to wake me up oh we had such a wonderful conversation I'm so happy it seems like now we'll be talking to dog day all the time
Channel: SVAG PLAY
Views: 10,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer, poppy playtime chapter 3 gameplay, poppy playtime chapter 3 release date, catnap, catnap poppy playtime, catnap comic, comic dub, comic dubs, mha comic dub, comic, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap, poppy playtime catnap, dogday, poppy playtime chapter 4, poppy playtime 4, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 3 animation
Id: 6_aT0XaDKE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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