Does SZA Know Her Lyrics From Her Biggest Songs?

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- I don't know, as long as you put your heart and your, that's so corny. "If you put your heart in it, that's how you make hits." I don't know if that's what I'm trying to say. Hi, my name is SZA and I'm gonna talk about some of my lyrics. (smooth music) Caught dippin' with your friend, you ain't even half, man, lyin' on your, ding, you know that. Got me a bag full of brick, you know that. For "Kiss Me More." (bell chimes) ♪ Caught dippin' with your friend, you ain't even half, man ♪ ♪ Lyin' on your (bell chimes) you know that ♪ ♪ Got me a bag full of brick, you know that ♪ Now at concerts, I don't even sing the ding. I just go like this (bell chimes) and then we all do it together and it's like my favorite part of the song. Thank y'all for turning that up, thank you. Thank you, Doja, thank you to my mama, thank you to God, and just thank all of y'all. I really didn't have anything to say because it's really her accomplishment. And I really wanted her to just do her thing and have whatever moment she wanted. I'm a part of it and I'm grateful to be a part of it, but when it's my turn then it'll be my turn. But I wanted her to have her full moment to say anything. So I really didn't even say much. I just thanked my mom and got off of there before I put my foot in my mouth. I still wanna be with you, trust me, I know that's insane. I'd rather fuck on you than fuck on lames. I did some shit in Berlin, I'm OD. We both ain't shit and it's workin' for me. Yes, from "Telekinesis." (bell chimes) ♪ I'd rather fuck on you than fuck on lames ♪ ♪ I did some shit in Berlin, I'm OD ♪ I feel like we all grew up on Drake in some obvious way. So somewhere in my subconscious, he just skips around sprinkling breadcrumbs. I saw something that said we were like secretly singing to each other through song, and I was like, what? None of that is true. ♪ Are you down to listen to me ♪ ♪ Too many drinks have been given to me ♪ I had been up for three days, genuinely, and we got like that threatening text where it's like, "If you don't send it right now, it's too late." And so I was like, okay. We had just landed on a ferry from somewhere really far and then I don't know what I said. I have no idea what I said. I have no idea why I was awake or how, and I panicked right before I came out 'cause I was like damn, I haven't heard this. In such an air-tight project, no one's sending files. Even when they sent me the file to hear the day of, it was distorted. It was like "Wah-wah" over it. So it was very much like, damn, this might sound absolutely crazy or it might be cool. It turned out pretty cool and I guess in my sleepy subconscious, after someone said that, I heard it and I was like, that's crazy. That wasn't what I was thinking at all. I like the lore though, it's funny. I gotta get right, tryna free my mind before the end of the world, is "Good days." (bell chimes) ♪ Gotta get right, tryna free my mind ♪ ♪ Before the end of the world ♪ I don't know, just like being left alone, just do whatever I wanna do and just being able to just let the day take shape on its own. Sometimes, I don't know, I'm like a more physical person and then it just kinda takes shape. Like I'll get up and I may be in a bad mood in my mind but I'll just, I don't know, just start doing shit, like just drive towards the beach or drive towards a certain direction and things just kinda reveal themselves. When I look outside my window, I can get no peace of mind. That is from "Consideration." (bell chimes) ♪ When I look outside my window ♪ ♪ I can't get no peace of mind ♪ I cared so much and I was so just frustrated and I felt like I'll never have anything this cool again. I'll never make anything this cool again. And that was so crazy and so wrong 'cause it was like the centerpiece to my album at the time. And for her, it was just part of her album and I was like, "Please no." I had just shot a video for it and I was about to drop it in a couple days. It was already done. Whatever the conversation, like label wise, whatever, was already done. So it was just a matter of accepting. In hindsight, it was so hard to go and accept. But now it's like I'm so glad that that happened and that it didn't cost me anything. If anything, I just gained a bunch from it and I thank God that I made cool music outside of that. Again, and I don't know why, I just really thought my creativity would just like stop. Like this is the pinnacle of what I could make. If she has it, then I'll just never be anything. (smooth music) I'm so mature, I got me a therapist to tell me there's other men, I don't want none, I just want you. If I can't have you, no one should, is "Kill Bill." (bell chimes) ♪ And if I can't have you, no one should ♪ Not even my current music but my earlier, well, I do sometimes comedy things. Like in "Blind," one is like "raunchy like Bob Saget." But if you think about his comedy standup, it's really raunchy, which is bizarrely contrasty to how people know him as. So I think I'm just into film and standup and just watching shit. So I always try to inject some film and television into, it's like my biggest inspiration 'cause reading makes me tired. So TV is my form of ingesting. Somebody get the tacos, somebody spark the blunt. Let's start the Narcos off at episode one, is "Drew Barrymore." (bell chimes) ♪ Somebody get the tacos, somebody spark the blunt ♪ ♪ Let's start the Narcos off at episode one ♪ I owe her and well, I dedicated a song to her, but I love her, she's amazing, like the best. I had a really big stint at Cactus Taco when I first moved to LA on Vine Street. I haven't been there like since pandemic but used to be my favorite place. Get the California burrito and the steak tacos. But it was always steak or shrimp. I just cry for no reason, I just pray for no reason. "All The Stars." (bell chimes) ♪ I just cry for no reason ♪ ♪ I just pray for no reason ♪ I had no idea what it was for. They said it was for Disney, for this Disney thing and I was like, okay. But they didn't even say it was for Disney thing. It was just something that originally, everybody was just at the studio working on. Everyone in TDE, everybody was just working on a bunch of songs together and that was one of the songs that DOT was just like, "Come in here and work on this," I was like, okay. And then even when I, was time to shoot the video, they were like, "You're shooting a music video for Disney." And I was like, what? I still didn't know what they were talking about. But I was on tour, so we just shot it on our day off. I'm so honored to be a part of that. In hindsight it's like so fucking cool. I've never been a part of anything that that was that gnarly and I don't know, that major and impactful. It was very cool. Leave me lonely for prettier women. You know I need too much attention for shit like that, is "Supermodel." (bell chimes) ♪ Leave me lonely for prettier women ♪ ♪ You know I need too much attention for shit like that ♪ Some stuff, there's stuff I didn't put on "Control" 'cause I feel like people are just aren't mature and can't handle it and they don't deserve that type of information. And I still feel like that, now more than ever, that I'll never put that music out. And I'm glad that I didn't but it still was fun to make and beautiful. Especially now, I find myself wanting to share less and less with anyone 'cause it's super dangerous and weird and everyone's just so scary and mean. It's not an enjoyable environment for vulnerability and sharing. My man is your man, heard it's her man too, is "The Weekend." (bell chimes) ♪ My man is my man is your man, heard it's her man too ♪ It was actually just selfish. It was just a personal like, it's so funny that you wanna be with this man so bad and I just wanna have sex with this person. It's weird that you even think enough of him to want more. And that wasn't nice in hindsight but it was true. It was like a joke but it was also true. It was like people you have sex with but it's like, "You're not my man. "I don't even want you to be my man. "But there is a girl that's dying for you to be her man. "It just is not me." Took me out to the ballet. You proposed, I went on the road. You was feeling empty so you left me. That is "Nobody Gets Me." (bell chimes) ♪ Took me out to the ballet ♪ ♪ Proposed, I went on the road ♪ ♪ You was feeling empty so you left me ♪ It is a love song for sure. It encompasses the grief, is very serious situation. Yeah, it was like a relationship that I was in for more than a decade. So it was just heavy vibes regardless. And I guess that song is kinda like remarks over the grief of moving past that and like, I don't know, it's like a closure anthem of sorts. Right now, I'm not looking for anything. I just need to find peace of mind within myself. I just wanna be left alone and safe to my own devices. Which isn't so safe, but safer than being left in mystery devices. So that is where I'm at. All alone still not a thing in my name. Ain't got nothin', runnin' from love, only know fear. "20 Something." (bell chimes) ♪ Ain't got nothin', runnin' from love, only know fear ♪ I saw something today where it's like, "Why do people keep asking me to act my age "when I just got here?" Like, it's my first time being this age, I don't know. So it's like, I don't know, I'm really still looking back at everything, I'm in it. Maybe when I'm 40 and then I'll be like, "Damn, that was crazy." But I do look back and I be like, I was ashy and like a little dirty and I was weird and I'm glad that I'm not in my twenties anymore. Show me the way to your hiding place. I think I wanna go, go, go there. "ICE.MOON." (bell chimes) ♪ Show me the way to your hiding place ♪ At that time, a million streams was like a really big deal and that was such a strange, crazy time. Remember when SoundCloud was like everything? That was it, if you were busting on SoundCloud, that was just like (card thuds) you had the world in your actual hands. But so yeah, I just had a bunch of listens on SoundCloud. I was just happy, I couldn't even, I didn't have no money to get, I didn't have a bank account to cash my check. I didn't have no money to give back to the crib to get to the bank, I was in LA. So when someone hands you a check for however much money, you still gotta get back home and get to the bank and check in and open the account. So I was just more so like, I didn't grasp any of that. That was so weird, I actually didn't celebrate at all. That was strange, I should have. I be celebrating now a little bit. People think I'm just like a sad girl or something all the time and I'm not. It's just that's the part that I be writing about so I can not be a sad girl, so I can process my emotions and move forward. Depression, no I'm joking, I'm not. But I think it's just life experiences. (record scratches) It's not depression, I'm... (laughs) Some of it has been. I think it's just like processing emotions and I'm excited about the new music I have coming out 'cause it's like, it's not sad but it is a lot of also processing and I'm happy to move past the places where I am or where I've been. But I think that's, I don't know, as long as you put your heart and your, that's so corny. "If you put your heart in it, that's how you make hits." I don't know if that's what I'm trying to say. If you keep it a bean, you're more than likely, I feel like, to be in good standing. (smooth music)
Channel: Variety
Views: 756,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, sza, kiss me more, sza telekinesis, sza good days, sza consideration, kill bill, sza kill bill, sza drew barrymore, sza all the stars, all the stars, sza supermodel, sza the weekend, sza 20 something, sza ice moon, kill bill sza, good days sza, sza interview, 20 something sza, drake sza, sza black panther, sza kendrick lamar, sza rihanna
Id: zo_oBQZJOmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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