Doctor Reacts to THE LAST OF US // Episode 5

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hello and welcome back to the channel today we're going to be continuing our look at the Fantastic show The Last of Us reacting to the scenes and breaking down the medical site this is episode five as with my previous videos this is going to be littered with spoilers and probably some scenes that are pretty gory too so with that out the way let's crack on with it Henry and Sam here are no doubt in a calorie deficit given the little that they're eating we talked in episode three about the dangers of refeeding syndrome and right now if you did a blood test on these guys they might be tending towards starvation ketoacidosis without enough carbohydrate in your diet that's your body's preferred energy source your body switches to breaking down your stored fats and this results in ketones being released into your blood and makes your blood more acidic I've seen this before in a young patient with an eating disorder and it makes you feel really unwell fatigued lethargic we're not really seeing those symptoms with Henry and Sam yet but if they carry on this path with not eating enough that's going to be where they're heading this mechanism may be familiar to you as it's the same mechanism that the keto diet is exploiting so your fats aren't as efficient an energy sources carbohydrates so you can eat more of the non-carbohydrate great food stuff so fats proteins without gaining weight providing you eat very little carbohydrates Jesus Christ I thought it was a while that we'd seen any of the infected I give her the numbers here it was well worth the wait oh who the hell is this guy he's a proper proper Big Boy we've seen a few variations of the infected they come in a few flavors we have the standard edition we're seeing enough for them we have seen the clicker the sonar wielding one with the fungus around the eyes and now we have this one the big boy clearly this is because the computer game needed some variation in its enemies but there is some science in this in the simple sense that infectious diseases are a spectrum of severity and they do different things to different people look at covid a mild disease in the vast number of people yet deadly to others and so why is this is there something different in the host so did the person that was infected have an immune system that was primed to react differently certainly with covid age was a big risk factor for poor outcome or was there some difference in the pathogen a particular strain or perhaps a large infectious dose or an infection by a particular route that led to a more severe infection so bringing it back to these big boy Meat Heads here are these humans that have had a genetic predisposition to react to the fungus in this way maybe it induces them to have a craving to eat more some illnesses do that we call it hypophagia or maybe this isn't a host Factor but the result of the fungus invading in a certain way for example invading the pituitary gland the adrenals or the testes resulting in production of more anabolic hormones meaning they end up getting really stacked either way I'm not too sure but they're here and it's not outside the Realms of possibility given you know we're suspending our disbelief somewhat anyway decapitation a favorite on this channel we've seen this a few times on the channel before decapitation is one of the few situations where someone who isn't a doctor can declare someone dead essentially there's no point doing CPR because clearly it's not survivable and that's self-explanatory because where would you even start doing rescue breaths into the disconnected head or into the top of the neck my blood is medicine um oh my God what this better not work for the sake of the science that have been underpinning the show I get what Ellie is saying and there is some kind of logic but zero practical chance of this working the concept is that of convalescent plasma so someone who has had an infection and has survived would have built up antibodies they then donate their blood that blood is filtered for its plasma which is the liquid part of the blood that also contains antibodies then this plasma is infused into someone who has the disease giving that person passive immunity due to the donated antibodies as you could probably tell by that explanation it is not a cheap process so usually reserved for diseases that don't have a lot of other treatment options like rabies which funny enough is a disease that has also inspired zombie movies but yeah practically you are not going to get anywhere near enough antibody into someone rubbing a few drops of blood you're probably just going to irritate the wound even more even if you had some rudimentary equipment then you actually drew blood from Ellie and then transfused it into Sam this would still have massive issues as you can't just give blood products from one person to another you need to Cross Match the blood so make sure they have compatible blood groups and test the two samples by mixing them together to make sure they don't react otherwise you could get a massive life-threatening transfusion reaction which obviously will put you in much worse shape and you can't really imagine much worse shape than being infected if however you were able to do the whole convalescent plasma process properly with Ellie's blood there is a possibility This Could Be an Effective therapy although it does depend heavily on why it is that Ellie is immune it may actually be other parts of her immune system that are giving her the edge over the fungus but yeah we're certainly not seeing anything close to that process here so Sam somehow survives I ain't gonna be happy here that sounds a bit wrong obviously want Sam to survive I'm not some kind of monster but from a science point of view upbeat I'd be disappointed wow there you go unfortunately for Sam the science has been upheld poor little kid what oh my god well I guess he didn't have a choice that is brutal man no Henry made oh my God what an episode man sort of uh give you these great characters with one hand and taketh away with the other absolutely crazy so there you go another fantastic episode a bit of a slow start but that set piece at the end blew me away it was so good and you realize all these characters are disposable for pretty much everyone you meet is gonna die apart from Elliot Joel that would be a hell of a Twist so I hope you've enjoyed my look the Medical Science if there's anything I've missed or theories that you have please let me know in the comments down below I love reading your comments and they inform my future videos and a quick note to say there won't be any videos for the next five weeks as I'm actually traveling in South America and I'm a little bit gutted that I can't follow this series through and watch it kind of as the series is being released but I will be catching up on the show when I'm back so watch out for that as always thank you for all the support on the channel if you've enjoyed this video give it a like and consider subscribing too so I'm off for a little bit if you want to catch up with what I'm up to then check out my Instagram page I'll probably put a few images on there if not do not worry I'll be back soon enough with some more video guys take care of yourselves and I'll see you then [Music]
Channel: Dr Hope's Sick Notes
Views: 57,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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