Does RFK Jr. have a point? | Will Cain Podcast

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Story number one at least he's trying RFK you know one of my most treasured compliments that I ever got when I was hosting the will Kane Show on ESPN Radio which was an environment that often found listeners that may not be lockstep in agreement with me ideologically or politically but would still listen largely because we had a commonality a table around which to gather and that was our love of sports and one of my favorite compliments that I would get with this diverse dinner party where the main course was always the Dallas Cowboys or Lebron James was it when we would go into the side dishes of politics or Sports race or culture that one of the things that I would hear is will I disagree with what you have to say but I'm always interested in listening to why it is you believe what it is you believe and they suggested the reason for that openness was yes in part myopeness to hearing their point of view but also the sense that I was trying I am being real about arriving at my point of view I'm not trying to hide facts I'm not trying to you know play three car Monty with the truth I'm trying to drive forward directly in an honest fashion in some Pursuit of the truth that's not a compliment you can readily extend to very many politicians it is a business centered around the idea of spin take the facts take the stats and twist and turn them manipulate them into some shadow of the truth some moral truth some deeper truth some agenda your propaganda we're surrounded by Propaganda in modern American society we have politicians who readily lie we have mainstream media who not just Echo but amplify those lies we're surrounded by lies in our social life when we scroll through Instagram we see the best version of everyone's vacation we see the best version of everyone's workout we see the best version of everyone's day everywhere we go we are presented this curated manipulated falsehood of a life so when we encounter someone or something some conversation that we think might be real I mean it's a dehydrated man walking across the Mojave stumbling upon a glass of ice water I think in there you find the appeal of RFK Jr I would offer to Robert F Kennedy Jr the same compliment that I was once extended I don't agree with much of what he has to say I don't share an ideology I probably don't share Solutions with Robert F Kennedy Jr but I appreciate my belief that he is trying honestly earnestly to seek out the truth RFK Jr made an appearance last week on The Joe Rogan podcast on that podcast they discussed a host of issues they discussed the covid-19 vaccine but they went further they discussed vaccines in general they talked about Wi-Fi and Robert F Kennedy Jr shared his opinion that Wi-Fi and 5G we're having detrimental health effects on modern humans they talked about chemicals in the food supply in the water that are turning the frogs gay which was I believe a beat pioneered by Alex Jones they talked about a whole host of issues that you're not supposed to discuss they talked about a whole litany of subjects that are outside the box and I don't know I don't know if RFK Jr is right I don't know if he's correct in his assessment of all of these issues but I do get the sense that he's thinking that he's thoughtful that he's trying that he's searching for the truth look even that I will tell you I don't say with 100 confidence I have some of my own questions about RFK Jr I wonder how he could go through such a conversion meaning I've seen him speak as adamantly about climate change as I've seen him speak about vaccines I believe I've seen him say that climate deniers should be thrown in jail so I would have some serious questions about the honesty of his conversion away from that position about his pursuit of the truth but I wouldn't shout him down I wouldn't yell for censorship I wouldn't simply mock him in the wake of that interview with Joe Rogan that is primarily what you saw in the form of a rebuttal all across social media and in to the extent it was addressed or acknowledged by mainstream media it was really just met with derision with smirks with sneering with smugness with mockery it's the same tool it's the same attitude it's the same position that we've seen from individuals and institutions in this country for the past five plus years that simply for most no longer works and in fact explains the potential appeal of someone like RFK Jr whatever the issue when it came to covet vaccine efficacy the ability of the vaccine to stop transmission the need for two three four five boosters the back and forth recommendation of whether or not we should wear masks the need the cost benefit analysis on a vaccine for our children the lockdown of our schools election Integrity a whole host of issues when it comes to Donald Trump we were offered up not reason we were offered up not persuasion we were offered up Dogma sloganeering we were offered up dicta do this this is what is dictated and no question the science if anyone dared to step out of line if anyone dared to in fact question the science if anyone dared to question the slogan they were censored they were tossed out of the conversation as was Robert F Kennedy Jr so it isn't met today or it isn't a surprise today to see that same rhetorical trick that same sleight of hand that same dishonesty used as a rebuttal for RFK Jr is he a crackpot is he a conspiracy theorist is he a grifter why don't you try laying out your case instead of simply offering up an ad hominem attack and pine away for the days in which you can silence men like RFK there is a desire in this country I believe after having been manipulated so consistently to Simply see an honest broker to Simply look for someone who's trying for someone who is earnest I'm not sure that qualifies one for president I'm not sure that's enough I'm not even sure it's a necessary but sufficient component there's so many other requirements to being president of the United States good judgment Machiavellian strategy humility but I don't know that the nation right now can turn to anyone else anyone else has a friend anyone else has a leader who doesn't at least offer them the pretense of authenticity I simply can't scroll through my Twitter feed and take seriously anyone anymore whose only tool has been for the past decade mockery criticism derision and censorship I can't take them seriously and does that sign me up once again to be labeled a conspiracy theorist well so be it because conspiracy theorists as we well know at this point or they're on a hot one conspiracy theorists are on a good run I want to see conversations like that between Joe Rogan RFK Jr I want to see one of the leaders of the capital science Peter Hotes who has been the target of an online campaign designed to bring him onto the Joe Rogan podcast to debate RFK Jr after years of telling people that you're you're gonna need two boosters no it turns out you're gonna need three boosters sorry not quite enough as it as it turns out you're gonna need four boosters and by the way your children should be boosted I want to see someone like Peter Hotes brought into the debate and once again it simply discredits you if you say and they are saying this today that you can't debate people like RFK Jr I get it I I understand the point that he is capable of rattling off study after study after study and I don't know the veracity of all those studies but I do know that you don't arrive at the truth through silence and darkness you alive at the truth through debate and light through transparency through courage through the Battle of ideas I want to see Peter Hotes take on RFK Jr and if everyone's position if the is so strong if the derision is so warranted surely there's some Champions truly there's some hero that you can Marshal surely there is some opponent to RFK Jr that you can challenge to enter the arena and readily make a fool of the man you find so readily the target of your smug mockery but debate two debate like persuasion debate like reason debate like transparency is beneath our Ministers of propaganda is beneath our moral Bettors beneath those who for everything that might challenge their worldview and point of view is a conspiracy theory now we need more RFK Juniors we need more honesty more earnestness we need more people trying to find the truth hey it's Will Kane click here to subscribe to the Fox News Channel on YouTube it's the best way to get our latest interviews and highlights and click to subscribe to the will Kane podcast for full episodes right now
Channel: Fox News
Views: 53,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news podcast, fox news will cain, fox news will cain podcast, news, the will cain podcast, will cain, will cain fox news, will cain podcast, will cain podcast fox news, RFK, rfk jr voice, rfk jr podcast interview, rfk jr speech
Id: Lh4sTNzjbIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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