Doc Brown’s DeLorean - Jay Leno's Garage

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That was cool! Crazy how it uses some of the sister parts from the film. God it's such a great car.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SteveTheViking 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

5 minutes in and Gale is giving info on refrigerator models considered for time machine and a story about Ford offering $75k for mustang product placement and Gale allegedly responding (in his own words) "doc brown doesn't drive a (explitive) mustang."

Can't wait to watch the rest of the episode

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/morebikesthanbrains 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is awesome. They also just did a new episode where Chris Hardwick got to drive it in the Twin Pines mall


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mickyrow42 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Joe and Terry also talk about the restoration of the screen used Time Machine, chronicled in the documentary OUTATIME.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/conc 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
there's a million jokes about these number they go down the road but to be in the center of the white line [Music] one episode of Jalen's garage behind me while the most iconic automobiles in Hollywood history this is the 1981 DeLorean if you saw the movie Back to the Future you know what this is all about and this is gonna be a lot of fun we're gonna drive this car we're gonna meet the people who restored it and built this this one this is not the actual car but it has a lot of the pieces from the actual car like let's start off with the producer creator and writer of Back to the Future Bob Gale Bob come on in thanks Jay how are you my friend I am great sir well this is happy to be here you must have every geek in America follow you around where they find out about I mean I've never seen a film that had such a following like this when this car shows up people just go crazy don't they they do and it doesn't even have to be a Back to the Future modified DeLorean just when they just see the DeLorean right there going door opens up and people go nuts this is not the actual actual car that's at the Petersen museum but this car was restored using a lot of original pieces yes correct and this is the one they used for this is a replica which is using car shows and people that want to rent it and just like you were saying they types of guys that follow me around right love the movie so much they're guys I love the movie so much that they said I got to have a DeLorean right and it's not just a DeLorean I gotta have a Back to the Future DeLorean right and they will meet these guys later but these guys were so good at this cars so perfect that I made sure they were hired to restore the original car from the movie oh okay well let's go back to the genesis of this film we were car fan did you have a car in mind when you were writing the film actually in the original two drafts of the script the time machine was building an old refrigerator refrigerator yes it was an old refrigerator and he would have to cart it around on a pickup truck well finally several years late go by were actually making the movie and Bob Zemeckis a director and co-writer he's thinking you know that's a lot of logistics involved in getting this refrigerator in out of a pickup truck wouldn't it make more sense wouldn't a Doc Brown have just designed the time machine built it into a car I said yeah then but then he said it'd be a lot easier to shoot it that way and I said yeah that's a good idea and at the time John DeLorean was on trial so he said let's make it a DeLorean let's be completely insane here so here we are now when you had it as a refrigerator I'm just wasn't an old-fashioned for sure the handle like this doesn't have the ice in the door I mean did you go through that's the wrong no I want to refer I mean we're looking at a classic antique you know sort of we were looking at the cat the classic what was a top point yeah yeah I think I think that was it you know dent doc took the insides of it out but you know we're worrying well we make the Time Machine a refrigerator kids are gonna go to junkyards and lock themselves in refrigerator instead people could lock themselves in this yeah now did you think of other cars you go Corvette 55 Thunderbird were there any other DeLorean was just always the perfect thing okay and another story that goes along with that we're locked into the DeLorean that's what we want to do we have a product place from people at Universal they're always trying to promote deals right right right and so one day the guy that they'd hired to actually do the product placement deals he comes into my office he says Bob we can get the production $75,000 $75,000 on this deal I'm about to lay out for you I say okay Richard what's the deal he says change the DeLorean to a Mustang I looked at him I said that brown done drive Mustang right Wow $75,000 out the window worth it yeah that's fascinating did you ever think that this film would be as iconic and as huge as it became or did he just seemed like as you were making it didn't feel like it was gonna be just this this hit that would live on and on into well you never know about that kind of stuff and the script was rejected over 40 times after we wrote it really 40 40 times every studio and many studios rejected it more than once why they said we would get this oh you know what it's really nice it's really sweet we want something wrong here we want Porky's we want stripes that's what if that's the kind of color we want right so finally after all this they kept saying you guys ought to take this to Disney take this to Disney so okay we said finally mom maybe they're right maybe Disney automaker this is the old Disney right the last vestiges of the Walt Disney Company right original so we go in there they've read the script and thinking executive looks that's it are you guys out of your mind we can't make a movie like this a movie about incest this is Disney you got the kid in his mom in the car it's incest we're Disney get the hell out of here Wow I know I mean I guess technically that's true but alright okay so and it turned out you it turned out that well once we got Michael J Fox in the right of me he turned out to be the perfect casting Oh fantastic cast and of course Christopher Lloyd but the whole cast just everything fired on all cylinders did you look at other people was the other people that said to be beside it's always funny that I realized that like Mickey Rooney was in The Godfather you know he's just he's casting things yes yes in fact we actually shot five and a half weeks with Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly oh that's a this is this was one of the most insane things that we ever did which was to say hey the movies not working with this kid let's fire him and let's hire somebody else Wow we always wanted Michael but he was unavailable because it was Family Ties TiVo show that's right then that was a huge hit it was a huge hit so finally by the time we decided replace Eric the producer had pity on us and he said okay as long as you let us have Michael first you guys can have him when we're done and Michael he's 21 years old 22 he says well I don't care I don't need to sleep I'm in only 22 years old right so that's how we shot the movie Wow a crazy way to shoot it but it all worked and how long did you realize it was until you could get a couple of sequels out of it I mean it was a hit right out of the box on it it did really well the first weekend we knew was a hit when the second weekend's grosses were higher in the first weekend wow that was a audience ton of their friends you got to go see this movie yeah and it was the number one movie in America for 11 out of 12 weeks Wow which I think I don't know somebody might have broken that by now but maybe not now do you go to the when they do those you know retrospectives the comic-con and all that kinda I go to some of them but the most fun is the DeLorean car show right and they have that every two years and you got all these crazy DeLorean owners all they want to do is talk about their car some of them are purists they don't they want to have exact stock DeLoreans and then there's some that they have their flux capacitors or no time circuits tell me coming up with flux capacitor which really doesn't mean anything does it it does no no no was there any scientific study that went into like why 88 miles an hour 88 miles an hour because it was easy to remember okay and you wouldn't accidentally drive 88 right I mean some people might right most people wouldn't so bad so so we had that but we did think about the the DeLoreans nuclear power to the movie right so you've we've got these vents on the back right those are like the cooling towers at Three Mile Island okay so we actually did think about how would you put a nuclear reactor into a car people stay at night yeah but I mean II didn't meet with scientists and go no you see here just no no no but we did meet with a guy who showed us what plutonium would actually be like so that scene when it docked put some flute on him in the car right that's pretty accurate well it's really fascinating to hear all the inside stuff it was fun that's why we love making movies because you learn new stuff about things you never know I imagine after the third film networks like we were on five it's like when you watch jaws 9 or whatever where the shark is driving a bus or whatever have we they just get ridiculous did you guys pull the plug or did they say no more after we pulled the plug yeah we said we're doing three of these I mean after we did the first one we didn't know there was going to be a second or third one but then when they said okay sequels okay so we made deals for four parts two and three and we really put a period at the end of part three and said okay we're done and at the premiere we actually all wore t-shirts that had the Roman numeral four with a circle in the slash oh that's fine now did you shoot two and three at the same time back-to-back yeah oh you did okay so it was like no they said okay we know the submissive produce there's a pretty slam-dunk deal here right go ahead and make both of them and which was the biggest of the three the first one made the most money I had the highest gross the second one and I think returned the highest rentals because the studio got better deals right because everybody knew what it was the third the third one was below both of those right well Bob thank you that's really fascinating bring the bring your guys in okay meet Emily so so this is Joe Joe and Terry right and Bob Zemeckis I'm bout these guys because they brought their car down to where where Bob was shooting one of his movies and they wanted us to see their car and autograph it and we were so blown away by the job that they did that you know I stayed in touch with them and and when the real car was in disarray at Universal I said to the guys universe we got to restore this and I know just the guys that are gonna do it okay here they are come on in you guys well Bob thank you very much Thank You Jay very nice joy yeah I don't think Joe good to see you can see we just see you so did you guys which came from well obviously saw the movie first and then wanted the car because you obviously pretty young at the time yeah was just one of those movies it just knocked you out you had to have it I was when I was 10 years old I remember this car coming off of the back of that truck in the movie and it's one of those things that just stays with you the shape of a car when you're at a certain right I'm a television writer when I was working on a time-travel show at the time so we were talking a lot about this movie and I was like you know what I think it's time to get a DeLorean so I went out and I got a stock right DeLorean there knows this is cool it's not it's not the thing it doesn't have the stuff so what did you think of it as a car forget the bad if you like it as a car you know well it's I you know it's just controversial probably with DeLorean fans I love the DeLorean it's not a great car you know 88 miles per hour that's a dream if you could get it without all this stuff and it's you know it's like a it's like a go-kart it's not you know no power steering so you know it was cool but it really would it what is is it's about the doors and you know if some people love the stainless I think it's all right great looking car that's not a great car yeah but it's an awesome looking car that's cool I think so how did you get involved well I mean like I guess I'm a couple of years older than you because I was 16 when I saw Back to the Future you were 10 saying whatever I'm sorry but I mean it was instantly my favorite film and responsible for getting me into filmmaking in an hour direction then it wasn't until much much later that I actually realized that DeLoreans were real cars right I thought they built it from scratch for the movie I didn't know I wasn't you know into cars that much at 16 and then once I realized it was a real car I was like oh it's on I know what I have to do I want to build a time machine do you guys own the car together do you own it you helped finish it what's the story so I own the car I bought the car right and you know him before you know I I met him at an auction because he had Pete was building cars like this right and with a cool thing and I'm gonna out this story because the years have gone by now Bob even you are friends now so Joe and his friends were sneaking on to the lot at Universal in the middle of the night right where they would leave the real where they had left Universal had left a real car out for like 20 years where there was birds and nests and rats and they were studying taking the parts off getting the parts numbers figuring out how do I make an exact replica of the real thing because the other thing was just sitting out there we were doing research research research as a research and there was nobody more dedicated and able to make one of these things I said look I'll I'll finance this whole thing if we think we could make one exactly like the real there's a little bit more to the story though because first of all while we did research the parts remained on the cars want to make that clear all right and then the way you said it sounds right that's sketchy and then I built a replica for myself and and then auctioned it off in 2010 and Bob Gill was there and Terry was there Bob was like are you gonna build another one I was like no he was like you have to build another one I was like okay so I have to build another Bob Gale tells you a bit machine you build a time machine I'm guessing there are no wives involved here oh my wife was not particularly happy with this is not the experience you want to do what the carts she thought the car looked like a belt buckle she was it was not her thing really didn't grow up with the movie was not but but she met Bob and thought bob was lovely so she okay Ben she got it and my wife wasn't super thrilled yeah she was like she's like I don't know about this but now looking back all the epic things that we've been involved with she's cool with it but I mean just when you guys are talking no this happened to the movie no this is the pencil yeah we're not allowed to talk about that stuff and she's like I'll start talking about shoes if you don't shut up yeah okay okay just so it's pretty much standard fare you know we had the Knight Rider guys here it was kind of actually you guys are married so you're way ahead you've reached next and you have children yeah I have I got one you have like a million I have I live in a shoe I have four how old are your kids 28 okay so they know the movie yeah are they into a two six and five uh yeah my kids love it and and I don't push it on him yeah yeah I mean they love it legit so tell us what we have is now this I understand has parts from the actual movie cars is that correct well yes and no so there were there were two hero cars the a car was this car that we restored which is at the Petersen mm-hmm the last car the B car which was the second hero car was hit by a train at the end of the third so those pieces were sort of scattered to the universe and when we were restoring the one for the Petersons there was a couple of parts that bob was like you know this is this car is kind of the only one that's exactly like right the one in the Petersons that runs so when we get a call from you two like this one was just adding on the Oscars it was in the Oscar stage or a Superbowl commercial University will call us and they'll say this is the one to use for that it has a lot of the sister parts from the from that trilogy so do you do a lot of public appearances with this car I imagine must be very popular yes we get a this call you know I even here being here today I thought at this point I you know we'd be done after the Oscars I was I was actually overseas and this car we've got to go to the Oscars and I didn't Joe had to go with and get it up on stage and be with Michael J Fox in South Road it took one for the team yeah you did and each time we did a gig it was like they can't get any better right this is it this is the biggest gig we'll ever get and then we get a bigger gig and a bigger gig and and here we are at Jay Leno's Garage well let's let's talk about the actual car itself the 81 DeLorean had what a 6-cylinder Renault engine v6 yep you never know it but it's b6 yeah and it wasn't much horsepower was about a hundred and twenty-five some 140 is what they call it before yeah but 5-speed gearbox mm yeah and of course you had the gullwing doors that were electric to get electric lock right right yeah member oh yeah Johnny Carson yeah was an initial investor and he had one and he was driving around I think on the 405 freeway and the battery died and the electric door locks would know when Johnny was stuck in it and the fire department had to come he just picked it up right yeah pick it up off the dock yeah they had to come and rescue him like he was not pleased yeah yeah not pleased endorsement no yeah bad fan adore and then it kind of went downhill for the car from there yeah because it is and of course this being stainless steel once you dent it it's not impossible if they know it's impossible to fit yeah I think the original idea was you get into a car accident you could pop on a new panel right now if anything happens you're in trouble right and I only very few were painted they're all you think the only ones that were painted you know we're accident cars no you know because you can't really I remember singing a red one and a couple of others that came from dealerships at least in color okay and how much heavier is it with all this equipment not much it's a few hundred pounds yeah extra yeah yeah but it's a car you can actually dry I drove mine all over yeah I don't I don't drive this one a lot yeah I have to confess the but when you do it's you know I mean I've had people follow me on the road and stop you the gas station because it's still a few people follow me home in my driveway it's a little sketchy yeah we got cried when he saw it and you know who cried when he saw it was a fan who's like I never thought I would actually get to see this I'm watching these things yeah yeah there was never a car that you cried when he saw you finally saw I remember I got hit by a car and I cried I don't normally bust into tears when I see a car but yeah but hey everybody's different right there is a crier yeah yeah okay now you guys also produce the document if people want to see more on this vehicle thing how can they get the documentary you can go to out a time and an order one it's a blu-ray and DVD you know yeah it's an excellent documentary by my friend Steve conquer telly who followed us around while we were stored the the hero car and how long did it take to restore it was a year hearing change yeah but really it was more like two years yeah no really I mean about a decade research and did all the original documentation exists for example you know years lady ago to build a replica could you go to Universal and go nothing that was the problem nothing existed so it was it was a whole lot of CSI stuff photo references of like part number I mean did you meet any of the original crew they'd probably be in their 60s or so by the time you want to do this right so we get in a lot of them go well my kid that was a job I did 12 years ago right and we're like don't you have like receipts wherever yeah yeah they pull out a receipt from apex or whatever and it says aircraft parts right yeah so you know we had to identify what everything was and then find it and after all that I decided to build a time machine now I remember when these DeLoreans came out Jimmy Carter had that stupid rule that when amortus can only go to 85 they start evil from speeding because you know you can only go as fast as this barometer says but of course this buy more Oh 85 them well there were there were three cars built for back to the future the a the B and the C and the C car was a process car to shoot inside of and it was that car that they had to modify the speedometer to say 95 so that they could actually reach it'll of 88 and that was one of the things when we were restoring the hero a car was it never had the 95 mile an hour speed ometer all right so we it was a choice for us to put it in there because that's what fans you know we're looking for and expect to see like another one are the the time circuits there's a alphanumeric you know segment for the months October November and in the a car it was just numerals so it was 10 instead of October but we decided to go with the insert car version for the same reason because fans look in and they'd be like what's that I've never seen that before and how bad was the DeLorean you bought to restore was a nice car you just had to add the various things to make it this one was in pretty good shape I mean I think I think this one came from Hawaii it was a running driving yeah I was a running driving car you know the one they left out the real one they had left outside for 25 years that was a gut job we had to take it down to the to the frame and why did you I mean obviously it must have been a huge attraction why did they leave it outside and let it go back to you know they still have that beautiful 1950s out there still they just you know they get handed off to another department and I go the guys in the tram see it and wave and that's all it takes right right yeah after they're done making the movie that you know it's not a priority anymore right I mean it is to us now we're the geeks following Bob Gale around but the a car I mean it was it was in pretty devastated condition really and a lot of animals living in it and a lot yeah and so I mean the first month was just booming out all the leaves and and stuff and you know we didn't get down too nitty-gritty till much later cool okay what's uh can we take this one let's do it absolutely Joe thank you very much thank you is there a handbrake button here does it yeah there we go close this down [Music] so how do you take that you ever take to us to go ice cream and get a burger or something here not not often no mostly just to get it filled up I mean between like shows right right if it's rented elbows into the Super Bowl commercial oh yeah Wow my best I look when you do pull up to a gas station you know that it's in the front where you get right right in the front hood my favorite question I get it some filling another got one of those electric cars glug glug glug yes I'm going it's a net some people don't know the movie yeah the kids go crazy and buy kids you mean 45 year old guys know weirdly there's something timeless about I think all the 45 year old guys now have kids and they're showing right right it's so you have teenagers coming up thinking the DeLorean is a hundred and fifty thousand dollar car yeah yeah you can get a pretty nice one for about 23 or 24 right yeah and there was a company in Texas it was redoing them for a while yeah they're still active I think they're down on like Long Beach yeah here now you always obsessed with time travel because you right now you doing this 12 monkeys right this way yeah yeah what is that on what channel is it on sci-fi it's not sci-fi okay you know this movie that gave me the time travel bug that's so funny and so never left and so you know for the last four years I've been writing this time-travel show and we're on our last season or a big finales coming out oh okay so yeah it's it's it's something that never really left yeah that's fun days in your blood yeah yeah so what would you rather do go into the future or wonder the path you know it's a question you get a lot especially when I work on the time table for like where'd you go would you go or - would you go to meet dinosaurs whatever will it be maybe were general I don't know if I'd want to meet Dinah seemed like would you rather go to World War 2 a meet dinosaur realize my choice attic is dealing with Dinosaurs right I'll go on that's why I was harmed or they might have some places right you know paradise is vague for me if so he's like you know I probably just go hang with my family back you know when my dad was young gonna meet you know writing it probably the real answer for most people is an emotional answer yeah yeah something I'd go back and tell that person I love that you right probably something about go back to like last Thursday right hit exactly where I screwed up that date yeah yeah it screwed up I thought well you know we they always go under the theory that you you know you you go back in time you can't do anything because it'll alter the course of time well I think it's kind of like you know it's like like kind of like these video games it just goes in you go back and it goes into any direction yeah I mean anything can happen yeah anything that happened you know it can go in any possible direction at all and it can exist on multiple levels you know yeah it's it's great for storytelling and at this point any change in making the pass is probably gonna be if I might make things a little bit better than they are right now actually so they always say you know if you kill a butterfly right it changes the whole car the whole thing butterfly effect yeah yeah yeah you don't love these cars DeLorean you know I'm not a fan yeah I like the idea behind it until DeLorean got caught with the cocaine I was huge right he was that hero there's an engineer he was the cool guy at General Motors you know everybody else had the white shirt with the button-down deal he had the Italian share it with them looks kind of a blue team I ready and he had you know it was like a rock star yeah he was a rock star in the automotive world yeah that's really what and then he just ruined it I know he was found innocent and yeah I know but people have found him missing all the time what do you think of like and I don't really know enough about it but like the big three were have to get up no I don't believe I mean their probable out of people who did not wish him well yeah and this was not a competition for any existing American car at the time right other than maybe the Corvette right maybe the Corvette but this wasn't competing with Ford Falcons and Mustangs and Chevy Malibus and all that enough for them to be scared enough no no I don't believe in either get the men in black after yes no I don't believe any of that is true kind of silly but that being said it doesn't ride bad it doesn't drive bad it's just the expectation was so high it was gonna be this unbelievable sports car faintly I want to come on it was a very nice car it was a little underpowered I think for this kind of money people want to see at least 300 horsepower yeah you know something like that no no there's nothing what do you think of this family well you know it was an interesting gimmick no other car has that right no there's a reason because it's very hard to win out it don't know watch that yeah yeah you know you clean it with a brillo pad and all that kind of happen no I mean it's it was interesting it was an interesting idea and the gold wing doors really aren't practical they don't really we only get water around it you know everybody's still doing going you know like the Tesla now has that going door that yeah yeah get loading your kids in the back right right I think the BMW that I whatever has something kind of like right right yeah he drilled or yeah yeah you know it's more fun as a collector car that it probably ever was as a new car yeah cuz there's a galactic guy you're gonna baby it you're gonna treat it right if something goes wrong it's not the end of the world as an everyday car where you got to get to work you know yeah I guess then when Johnny Carson got locked in his yeah it was like the laughingstock yeah oh my god Johnny never lived it down you could see people making fun of him and yeah he had money in the company oh yeah I get stuck in his car I mean it looks funny of the rich guy gets stuck in his car okay like when I back my yellow my orange mirror into my yellow lamb behavior I didn't tell everybody but you're not gonna get me sell a lot of people are gonna get such an idiot so what are you drive as your regular car uh you know I'm a dad right now so I got uh you know Alexis right you know what I'm really and I wold you kiss my kids 505 and he loves this car love to climb in it or yeah yeah great car but I think that's probably my next yeah yeah the next thing you think I'll ever do another Back to the Future movie I hope not I feel like they the first one is such a classic and so close yeah we well done yeah put that cast and that score that I don't know that it doesn't feel right Michael J Fox is really the only one that went on to do anything yeah focused of her Lloyd I think well could the blow was really bad but yeah yeah characters you know still to this day still on television so how many times have we seen the Back to the Future movie far too many the first one quite a bit in film school that script is actually taught about set up and payoff it's like one of the most perfect yeah structured films as far yeah I'm character wise you know there's a lot of great I mean the stakes are I got to get my parents to fall in love or else I don't it's about the writers dream to have that kind of yeah you know texture to play with and it's one of those movies they don't really make anymore that's like it's a comedy but still has a grounded right sort of feeling as far emotions as in an adventure so what was the Europe in you the best movie the three the first one for us one question is first what was better two or three I think three probably has more heart to his generally great time travel gimmicks I go back in time to the first movie so they're watching themselves I be in the first movie that was kind of mind-blowing when I was 14 yeah and then of course in the second movie the cars mostly fly I bet they got the tires turn up and save you do you think time travel is possible I don't right John I have a feeling we'd know by now somebody would have come back yeah somebody would have said something then your wife is not a fan she didn't grow up with that yeah so this was a be that much younger than you this is about five years but okay when I said I wanted one of these you know it's after you get married you know you drop that bomb yeah yeah what yeah one point Nike they made like these future sneakers from the second movie right and they rented this car for to celebrate that event for like three weeks straight Wow came back I was like we got enough to go to Hawaii now do you love the car yeah it was like we're going to Hawaii I love that car now yeah well I guess it can be a pretty good moneymaker correct yeah now do you have to give a portion to well you know this car as an agent oh so they call you know and I'm I have to turn down more than if I could dude right right I can TV and I tell you what I was on the Oscars I couldn't even go to the Oscars because I was over shooting something in Prague so it's it's in more demand than probably I am so there's a million jokes about these number they go down the road but they be in the center road that you'll be sniffing the white line alright I haven't heard that one what was the hardest single part to find during the restoration I would say it's some of these hoses in the back yeah our helicopter hose you know you know and we're restoring the original car although those aircraft parts something back you can't get them some of them are classified parts and when you look them up suddenly the eyes asking why do you want this kind of a host right so you know we have to deal with that and then at some point there's like a gyro mouth it used to be in the bottom of a fighter jet yeah world war ii they had stuck that on the back we have to go track one of those down and you gotta go to junkyards and talk to a lot of strange people who have helicopter is taken apart and then you got a haggle yeah yeah and one of those hoses alone are $250 in it and then the only references we had were these old photos in the Universal Studios archives so we're black and white and you know there's like a Panasonic speaker grille on the top of this thing I found in a photo and no one ever knew what it was and we enhance the photo like the lead Runner and we're able to track all these crazy objects down it was like a treasure hunt yeah thanks for being a custodian of this piece of history really fascinating I appreciate that it's automotive history it's also movie memorabilia is yeah there's the Star Trek Enterprise there's this hey you know there's a lot of things that you know not that many are iconic when you think about it you got the Knight Rider car that's another one the Batmobile smokey in the badness smokey the man well nobody remembers that car though all the Trans Am the car at the time I think of the Jackie Gleason the brave right yeah yeah but probably no more than ten or so yeah reading the Bullitt Mustang I wasn't for crazy yeah own the thing from the movie needs an impact on you right it's really cool well thanks a lot it's a lot of fun and I could say it's so accurate it's so dead-on we appreciate it thanks for coming in thank you for having give my best to Joe I will I'm Bob [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 1,818,951
Rating: 4.8950768 out of 5
Keywords: Jay, Lenos, Garage, Back to the Future, DeLorean, Outta Time, time machine, Bob Gale, Terry Matalas, Joe Walser, movie cars, McFly, BTTF, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Id: OD8430xJRbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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