Does it suck to road trip a Bronco? The Good and Bad...

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what's up guys mitchell watts with town and country tv and today we are in the middle of arkansas at a love's gas station uh we are on our way to the broncos super celebration west in colorado and we thought this would be a good opportunity for me to show you what it's like to drive this bronco 1400 miles in one sitting and the first thing i want to talk about is this is the first time we've had to get gas since we left so according to waze we've driven 286 miles so far from the dealership to where we are in arkansas but my odometer says 252 miles i've got the exact number saved on my phone so let me make sure that i don't mess those up yeah waist is 286 miles and the odometer says 252 miles so because this vehicle started life with a just a normal badlands with 33 inch tires now that we've upgraded it to these 37s you are looking at 34 miles off on a single tank of gas so that's interesting to note and it's also interesting to note the fuel economy that we've gotten inside this vehicle they're saying i'm getting right at 13.9 14 miles per gallon but keep in mind because the speedometer is off that means i'm getting actually a little bit better gas mileage than what you see there so without further ado let's go ahead and hop back in the vehicle we're going to kind of show you some of the things and talk about some of the things the pros and cons of driving the all-new bronco on long distance road trips the first thing that i don't like about the bronco is going to be the tank size so as i mentioned to you we just got through driving 286 miles as the way way says we got it down to i think like 35 miles until empty and as you can see it only holds 19 gallons so that's guessing that we're looking at roughly a 20 gallon tank coming out of a raptor with a 36 gallon tank that is one thing that is a definite downside with the bronco is the tank size so let's do this let's go ahead and hop back on the road and i'm going to show you something that i get asked a whole lot and that is about the noise of this soft top good news is we brought our decibel meter so we're going to kind of give you some idea what that sounds like all right so we're about halfway through the road trip so far and i'm doing the current speed limit which is 65 miles an hour and that's according to the actual speed not because not off of the incorrect speed because i haven't recalibrated the speedometer but actually going 65 miles an hour i want to pause for a second and let you hear what it sounds like with the soft top by the way this is the microphone so i wanted you to kind of hear what's going on most of the stuff that you're hearing is stuff that i inflicted upon myself mud terrain tires you hear those tires um it had i had the factory tires on here the bfg atk02 tires almost all of that noise would be gone there's a little bit of rattling going on around in the back but that's probably because i've got those maxtrax running boards that are probably rattling around has nothing to do with the top you can sometimes hear when a car passes you or a big vehicle passes you you can hear it a little bit more than you would if it was a hard top but by and large this soft top is significantly quieter than one would expect and so without further ado let's go ahead and take a look at the um the decibel meter and see how many decibels it is while driving the speed limit on this current road in missouri and so yeah you're looking at what 60 okay so i'm significantly louder than what the decibel meter is reading off so what does that tell you that a normal conversation can easily be had inside this vehicle in fact you've probably seen another video that we made where i test drove the base model and used the bluetooth system while i was driving down the interstate with the top down and so i have absolutely no questions and no concerns that not only can you have a conversation with the person right next to you but you'll easily even be able to have a conversation with someone over the bluetooth system which is what ford calls their sync system so uh very very well done as far as the interior noise now i will notice and want to point out to you guys that there is a noticeable um not a bulge the opposite of a bulge when you're looking at the rear or the actual soft top itself you can see where that that soft top is actually caving in a little bit i'm assuming that's a normal thing because i don't hear any wind noise i don't hear it flopping back and forth i've heard some people say about the jeep wrangler that that you can hear the soft top flopping in the wind that i have not heard one time at all while driving any of these 1600 miles that i've put on this particular bronco myself so as far as the soft top is concerned if you're concerned about the road noise as long as you don't do something dumb and put a really really loud tire on there i think you'll be fine all right guys so the very first day of uh driving from alabama to colorado was a successful one we drove roughly 1200 miles in one day in fact i've got the stats right here on my phone and i'll pull these up because i don't want to misquote anything but yeah as you can see right there on the screen we drove 1220 miles and uh yeah we burned 77.027 gallons worth of fuel in one day so the math right there should be on the screen for you guys but yeah it's interesting to note exactly what the vehicle looks like you can see the front end we're at a little car wash here because this is what just literally one day's worth of driving um you know from alabama to colorado looks like we got a lot of work to do with this little uh this little car wash um yeah it was uh interesting to note that at some points we literally had to pull over to gas stations we didn't really need gas but i had to pull over just so i could see out of the windshield clean that windshield off and keep moving but it's going to be an interesting day i will tell you though i want to show you some things in the back seat of the vehicle and kind of give you an update of what we noticed so let's take a look at the inside of the vehicle and kind of show you what we've got packed in here and what it's actually like to take this thing on a real road trip sorry for literally hugging over the cooler but this is real world what we've got going on back here we've got the rear seats folded down as you can see we've got the cooler we've got some snacks we've got a couple of chairs here we've got our yankem ropes for another video that we're going to be making very very soon but with this folded seat down what we realized is josh the guy holding the camera right now he needed to have access to the power outlet well the problem was is the power outlet while you're driving down the road with these seats down it is nearly impossible to access the uh the rear plug here now it does fit but getting my fat sausage fingers down in here to actually plug it up i mean you've really got to be a contortionist to actually have access to these outlets so it would be nice for the second generation of the bronco to include an extra power outlet plug up front just uh forward i know you guys watch these videos so uh just a little bit of a um i guess a request for the second generation bronco that would be fantastic if you guys could include a secondary plug up front like you guys do for the f-150 but all in all um you know two people for an entire week's worth of stay it actually fits all of the stuff just fine i don't have any complaints there and that is even with uh what you can't see i've got the door back so that way if we want to take the door bags off during the broncos super celebration underneath that let me see if i can lift this up you can see you've got the cargo area container so that way if we want to put something secure back there that's that ford accessories tuffy storage area and it works out really really well as far as being able to store stuff i can drive with the top down don't have to worry about somebody just reaching and snatching and grabbing my stuff out of there you've got that security there so all in all it's been a really easy trip i mean it was a long period of time i mean it's a lot of driving but i'm actually shocked with 37's uh won the fuel economy two it i wasn't having to fight the entire vehicle all the way up here that independent rear independent front suspension rather has been a very very good thing to have on long road trips i've never owned a jeep but i can only imagine what it would be like to have to drive 1200 miles in a jeep in one day with a quick change of scenery we're actually at our airbnb but i want to talk about the front seats because this is one thing that has made the 1200 mile trek actually doable if you ask josh the passenger he might argue with you and here's the reason why on the driver's seat you actually have a lumbar support located there towards the front of the side of the vehicle or the seat rather you have the ability to basically take that lumbar in and out to make sure that you're comfortable now these are the marine grade vinyl seats so you really don't have power adjustable seats everything is manually adjusted you have the bar right here slide it forward and back you have the ability to tilt it forward and back and then here's the other thing that i actually have i'm kind of surprised that it is as comfortable as it was and that is because the manual adjusting seat still has the ability to raise and lower with just simple raising of this particular piece and then if you want to lower it back down you simply reverse that process the reason that's so important is when you're in a car all day long blood flow in your legs is extremely important if you get too tired of sitting in one specific situation you can simply pump up the seat sit there for a couple of hours and then once you get tired of that go back to the same original seat so i will tell you props to ford on very comfortable front seats on a 1200 mile trek now let's do this let's hop back in the vehicle and we're going to drive to the very top of pikes peak 14 000 feet above sea level let's get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we are in the middle of pikes peak right now on the way up we're at roughly 13 000 feet if i read the last sign right and what's crazy about this thing is the air is so thin turbo lag is a real thing watch what happens i'm to say my foot's on the pedal and i'm going to stomp it all right ready set go that is the most wild thing because yes i know i've got 37s but even though this thing has got twin turbo chargers the air is so thin that it's really really struggling to get the air shove it in the motor to make this horsepower now when you go back and watch people racing up this mountain you understand why they got these massive turbos and they keep talking about you gotta keep the turbo spooled up for that exact reason because man it's thin air up here all right guys we are at the peak of pikes peak uh that didn't that sounded kind of weird but we're gonna roll with it we're at the very summit of pikes peak and let me tell you i understand now why the bronco had some turbo lag because i legit feel a little bit different i can feel the the the air is definitely a lot thinner and you can kind of see we're at the pikes peak 14 115 feet which is pretty pretty wild and it's awesome i actually met a couple of fans up here just a second ago and everybody has been absolutely gawking over the broncos so uh if i had a chance to meet you guys today thank you so much appreciate you guys tagging us in it uh i do want to say though um you we've announced it in a previous video but we are actually giving a bronco away a four-door full-size bronco we're gonna customize this thing before we give it away and we're gonna give it away when we hit 300 000 subscribers so make sure you hit that subscribe button with the bell notification because we've also got some fantastic content coming your way specifically from the bronco super celebration west which is in buena vista colorado depending on when you're watching this video make sure you hit us up i will actually be there on wednesday thursday and most of the day on friday i will be traveling back to alabama on saturday but if you were there make sure you stop me make sure you say hello and let's grab a picture together so with that i guess that concludes this particular video more like a travel vlog and kind of how does a bronco do from alabama all the way to 14 000 feet guys thank you so much for watching this video if you haven't already done so make sure you are subscribed to the channel with that bell notification so you don't miss a single video especially now that we're giving away a bronco peace [Music]
Channel: Town and Country TV
Views: 133,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: town and country, auto, review, bronco, ford bronco, new bronco, 2021 ford bronco, ford bronco review, 2021 bronco, 2021 ford bronco review, 2021 bronco review, ford bronco 2021, new ford bronco, new bronco review, bronco soft top, 2021 ford bronco 4 door, 2021 ford bronco badlands, new ford bronco review, ford bronco 2021 4 door, bronco 2021, pikes peak, colorado, bronco super celebration, ford, ford motor company, 2020 ford bronco, ford bronco sport, 2021 ford bronco sport
Id: Xi6_bvMXw9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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