DEF CON 24 - Jmaxxz - Backdooring the Frontdoor

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>>Afternoon. How is everyone’s Defcon going? [whooping] [applause] So this talk is on backdooring the front door um and got a lot of slides so I’m just gonna get right into it. So to start off I’m Jay Max, I work as a software engineer um hacker for fun. I like doing things with locks and the thing I always like to tell people is the best puzzles are the ones that were never meant to be solved and I think that explains a lot about the hacker attitude. Um now all opinions expressed in this talk are my own. They aren’t my past, present, or future employers opinions and if you see something you like and you wanna reach out later um you can find me on Twitter um at Jaymax. So obviously this talk is gonna be about the internet of things. Oh and we just lost video. There we go, internet of things. Um so are homes are getting smarter and we’re bringing more technology into our homes to replace traditionally dumber mechanical um objects and for this talk we’re gonna be looking at the August lock. Particularly the August smart lock uh that I have up state on stage here. This is what an August lock looks like when you put it on your door. Um I don’t know if you can see it on the screens up there but replaces the thumb turn on your deadbolt. So if you live in an apartment like me this is a great option because you don’t actually have to replace the outside of your your lock and that would annoy your landlord. Um and the device itself is just bluetooth low energy um and it give you smart lock features like auto unlocking, unlocking when you approach the door, uh those type of things. But why the, what got me interested in this lock was actually August’s marketing team. One of the things I like to do when I’m looking at a technology is see what claims the company distributing it is making. Now on August’s website it puts up them showing you up here um they’re actually no longer on their website you can find em on the way back machine um but they said such things as uh their lock is unlike physical keys which can be duplicated and distributed without your knowledge. It also said, it’s safer than codes that can be copied. And so we get this reoccurring theme that it’s not like a traditional key, it’s somehow safer. And their most um aggressive claim, I’m gonna let them explain it to you because I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you. [music playing] >>August is the lock that requires no key, only an invitation. [panting] [jingling] An invitation that you can give and take away whenever [beeps] you please. [background noises] Keyless, codeless, and completely secure. [laughter] and completely secure [laughter] and completely secure and completely secure and completely secure. >>So I didn’t just loop that video for the hell of it, um that’s actually what I did when I first heard this piece of marketing material. I went back to that Youtube video and I just played that section over and over again thinking I must’ve misunderstood something um because I’m sure what they’re trying to is comfort people and say oh we know it’s technology but it’s safe technology and their thought was this will make people feel comfortable with their lock and think it’s secure. However that’s not really how I took it at all. I kind of took this as well, you have a completely secure lock. Sure it would be worth looking into I suppose, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a completely secure lock. So putting together this security claims. Obviously they claim perfect security which is a little morphic uh but they also claim things like guest access can be revoked at any time, guest have permissions can be limited to a schedule, guests can’t use the auto unlock feature. They can’t access lock settings. The can’t see who’s using the lock. Um and the keys can’t be duplicated. We saw that claim twice in 2 different forms. They said co their codes can’t be de they don’t have codes that can be copied and they don’t have keys that can be duplicated. Um they also say that you can track who enters and exits your home, that should say home not phone. So to start looking at the lock set I’m gonna map out the API. I work as a software engineer um ju let’s just look at the boundaries of this application. Let’s approach it black box. But the problem is which API? There’s actually 2 API’s in the August lock. There’s the one between your phone and the lock, and the one between your phone and the cloud, or if you read XKCD someone else’s computer. Um and working as a software engineer mostly on web applications, I wanted to look at that HTP one first, the rest side. So what I did is I downloaded MTM proxy and if you’re not familiar with this tool you really should get familiar with it. It’s an awesome tool, super easy to use to get in the middle of any application, particularly if they’re using SSL. Um so I installed the certificates on my phone, fire up MTM proxy and launch the application and it get’s something that looks like this. And what this is indicating is that the August application is using certificate pending. Now if you’re a developer and you develop mobile apps certificate pending is a really good idea and you should absolutely have it on on your applications. However, if you’re a hacker and you’re trying to figure out how something works, it’s real pain in the ass. So we need a way around this. One solution is to use IOS kill switch. Um it's originally developed by iSEC partners. Um there’s a new version, IOS kill switch 2. Basically what it does is shut off certificate validation on your iphone. Now th this being a Defcon talk, I really didn’t wanna walk in and shut off SSL on my phone and then connect to the Defcon wifi and see what happened. I don’t think that would work out well for me so I needed a better solution. Fortunately August built one into their application. If you just tap on the hamburger, press and hold on the version number, and then you type the super secret phrase dreadful dow. Casing matters, make sure your D’s are capital. You’ll get access to their debug menu. On their debug menu at the very top you’ll see a URL. That URL is the end point that their application's talking to when it reaches out to the cloud. If you just tap on that, it pulls up this menu. Now I obviously don’t wanna look at staging and their development environments cause well that’s probably outside of scope and I don’t really want any nasty letters from from August but this other option looks pretty cool. So if you just tap on it it opens another dialogue where you can specify any end point you want. Now obviously if you can specify any endpoint you want. They can’t have ss pinned the certificate for every endpoint in the world, so I just enter an end point I control and it can be HTP or HPS so you can choose not to deal with HTPS at all if you want to. Enter in URL you control, hit custom, the application will crash and when it relaunches, boom. You’re in the middle. So now we have access to all the traffic back and forth and we can start looking at how the application works. And one key thing I’d like to point out here is unlike IOS kill switch, SS or sorry, SSL kill switch uh this didn’t require a jailbreak. There’s no jailbreak required. This could be a stock phone and this would work. And being a developer um a thought occurred to me, there’s probably a Sprint review where some developer walked in the room and was just like I didn’t plan certificate pending, we’re good. Ship the perfect security claim. So we’re gonna cross that out. Now obviously after we map out the API we can build up a collection. I used postman put together a collection of all the endpoints that it talks to uh this collection will be available in the gift hub repository after this talk. Now looking through all the API’s that the August application uses, one of em caught my interest and that was this one. And for those who can’t see what’s on the screen it’s the mobile application telling August’s servers that you just unlocked your lock and this is the owner of the lock doing it. And what’s interesting here is it’s not anonymous. This is tied to your account. So what August is doing is they’re building up a collection of every time you’ve entered or exited your house if you’re the owner of the lock. This is something your shlag and your dumb locks are not going to do. Um it’s a little creepy. I’m not sure I wanna company that makes a lock that they can open. Also being heh also being able to build a profile of when I am home and when I’m not home. Those 2 sets of data together would be incredibly valuable on the black market. So let’s fix this. MTM proxy can actually modify traffic as well as just listening to it. So with a little script we just intercept all the API’s that log data about locking and unlocking and we tell the application ya 200 everything’s good and we don’t tell the web servers anything. And the nice thing about this is it gives us privacy but if we remember they made the claim that you’ll know when your guests open your door. Well the way they know that guests open your door is the mobile application logs their server hey I just opened this door and then they notify you um Jimmy opened your door. Um obviously if you can just say I’m not going to tell you when I open a door, that kind of defeats that feature. But they also said um guests can’t be notified or know the see the activity feed of a lock. Well it turns out if we look at this this API, there’s an API to set up notifications. So when someone opens your door, it’s supposed to notify you and say um someone opened your door, someone locked your door, um and if we just specify any lock it could be a lock you don’t own, um and any user identified by their phone number or their email address and we say notify me when this user opens this lock. It doesn’t matter what the lock is or what the user is, August will dutifully notify you that that user opened the lock. Even if you don’t own that lock. Even if you’re not a guest on that lock, any lock in the world. But what else can we do? Well August has this idea of owners and guests, or as they like to call em users and super users. But guests are supposed to be limited in what they can do. Specifically they’re not supposed to be able to use things like the auto unlock feature and they’re not supposed to be able to change lock settings. But how does the mobile application know when you’re an owner and when you’re a guest? Well it’s actually this message right here. They say user type, user. And if it’s user type user, you’re a guest. If it’s super user, you’re an admin. So let’s just use MTM proxy again and we’ll just replace user with super user and we get access to the menu as a guest. [inaudible sound] [applause]. So this is the first big, interesting discovery we have here which is the lock itself has no concept of owner and guest, it only knows about users. The entirety of the access control model is implement server sited in the application and since they’re relying on you to talk to the server, well we can just cut that out eventually. So to the claim that guests can’t do these things, I’d just have to say that’s wrong. Guest can absolutely do them. They may not not be able to do em through your application, but they can do them. So now the list of claims looks something like this. Less grey and more red but I think we can do more. We only looked at one side of the API right now. What about that bluetooth side? Now, incase you forgot, it’s structured like this. The lock itself has no wifi, it relies on your phone to talk to the cloud. So if you wanna play with bluetooth low energy, a good app to start with is light blue. It’s great for enumerating services and just seeing what um bluetooth low energy looks like. Um and you’ll get something like this. This is an August lock and because we are able to connect to it and pull services from the thing, we know that we’re able to pair it with it which means it must just be using it just works pairing because I never have had to enter a pin. Um but August relies on a second layer of encryption so that’s not too big of a deal but, I would like to intercept some traffic and if you look at bluetoo bluetooth low energy long enough you’re eventually gonna run across the ubertooth which is supposed to make this really easy. Unfortunately, I didn’t think it was that easy and after about a week I said well this is too hard I need I need to find something else. But again there’s a better solution. It’s built into the August application again. [laughter] [applause] If we go back to the previous menu there’s this send logs button. If we just tap that, it’ll pull up a screen that looks like this and for those who can’t read it in the back of the room it's 2 auto unlock at august dot com. Now if like me you look at that title and say I wonder if this will auto unlock my lock um I hate to disappoint you, it won’t. What it will do is get you an email from their VP of engineering asking why you just sent this to them. [laughter] But what I am going to do is just replace that with my email address to avoid those emails. Then once I get on my computer I open up a Notepad plus plus and I search for ciphertext. And what do you know on the left side of the screen is the ciphertext for the communication between the phone and the lock and on the right side of the screen is the plain text. So man in the middle attack built into the application. [laughter] So that ubertooth I bought completely useless, throw it out, I just need their mobile app. And again no jailbreak is required to do any of this. Um in particular for the bluetooth logs if you just use August support instead of directal dial you’ll just get the send the send logs button and it’ll work just as well. So now that we have the bluetooth how does how did they authenticate with the lock? Hello. It’s fairly simple um again all access control is on the web server so when your phone connects to the lock, eh your phone then generates 64 bits of random data. They send that 64 bits to the web server, the web server encrypts it to a packet to be sent to the lock, your phone gets it from the web server and then hands it off to the lock. The lock is able to decrypt it and then hand generate it’s own 64 bits hand it back to your your phone, your phone can’t decrypt it so it hands it to their server and then their server hands it back to you decrypted and you take those 2 things, you glue em together and that gives you a session key, and then you just use AES and that session key and now you can talk to the lock. Now what’s interesting here is you’ll notice this is all symmetric encryption. Which means the web server and the lock must have the same key. So how did they get that key onto the lock? One option is it’s burnt in at their factory and there’s absolutely no way to pull it out. Another option would be maybe it’s flashed in with the firmware. So let’s request firmware as a guest. So as a guest user I request access to I request a copy of the firmware and to make it interesting I’ll request firmware that doesn’t exist and I get a response that looks like this. And at the bottom of that request, just a normal 4 0 4 for a piece of firmware that doesn’t exist, I see the serial number of my lock and then a bunch of garbage. That garbage looks awful suspicious. Why is there garbage in HTML? So if we open that up in a hex editor and we just start walking through this and trying random series of bits and just skip the obviously wrong ones like the all zero sections, we’ll come across the one the highlighted one and that decrypts the packets that were sent to the web server. So now we know that must be the key that’s being used. This key I’ll call the firmware key. I think August internally calls it the online key but, I think firmware key’s more accurate in this case. Um so this key appears to be unique for every lock but with this key we’re actually able to emulate the web server. Now the way August works is there’s actually 256 key slots in each of these locks, uh key slot zero is this key, the firmware key. Now if we go back to their claims they said it’s safer than codes that can be copied and it’s unlike physical keys that can be duplicated or distributed without your knowledge. Well, I didn’t have any problems copying and pasting it. [laughter] So duplication seems to work. [laughter] [applause] I also didn’t have any problems distributing it because you all have it now. [laughter] So this silver lock if anyone tries to sell this to you on Ebay, it is worth nothing. But it actually goes further, if we stick those log files we got earlier. I need to stop touching this HDMI cable. If we take those log files we got earlier and we just run grap on em, um looking for some interesting stuff we can pull a lot outta there. We can actually pull all the offline keys, we can pull the usernames passwords, um the firmware key, the JWT tokens that’re used to talk to the web server, so basically all the secrets. So that log file not only contains all the bluetooth traffic but it also contains everything you need to talk to the web server. Now I think most of these are fixed at this point um but you’ll probably still be able to pull offline keys from from those logs. So now the list looks a little bit more like this, not so hot. So the moral of the story here is with a smart lock don’t give access to someone you wouldn’t give a key to because, in spite of what the vendor claims it behaves much more like a traditional pin and tumbler system where when you hand someone a key they can do anything with that lock. Then it behaves like your g an email you sent through Gmail or something like that. Um it behaves like a physical key. If you give someone guest access to one of these locks assume they they can get permanent access. So all the code after um this talk will be published on get hub. There’s the address, um I’ll Tweet it out after this as well. So I think we’re, we’re doing good on time actually, much faster live. Um so I’m going to do um a couple demos here. So obviously I have 2 locks here, there’s a bunch of wires coming out of em so you probably won’t trust anything I do with them. Um so we’re going to be using a new lock that’s never been associated with an account and but before I switch em out, I wanna show you something. So if we look at this silver lock here and we just go to settings, and we go down to the bottom, I dunno if everyone can see the version of software that lock happens to be running. [inaudible voices] It’s safe to say this is not factory firmware which means that the codes being pushed to these locks is unsigned. So the lock itself could be running any code because it doesn’t have any signature checking um to make sure that the code came from August. But now let’s uh swi we’re I’m gonna switch that lock out and uh we’re gonna do a demo. [background noise] I’m just gonna unpower this one so that I don’t pick it up in the demo. [shuffling] So this is a brand new lock that’s never been associated with any user’s account and hopefully it’s not DOA. Pull off the battery tab. [shuffling] There we go. [shuffling] Okay. So we have a new lock on our door now [click] fresh from the factory and right outta the box [clicking] in it’s perfectly secure state. [click] [laughter] [clicking] Okay, let’s add this to our account. So we’re just gonna go in here and set up a new lock. If you have the August application don’t try to beat me to this. [heavy breathing] There we go. We’ll name it Front Door since that’s the name of this talk and we’ll put in our Defcon house and we’ll go ahead and configure it. So to calibrate the lock we just put it on our door, lock it, unlock it, it sets up the lock. Kay now we have a lock on our door and it opens and closes as you can see. Let’s make sure it still connects here, there we go. So there’s our lock um, let’s invite a guest user to this lock. So I’m just gonna invite myself another account um and we can see on the front door the access level is none, let’s just change that. We’re just going to change that to guest and it just reminds us that guests can’t use the auto unlock, they can’t invite other guests, they can’t control lock settings um a bunch of stuff we know probably isn’t true. We’ll just update that. Kay, so now we have a guest user and you know what, let’s go back and let’s make sure we have notifications turned on and we do. Great so we should be notified then every time uh this user attempts to use this lock. Okay let me just shut down the flashing lights demo here, there we go and we’re just going to run backdoor dot JS. Can’t see? Okay. Let me um font size this. Um does anyone know where the font size is? Thank you. The obvious answer is answer. Okay so Atwood’s Law is in play here. Anything that can be written in javascript, will eventually be written in javascript, so. I figure if we’re going to attack hardware we might as well write the exploits in javascript. Um so we can see the results here. It connected to the lock, added a back door, and then disconnected from the lock. Um and if we go go back to other screen, we still haven’t been notified that anything has happened. So we know we’re connected to the lock, let’s. We we know we backdoored the lock, let’s see if we can just cycle the lock. So i’m just gonna try to open and close the lock as that guest user. Thank you. So we’re connected to the lock and it should. There we go. Start opening and closing. So we just made from a guest user, we added a backdoor lock and now we’re using that backdoor to open and close the that lock. And if we go back and we look at the owner’s phone, they still have been notified we used that lock. But, what happens when we revoke access from that guest? So I go to the guest and I, I’ll just delete him all together. I don’t want him accessing any of my locks, he’s gone. And we cycle the lock again, it should still work. For those in the back room if you can see the lights on the lock, uh they’ll tell you when it’s opening and closing. Green is open, red is closed. So there we go, the lock is opening and closing. [applause] And that’ll actually just keep going on forever. Um we’ll just disconnect from that. Still plenty of time so let’s just try the high risk demo here. What I’m going to do is I’m actually just going to factory reset this lock. So if I go back to the iphone here there’s our lock. We’ll issue a factory reset. So now that lock has been reset to factory state and if we go back to our demo, let’s do something else maybe. Let’s go back to the lights. It should still connect up and still work. There we go. We we established a connection and now it’s sending um the light up and the screen is. There we go, that’ll make it better. [applause] But there’s still the possibility that maybe August clears the keys when you add it back to your account. So let’s just add it back to a user’s account. [inaudible sound] Start setup, scan for locks. This part takes a while apparently. There we go front door. We’ll actually add it to a different house. We’ll just skip the calibration this time, not too interested. Okay, so there’s our lock again and it still works. Um but if we. Let me se close outta this, disconnect from it okay. If we go back to our guest user who was once a guest to this lock. The lock’s been factory reset and it’s been added to a new house and we eh, we see if it still works using the backdoor we previously inserted. And again what should happen here is it’ll scan for the lock, it’s gonna find the lock, connect to the lock and then it’s going to open and close it indefinitely. [applause] So the interesting thing here is if you bought one of these locks used off of Ebay and you put it on your front door, the previous owner had access to it. The previous owner had the ability to insert an offline key and the previous owner now knows where you live. So again it mallows much like a physical lock. Just like buying a used pin and tumbler lock means that you have a key that someone else could have a copy of. Buying a used August lock means you have a lock that someone else could have the key for. So there’s a bunch of mistakes made obviously um in the aw August application. Um there’s it logs sensitive data, it doesn’t differentiate between guests and owners at the lock. It does that all remotely and at the application lever level. The firmware’s not signed. There’s no apparent way for a user to discover if their lock has been backdoored. Um but you actually don’t even need to backdoor the lock because that firmware key is so so central to the locks uh operations. Um the the system relies on guests reporting when they open and close the lock and the vendor makes claims that they have 2 factor authentication when really they only have 2 step authentication. There’s a couple things that they fixed and um the final one, this one’s really entertaining is all the key material for the lock is not actually stored on the apple keychain so it’s all just in a preference file. Um so if you just look at your IOS backups you can just pull keys for these things if you want. Um but they’ve done a couple things correctly. For the most part they’ve been fairly responsive. Um their application does use certificate pending which is pretty good. Um and their protocol makes use of nuances and this is important because they use CBC in the mode for their encryption and if you know um cryptography and AES, you’ll know that um with CBC if you’re using an all IV like they are, you can’t repeat messages that can disclose what someone’s doing. So the use of nuances eh is important. Traditionally they don’t just rely on the bluetooth low energies security mechanisms uh they built in there own. So this brings me to my real point which is why we need hackers, why we need security researchers. Because the security claims that vendors are making can’t be validated by consumers. Consumers lack the expertise necessary to determine if these claims are valid, so they have to the manufacturer's word for it. And what can asserted without proof, can also be dismissed without proof. And if a vendor isn’t providing evidence of the claims of the security of their device, then we should assume that there is no security in that device. So that’s eh got through that pretty quick so uh I will actually take questions. Um there’s a microphone in the front if anyone has any. [cough] [applause] >>That was really amazing, thank you. [inaudible sound] Uh I do have one burning question. >>Yes? >>How did you get the password that allowed you to uh get into the debug mode of uh the application? >>Sure, um. So there’s a couple ways you could do it. You could look at the IOS application and try to get the IPK off the off the phone. Um initially try doing that and reversing IOS apps is a little difficult so I just download the Android app and then it’s obvious [laughs] [crowd laughter] [applause] >>Uh hi uh my name’s David Rogers, I’m from the IOT security foundation. Uh so fantastic work and we’ve seen this all over the place. In particularly in consumer products that are going out and since this is an open invitation really to yourself and to everyone in this room and we’ve reached out to people to come and help us because this stuff is absolutely shocking. You know we’ve been through this in the mobile industry uh, we’ve fixed it time and again uh as you as you mentioned all the stuff for the I IOS apps. You know some of these consumer products companies have never uh done anything like this before. Or they they’re creating minimal viable products and selling this stuff for crazy prices. So uh let’s just kind of stop it now and uh come and help us. IOT security foundation. >>Thank you. [applause] >>How much were these and can I get some? [laughter] >>Uh bef >>Cause I wanna play with them. >>Uh the smart locks? >>Yes. >>Um you can pick so you can pick em up on Ebay for maybe 150 [laughter] the original version. [laughter] >>Outstanding. >>Um if you want their latest revision, which most of this stuff still works on, um you can get those for about 200 220 eh now and obviously again look at Ebay if you’re researching security a block doesn’t really matter so buy it off of Ebay. [laughs] >>Ya um the other question was did they fix anything in the app or have you know if I go buy or download the app right now did they fix anything in it or can you provide the uncached version so we can play with it? >>Um if you just um if you just download the IOS app today you can still unlock that debug menu and so the question was whether it was patched or not. So one of the key things here is the firmware side of it right? Because we’re using uh we’re inter interacting with the lock directly from the computer here. Um so one of the important things since on the debug menu there, let me show you it. >>Oh, and thank you. >>Is this disable over the air updates. Um this is uh really good feature if you wanna look at these and I recommend if you buy one get it with factory firmware and check that box immediately. Um you can also check it by modifying your IOS’ back backups. Um but the reason you wanna check that is there’s a york on the device and the factory firmware logs to UR and every division thereafter doesn’t. Um so keeping it at the stock firmware we’ll give you a way in. Additionally I’ll be publishing um all the code for this um so that you can uh work with that as a face and that’ll get you connected to the lock. It’ll take care of these security mechanisms and it should let you uh do some of the basic stuff yourself. Um you can also use that to write an application that doesn’t have the the logging of when you open and close your lock if if you care about your privacy. >>Hi. Uh I dunno if I missed it but was your future access to it because you rested that key zero, that firmware key from the from the lock and you said that was per lock and have you seen an ability to change? >>So >>that easier at all? >>I have the ability to change it, I don’t recommend people change it because it’s high risk. You can break a device by changing that that key if you change it to something and you change it um to a value you forget or you mess up while you're changing it and it ends up in some intermediate state, you end up in a world of hurt because that firmware key is the only one that can enroll new keys. Um so it’s a fairly high risk key to change so the cut I’ll be publishing has a safety check in it. Um so by default it’s not gonna let you do that but it also has the ability to bypass that safety check so you can replace it. If you do replace that key, their application will stop to work on your device. Um for what was involved in um the backdoor I was showing. What’s actually happening is I’m inserting this key, the one up on the screen which no one can read um into key slot 200. And the reason I’m putting it into key slot 200 is because the mobile application starts putting offline keys at key slot 1 and if you get there key pad device it starts putting offline keys at key slot 255 so any number in the middle is going to survive for quite some time. So this is actually using a different mechanism to maintain access so even if they rotate firmware keys on reset, unless they clear all offline keys uh this would still work. >>Thank you. >>I have 2 questions. So the first one, you showed that you had a modified firmware loaded on the thing. Did you do anything with that or was it just to show that they weren’t signing in? >>Um so in that one the only modification act is actually the changing of the version number um because the goal was just to show that you can put custom firmware on it. Um I didn’t write a custom firmware or do anything interesting uh but obviously you could. >>Right. Uh so the other question is as far as I could tell from following your kind of narrative of the whole thing, if I were just walking around with light blue and I saw an August smart lock none of the phones that you had would be able to open it. I would’ve had to already either bought it from somebody else and and all that stuff or given it to somebody else or I’d have to already have guest access and then upgrade. >>Right. So everything I I’ve shown here will get your from guest um to permanent access or near permanent access. The only one that didn’t require any authorization was notification of when the lock is unlocked or locked but in that scenario you do need to know the owner’s phone number or their email address. Um and if you see the lock on their door, uh it broadcasts the ID in the um light blue application you can pull the lock ID um off of it and that’s how it’s identified in the system and that remains the same no matter how many times it’s reset. >>Cool. Thank you. [coughing] >>So that’s my talk um the final I’ll I’ll give you is if you wanna play with the locks at all, Best Buy’s a, a great place. Most of the locks at Best Buy add up aren’t actually paired with an account. If you walk in they have an August demo booth. Just fire up the August application and associate with your account and it’ll give you um something you can play with on their API’s. >>One last question. Was there any indication that maybe the AES key was actually derived from the serial number? >>I don’t have any evidence of that. Um I don’t know how it’s generated. I’m assuming it’s random and it’s probably using the same mechanism they used to generate offline keys. Um I also don’t think it’s generated from the serial number because you used to be able to enroll non existent locks in their API’s um and for those ones it wouldn’t hand you a key back so there’s probably a database somewhere uh that has a table joining the lock ID and then the um the offline key that’s the- the firmware key. Ready? Um if you wanna play with this the IOT village has a lock um a smart lock there. Uh I’ll be publishing on this immediately here after and get providing a leak, a link on Twitter um so you can take it over there and uh mess with their lock. [applause]
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DEF CON, DEFCON, Hacking, Hacker Conference, Computer Security, Security Research, Defcon 24, DEF CON 24, DC-24, DC24, Lockpicking, Hardware Hacking, Jmaxxz, IoT
Id: MMB1CkZi6t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2016
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