Dodie & Ginger's Toxic Friendship Exposed

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hey you guys so today we're taking another trip down memory lane with the Nickelodeon TV show As Told by Ginger and we're going to analyze the friendship between Ginger feltly and Dodie bishop and in my unfiltered opinion I believe that they were never like real genuine friends now on Ginger's part I believe that she genuinely liked Dodie and thought that Dodie was cool but I think on Dodie's side of it she had contempt envy and jealousy towards Ginger and she was also willing to do whatever it took to be popular let me explain so there were a lot of moments where Dodie would sell her soul for literally anything remember that episode where Dodie got the privilege of saying the morning announcements each day and it went to her head she totally had a huge power trip over it and what came out was there was lice going around the school and all the children had to get tested and they had to bring Ginger's mom Lois feltly in because she was an RN and they had her conduct all the tests on the kids and it came out that the popular girl Courtney gripling had headlights and now side note I always thought Courtney was cool because she was unapologetically herself she was popular but she wasn't phony she wasn't fake with Courtney it was what you see is what you get and I see why she really took to Ginger because Ginger was unapologetically herself too now that Ginger sometimes get caught up in like the popularity trip and all that yeah but she always came back down to earth whereas Dodie not really but anyway when it came out that Courtney gribling had head lice of course Lois was like don't worry I'm not gonna announce it to everybody now she told Ginger but that's her daughter and then she said look don't tell anybody right and so the school released a list of everybody that had head lice and gave it to Dodie and Dodie saw that Courtney grippling's name was on the list and she was like oh my God that's literal gold the most popular girl in school has headlights if I announced this I'm in for sure and when Dodie was about to do it Ginger already knew that Courtney was on the list and ginger ran to the office and just when Dodie was about to reveal Courtney's name she pulled the plug to where Dodie couldn't announce it and Dodie was like ginger you ruined my big moment and Ginger was like are you serious your big moment humiliating people it's bad enough they have to deal with head lice now they have to deal with the whole school knowing it too and treating them like a leper and not Courtney I almost said Courtney Dodie was like come on like I'm doing the announcements I'm popular and in that moment in my opinion Ginger should have left Dodie alone for good they should have continued the series in my opinion with them being like not even Frenemies but just not friends anymore and how Ginger Saw Her True Colors because then it would show people like oh you know when you deal with people and when you find out who they are and when they keep showing you who they are that's when you cut them off but instead Nickelodeon you know I guess they wanted to do like art imitating life how when we're young we don't want to see that our best friend or our perceived best friend might be toxic as all get out they might be dysfunctional they might even have narc tendencies that we don't know about and they'll be willing to like sell you out to get popularity and that's how Dodie was but when I was a kid you guys I'll admit I did not see the toxicity that was Dodie Bishop at first you know at first I was like well you know Dodie's just misguided you know she made a mistake but no when I was a kid I really didn't like Miranda because I thought she was just mean for no reason but now I look at it a little differently I'm like yeah Miranda's mean but at least you see her coming from a mile away Miranda what you see is what you get she's not fake she made it known she doesn't like ginger she doesn't like Dodie she doesn't like Macy you know she's really nobody's friend except Courtney and even that's debatable because it's clear that she's friends with Courtney because of being the friend you know the perk you know the perk of being Courtney's friend it was all just a facade because if you're Courtney grippling's friend you get benefits you get perks people look at you like the other half they look at you like oh yeah Courtney and Miranda the it girls of Lucky junior high or whatever that school was called but people like Miranda they're not as dangerous because you can pick them out they're not hiding in plain sight whereas Dodie she'll pretend to be cool with you she'll pretend that oh I'm your best friend you can trust me with your secrets and everything like that and it's like no like and there was even an episode where Ginger had like hairy legs and that was one of the embarrassing things that Ginger didn't want people to know because I think the storyline was Lois would never let her shave her legs because she wanted Ginger to be like a kid for as long as possible she wanted Ginger to still have like a degree of Innocence to her and Dodie blabbed it to everybody to Miranda like oh she would never tell anybody about her hairy legs but her mom won't let her shave and it's like really like even Macy was looking at her like girl like why would you tell Miranda this and then Ginger finally is like Dodie why did you say that like in that moment I'm sorry Ginger was too nice like remember when I said that Penny Proud was too nice with dejanae Ginger was too nice with Dodie because Dodie did so many jacked up Shady things that should have made us side eye her it was crazy it was just insane but I say all that to say that this is really a screenwriting lesson and character breakdown all rolled into one because friendship Dynamics are so cool to explore when you're writing your script because you have to really figure out is this a healthy friendship between these two characters or is there hidden motive is their jealousy is their Envy or are these people just friends because they feel like they should be or are they just friends in order to get what they want so you have to look at that and what your character is willing to you in order to get their ultimate goal are they willing to sell their soul out for popularity or for a guy or for perceived like acceptance from people that don't even like them and I think the cool thing about Ginger is that she was very self-reflective she was the type of person that could admit when she was wrong she had no problem saying she was sorry she was very creative she was a writer she was very loyal to a fault unfortunately and that's why she was so relatable but anyway you guys I just love you know Reminiscing on these old shows and going back and analyzing them because like I said before in the Hey Arnold video you don't see a lot of this stuff when you're watching it you don't see a lot of the stuff play out when you're in elementary school or middle school you're watching it and some of it resonates with you but a lot of it is going over your head and you don't even realize like wow they had a toxic friendship like I'm side eyeing it now you know what I mean but anyway you guys thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you again in the next video
Channel: Jessica | Screenwriting Services
Views: 13,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginger foutley, as told by ginger, dodie bishop, macie lightfoot, nickelodeon, nostalgia, 90s kids, courtney gripling, lois foutley, nicksplat, tv reviews, tv shows, carl foutley, 90s nickelodeon, 90s nick, childhood, 90s, darren patterson, of lice and friends, cartoon best friends, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick splat, hoodsie bishop, miranda killgallen, teen nick, ginger foutly, nickrewind, nicktoons, nostalgia nickelodeon, 2000s nickelodeon, nick
Id: 6yvo4dUzSZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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