Doctors Reveal The Worst Homemade Cures They've Seen (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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doctors what is the worst homemade cure a patient used for their illness an older woman with a big gaping foot ulcer visited her family in Indonesia her sister took her to a spiritual healer who instructed her to make an ointment and apply it to the ulcer the ointment included herbs sheep urine olives human hair the day after applying the ointment she was to cleanse the ulcer in the ocean after a few weeks of this the ulcer would heal obviously it did not heal and a ram like a plasma bacteria found only in the ocean grew in her wound and she lost her foot nurse here I used to work in a rural magnet hospital in the South had a patient who was there because he'd gotten athlete's foot and decided to use an old mountain remedy soak your feet in vinegar lemon juice and boiling water to kill the fungus in fairness the original remedy probably called for merely hot water but the guy went a little overboard with the temperature he gave himself some nice bilateral third-degree burns on his feet but there was no sign of any athlete's foot so he had that going for him which was nice I knew someone who got cancer and decided to starve it instead of taking chemo first results after the forty day fast were promising but not for long he died in less than a year the sad part is the survival rate with chemo for this type of cancer is really high and it was detected killed early what kind was it non-hodgkin lymphoma doctor in the family told me an infant was brought into the ER incredibly all shaking and vomiting from her daycare she had a huge oral ulcer in her mouth that her mom tried to cure by killing the bacteria but they were out of mouthwash so she diluted vodka in apple juice he had the can I see the manager haircut and threw a huge fit when CPS was called I took my daughter to the dr for a recurring ear infection when she was about 4 the dr took one look in her ear and asked me if I had seen her putting any foreign objects into her ears and I said no he then took some tweezers and pulled out a small piece of what turned out to be garlic I told him I had no idea how it got there he said it was definitely making her ear infections worse turns out that her dad and stepmom had heard that garlic oil can help cure infections and they didn't have any so instead of taking my daughter to the doctor like they should have they literally just shoved a small clove of garlic in my daughter's ear and left it there paramedic once had a patient diagnosed with a cancerous growth on his ear he took care of it himself with fingernail clippers it got so infected by the time he called 911 we could see his jawbone through his cheek not a doctor but the son of one there was a guy who would go in once a year or so for check-ups he had surgery on his foot and needed it looked at regularly my dad was the surgeon so anyways one day guy comes in for his apt says he isn't feeling well thinks he might have gotten the flu from his kids no big deal unrelated illness happens right while he was talking to my dad before he took his shoes off he was beaming yeah I fell pretty hard gashed my foot open but I fixed it myself saved a trip to the hospital well lo and behold he has taken copper wire and sutured the gash shut it had been a week and it was badly infected that's where his flu-like symptoms came from had he waited a few more days it would have killed him dad took those out dressed it the skin had degraded too far to sew up properly prescribed him antibiotics and referred him to the hospital for observation he ended up spending three thousand on his care instead of the 200 or sofa stitches in the first place Nursia had the fortunate luck to be privy to a patient's super duper secret way of getting rid of leg cramps at night get a cork not just any cork though it must be from a bottle of red wine and tuck it in between your toes at night he was very sure that was the cure that big farmer wasn't telling us completely irrelevant that he started taking a magnesium supplement at the same time as his newfound super cure of toe cork fondling so Big Pharma if you're reading this we all know now tells patients to apply cream to their foot they ignored my advice and just kept rubbing garlic over it they later came back and I told them their foot is getting worse because they aren't using their cream and they now need to go to hospital they ignored me and kept just rubbing garlic eventually they lost their foot OMG what is it with people and garlic garlic scares off disease vampires not a doctor but a pharmacist who works in an ER I had a woman comment for chest pain and when I was interviewing her for her medication history she was telling me how bad the pain was that she took everything in her medicine cabinet I asked her to list what she has in her medicine cabinet what she took the list went Tylenol acetaminophen two tablets advil ibuprofen two tablets aspirin two tablets arrow in 1-2 points greville at which point I kind of had to go hold up you use how many points of what and the patient very matter-of-factly stated that she came in because the heroin didn't help with the pain at all which in some ways I guess was a pretty reasonable course of action since she came in since the heroin didn't work my mom psychiatric nurse practitioner has a patient who smokes meth because it's the only thing that helps them sleep pretty wacky considering Nazis in World War two used it to not sleep not a doctor but my vet friend once had a client rub butter all over her cat in hopes that the cat would lick it off because the cat had stopped eating there's a level of reasoning in this one that's totally out of whack with how ultimately silly ages work in medical field yogurt up their bag for yeast infection this is spread by mung groups when I tried to Google and read about conceiving in pregnancy yogurt was constantly mentioned as lube I eventually stuck to only reading academic material on be-because even published books in the USA were full of nonsense even a ducking nurse told me to rub breast milk into eyes against pinkeye no duck no I absolutely detest the poor quality of education in the USA had a patient who couldn't sleep because she had gotten bug bites on her legs keeping her awake her cure she poured boiling water on them gave herself third-degree burns to treat her bug bites okay I use a warm spoon remedy to remove the ching hold a spoon under the hot tap until the spoon is warm not burning and press on bite it works but it's not permanent but this Christ there is actually a scientific explanation for this mosquitoes inject proteins preventing coagulation of blood otherwise they wouldn't be able to suck it from you , these proteins actually cause the itching as the body is working on their removal proteins are denatured by heat and applying warm hot material helps dermatologist hear dude was trying to get rid of his popular pastula zactly with a homemade mask which consisted of a mix of better metus own ointment honey cream cheese yogurt banana and make up in cream for cover so many bad things here on the dude developed a nodule assisting acne after three or so applications which needed daily because of course who suggested this abomination various YouTube videos and his own initiative of mixing everything in a bowl to cure faster not a dr i'm an x-ray tech and a hospital had a patient with a breast infection she attempted to treat it with neosporin when she finally came to the ER there was just a huge gaping hole on her chest where the breast used to be the smell in the room was overpowering to say the least it turns out you can't cure breast cancer with neosporin I don't know if she survived or not I have metastatic breast cancer I should save this comment for those days when I'm so sick from my meds that I feel like giving up yeah fatigue and upset stomach and taste changes suck I'm eating dry toast because that's what my gut can handle but I will never have a gaping hole in my chest and I will have good days on these meds I'll have a few more years and that poor lady at least I think I will worth it my patient came in complaining that her skin turned blue after ruling out that she was a smurf I asked her if she'd been using any alternative products turns out she had been ingesting colloidal silver with the belief that it would prevent infections getting drunk to cure a cold the Irish version is a few hot whiskey then go to bed in your cloths and lots of blankets the alcohol is meant to keep you asleep while you sweat it out not a doctor I work at a grocery store deli one lady who is a regular is convinced that magnets cured body ailments she has magnets in her car and occasionally she'll make a big show of being unable to breathe she is fine and don't call the ambulance she will walk all the way outside to her car bring the chintzy fridge magnets back inside to our back corner then by rubbing the magnets on her chest through all of layers of clothes she is cured and doesn't need the paramedics or medical help and don't get her started on how oranges and vitamins are the cure for autism really don't I will slap your hand so hard I work a nightie and have a related story one of our employees was always having odd lapped problems for years it seemed we all jokingly said she was cursed because she went through laptops pretty quickly one day we're eating lunch in the break room and she says something about the magnet bed she sleeps on I said hold up do what she apparently had some long mattress like thing on top of her regular mattress that was essentially one giant magnet I asked her if she regularly used her laptops in bed at night to which she said yes that suddenly explained most of her IT issues she stopped using her laptop in bed and she never really had any more computer issues after that the worst part of all that was that she's the director of nursing at her health care company a lady thought she could cure her cancer with essential oils it didn't work she ended up in the ER weeks later that's called natural selection I did clerical work for a naturopathic physician we had a number of folks treating arthritis with gin-soaked golden raisins nine a day no more no less my aunt has this concoction of basically just rubbing alcohol and marijuana leaves seeds and stems and for whatever crazy reason she thinks that if you rub it over an egg that it will magically make it go away lawless she calls up the brew tyria not a doctor yet but work an Em's the number of folks who think wd-40 will help arthritis pain is abnormally high also though this is not explicitly a home remedy but the people who think things will just cure themselves with time yes this works sometimes yes healthcare is financially prohibitive but if something has been debilitating you for more than 72 hours it probably won't be going away anytime soon just go get it checked it's cheaper to treat something over time than to go oh duck I suddenly need 500 K for this procedure or I'm gonna die I'm a paramedic and my partner told me the worst he has ever seen was for a burn patient he said that he saw teenager hobbling towards him covered in a bunch of white gooey gunk so apparently homeboy was out in the country trying to start a big bonfire and he first decided to douse his big bundle with some gasoline before tossing a mansion well it caught real fast and he got a big ol flash burn across his whole body his mama apparently used to be a certified nurse and covered him in mayonnaise because that would help treat the burn janna all she did was introduce a duck turn of infection into his body and make it much more excruciating for him when my partner had to wipe it off of him and place burn bandages on him while they transported him to the hospital dentist here I know a guy who lost her tooth got the tooth put some homebuilding cement on the road put it back in the Alva Rowland showed up a week later with a massive infection he lost the tooth to neighboring teeth and some part of his jawbone this is a little different but I groomed dogs an owner put Oregon Oh essential oil in their dog's ear canal to get rid of an ear infection she brought up that it looked like it wasn't going away yet it felt so bad when I flipped the dog's ear leather back the year was fire engine red inflamed and it hurt her to touch it no sign of ear infection but clear chemical type burns I know it's not the popular opinion on reddit but I do like using a couple essential oils for minor things like sore muscles mosquito bites stuff like that but Oregon oil should never be put in an ear ever if you want an oil to work as a skin oil and have a scent that will calm you or clear your mind or make you feel more confident go for it if you want someone to forego a professional medical opinion or treatment plan in favor of pretty smelling oils just don't nobody faults people for using perfume or cologne in moderation it's just simply not medicine and the sooner people acknowledge that the better my sister a nurse recently had a patient who decided that apple cider vinegar was the proper treatment for heartburn then when that didn't work they tried baking soda they are now in the hospital with pneumonia because making a baking soda volcano in one's esophagus isn't a good idea not a doctor I used to be a medic during my medic course one of the other students said that she put coffee on a second-degree burn her friend had the instructors mouth just dropped to the floor instead of cleaning it to prevent infections putting coffee has the reverse effect do not do that not a doctor but the patient when I was 14 or so I had an ingrown toenail so instead of going to the doctor I used an exacto knife some ice cubes for anesthetic and a diagram I found online to perform surgery on the myself stopped partway through when I realized I didn't have anything to stitch the wound back up with went to the doctor got it stitched up the ingrown toenail didn't even require surgery just a little more prying than I had the leverage to do before Healthcare's free hair when I was younger our neighbor at the time had her brother over to visit he showed us a gaping wound on the back of his hand where he had been bitten by a whitetail spider he was rubbing alcohol and marijuana into the wound to cure it apparently never saw him again though he rarely visited the neighbors I think he had threatened to her husband with a knife in the middle of the night once so maybe it all worked out also he usually wore a cape not a doctor but an old friend of mine she caught the common cold but instead of her mom taking her to the doctor she gave her a mixture of deer blood and horse semen to drink she threw it up and only after she got much worse was she taken to the doctor when she got out of the hospital she told me matter her mother was now imprisoned for child abuse and neglect [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: 7NchOIpKTU4
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Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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