Dog Training 101: House Training | Brandon McMillan

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[Music] [Music] what's going on everyone welcome back to another episode of dog training 101 today i'll be showing you how to teach your dog the basic fundamentals of house breaking also known as house training or potty training whichever way you want to refer to it it's all the same we never want our animals to go to the bathroom inside of our house we have to teach them right away they have to go outside now there's a lot of ways to house train a dog but one of the quickest and most efficient ways to do it is through crate training a lot of people are afraid of the crate because they think it's mean or the dog's not gonna like them after i can tell you by doing this with several hundred dogs i've never had a dog hate me after now if you follow the steps that i'm going to show you today it should only take you about a week or two to effectively house train your dog it's very rare where i've seen it take longer than that and if it does take longer it might only take three weeks so the first step in the process is the setup let's get started [Music] okay first things first crate size crate size has to be adequate it's very important in the process now if you look here we have a larger crate because i'm house training a larger dog today i'm house training a golden retriever it's really important to understand the size ratio between your dog and the crate you don't want the crate to be too big if that was the case your dog could actually sleep on one side walk to the other side go to the bathroom and then go back to sleeping on the other side it defeats the entire purpose of the crate your ideal size is the dog being able to comfortably stand up do a circle and lie back down with a little bit of room on each side of them at first glance it might seem a little cramped it's not as long as they have enough room to do a full circle stand up and they actually have room above their back and head again i want to stress if the crate is too big they're going to go to one side use the bathroom and it defeats the entire purpose of the crate second thing toys make sure lots of toys go inside the crate this is not a punishment this is not an area that they've done something wrong and you're putting them inside it's supposed to be a comfortable little area they can spend long periods of time as they're getting house trained so i want to make sure i put all kinds of fun things inside the crate so the dog doesn't get too bored so boom third thing to point out placement of the crate people always ask where do i place the crate i always like to place the crate in an area that's not far from the door that i'm taking them out teaching them how to house train them if you place the crate in an area of the house that's too far away from the door you're gonna take them out there's a good chance between where the crate is in that door they're gonna stop and use the bathroom the closer you can have the crate to the door you'll be going out of the better in my case i had no room to put the crate right next to the door so i'm only 10 feet away and that's usually pretty good all right so now we're set up let's go get our subject okay first things first your dog's never been inside of a crate before the first thing you want to do is get a treat and just kind of guide him in there the way i like to do it just a little bit at a time and then from here a little further let her get confidence to walk in there herself just like that and then another treat a little further in and even further and then what i do is i kind of just sit here for a second pet them let them know it's okay there you go and as you can see like i said before the crate size is very adequate for her she has plenty of room on top of her back and head she could do a full circle and if she was going to lie down she'd have a little bit of room from her snout and a little bit of room on her back end so from here i'm just simply just going to take the leash off and now she will get about 90 minutes of cray time all right so i'm just gonna go out here now it's a waiting game i'm gonna have my treats in hand because when she pees i'm gonna have to reward her right after she's done so this part can go very quickly or it could be a waiting game sometimes they want to pee right away or sometimes they want to wait a few minutes she's sniffing right now so there's a good chance she's going to pee i got my hand on my treats ready to go and right as she squats i'm going to wait for her to finish and reward her right after she's sniffing again which is always a good sign and let him sniff around and sometimes this process takes a few minutes sometimes they have to pick the perfect spot to go such is the case with this little one some dogs really don't care all right there she goes and i'm just gonna wait her out treat in hand i'm gonna wait for her to done with her little squat there and timing is everything and go there you go get busy okay now from there we're going right back inside okay come on [Music] so now she's done her business outside she gets one hour of observed free time in the house and when i say observed i mean i want you to observe them in one room only don't let them run all over the house because there's a good chance they can get in trouble if you let them out of your sight my particular house has a long hallway with a lot of doors that open up to different rooms if i left all those doors open there's a good chance that she would go explore those rooms and she could do her business in there without me seeing and if that happens i might not see it for days if i section off one room where i shut the door and i actually have gates blocking other hallways and other areas that she can't get to what i've done now is i've limited her options now i can keep an eye on her and make sure that if she does use the bathroom right in front of me i can correct as needed instead of seeing it later and at that point the correction is irrelevant so again she gets one hour of observed free time in the house here and just like in the crate i'm gonna give her a lot of things to do toys choose whatever the case may be this is her free time [Music] okay okay so now we've completed our one hour free time in the house i'm going to complete the triangle by putting her back inside the crate bailey and from here i'm just going to go ahead and throw the toy in there and that completes the house training triangle she went from the crate to outside to do her business the free time in the house back inside the crate so all we're going to do is simply repeat this process throughout the day in the coming days okay so here we are day two so just like yesterday we're gonna repeat the exact same process however today we're just gonna make a slight adjustment today instead of giving her 90 minutes to two hours of crate time i'm gonna slightly pull that back just a hair so let's say yesterday you gave your dog two hours of crate time we're gonna take away 20 minutes of that crate time and we're going to add that to the free time in the house until eventually the crate time is down to almost nothing and the free time is now up to hours we're simply going to wait her out all right so just like yesterday she gets free time in the house but as i said before because we decrease the crate time we're going to go ahead and increase the house time the free time in the house so we took away 20 minutes in the crate and we added that 20 minutes to her free time in the house once again make sure the free time in the house is observed you don't want to let her just roam the whole house there's a good chance she might go exploring and she might do something you don't want her to do so observe free time in the area that you're most commonly in in my case i have the living room the kitchen and the dining room area all together thankfully it's one big room i can easily keep an eye on her the entire time back inside there you go she had her free time in the house and once again she's back in the crate and again since it's day two we went ahead and took away a little bit of crate time we added it to the free time in the house [Music] all right here we are day three same thing as before but we're gonna decrease crate time and add it to the free time in the house all right so once again she's back inside the crate completing the house training triangle and again we're going to continue this process day after day from the crane to outside free time in the house back inside the crate this process is going to continue for about a week or two give or take every dog is different most golden retrievers and bigger dogs that i train it only takes about a week smaller dogs it could take a little longer [Music] okay so it's been a week for her and i'm liking everything i see so at this point i can assume that she's fully house trained now there's a few key things here i want to point out because not all dogs are alike number one every dog has a different timeline of how quickly they're going to learn this technique bailey here is like most golden retrievers most goldens or most big dogs they learn this typically in about a week smaller dogs i find it might take a little bit longer maybe 10 days to possibly two weeks and young puppies you're probably gonna spend at least two to three weeks doing this and trust me when i say you're gonna have a lot of sleepless nights and people always ask well what if my dog can't hold her for that long typically a dog this age they can definitely hold it for six to eight hours in the crate at night now if your dog is a very young puppy most likely they're only going to be able to hold it from anywhere from two to four hours so once again you're gonna get a lot of sleepless nights if you have a very young puppy this is expected and very common third thing to point out highly recommend that when you're doing this process you always feed your dog inside the crate the reason why is because typically especially with young dogs usually five minutes after you feed a very young puppy their systems get going very quickly and they have to go outside to go to the bathroom if you feed them outside the crate and don't take them outside right after i promise you you're going to have a prop inside the house you want to feed them inside that crate and then right after they eat take them right outside to do their business most likely they'll have to go and last but not least very important everybody always asks the same question what do i do if my dog goes in the house during this house training process the answer is very simple i like to do the reverse psychology method this is where i put a cinder block next to the area where they went to the bathroom i wrap their leash around the cinder block with just enough slack so they can stand up and lie down only and i leave them right next to where they went to the bathroom for about 15-20 minutes this method works like a charm because you're making them stand next to the area they did something bad and make sure when you do this you don't put them right on top of their business you put them right next to it so just in the area is fine but it's very important that you leave them there for a good 15-20 minutes and if they start barking and protesting basically telling you to get them off the leash don't fall for it if they start doing that and you let them off the leash they'll do that every time and at that point you created a barker there's a whole new video for that so that's the basic fundamentals of my favorite way to house train a dog some people call it house breaking house training some people call it potty training whatever you call it i call my method the house training triangle this goes from the crate to outside to free time in the house back to the crate completing the triangle if you'd like everything you saw here today go ahead and subscribe like comment and share i'm brandon mcmillan thanks for watching
Channel: Brandon McMillan
Views: 168,341
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Keywords: dogs, dog, training, pet, animal, puppy, pup, brandon, mcmillan, brandon mcmillan, breed, dog food, dog training, zak george, zack george, cesar millan, leash, basic dog training, dog training at home, dog training near me, dog obedience training, dog behaviorist, k9, dog potty training, in home dog training, dog crate training, cesar dog trainer, dog trainer, puppy trainer, professional dog training, advanced dog training, dog obedience training near me, dog training 101, lucky dog
Id: fdHtzwq1D2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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