DoCtoR ViSit To Help SiSter With BeLLy Ache! Play Pretend With X Rays!

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lizzy hurry come here my stomach hurts so badly savannah what's wrong what is it i don't know but i think i need a doctor could you call him yes i'm on it hello is this dr taylorites oh good um savannah my sister has a really bad stomachache okay okay we can come to your office we'll be right there in a few minutes come on let's take you to the doctor ouch dr tan right we're here right this way lay on the table okay that's okay you can just wait in the waiting room i've got it from here what no i should be able to find i don't want to leave her alone she'll not be alone she'll be with me okay take good care of her don't worry she's in good hands the waiting room put my hands together here why can't i be in the savannah i'm gonna do some tests and i might learn what's wrong i might not so i'm gonna ask you some questions afterward okay please hurry i'm gonna have a look in your ears nose and mouth [Music] looks all right okay let's have a look at the other ear [Music] okay your ears look great now i'm gonna have a look in your nose close your eyes [Music] that looks great too let's have a look at your throat open wide oh my i'm gonna need to take a few x-rays an x-ray for oh my stomach hurts so bad let's just hurry okay i'm gonna take an x-ray of your abdomen and it will show up on the x-ray screen okay sounds great okay we're all done oh sun is taking so long in there when she's just gonna feel better okay here's your x-ray let's put it up on the screen as you can see we have an x-ray of your abdomen there's no problem with the bones so that tells me that the problem is in your organ okay what do i need to do to fix it you need a nice old shot a shot no way don't worry let's set you up and you can even pick the band-aid you want after okay we just have to do it really fast so i don't feel it you won't feel it [Music] oh wow i didn't even feel that at all and i'm already feeling better thought you would let me grab the band-aids [Music] a llama i want that one meanwhile i'm gonna go check what's going on whoa what is she gonna choose her band-aid that's so cool she also has an x-ray to see what her abdomen looks like i want to see what my abdomen looks like i'm sneaking around to check on the other side whoa i want an x-ray machine excellent choice i'll put it on [Music] thanks doctor i feel so much better now my pleasure and for being such a good patient i'm giving you a jolly rancher what she got the jolly rancher too i want to go to the doctor's office oh thank you wow going to the doctor's office is so fun okay now that you're all healed let's have a dance party [Music] thanks for helping me now we're having a dance party doctor's so fun i want to go to the doctor i have an idea now you may go where'd she go maybe she already went home yeah well done wait doctor doctor doctor i think i broke my hand oh well i was just about to leave so come into my office [Music] have a seat and i'll take your x-ray okay all right let's take this off oh ow wait wait is this a napkin um maybe but it doesn't matter okay that's a new one i hope he's not catching on that my hand's not really broken okay perfect [Music] you see right here is broken because you put the napkin around there uh-huh yeah this is so cool [Music] definitely does not look broken um are you sure i'm positive your hand looks perfectly fine there's no break not even a fracture oh of course it's my arm that's broken your arm is broken what yep i think you need to take another extra okay let's have a look alright let's see what the image looks like okay yep the hand still looks great the arm looks great too strong and healthy well i guess my arm's all better now thanks doc you're awesome okay have a wonderful day thanks for stopping by oh um i'm i'm done oh yep nothing's wrong you're free to go okay that was a little strange oh that's not fair it's not a guard jolly rancher and a dance party but i didn't i need to think of something else i've got it doctor i figured out what's wrong with me wait what i thought we already figured out your arm is not broken yes we already figured that out but i think i have low blood pressure okay let's have a look [Music] now we'll release it your blood pressure seems fine hmm are you sure maybe we should check again no way your blood pressure is fine well okay i think i have strep throat you are just falling apart huh i guess you just have to keep doing tests all right let's have a look [Music] um i don't see anything wrong your throat looks great well while i'm here um my heartbeat has been really fast and i think i have some mucus in my lungs are you serious well as a doctor it's my job to listen [Music] heart sounds healthy and strong all right take a big deep breath for me good okay we'll try over here yep they sound great well i guess it's time for a jolly rancher dance party right um i need to close up my shop so maybe i'm just gonna send you home ah okay what can i do now never had a healthy patient before thinking that they're sick hopefully that's the last time she comes in today oh lizzy there you are where have you been oh just trying to go to the doctors oh that's why i came back to find you you need to get your seventh grade shots oh i do yeah i didn't think you'd be happy about that i'm thrilled i have to go tell dr tanner they're all cleaned up doctor i'm fat oh not again nothing is wrong with you no i promise i have to get my seventh grade shots school starts next week no no no if you had that then you would have come in sooner telling me that time to go home i'm closing no no i promise even my sister said if i see a birth certificate proving it then i'll give you your shots i promise i'm telling the truth i'll be right back i have a doctor don't close yet oh let's have a look birth certificate of lizzie tannerites parents mom and dad tannerites birthday september born at the hospital yeah yeah oh that's important but what's most important is what's next grade 7 age 12. see i need my seventh grade shot because i'm going into seventh grade okay this time you are telling the truth come to my office yes i'm a real patient now that means i'll get a jolly rancher all right the shot's ready roll up your sleeve i'm ready it won't even hurt three two one go sweet could i pick out my own band-aid of course let me just quickly get the box of banding [Music] i want a unicorn one great choice [Music] thank you doctor i actually really needed this help it's not even scary going to the doctor you're welcome but let me teach you a little lesson no coming to the doctor if you don't really badly need it and don't be dishonest yeah you're right i just wanted a cool band-aid a jolly rancher and a dance party that's great because you get all three [Music] watermelon delicious and for being a great doctor i'm gonna have one [Music] cherry's delicious now time for the dance party [Music] thanks for being a great doctor you're welcome and thank you guys for watching this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up oh smash that subscribe button we love you guys so much as always you are written bye bye
Channel: Tannerites
Views: 18,016,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DoCtoR ViSit To Help SiSter With BeLLy Ache! Play Pretend With X Rays!, manila bay planretend with, kids dr visit, kids doctor visit, doctor vidit, pretend play doctor, play pretend doctor, tannerites play pretend, tannerites pretend play, tannerites, the tannerites, help sister, sister help, help, sister, belly ache, belly, stomach ache, stomach pain, lizzy tannerites, azbury tannerites, doctor tannerites, doc tannerites, doc, doc x ray, x ray, xray, xray machine, kids videos
Id: ninWeXDgZoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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