Doctor Who: Every Episode RANKED (New Who) LIVE

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[Music] [Music] uh hello is this thing on hello can everybody hear me anybody out there anybody out there at all everyone can hear me oh good oh this is excellent hello everyone welcome welcome welcome to the first ever crispy pro show i'm your host crispy pro as per the title um so today we're going to have a lot of fun i'm going to have a really really good time we're gonna try and uh rank every single episode of new who so that's gonna be fun um will we smash this out in an hour or will it take five hours as someone said in the chat who knows who knows not me i don't know um but anyway just before we get into it disclaimer um everyone in the who community we're a beautiful community but we can be very very loud so first of all just be respectful in the chat okay i know there's gonna be a lot of opinions today but just be respectful we're a peaceful channel here at crispy pro that's all we do we're just peaceful people um but yes anyway how are we all i should look at the chat for a second how are we how are we going where is everyone right now yes oh my gosh you guys are flooding oh we got some people folks from the uk some people from australia have i got any more tattoos now we've just got we just got the this one the 20 000 one um wow this is cool well someone from townsville g'day with a beer i'm having a beer as well um i am 23 so it's very legal um all right what time is it in australia it is 8 10 p.m um and i know it's like i think it's 10 a.m for you folks in the uk and some of you poor people in america are watching this like in the wee hours of the morning and i really respect you guys for doing that um okay cool um what a oh i got a i got a mug as well i don't know if you can see that crispy pro show mug that's that'll be fun i should put water in that or something um but yes okay what else what else oh i need to tell you guys something so um i know that there's a super chat option in this and eventually people might want to consider using that i don't know but if you do i have developed the the crispy fries program um so if you if you donate at all um your name will go on there and it'll be in the background of my videos and you know i'll give you a shout out and all that um so just thought i should let you know that um and yeah and hopefully we can keep up this this live stream thing because that team it seems to be going all right so far um all right oakley douglas folks let's oh my gosh oh wow catboy okay that's that's awesome okay thank you very very much that's very very good um okay i will write it i will write it down at the end i'm not gonna get up throughout the thing but thank you thank you very very much it means a lot to me and this channel and keeping this channel going um so folks should we get into it should we hmm hmm i need to get the page open all right you ready three two one bang did that work did that look cool i hope so i'm not really sure haha this is crazy this is absolutely we've got 135 people watching right now that is that's mental oh jacob what is going on thank you much love to you wowie okay we're really we're really getting uh getting a groove on i haven't even put an episode on the rankings yet you guys you guys are the most loyal subscribers ever hola amigos hello whovians that's that's what you guys are you guys are brilliant okay shall we begin um okay so basically with all of this i'm gonna try and rank um all of these episodes and when there's an episode that i'm like i don't even know what to do then i'm gonna refer to the chat because if we have a big 10 minute discussion on each episode we're gonna be here until tuesday at the very at the earliest oh my gosh connor what it put love and monsters at the greatest and i'll give you another 10 i don't know if conor's asking me to put it there temporarily or for the whole time um i feel i would feel blasphemous if i did that um but i appreciate your generous donation there connor okay can everyone hear me okay is this is this loud enough everyone be nice on conor he's just being creative audio is good yeah excellent speaketh i am speaking if yeah okay cool all right let's begin let's absolutely begin okie dokies end of time part two is our first one because all of these are jumbled up i was expecting us to go series by series but it's kind of fun if they're all jumbled up because we don't know what we're gonna get um okay so let's have a look let's oh thank you catboy again um okay end of time part two david tennant's last one very emotional um [Music] the regeneration scene itself i would put in the greatest but i'm gonna say that this episode is hmm [Music] amazing i think it's an amazing episode i think it's very it's it's kind of dark for david tennant's era um and the the knock four times thing was huge um but i don't think it's my favorite episode ever i don't know if it's the greatest episode of all time um but yeah i think i think i'll put it in amazing for now oh a lot of people want good oh interesting tell you what we'll put it yeah okay i think there might be better one we'll put it in good we'll put in good for now and we'll move on oh no the idiot's lantern okay i'm not the biggest fan of this one i don't know why i just don't think it stuck with me a lot um a lot of people are saying okay and i think i'm gonna go with that wow a lot of amazing a lot of people really really like this one all right we're gonna i'm gonna chuck it in okay i think that's an okay episode the runaway bride now this one this one is a curious critter because it's donna's first episode and i feel like a lot of people were not the biggest fan of donna initially in series four she definitely redeemed herself but off the bat it was a bit confronting she was a very very loud person um but i think it's still a fun episode is it the best christmas special no uh i think i think we're gonna go um it might just be it's yeah i wish there wasn't between okay and good um we might just go i might just go okay for now we're gonna go okay for now doctor's daughter wow they're really they're throwing some episodes out here um i need help with this one i'm going straight to the chat for this one what do you guys reckon on the doctor's daughter because i'm i think it's a fun episode and i know it's the one with david tennant's wife and it's very funny because that is also the fifth doctor's daughter in the episode it's called the doctor's daughter it's a it's very confusing i'm getting a lot of okays and goods getting a lot of amazings someone said the greatest they're all the greatest i like it i think i'm gonna go i reckon it's above idiots lancers i'm gonna go it's a good episode oh now stolen earth i think that that was the avengers endgame of doctor who so i'm gonna chuck it in amazing because it's just a fun time i mean you can't oh end of time tried to creep up there no i'm putting it amazing very good very good yeah a lot of people want it to be in the greatest i don't know if it's the greatest i think it is almost there it is almost there but not quite but you know what uh our how loving monsters is uh is coming up next so that's a bit of fun um now i know i get an extra 10 if i just go like that but i'm not going to out of principle out of principle i know i think some people have um really grown to like loving monsters but i still remember watching this episode back in like 2010 just after i started watching doctor who and i was like what what is going on and then as i grew up and re-watched the episode there were some dirty jokes in there that um i missed completely and it's it's a very very awkward awkward episode so i'm gonna i think this out first i don't know i'll put it in oh geez i'm putting in an awful i'm sorry guys i'm sorry i know there's a lot of support for loving monsters but i had to do what needed to be done okay we're we're very serious we're very serious okey dokeys last of the time lords hey um i really enjoyed this three part at the end of series three i think oh gosh i don't really know was this the last episode in series three anyone know oh god thanks connor um yes it was the last episode okay i really enjoyed this i really but i feel like it's probably the weaker out of all those three episodes just because the doctor turning into this wee little old man is kind of off-putting and the ending is a little bit iffy so i'm gonna put it as good i'm gonna put it as good and then when we get to the others i reckon they'll be in the amazing hopefully our voyage of the damned voyage of the damned okay australia's own kylie minogue so if i if i do right by my country i would have to put in the greatest but but but i do not think it is the greatest episode of doctor who so i will not do that i think it's a fun time i rewatched it maybe a couple months back um and i thought it's pretty cool it's got the introduction of wealth um so i'm gonna say i'm gonna say it's okay it's a fun time it's popcorn doctor who you know what chuck it on have a good time it's sci-fi kyla was actually i thought she was very decent in it um but yeah it's it's an okay episode of doctor who it's it's good kick your feet back and enjoy oh planet of the year i haven't thought about this one in forever i think it's is it good it might be good oh bana cavalata absolutely right catboy panda cavalada um wait the wedding of sarah jane smith is in this list did you see that well some sarah jane adventures are going to come on here um yeah what do we think of planet of you good good i'm feeling good i'm feeling very good on this one all right oh waters of mars now hold the phone everyone hold the phone for a second this episode is something else i think it's by far the best special therefore does put it above good i'm i think it might be the greatest i think this is one of david tennant's strongest episode so tell you what i'll put in the greatest and because we put in the greatest you know what i'm gonna have a little dance [Music] is that dance music going i can't hear it but oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay that's enough that's enough come on everyone that's enough we're grown-ups here come on um okay now stream lagging are we okay are we okay are we still are we still there folks are we still there oh no you can see all that can't you don't worry about that it's just behind the scenes at crispy pro um okay very good very very good oh the satan's pit interesting i haven't seen that one in years i've not seen that one for a long long time so i think i'll put it in i'll put it in okay okay i think it's okay i'm sorry guys i feel like there's a lot there's a very mixed reception going on in the chat right now but we'll leave it at that we'll leave it at that oh army of ghosts now that's that's a fun time that's pretty cool um so let's think about this army of ghosts oh man i honestly don't know i'll put it in good i'm gonna put it in good and then doomsday i think doomsday is better than army of ghosts because that is emotional that is really really emotional that pulled on my heartstrings more than i was expecting to um not that i'm you know the biggest fan of rose and ten's relationship i mean in series two their relationship is solid but i feel like it gets a bit complicated um bit lovey-dovey for my liking but each to their own everyone has their own opinions um 42 our current show runners first episode in the current run um oh a lot of people are not happy with 42. i don't remember it very well so i don't think it's as bad as love and monster so i'm gonna put it i think it's our first bad episode and who knows if it's going to be chris chibnall's last bad one i can't say that he's our current showrunner um and if i work at the bbc i don't want them finding this footage but chris not your best work not your best work mate not your best work oh my silence in the library let's go let's go okay silence in the library i think is one of moffat's strongest scripts and that is also a greatest that is absolutely also a greatest chucking on the doctor who remix all right that's enough that's enough come on oh doing the damn i'm pressing the wrong tab again all right everyone just relax everyone just relax the girl on the fireplace another one of my fat's strong ones i'm gonna say amazing i'm gonna say amazing because that was a fun time um madame de pompadour was very very good oh or the impossible planet that is impossible for you guys to read i'm just going to chuck it in the same thing as the satan pit i don't know i don't know um the zontaran stratagem that's the one in series four yeah yeah um with donna and martha it was exciting to see those two interact but i don't think i don't think it was that that incredible right right oh a lot of people are like telling me a lot of things okay i'm going i'm going into i'm going into okay it's okay christmas invasion david tennant's first i think it's good we're just gonna go out on a limb and say it's good there's a lion king reference a lot of fun fear her okay what do we think about fear her because i think you remember when i used to make doctor who mistake videos that is like 2013 lockhart well done wow i'm putting i'm putting fear here and non-canon because i think that is my least favorite episode of the current run absolutely absolutely i'm sorry guys i had to i had to oh some people might not be happy at that i'm sorry guys i'm sorry fear her is now historical you're absolutely right the 2012 olympics feels like a lifetime ago um and that was in the well in the future for them sound of drums um i'm putting that above last of the time lords amazing it was good fun captain jack's in there great time what is this planet of the dead geez it's really hard for you guys to read i'm just gonna make sure i read out every episode don't worry guys we're smashing through them yeah there's not that many left i swear stick around for the stream guys um [Music] okey dokeys okey dokeys planet of the dead and it's okay it's okay i don't think it's one of the best specials but whatever rise of the cybermen watched it yesterday it's a good episode had a great time school reunion sarah jane let's go amazing absolutely amazing elizabeth sladden legendary the wedding of sarah jane smith is not a doctor who episode snuck in there but it's pretty good pretty good daleks in manhattan i did not enjoy this two party guys i really didn't um i'm gonna say it's bad okay can we all agree on that how do we feel about that one meh bad good bad okay very good very good okay moving on utopia i had a great time with this one i think it's on par with sound of drums so and that master reveal give me that give me that any day of the week gridlock eh i mean i mean let's just go okay i think it's an okay episode i feel like there's gonna be a lot of goods and okays i'm a very big doctor who fan in case you couldn't tell and a lot of you guys are as well and i'm not that harsh on many episodes except for her so i feel like the top half is gonna fill up um forrest of the dead i'm putting that two-parter in amazing it's a fun time all right come on end of time part one what'd i put part two good this one's good as well oh yeah john simm was great in him though he was absolutely brilliant um okay oh human nature this two part is a bit of fun this two-parter makes you think i think harbor homes did a video on this one recently and i mean it's pretty darn good um all right amazing but overrated i'm seeing a lot of amazing we'll put it in the mazing put it in the amazing shakespearean code i don't think it aged all that well so i don't know i think this one's i think it's it might be a bad ep it might be a dud might be a dud yeah absolutely i watch harbor he's absolutely brilliant um in fact um not next week but the week after we have a little collaboration coming out so get keen for that one we're talking about um the current doctor's fam and why i don't think it holds up to some of the doctor's previous fam so get keen for that um [Music] age of steel just watched that one recently where did i put the other one good it's good it's fine lazarus um um hmm you wish you had my accent the the australian accent g'day mate g'day how you doing um a lot of people are saying bad i don't think it's that great an episode i can't remember it ah karen gillan in the fires of pompeii um this one is a curious critter as well i think i think it's an okay episode oh it wanted to go into bad but i'm gonna boost it up and peter capaldi's in there as well so you know i gotta be loyal to my home slice capaldi tooth and claw i'm not that big of a fan i'm sorry guys i haven't gone back to rewatch that because i just i don't know i don't know oh evolution of the daleks i didn't enjoy that two-parter and i already put the daleks in manhattan there so it's a bad one unicorn on the wasp i feel like is slightly underrated slightly underrated i know there's not that many people that like the unicorn and the wasp or am i wrong what do you guys think about unicorn the wasps i'm curious oh wow okay it is popping hey hey everyone okay there there is such a diverse range wow this is epic i can't believe how many people we've got on stream so first of all thank you guys so much for hopping on this is insane um i think we're gonna go oh do i dare i'm gonna put it okay we'll put it in okay for now next doctor i don't think is all that good we'll put it in bad i think that was clickbait but it is one of the most viewed episodes of the current run because i've said clickbait um poison sky where did i put the other one that is a curious question where did i put the other one in okay yeah we'll put it there whatever partners in crime is really campy but really really fun like it's kind of like scooby-doo esque um but it's i think it's a fun time i think it's a really fun i think that's a good episode i think that is a good time donna's reintroduction i think is stella i think is i think is brilliant family of blood right next to its companion there human nature brilliant new earth i feel like i'm being brutal here i'm sorry guys smith and jones watched this the other day that is such a fun time that is such a fun time move next doctor to not cam not canon that was terrible i don't look look tell you what just for your generous donation i will bump it down oh it's not as bad as lava monsters i can't i'm sorry i'm sorry cal i simply can't blink what do you guys think about blink because it's voted number one everywhere i love it a lot but i feel like a lot of people have some different opinions given all this time we've had to ponder about this episode what do you guys think okay a lot of people are still agreeing the greatest some people are saying overrated this is this is incredible this is absolutely incredible okay look i think from what i'm seeing someone doesn't want it in canon wow okay okay i'm gonna put it i'm gonna put it in the greatest the greatest just to just to you know i can't even think i can ever think of the words but let's have a little dance come on this this remix is on my channel by the way it's the doctor who remix done by one of my good friends dipsy released yeah a couple years back if you want to check it out it's a bit of fun um okay turn left i love the concept i love the execution and i love that episode i think it is amazing same with midnight what do you guys think about midnight because i feel like there's some people that really really don't like it because it's very intense and it's it's very claustrophobic episode but i think that was part of its greatness because it's just kind of this standalone creepy eerie episode um yeah okay cool cool cool damn all right journeys end journeys and we'll put in amazing as well i mean i don't think it's i mean i don't think it's as strong as stolen earth doesn't matter can't overthink it oh my gosh our first whitaker episode after all this time now everyone i know that the whitaker era is a very big talking point and that there's a lot of people with a lot of opposing views so please keep it civil in the chat come on we're good here at crispy pro i know you're good i know you're good um okay this one is the ghost monument hmm i think it's okay i think it's an okay episode um i kind of wish i was expecting a bit more after the woman who fell to earth because i quite liked that episode but like they really should have you know delved a bit deeper into the characters but i don't know it's kind of like a whirlwind um okay the woman who fell to earth i think that's a good episode i really like that episode i feel like it sets up everyone perfectly not that they really do much with those characters but they set them up nicely um what is it demons of the punjab i think it's an okay time it was fun um rosa i'm gonna i'm gonna put that in amazing i think it's one of the stronger whitaker whittaker runs can you guys yeah can you guys see which ones i'm putting in yeah cool i'm just making sure um [Music] yeah cool yeah yep yep yep yep um saranga conundrum that's it's not a fun it's not that great it's kind of fun for like the first 10 minutes and then i don't know i feel like it drags on a bit erections in the uk it's not that great either battle of ren score as colos is one of not it's not it's not a very exciting finale but i think it is better than the surrounding connector so i'll put it in okay put an okay and we'll leave it there kablam i half enjoyed which finders not that great i'm sorry series 11 just really didn't really didn't do it for me it didn't do it for a lot of you guys um it takes you away it's okay it's okay spyful part one good that was a fun reveal but i feel like they they really shouldn't have delved that deep into the spy trope i don't know i mean i get that they were doing a james bond spoof yes yes absolutely but i feel like they kind of needed to bring it back bring some hunus back and they did at the end but i don't know i don't know um resolution i think is uh it's fun if it's probably one of the more david tennant episode david tennant-esque episodes of the whitaker run nikola tesla's i thought was pretty good as well orphan 55. let's chat about author 55 for a second can i get some bennies in the chat please i just want to see some bennies excellent well done guys this is this is what i made the channel for just to spam the chat full of bennies someone wants isn't the greatest oh i'm sorry i'm sorry look i feel like orphan 55 is almost on there with fear here look i i remember leaving that episode being like oh it took it out of me and it's just such a shame because i had such a great time with spyfall um speaking of spyfall i'm gonna make you join your companion in good spiteful part two is pretty good fugitive of the let me pronounce that properly connor i'm paying you to avoid your damn lower than resolution just a thought oh don't worry we are going to go over this at the end so if you have any any grieving grievances that you're like what is crispy doing that one can't be there i'll read i will consider but thank you for bringing that to my attention connor um we will do a little re-review at the end there before we before we submit our results okay but yes fugitive of the jedoon let's have a look i'm gonna say it's amazing i had a great time i had a really good time that captain jack reveal give me that any day of the week give me that any day of the week um okey-dokeys let's have a look what's next oh can you hear me um yeah look um i'm not i'm not asking you guys if you can if you can hear me but let's i don't think it's that great ascension of the cyberman good praxis uh bad sure why not haunting of the villa um i think is pretty fun so i'm gonna put it in good i'm gonna put it in good i'm just gonna skip past the timeless children and say it's okay and we'll leave it at that hey we'll leave it at that amy's choice oh we're back in we're back in matt now okay this one's fun i think this one is a very good episode and by saying very good does that mean amazing no it's just it's good but on the very scale you know what i mean vampires in venice vampires in venice i don't really know i'm not really sure i'm not really sure on this one damn what a mixed mixed review for vampires and venice oh no it's not mixed we're putting it okay 11th hour now we are cooking with gas give me that moffat and smith have the impossible task of following up from david tennant everyone's favorite well not everyone's favorite the general public's favorite i guess we could say as voted for by radio times recently um and they did a crushing job that episode is so much fun and has so much replay value so i hope you guys are ready to dance your bloody socks off because it's the 11th hour baby kidding it's 8 42. [Music] that's enough that's enough come on come on stop being silly flesh and stone weeping angels came back not as good as blink it's it's a fun time it's a fun time it's good opens i love this finale so much happens this was my the second episode i ever watched so i didn't understand a thing that happened but it helped me fall in love with the show so i'm gonna put it in amazing i'm gonna put an amazing cold blood okay vincent and the doctor hello hello wow um do you guys think i should put it in the greatest or amazing because those are the two options i have right now all very interesting very interesting oh oh wow there is a lot going on in the chat no i'm looking at these ones i put as amazing here and geez maybe fugitive shouldn't be there maybe that should be in good because i don't think that one's as good as half of these episodes here i'm gonna put it in amazing yeah we're gonna re-review at the end everyone don't panic don't panic hungary earth whatever it's okay the lodger the lodger was my first ever doctor who episode would you believe would you believe that i think that's ridiculous i think that's absolutely ridiculous um but it's not i mean it's not it's not amazing it's not amazing oh sam when's the next who busters an excellent question uh next two buses episode will be out on wednesday uh 9 pm australian time not sure what time that is in england or that will be 11 a.m on wednesday and we're gonna be talking about underrated doctor who episodes um but yeah uh let's have a look um i think it's okay it's an okay episode um but yeah but yeah yeah yeah very good very very good okay impossible astronaut this one got me hyped this was when i was just getting into doctor who and this episode swept me off my feet um but i understand series series um six has its problems but i mean you can't deny that was an exciting opener so i'm gonna say it's an amazing that's good it's a good it's good it's a good episode curse of the black spot not that great probably can you hear me level um yeah sorry uh christmas carol probably one of the best uh christmas specials we've ever had so tell you what wow we actually are doing quite well with this um so tell you what let's put it in good day the moon good big bang hmm uh big bang so much happens in that amy and rory's wedding is beautiful uh uh i don't know what to do with the big bang somebody tell me what to do with the big bang must i sip my beer for the big bang uh the website i'll i will link this in the description once i repost it to um to youtube but yeah it's on tmaker and it's just someone someone this isn't mine i didn't make this so shout out to whoever did i'm not quite sure if the person's on here um but yeah shout out to them um but yeah anyway let's just put the big bang as good as well when i put the pandora opens did i put it up here or do i put it down here doesn't matter we don't have time we just don't have time uh let's kill hitler a controversial episode kinda uh it's okay it's okay is that at the top no the the top's right here the top is we have five episodes currently in the top and that is looking very very nice might i add um rebel flesh it's an okay two-parter bit of fun bit of fun doctor's wife oh oh that ma oh i'm gonna put it in amazing i'm just gonna put it in amazing for now how do you guys feel about that one because i know that's a fan favorite but i don't think it is the greatest someone is not happy with my rebel flesh one what an episode is absolutely absolutely very good guys very very good okey dokey's the almost people it's going to join his companion as well good man goes to war that episode so much happens it is brilliant absolutely brilliant had a great time with that what did i just put that amazing yeah hell yeah let's put that in there wedding of river song [Music] oh ace is in the chat hello ace how are we doing um wedding a river song look not one of the strongest finales absolutely but uh it's okay god complex i feel like that episode is very split as well we might we might put it in good because i rewatched it recently and it's directed by the same guy that did the 50th and that really really shows it is very beautiful to watch cinematography and it's great i think the concept is a little out there but kind of pays off um so i'm gonna put it in good for now i'm gonna put it in good uh girl who waited off another fan favorite i i'm putting in amazing as well that episode i don't usually cry in doctor who but i mean i did in that one absolutely absolutely night terrors look mr gatos i love your riding but not one of your strongest ones i think it's an okay time it's very creepy i'll give it that it's it's very well shot as well um closing time not the not the greatest cyberman story not the greatest cyberman story uh dr woody in the wardrobe i'm sorry is this brutal is this brutal i just put it in bad um tell you what i feel like i'm being too harsh and i need i need something to sweeten me up um so i'm going to get an australian delicacy i'll be right back you guys ever heard of tim tams ever heard of tim tams oh my goodness i shouldn't eat on stream that's very unprofessional that's like stream 101 right i apologize i actually need to get my get my blood pressure back up or down blood pressure doesn't matter i should stop talking power of three chris chibnall kate stewart's introduction um bit of fun ending was kind of er uh it's okay asylum of the daleks now that that is strange that's a strange episode the twist at the end well done overall ah look i know there's some people that really aren't the fan really aren't fans of asylum with the daleks unless i'm not really uh but i think personally i do like it i'll put it as good for now i put it as good for now i feel like one of the reasons that i was mad at the episode was because i kind of advertised it as every dalek's going to be in it and then all of a sudden you see like a couple of classic daleks in the background and you're like well why would you why would you use that as your marketing anyway ridiculous dinosaurs on a spaceship i think that's a fun episode i think it's pretty fun i think that's like the most popcorn doctor who episode you can imagine and that with a title like that i mean come on um i think it's good it's very silly um but i mean tricey tricey got me in the feels um a town called mercy eh it's okay it's okay rings of our carton very underrated actually i'm gonna leave that one to the chat i'll see what you guys think of rings of our carton because i'm not i'm not i'm not too sure oh wow oh wow oh my there is a lot of chat going on i do love seeing alien civilizations as well absolutely that's one thing i did not enjoy with series 12 was that the entire thing pretty much took place on earth but we can get into that later um i tell you what it's okay oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i know there's a lot of people that want that the speech at the end is what made it the speech at the end is absolutely what made it the snowman i have a soft spot for but i know it's i mean i really enjoy that clara more than the clara we got for the rest of series seven i feel like clara got better with time but i wanted that clara to be the companion um so i'm gonna put it in good yeah yeah it's definitely better than idiots lantern come on come on angels take manhattan i've got a soft spot for i know there's so many plot holes with that episode but i think it's pretty good and it's shot very well again it's by the same director that did the 50th i have a soft spot for that guy but i can't remember his name and i'm so sorry cold war it's okay bells have sent john i don't know how i feel about bells and john either i need i need help with this one as well guys okay i'm getting a lot of okay he's getting a lot of okays a lot of goods someone says i can't even remember nick huron thank you chris thank you i don't know why i didn't just ask the chat if anyone knew i forget that there's however many people watching this um okay okay i think it's okay as well guys i think it's okay as well crimson horror the crimson aura i think it's one of gaidis's best episodes um i think it's good i think it's good um and that's all i was saying that nightmare in silver i'm not a fan of i'm sorry i really enjoyed the doctor's wife and this one was supposed to be a two-parter and i bet you if it was i would love it but this one just did not stick the landing for me angie and arty were very annoying this episode very annoying this episode um yeah i know i know stephen muffet did write the 50th but nick huron was the director of the episode sorry um name of the doctor this one was a fun finale i think i'm gonna put it in oh now this is where things get complicated because i don't i'm looking i'm looking at all of these and i'm like what i love the content keep it up that's good good but lackluster just join have you put any in top tier yet um i absolutely have i'm gonna put name of the doctor in amazing just for now but we do have five people right there for you stephen um we've got waters of mars sounds the library forest forest of the dead blink and the eleventh hour in in um the greatest journey to the center of the tardis this episode i find quite annoying it just hit me in the wrong way and i'm gonna hit it back with the bad tier boom how you like that hide um i think that's good i think that's pretty fun that was the first episode that jenna coleman filmed for the show fun fact um oh my word oh we've got a heater here we've got an absolute heater the day of the doctor i mean i mean i know some people are going to say it's overrated but that episode is just pure fan service and wow wow wow it is it's for us it's a love letter to us absolutely absolutely so you know what i had a great time watching 3d in the cinemas here in australia and one of the best days of my life hands down top five days of my life um okay i'm putting it i'm putting it up there so everyone okay that's enough come on come on come on now time of the doctor they i feel like it was quite rushed in the end because i think my fat thought smith was gonna stay on for another series so they had a lot of loose ends to tie up um and they did they did do it okay they did it okay but i'm going to put it in good it is good but the the i mean if it was just the regeneration scene i put it in amazing if not the greatest i think matt smith's regeneration is something else something else um death of the doctor another another sarah jane um i don't even know i haven't seen that in forever it's good um into the dalek i think is also underrated i think that's quite good can you guys see that sorry i feel like i'm scrolling too much um yeah here's the rest of them folks take a good look take a good look um [Music] yeah into the dalek into the dalek is a bit of a fun one so i'm gonna put in good as well deep breath capaldi's first one i look look okay oh sorry i keep on scrolling um i don't know yeah i think that was our first capaldi um but yeah deep breath i watched this on the doctor who world tour and then straight after was fortunate enough to actually meet peter capaldi which was unreal and i'm very very like humbled by the experience because that is crazy um but it does skew my perception of this episode um because it was just so overwhelming um is it the strongest opener no is it a fun time yeah does it set up capaldi's doctor yeah um man where to put it where to put it hey i might put it it's either good or amazing that's where i'm at uh yeah let's just go deep breath good just for now just for now kill the moon i'm putting it in bad i don't know it kind of rubbed me the wrong way i kind of enjoyed that clara and the doctor had this conflict at the end and i know a lot of people weren't really happy with the concept i was kind of fine with the concept but i just feel like the episode it's something's off something's off can't quite put my finger on it but we'll leave it be robot of sherwood it's okay it's fun a little it's light-hearted it's it's probably better suited to the matt smith here i kind of felt out of place with capaldi um but yeah mommy only were in express i think that is an amazing episode i think that's fun i think that's pretty cool caretaker that's okay time heist it's time highs good i'm taking it to the chat folks i'm taking it to the chat type away is the time is his time heist good is time heist good crispy you swapped day of the doctor with voyage of the damn no i did not did i oh well good observation where where is where's the day of the doctor oh no oh i've lost it i would have put voyage of the damneding good hey it's in okay thanks guys where i'm i'm looking there oh guys you saved me well done well done folks okay i hope someone has someone someone wants the day of the doctor to stay okay all right okay death in heaven i don't think that's as good as it's the episode before it which is i can't remember i can't remember flatline is fun that's a good episode oh in the forest of the night hey in the forest of the night we have we have a name for that episode on this channel that i've been using since the episode came out um but look i'm this episode i've tried to give it multiple chances and the message what is the message hey what is the message don't take your medication i don't know i don't know i think it might join love and monsters there hey messages trees message is trees that's the one that's the one folks and dark water is before death in heaven thank you and it's right there and it's right there and i think that's a pretty good episode i think i love dark water even though it does deal with some very very very touchy topics under the lake now someone in the chat before was saying that this one was really really underrated and they rate it 10 out of 10. i don't i don't quite think it's 10 out of 10 but i think they are pretty good it's a pretty fun two-parter um so i'm gonna put it in good i'm gonna put that one in good uh last last christmas last christmas it's okay it's okay i was expecting a bit more from capaldi's first christmas special i think nick frost did a great job but i mean i mean oh these two magicians apprentice and the witch is familiar very very much have a soft spot for very very much have a soft spot for um so someone said last christmas i gave you my heart oh you guys make me laugh that's very very good well done um i think these ones feel like more of a finale than an opener oh i'm gonna put it i'm gonna put them in good i think they're good missy is on fire in them like that's great um and this is the second part to um under the lake what was this one called before the flood geez that's really hard to read um before the flood yeah it's good yeah it's oh no oh i've done something now i've done something i don't even know where that went oh there it is all right i'm sorry i'm sure you guys have noticed way way too many mistakes that i've been swapping around things i apologize woman who lived uh i don't know i wasn't really a fan of that of that two-parter i think the woman who lives better than the girl who died so i'm gonna put that there and that there zygon inversion that's fun i think that's i love that two-parter so i'm just gonna put that in amazing and there's nothing you can do about it i'm sorry wow it's it's actually kind of a struggle to get up to the top now we are filling it up folks we have done very very well okay all right now we're cooking oh heaven sent heaven sent that episode to us that was so much fun and capaldi's just on fire look i feel like for a lot of people people knew matt smith was a doctor in the 11th hour but i feel like this was one of capaldi's most defining episodes and i think a lot of you might agree with me in that one this one just was came out of nowhere um so tell you what tell you what this is one of my favorite episodes of doctor who you're going there buddy you're going there all right come on come on everyone relax everyone relax come on um peter capaldi alone for 55 minutes has to be the greatest and i absolutely agree with you absolutely spilling facts there you're absolutely right david let's go let's go okay sleep no more uh i enjoyed i like the idea not of the little sleep you know thing monster um but the the ambition to go for first person perspective i like it i think it's an okay episode i think it's okay it i i it doesn't have the best replay value it's kind of like a one-off huh wow um face the raven what should have been clara's last episode i think this one's fun not fun why do i say fun it's heartbreaking um and it really it made me appreciate the relationship that 12 and clara had that came full circle and it was very nice to see on screen um so i'm going to put it in amazing i'm going to put it in amazing that one that one stands out well but hell bent hell bent is up next folks and if the who addicts are in the chat i know they'd have a few things to say about this episode i don't think it's as bad as they say it is but man that one that one just i don't know i don't know i mean rachel talalay did a great job directing but that script straight from heaven sent as well i mean moffat pick a lane be incredible or be hell-bent on making whatever that was um someone wants it in not canon there should be a category just for hellbent because i'm gonna say i'm gonna say it's oh my gosh i know people are like really want it in these two but i'm gonna put it in awful okay okay folks are you happy are you happy mo fat i'm sorry but i had to do what had to be done husband's a river song really cool that we got to see riversong with 12. it's good it's good it was a great christmas special um introduction of nardole a little bit huh oh but the return of doctor mysterio who said it's amazing which one i don't know someone said don't apologize thank you eden yeah i'm not making apologies get out of here get out of here awesome series 10 stuff let's go uh the pilot i had a great time with this one i got to watch this with a live studio um audience as well when they were doing um abc's whovians that's a show we have over here in australia um and so that was fun that was really really fun to watch i love bill potts as a character um so i'm gonna give it i'm gonna give it uh good or amazing um i think oh geez i actually don't know someone want wow you guys okay yeah where is listen i don't think we've rated listen yet no listen's all the way over here listens all the way over here i'm just gonna leave the pilot and good i think it's a good episode smile is also good very black mirror for doctor who but i i appreciate it thin ice also good knock knot knock knock i mean i don't know knock knock is okay oxygen it's good extremis good lie the land and it's okay and same with that one sorry i'm very well versed if so this series 10. i apologize for speed running series 10 there but i think series 10 is just so solid so solid not necessarily many standouts until the end but i think it's like it's very very solid run um oh my gosh world enough in time well enough in time if face creep is in the chat you just did a noir version very very exciting um i think this episode is mental this one is so cool um i'm going to put it in the greatest does is everyone okay with that please let me know in the chat right now whilst i have a little bit more tim tam yes oh no thank you mac for watching the stream have a good sleep i'm sorry if it's um late for you appreciate appreciate your work um i was the guy that said he's going to school good luck if you're going to school um okay tell you what we're going to play some beats we're going to play some tunes because well enough in time [Music] all right all right all right all right come on come on dr falls i don't think it's quite as good as world enough in time didn't quite stick i'm not twerking liam but appreciate your generous donation i'm not twerking how much donation for a tim tam we ran out at home um i almost have a full packet here um but you probably could have got a whole packet for your tutorial donation um but hey that's just you got to do what you got to do right um the doctor falls yeah not quite as good but still really really fun seeing sim and missy together i'll say i'll say it's amazing it was just really really cool seeing and i like what they did with the multi-master story a lot of fun eaters of light that's bad i i don't know empress of mars okay oh rose after all this well we finally made it to rose wow wow okay the one that brought it all back for us um there's there's a few campy moments a few moments that have aged um but i mean it was the introduction of the ninth doctor christopher eccleston did a great did a great job um and want some bacon mate it's it's 9 p.m for me i know it's breakfast for a lot of people so you're asking the wrong you're asking the wrong guy um rose i think it's i think it's amazing purely because it did bring it back and it's just such a nostalgic feeling towards it such a nostalgic feeling towards it over like i mean if i'm realistic it probably does belong in good but just because it has that one up i'll give it the benefit of the doubt i will give it the benefit of the doubt twice upon a time capaldi's last one rewatched that recently it hits different uh i'll say it is amazing oh my gosh i'm swapping it around oh no i hope that's okay man oh man for tonight we might die that's a class episode what is going on i'm putting that in not canon sorry class um the end of the world is pretty good it's pretty good unique dead i mean not unique dad unquiet dead unique dead hey that's a one-of-a-kind dead you got there um yeah yeah yep yeah aliens have i'm not the biggest fan of the slovene but i did re-watch aliens of london in world war three and i hadn't i had a good time um i watched that live with um the who addicts a couple months back and it was the first time i watched that in forever so um tell you what they're okay they're okay they're fine episodes dalek that's good that's a that's a heater that's amazing that's an amazing episode and eccleston was on fire in that eccleston was on fire long game not a fan boom town better than the other two i'll say like weirdly enough i'm gonna say that's a good one because i think that is honestly better than aliens of london and world war three they made me sympathize with a fighting alien with a zip on their head and i didn't expect me to do that but hey it's that's doctor who for you father's day awesome concept um kind of screwed up paradoxes for the rest of knew who but i love you know it's it's very it's very touching it's very personal episode it's good it's good oh man empty child doctor dances okay is empty child doctor dancers amazing or the greatest let me know in the chat right now type away let's go okay a lot of look at amazing amazing the greatest amazing it's the greatest for sure the greatest greatest greatest good oh my gosh it's going so fast oh wow oh amazing but only just do it okay okay look look these episodes are really fun does have the introduction of captain jack but you know what your boy's got to do it i'm going nah they're they're amazing look i'm looking at the quality here and i reckon it it is i'll put these two right next to the top okay these two are on the edge of greatness literally um listen i'm not telling you guys to listen that's the name of the episode hey um hmm that one's a strange one that one's a really obscure episode it does make clara a bit too powerful because you know she gave the doctor that speech we don't have to get into that that's a i don't know why i brought that up i think it's a good episode um parting of the ways bad wolf i really like that finale i really really like that finale i don't know what to do okay this is probably going to be the last one i asked you guys for proper input in so take a minute no don't take a minute tell me right now parting of the ways bad wolf where does it belong and i'll judge it off you guys this isn't my decision this is on you guys amazing it's fair yeah some people want greatest amazing oh wow and the weakest link bit is brilliant i'll absolutely agree with you there okay okay okay okay well well well well i okay there's an overwhelming amount of amazing so i am going to put these to an amazing bad wolf there as well oh that's that's nine's regeneration oh we'll leave it we'll leave it we'll leave it beast below i think is underrated i think it's very underrated uh i'll leave it that victory of the daleks okay time of angels good okay oh my goodness folks oh my i honestly thought that was going to take forever that was 168 episodes that we just did including the ones from you know class and sarah jane adventures but wow first of all everyone give yourselves a round of applause we made it this far made it this far can i get some claps clap some bennies in the chat please clap some bennies um but yeah well done folks that's absolutely brilliant absolutely brilliant and now we will take a second as soon as i see some claps and bennies in the chat we'll take a second and review what we've got here and then we'll save it and call it a day hey oh excellent stuff excellent stuff everyone thank you so much oh wow guys you guys are absolutely brilliant this has been so much fun for a first live stream i think the ongoing joke for our live streams may just be claps and bennies um yeah wow okay okay all right now i may regret regret asking this but are there any standouts here that you're like what is crispy thinking adjust that one adjust it go tell me tell me your thoughts be nice to me because i've been nice to you um [Music] my request i'm i don't think i'm going to move any to the greatest i'm sorry would love to see you stream again i'm hoping to do this every two weeks not necessarily ranking we might do some news stuff we might do some q and a's do a trivia night who knows um but i'll let you know soon what we do uh haunting is my everyone voyage of the damned has to be higher uh now another question is me trying to find these episodes um can you tell me where it is currently and where you think it should be everyone's just yelling out episode i need to know where they are because this is a lot to look at folks end of time should be yeah all right screw it end of time part two there you go hell bent should be good i don't think people would like that one midnight higher tell me where midnight is isn't it amazing because i'm not moving it up hellbent people really are going for midnight wow where is it i'm gonna look like an absolute idiot on stream trying to find these again christmas carol sure why not we'll chuck it there where can anyone tell me where midnight is because i am having a mind blank second row amazing i'm looking through oh my gosh it's right there all right screw it screw it midnight's there bada bing bada boom hey hey yeah it's crispy pro live stream this is the crispy pro show this is what you get whoa everyone hey hey hey all right that's enough that's enough come on tell you what that's actually that might be a really nice way to end it all right i feel like we all had a bit of fun um but yeah thank you guys so much for tuning in to the stream um that was a lot of fun that was great um and man look you know the usual gig please give this video a like or this live stream alike that's strange to say um yeah subscribe if you have not already thank you to everyone um that are going to be part of the crispy fries thing um that's unreal that is unreal um but yeah thank you to everyone that is helping support this channel thank you to everyone that tuned in today that was unreal i don't know what the numbers are because i've kept the um statistic behind but we were over 100 at one point and that is absolutely mental um and you make me you know doing this one of the most enjoyable things that i do like so thank you guys um and hopefully if you enjoyed it um let me know or you can tweet at me at crispy pro um what you thought of the live stream and i'm definitely keen to do more because this was so much fun but yeah anyway um i'll see you later alonso you
Channel: Crispy Pro
Views: 12,943
Rating: 4.8714042 out of 5
Keywords: Doctor, Who, Jodie Whittaker, Doctor Who Series 12, Judoon, Daleks, Cybermen, Doctor Who Full Episode, Chris Chibnall, Series 11, Series 13, Tosin Cole, Torchwood, Crispy Pro, Mandip Gill, Bradley Walsh, BBC, Doctor Who Chris Chibnall, Female Doctor, Timless Child, The Timless Child, Series 12 Arc, Mid Season Trailer, The Lone Cyberman, New Doctor, Captain Jack, Captain Hack Return, Jo Martin, John Barrowman, Praxeos, Cyber War, Master, Galifrey, Timeless Child
Id: s2_StZ15iBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 47sec (4487 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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