Does Coffee make you Fat and Anxious?

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He lurks this sub for sure

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/logintolifenow 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was great

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TripleGem-and-Guru 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Pretty good video. Caffeine had a different effect on my eating though. I would say that on caffeine I had higher appetite but lower satiation, and off caffeine the opposite. So now that I have been off caffeine for a while, I find I get hungrier but feel full longer. And I have actually gained a little weight.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/random_whatever_00 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
Well, it's brown and it's hot. People  drink it in the morning for energy. Will coffee make you fat? Maybe not but I’m pretty  sure it helped make me fat and kinda anxious. So is coffee bad for you?  How much should you drink? In May 2017, a 16 year old Californian had a large  Mountain Dew, a Cafe Latte and chugged an energy   drink within 40 minutes. He then collapsed and  died from a “caffeine induced cardiac event.”   The total amount of caffeine he had was around  only 400mg, the equivalent of 4 cups of coffee. On the other hand, a 2008 study on 817 Finnish  adults found that the more coffee people drank,   the longer they lived with those drinking as much  as 7 cups of coffee a day living the longest. The 16 year olds case is an incredibly rare one,   but clearly caffeine can have very different  effects on different people. But why? It’s hard to predict how each person will react  to their own personalized cup of coffee because   everyone metabolizes caffeine differently,  and there are tons of other compounds in   coffee that change depending on everything  from how the coffee is grown and processed   to how the beans are roasted to how you even  prepare each cup of coffee. For example it’s   been found that french press coffee raises  cholesterol whereas filtered coffee does not. Personally, I’m always more jittery  with cheaper coffees and I usually   feel better with organic coffees  - the difference is probably that   non-organic coffees are doused with all kinds  of pesticides. Also I’m prone to feeling hot,   nauseous and jittery with black coffee but feel  fine with coffees with milk in it or lattes. About two months ago, I posted this poll  on youtube that got 15000 votes from y’all.   It’s interesting to see that 21%  of you said you felt way better   after stopping drinking coffee and 12% of you  said you felt at least a little bit better.   At the end of May, I proudly posted to my Patreon  page this weaning strategy I used to get off   coffee - I ended up being coffee-free for a little  over a month and I was a lot better for it. The   changes were subtle and came on slowly. I usually  clench my jaw when I’m feeling tense which is why   my masseter muscle is so large. Sometimes I clench  it so hard at night that I wake up with headaches   and a lot of tension in the sides of my face.  Then, I noticed that when I'm not drinking coffee,   I clench my jaw less and wake up with less tension  in the side of my face. I’m also less anxious   throughout the day and have more stable focus  without coffee. Most surprising to me, quitting   coffee drastically reduced my appetite. When I was  drinking 3 cups of coffee a day it was like the   only way to get full was to physically stretch my  stomach with a huge mass of food. Once I cut out   coffee it was like …my satiation hormones actually  worked again and I could eat like a regular human. But caffeine is a slippery slope. I ended  up having a couple coffee dates with friends   and by July I was once again drinking  3 double shot lattes each morning.   It took about 10 days to notice that  I was getting a little bit hungrier,   I was in general a little bit more anxious and  my focus throughout the day was less stable. The official stance is that we should  keep our caffeine intake under 400mg,   4 cups of coffee worth a day. But, Research  has found that depending on who you are,   it can take anywhere from 2.3 hours to 9.9  hours to metabolize half of your caffeine dose.   Other research has found that if  you’re a slow metabolizer of caffeine,   high caffeine consumption can  increase your heart disease risk,   but if you’re a quick metabolizer of caffeine  then it can even lower your heart disease risk. In fact, you may even enjoy the flavor of coffee  more or less depending on how quickly you can   metabolize caffeine. This study found that  people who metabolize caffeine more slowly   actually perceive it as more bitter. Now you might think Nice, well if I’m  a fast metabolizer of caffeine I’ll   get the benefits from coffee rather than  detriments. ”A damn fine cup of coffee."   However, my DNA report shows that I  actually metabolize caffeine faster   than average yet I seem to still have these  issues with coffee. "Hot coffee! You idiot!" So first, Let’s take a look caffeine and hunger. Caffeine activates the stress axis and raises the   stress hormone cortisol and cortisol  has been found to increase appetite.   And while another study didn't find that  caffeine directly increases appetite,   it did find that caffeine makes it harder  for cortisol levels to fall. In fact,   Stephen Cherniske, author of Caffeine blues  writes that “people who consume more than 300   milligrams of caffeine per day may have elevated  serum cortisol for eighteen [hours a day.]” Also, caffeine may make it to where we perceive  and physiologically react to stressful things   as if they’re even more stressful. "The fact  is, you and I are sitting here today because   this will be your last week of employment at this  company." A 1974 study found that, in a group of   people told that they were going to be fired from  their job, stress-related noradrenaline output   was greater in those who regularly drank caffeine.  Essentially their physiological response to stress   was even greater thanks to the caffeine.  These caffeine drinkers, were probably feeling   specifically more anxious about losing their  job considering noradrenaline provokes anxiety. Is this enough to say that coffee was making  me fat and hungry? Well I suppose not,   but higher stress levels has been linked to  higher abdominal fat and there’s evidence   that people with more body fat secrete  more of the stress hormone cortisol,   and again cortisol raises appetite,  making for a vicious cycle. And It has been found that increased  anxiety increases people’s appetite   and the food actually relieves the anxiety. So, let's take a look at coffee and caffeine's  relationship to anxiety, because maybe,   my increased appetite is simply downstream of  the increased anxiety I get from drinking coffee. Research has been done showing coffee  consumption has people with bruxism   clench their jaw more. As I explained earlier,   this is the case for me too and I happen to clench  my jaw when I’m anxious or tense, and it seems   that I’m generally more anxious throughout  the day when I’m regularly drinking coffee. There’s multiple papers talking about  the anxiety inducing effects of caffeine   and There have been cases in the  past of normal healthy people   suffering from panic attacks from just  500mg of caffeine - about 5 cups of coffee. A paper looking at people with a panic disorder  found that 71% of the patients said drinking   caffeine felt similar to the experience of having  a panic attack but to a lesser degree of course.  Several papers describe a phenomenon called  “caffeinism” which is essentially chronic   anxiety from drinking too much caffeine. As  early as 1978, it was written that there is   no reliable way to tell the difference between  someone who actually has an anxiety disorder   and someone who is simply sensitive to  caffeine and is drinking too much of it.   In fact, in a study looking at 6  different cases of people with an   anxiety disorder to the degree that they  were taking medication for their anxiety,   all 6 of them had massive improvements  in their anxiety after quitting caffeine   and 5 of the 6 no longer needed any anxiety  medication after stopping the caffeine. Actually, one of the people, after going  caffeine free and getting rid of his anxiety,   accidentally had caffeinated coffee one   day and then experienced anxiety  symptoms for the next two weeks. Many papers find that more caffeine  leads to more anxiety in normal people,   and of course people with anxiety disorders  are much more sensitive to caffeine.   So what if caffeine is inducing at least  some small subtle amount of anxiety in   everyone and you just notice it more or less  depending on how sensitive you are to caffeine?   How easy is it to tell if you’re just having a bad  day or if you’ve had a little bit too much coffee? Here’s the thing about caffeine - clearly  it’s changing something in the brain.   If the caffeine just made you feel feel  good and focused and for a little while   and then completely disappeared from  your system after a couple hours,   then we wouldn’t have withdrawal effects if we  missed our morning cup of coffee, but we do. Caffeine works by blocking the action  of the chemical adenosine in our brains.   When adenosine normally acts on an adenosine  receptor, we feel sleepy, and part of the   reason caffeine has its effects is because  caffeine blocks this sleepy adenosine receptor. I think most people have heard about the cool  neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin,   but people don’t talk about adenosine very  often. Adenosine receptors are in almost all   organs and tissues and they’re found throughout  the brain and spinal cord. Adenosine has a lot   of complicated functions. Research has found  adenosine to have anti-inflammatory properties ... adenosine regulates sleep, it lessens  the excitability of brain cells meaning   it calms you down. And it also has effects  on blood vessels. In fact research has found   that when you give people caffeine,  bloodflow in the brain is reduced.   Research has also found it to have anti  anxiety and anti depressant effects. You don’t have to remember all that but my  point for now is that the adenosine system   is very intricate and nuanced. We can’t  just say “Adenosine is the sleepy chemical.   I don’t want to be sleepy. So I’ll drink plenty of   caffeine and all my problems will  be solved with no side effects.” When you constantly block adenosine  receptors in the brain, the brain   creates more receptors to become  more sensitive to adenosine to make   balance in response to the receptors  receiving abnormally low stimulation. To get more specific, there are several types  of adenosine receptors, but the main ones are A1   and A2a, and caffeine works by blocking both of  these. Constantly blocking the receptors causes   more adenosine receptors to be created. So what happens when you have more adenosine   receptors making your brain  more sensitive to adenosine? Well, consider this. Anxiety and depression  often appear together. Research has found   that if you expose rodents to chronic stress,  it creates more adenosine A2a receptors. And,   this increase in A2a receptors is accompanied  by an increase in depression like behavior.   Another way you can increase A2a adenosine  receptors is by drinking caffeine. The brain changes you see in the brain  when you constantly drink caffeine,   are similar to the brain changes you  see when constantly exposed to stress. So sure, caffeine may have actually an  anti-depressive effect temporarily because   it blocks these A2a receptors. As you know,  caffeine improves your mood, but this research   suggests that the brain is changed in a way  that when the caffeine starts to wear off,   your overall mood is worse compared to  when you didn’t have a caffeine habit. Another thing is that activating A1  receptors has antidepressant effects. In   fact, sleep deprivation oddly enough seems to  have an antidepressant like effect on people.   The longer you stay awake, the more adenosine  builds up and this adenosine acts on A1 receptors   and gives an anti depressant effect. But remember, caffeine blocks these A1 receptors. This made sense to me. When I was drinking coffee,   I did notice that my mood was little more  variable. I would feel especially positive   and confident after I had my coffee,  but as the caffeine started to wear off,   I noticed I was a little more unsure of myself and  was a little bit more pessimistic about things. Other than the adenosine receptors,  caffeine also causes physical changes to   several other brain receptors very important to  mood like adrenaline receptors, GABA receptors   and serotonin receptors. Adrenaline is  part of the fight or flight response,   serotonin is an important  neurotransmitter for positive mood   and GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter  meaning it helps you relax.   A lot of research has been done on the  importance of GABA in anxiety disorders.   In fact, as this 2012 review explains,  a deficit of GABA signaling in the brain   is a commonality between anxiety  disorders and major depression.   And, Caffeine disrupts the normal metabolism of  GABA. Research has found that putting caffeine   in mice’s drinking water decreases the amount  of GABA (and glycine) in the mice’s brains.. So does this prove that the anxiety you  experience in your life is mostly due to caffeine?   No. Though at least for me specifically, I  don’t need to read all these research papers   to understanding that caffeine enhances at least  a little bit, my base line level of anxiousness.   At the start of the video, I explained individual  differences between people is to say that if you   enjoy caffeine and you don’t consider yourself  an anxious person and are totally content with   how you feel, then you probably don’t have to go  out of your way to change your morning routine. Some of you might be wondering why  tea makes you feel better than coffee.   It might be because of a compound  called L-theanine, which is found in   tea and not coffee. This study found that taking  250mg of L-theanine with 150mg of caffeine   led to people having better reaction  times, they had less headaches,   felt less fatigued and felt more alert than  just taking caffeine alone. In fact L-theanine   is a popular supplement specifically for that  reason - it’s taken to reduce coffee jitters. One last thing, maybe you want to try  quitting coffee, but you want to live   forever like those 7 cup a day Finnish people.  But is coffee really making them live longer?   Or is it simply that people with super  robust bodies and livers who can happily   process coffee without any ill effects are just  naturally more robust and therefore live longer?   After all, the reason people with liver  disease don’t drink so much caffeine is   probably because their weakened livers  have a really hard time processing it.   So it's probably not the case that drinking  a bunch of coffee makes people live longer,   but that the people that can drink  a bunch of coffee live longer. So if you’re looking for some advice, try a couple  different quality coffees until you find the one   that makes you feel the best. and then if you're  not totally satisfied with how you feel, you could   pair it with L-theanine. If you’re not having any  luck with that, then you could at least try seeing   how you feel without coffee for a couple weeks.  Since blocking adenosine receptors has tons of   downstream effects, you might notice some changes  that don’t seem like they would be caused by   coffee. But make sure you pay attention. Honestly  it took me 2 cycles of quitting coffee for a   month, having less appetite, starting coffee again  and then having more appetite to finally confirm   for myself that yes I was gaining weight from my  coffee habit. The changes you feel will probably   be very slow, and you also have to pay attention  to distinguish them from the withdrawal effects.
Channel: What I've Learned
Views: 440,925
Rating: 4.8545852 out of 5
Keywords: caffeine, is caffeine good for you, is coffee good for you, is coffee bad for you, is caffeine bad for you, coffee, does coffee make you anxious, does caffeine make you anxious, does caffeine make you fat, does coffee make you fat, coffee and weight gain, gaining weight with coffee, drinking too much coffee, keto coffee, caffeine burn fat, is coffee healthy, is coffee unhealthy, is caffeine healthy, health benefits of coffee, is caffeine unhealthy
Id: pVXHD1gl6c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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