Does Royal Purple Fuel Max Cleaner Actually Work (with Proof)?

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hey guys chris fix here and today we'll be testing royal purple max clean fuel system cleaner in this v8 ford explorer this royal purple max clean is supposed to remove carbon deposits and build up and we'll be testing this by looking into the engine with my borescope camera we'll be looking through the fuel injector holes at the intake runners and valves and we'll also be looking through the spark plug holes to see the top of the piston i'm going to do this before we add the royal purple to the gas so we can see how much carbon there is right now and then we're going to add the royal purple to the gas and then my friend will drive the car until it runs out of gas so all of the royal purple is used up then we'll go back inside and check out the after to see if it actually cleaned out the engine now i've done a lot of fuel system cleaner tests and like all my tests none of these are sponsored i buy all the products myself to give you an unbiased undeniable look at the engine before and after the cleaner and i'll let you guys come to your own conclusions i'm just as curious as you guys of whether or not this stuff actually works if you want to see my other fuel system cleaner tests i'll leave the links to those videos in the description and you can see how well the products work or don't work now before we begin if you're not subscribed make sure you hit that subscribe button right now because i'm going to be testing more products such as marvel mystery oil amsoil and redline and you wouldn't want to miss out on that so let's stop talking and let's look into the engine and see what the carbon buildup looks like before we add the cleaner all right so we're going through the fuel injector hole at the first cylinder and you can see the carbon buildup which is the black soot so that gives you an idea of what an intake runner looks like now let's go check out the valve you can see there's some carbon deposits on the valve and it's not enough to cause any problems but that's not the point of this video we just want to see if any of this carbon is going to get cleaned up by the royal purple so let's go check out the piston and here's piston one again not a lot of carbon but it is enough to see if real purple actually works you can see on the piston the carbon chunks are dark and the area on the piston right in the middle that isn't dark is relatively clean so that gives you an idea of what we're looking at so i'm going to speed through the next intake runners valves and cylinders and we're only going to be looking on this side of the engine there's no need to check out all eight cylinders this is the next intake runner on cylinder two and it looks pretty similar the valve has slight carbon buildup but nothing bad let's check out the cylinder there's a light layer of carbon on the piston head again nothing bad so let's go over to cylinder three the cylinder three intake runner looks the same as the other two and surprisingly the valve here looks pretty clean looking at the piston again minimal carbon buildup so let's move the cylinder four here's the cylinder four intake runner which looks about the same as the other three intake runners and this valve is spotless there's a few specs of carbon but i mean this thing is clean so let's check out the piston and the piston on cylinder four is pretty clean as well all right there we go that was the before now let's add the royal purple to the gas we're following the exact instructions on the bottle and it says to pour the entire can in a nearly empty tank and this stuff is actually purple okay that was the whole bottle and the next time we see this ford explorer the royal purple will be run completely through the engine so i had my friend fill the car up halfway with gas to mix the royal purple in the tank and then drive the car like he normally would until it runs out of gas completely all right we are back my friend ran the car out of gas in a couple of days and then he needed some rear brakes and set the car aside for me to look at so a few weeks later i'm here and holy smokes he really did run that out of gas all right i don't know about you but i've been waiting so long to see if royal purple actually works let's dive into the cylinder one intake runner here's the after here's the before now let's compare okay no drastic changes like i thought but you could see that the royal purple was cleaning at the red circled areas i figured the runner would get clean the most because the fuel injector is directly spraying the royal purple onto the black carbon but it really didn't do that much although at least we did get to see some results so let's go check out the valve here's the after here's the before now let's compare okay so again you can see the carbon was removed and the valve does look cleaner so not bad let's move to the piston head here's the after here's the before and let's compare holy smokes now this is probably the best result we have seen so far with any of the fuel system cleaners if you look at the red circle that big spot of carbon is all cleaned up as well as some of the carbon in the surrounding area and that's actually impressive at the same time there's new carbon being formed which is that shiny area but wow look at that before and after i'm actually pretty surprised so let's move on to cylinder two and see if we get similar results here's the cylinder two intake after and before and the before and after look identical so let's go check out the valve here's the valve after here's the valve before and well i don't see any changes here either it didn't work on the carbon on this valve which is interesting because we did see some cleaning on valve one let's go check out that piston here's the after and the before and okay well there was some slight cleaning of the carbon deposits over at the top of the picture but definitely nothing significant we didn't get that same result that we got in cylinder one but at least we did see some cleaning alright so here is the cylinder three intake runner after and before and we can see some slight cleaning of the runner at the bottom of the picture and over behind the valve again nothing drastic i'm still surprised it doesn't clean more given that the royal purple is being sprayed directly onto this carbon now let's go check out the valve here's the after and the before and at the comparison we could see the valve got dirtier the only spot i could see that got cleaned is right above the valve seat although it's not significant but the valve itself got dirtier which might be from the carbon getting cleaned from the runner and washed down the intake let's go check out the cylinder here's the after and the before and it looks like the cylinder got slightly dirtier when looking to the right of the piston but that's not really anything significant but it did not get cleaner so let's move the cylinder 4. so here's the cylinder 4 intake runner after and before and the carbon looks like it's thinning on the runner wall but there's no obvious carbon removal so let's move on to the valve this is the after and the before and those little specks of carbon that were there on the valve before are now gone but this valve was practically spotless to start with so i'd hope it got cleaned now let's move on to the piston head this is the after and the before and we can actually see a new layer of varnish forming which is that shiny carbon this carbon's still wet and over time it'll solidify and turn into the hard carbon deposits we're trying to remove and that's really it there's nothing else here to see so that brings us to the conclusion i lined up every before and after picture for you guys so you could clearly see the difference in carbon buildup royal purple did work and i'd say it's still not as good as sea foam but cylinder one had really good results it removed the carbon on the intake runner on the valve and most surprisingly on the piston head and this is something you add to the gas not something that you pour through the intake so that's impressive now you might be saying well really that's not a lot of carbon and yeah it isn't but after doing a bunch of these tests with different cleaners this is actually a good amount of carbon removal now this is the first time i looked at valves and intake runners but one thing i learned from looking at piston heads is you're not gonna get a shiny piston head like if you had a head gasket leak and then if we look at cylinder two there was some cleaning and then cylinder three and four had no cleaning and actually the royal purple might have redistributed the carbon which made it look worse overall i'd say this stuff did work better than i expected but we still haven't seen results from these fuel system cleaners that blow us away i'm just glad we saw some cleaning although not as much as you would want from a whole bottle of cleaner you saw the before and after and the results speak for themselves so let me know what you think in the comments hopefully you like the video and i'll be testing many more cleaners and yes i'll be testing water as well so this fuel system cleaner series is far from over and remember to hit that subscribe button for updates and as always the links to the other fuel system cleaner videos could be found in the description
Channel: ChrisFix
Views: 2,701,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal Purple (Business Operation), fuel system cleaner, royal purple max clean, royal purple fuel system cleaner, do fuel system cleaners work, what fuel system cleaners work, gumout, techron, seafoam, lucas, fuel cleaners and your car, decarbonizing engine, carbon deposits, testing fuel cleaners, fuel cleaner test, engine cleaning, fuel additive, engine cleaner additive, fuel injector cleaner, fuel cleaner, fuel treatment, testing fuel additives, testing royal purple
Id: BocH2c4mYcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2015
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