Is Gossip Killing Your Company? - Dave Ramsey

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I hate gossip this ticks me off more than any negative human behavior I run into it is so destructive and it is so socially accepted most places are full of people that just need an inning inning inning meaning you shut up and work talking about each other talking about your sex life I don't want to hear about that crap get to work are you here about CNT and talking about the boss and talking about this and talking about the product line ringing yeah negative negative negative negative negative negative negative I can't stand it drives me nuts and I got to tell you man I fight it we will not have it I will fire your butt for this can you tell I'm fired up about it still and I got it and I didn't start out with this it took me a little while to learn to hate it but I mean like we used to have it named after a woman because that's the first one that we figured it out with Sharon told me six months before she said you got problems with that when I have a feeling I'm like well she's one of our top salespeople you mean she's just one that she's a different personality she's just a go-getter and you you know she's just one of those and she just won't shut up and that just makes you uncomfortable no no I'm failing all right whatever but I was having all these you ever had this thing where there's something going on and you can't figure out what it is there's like crap in the air but you can't figure out the source I mean I don't know about you but that that drives me nuts I got to know what's going on with stuff and so there's about 10 of us at that time and I I was you know I had a weekly staff meeting we started doing this early and I finished the staff meeting and I've got an appointment and so I head out the door to my car and I forgot my keys I walked back in this woman's having the second meeting everybody's standing there her backs to me she didn't hear me come in and she's telling them all what an idiot I am and how this isn't gonna work and I can't believe he does this and they're all standing there looking at me looking at her and it's kind of one of those things that suddenly you kind of you could just tell that suddenly she realized something was wrong and someone was standing behind her she felt it you know and you could just count it as that oh crap moment right and she turned around and saw me and of course she almost passed out there and sorry I just come on in my office and I'm we sat down I said go ahead and pack your stuff up and you need to leave you mean you're gonna fire me I said oh yeah yeah definitely and I said just about like that I didn't even raised my voice I was because my blood pressure was just like and and she's like what what I said well you know I known there was a problem with the culture here and I figured out what it is and she said what do you mean I said you I said you're disloyal and when I give you money to operate inside this organization and then you tear this very organization down that makes you a thief and I don't work with these well I can't believe you'd say that I said I know you can't believe I said you can't believe I say a lot of things apparently so really this you know and if you think I'm an idiot and you continue to work here that makes you not smart so we are really done and you need to pack your - well what about severance I said no severance is the fact I kept you six months longer than I should have that's that's severance and I went back later and did pay her some money for some Commission's that were outstanding after I calm down but that day I didn't so we used to name it after her I don't do that anymore cuz it's not really fair it's a concept that's bad but I don't understand it I don't grasp it if you hate your pastor and hate your church go to another Church you're a fool if you stay there but your job is not there to spread dissension your job is not there to tear the place down leave I do not understand people that pee in their cereal and then complain does it taste bad I don't get this it does not make sense to me it's not logical I will not put up with it I will warn you once as a teaching method and then I will fire you and we tell you this on the onboarding this will get you fired faster than anything else in this place I really can't stand it because it tears down the whole place and here's what's interesting everyone seems to agree with this idea even gossips they like the theory because they don't think they're gossips it's really interesting no one says oh now you tweet it and you get oh your you know that that's illegal you can't fire people for gossiping what there's geniuses on Twitter right you can't fire people for gossiping gossips are not a protected federal class okay we have to go here again you're not yeah just know you're fired you're gonna get sued no I'm not hadn't been sued never been sued and if you want sue me bring it bring it lots of money and real pissed off no money and no backbone we'll see who wins bring it that's how we handle it right cuz you know don't you you're messing with something we've spent unbelievable amount of time and energy creating and you're trying to screw it up you're the enemy you will leave this building we're not gonna do it we're real clear about we talked about in staff meeting we deal with it we're clear we let people know what's going on with it we're not gonna do it whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles my definition gossip is when a negative is discussed with anyone who can't solve the problem so our deal is simply this if you have a prop no I take that back when you have a problem because usually we bring you in here to work on a problem that's kind of what we do so you are going to have problems if you don't have any problems you should be worried about other things because it means we probably don't need you so you're going to have problems and in nothing is moved unless it's shoved and when things are shoved that creates friction so be ready there's 370 opportunities to find someone who doesn't like you or the way you do things or you to find someone that you don't like or the way they do things when you have a problem and you will have one you have one option with it and the problem up the food chain somewhere into leadership so they can help you fix the problem solve the problem fund the answer to the problem but the receptionist can't fix this for you and so dropping by and leaning on her with a cup of coffee and going do you know did you hear about the new sales program that's not gonna work you get one once and it will be a very clear and direct and I don't even put it in writing I don't need to cuz I'm not gonna do it again and it's not gonna I don't have to keep it in writing I will warn you once and you will change period and I got to tell you Christians are the worst cuz you know we're gonna develop a prayer list right what no no you're not either not gonna do it we're not doing it so by definition gossip is when a negative is discussed with anyone who can help serve the problem so you got a problem with your computer you can't get a phone you can't get a thing can't get you know your computer's broken don't be fussing about the IT people to the marketing people they don't fix computers and they don't hire the IT people you got to talk to that somebody in IT at the top of the food chain or you got to go talk to your leader or you got to talk to another leader somewhere in the building if you're really frustrated that's fine but you got a hand your negatives up and your positives down and when you're handing your negatives up you can't be belligerent you can be enthusiastic and passionate but you can't be belligerent that's not okay either I had one lady that came in and she said my boss is an idiot the guy leading our area is a horrible leader here's all the things wrong with his leadership I said well I understand that you feel that way but he is the leader and I'm not letting him go today based on your recommendation so now we got a problem okay we got a lot of problems here so you I'm working on some things with him and I'm not gonna sit him here and trash him with one of his team members and agree with all of your line items I will tell you that he is aware of some of his deficits and he is working on some of those things and some of them are on your list and I'm giving him time to work through those and grow as a leader and I appreciate your concern can you exist in that environment and give him grace to grow as a leader and support him in that process I don't know I'm really frustrated okay well you think about it because that's you know you handed your negative up you did the appropriate thing I mean three more of these meetings it just keeps she just keeps coming back and keeps coming back keeps coming back and finally she's like this is I just this is just ridiculous and I said well you've got to leave what why do I have to leave because you think I'm not a good leader oh no I would work for you honey you do work for me and he works for me and if I allow him to stay and he's incompetent in your eyes then by definition I'm incompetent and so every time you continue to complain about him at this level you're saying I'm not aware of it and I'm not doing anything about it and I'm not a good leader by allowing him to stay in this position and so you think that I'm incompetent oh no yeah you don't hey either that's why you keep coming back in here you're trying to school me and so finally we just reached the end of that you know she had leave but she really never got it honestly she never got that caneta logic flow that I was laying out there she never really understood it but it just reached a point that she had lost faith in her leader she had lost that and was you know and was gossiping about it that was the other part of the story she gathered up and you know so funny worked here six years heard these these lessons over and over and over again six years but gathered a group of people to talk about the leader and how how the department could be better without the leader there and without me there and I said so what did you call that a gossip session that was not gossip that's how we do things in our family I said your family's dysfunctional you gather at the at calm Thanksgiving and whoever's not they you talk about them is that what y'all do that's what a lot of families do our family you have to attend Thanksgiving dinner or you're the target right and you know we're not doing that and she didn't get it it was unbelievable so you wouldn't believe how many times I got one I had one about 18 months ago he's unbelievable this guy was making this company bunny he was a great sales guy and he and another team member start going back and forth back and forth about their leader ying-ying ying-ying ying-ying yeah about their leader ying-ying ying-ying yeah and texting and texting and texting and and no instant messaging right on my computer's it's amazing and so then of course what one of them does is they accidentally hit put the leader copied the leader they were talking about in on the thread and accidentally hit sin and had an oh crap moment right and so my leaders reading this and then he just follows the thread and it just goes on and on and on and he comes in and he goes I don't even know what to do with this I you know we've talked to these guys about this which they had been talked to before about it but and you know we pulled the thread of the thing we go into the instant message we go into their emails it's this thick we printed it out I mean it wasn't one or two times I mean they're just spending like half their productive time discussing what a bozo they work for and how dumb Devi is for letting him when Dave's doing donkey and thoroughbreds and wonder if he's thinking about someone throws a donkey you know and I'm reading all this stuff and I sit down with the guy and he goes I can't believe I'm be like oh I can't believe you let me go is there not anything I could do I said yeah if there was one page there'd be something you could do dude you wrote a phone book about me a phone book there's no way I can trust you after this I how could how could you trust you I just I just want another chance yeah I'm sorry dude that the volume of this doesn't dictate another chance and it was sad because he was actually a productive guy in terms of his sales creation but it doesn't matter who you are I'm not gonna have that and you know and his leader was like gosh did I do something wrong yeah we all did something wrong we hired them and we kept them and we're not gonna do that wrong anymore we're gonna fix that they're both gone that day boom and I don't understand human nature it cuz it's clearly laid out go they're dead meat and they still go there it doesn't happen very often but boy I tell you what when leadership acts on that and people get the idea of what the thing is going on it changes the culture not to fear they don't all walk around in fear about it but they appreciate they love this place it's the best place to work in Nashville you know why one of the reasons is there's no gossip and everyone loves it
Channel: EntreLeadership
Views: 41,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entreleadership, dave ramsey, Is Gossip Killing Your Company? - Dave Ramsey, how to be a better leader, how to be a better leader at work, how to be a better leader in the workplace, how to be a better leader youtube, leadership, business, how to be a leader, leadership skills
Id: -Zgd0YaddHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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