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my name is suzan Chum I'm from Zambia man of God I want to know the root cause of our problem my family 1 2 3 four five of you man of God what to prophesied about me is true we are five in my family three girls and two boys and remember the woman who was washing clothes you people you had a good family happy family but this yes man of God that is the problem where it came from there was a m who was working for us we've been through a lot of disappointment there's no settle there's no settlement in my family both we are five two guys and three girls no marriage nothing is working when you do business there's business failure how do I know that you are five the spirit of God man of [Applause] God so let me remove all this misum you people you don't have anything big but I will remove the witchcraft in Jesus go and enjo I prayed for you I prayed for your your sisters your brothers the Lord has done it all why should you suffer depression yes my name is Sarah makariki I'm from Zambia yes I confirm the prophecy to be true H I've been going through a lot of disappointments in my life most especially there's no marriage in my family I've just relocated back to Zambia I've lived in South Africa for 15 years I came back to Zambia I was stuck in my finances like there's nothing I ended up going to depression it's very true very and you have a sister who look almost like you the same problem depression I've got a photo of her here she's in America bring the photo Our Father in Heaven uh man of God what you saying is true I confirm the prophets to be true this is my sister in America Naomi she's been baring for the past I think now 16 years yeah she's also been going through a lot Depression years also once upon time there was a house and this house there lived a medium woman medium woman was married to a tall man and this T man used to come in late beating this woman the mother of Wars started that's my dad I confirmed the prophecy to be true I was very young when all those scario were happening I was T by my brother that my dad used to drink a lot of alcohol the to man and yeah I used to come back late and beat my mom yes I was very young I think I I was about a year or so this is the mother of the battles the curses the family not conceive no produce no marriage yes no marriage that's very true I've been through a lot of disappointment let me remove all this and he came to [Music] restore whatever good things marriage be restored every good thing in your life and the family be restored in Jesus holy name thank you Jesus you're coming back here within 7 months to give your testimony you'll have a testimon to tell my name is I'm from Randa uhhuh here there is soil from R mhm this is why he was born they tried to set off the land since 2020 they fed they they put blockers but they fade [Music] will be done God will [Music] be the land is 970 Square me MH they removed it and dug a pit it was the problems yes confirm the prophecy true to be the prophec is true yeah they apped it completely was Ed completely the reason why they uprooted it because they had invested a lot of Witchcraft here so this is where the trouble comes [Music] from you cannot say this land because the next land belong to a woman I I confirm the prophecy remembers I remember the the woman is going to give you oil to put in the land and solve the problem you are going to sell it you're going to say in the name of Jesus is going on for this gentleman from Randa father thank you for selling their land my name is Reverend Peter M from Zambia at two vehicles I don't have any vehicle I want you to remember the land of the river it is along the river I bought that land after I bought it I've been facing a lot of issues let me remove this stumbling block from your life the school issue my name is yet you were very clever you had no problem with it my name is eward qu I come from swiland um I want to confirm the prophecy man of God about the school issue I used to have dreams find myself in school um there were these dreams were torturing me yet I was very brilliant in class and you are supposed to be a doctor and everybody looks at say are you a doctor even now yes even now if my teachers my primary school teachers my School teachers when I meet them they they ask me that question what are you doing in life now are you a doctor and then I I when I tell them what I do they like why are you doing this we supposed to be doing that a doctor yes being a doctor let me restore or whatever the enemy had taken from you you'll find yourself in a very good place but help him to build a hospital in Jesus holy thank you Jesus my name is a Elizabeth I'm from South Sudan man of God I want to know the cause root of my problem your family was well to do it was supporting other families yes my uncle family is true man of God and that is where the problem came from the Envy the whatever they started persecuting you people yes let me restore the [Music] beauty my name is Christin ad from South Sudan and the C they demanded what you say man go is true yes they demanded 100 C my parents from my husband woo now what do we do let us pay the cows he paid 80 cows 80 yes remaining 20 how much is a cow now it's $300 $300 now but the problem brought me here I was married in 2018 but I never conceive I tried the best I could but I don't know the problem the cows are not yet over ah $300 one Caren thank you Jesus two $300 another car oh my gosh one 2 three $300 another cow thank you Jesus thank you now go and pay the three cows the husband will pay the rest the husband wanted seven kids and they said no three are enough she was dreaming about three kids these are the three kids we have paid for them one we have paid for the three kids [Music] two three clap for Jesus we we need to pay [Music] I was dreaming of three children I always play I always pray I say God if you give me three children is okay with me he has done it all the boy they give him the name David because he has won the war I win my battles I win all my b in the name of the Lord I finish the rest I will come Victorious how we like we like you Jesus all my of my name is I'm from Zimbabwe Prophet I want man almost destroyed your love Prophet remind me you deserve it is not the one you deserve okay Prophet I remember the short man he was a pastor in some church in Zimbabwe I almost dated him and then there was an issue on the way so I pulled out cuss you cures out the Man cast you never to have peace be delivered in Christ Jesus Holy Name have your peace my name is Nish from Zambia man of God I want to find out everything that I do I start well then it just breaks down the family they didn't want you to marry I confirm the prophet man of God to be true when I got married the children to my husband fought me Left Right Center in November last year the sisters organized a woman who they brought in the house and on first January I was driven out of the house a where they didn't want you to marry this is where the problem is coming from God reveals to save GL is based in London but from Nigeria man of God I want to know the root of what is causing my children most of them are married but divorced now I want to know the root of it and this is my daughter father in our family house this one if you check what happened in this house um that looks like my my grandfather had a house in the midle and their wives he had five wives and they have houses surrounded there's a lot of conflict put this question mark these are inherited problems misfortunes man of God what you're saying is very true there's been a lot of conflict in my mother's side family side and we find that my mother's oldest sister the same problem is happening in in their in in their family house a lot of divorce a lot of separation and also in my family and um up to today there's a lot of conflict because there's there's a conflict between the families and people do things like witchcraft they still go to places and at some point when we were growing when my father died there's some places they took us to where they give out water to sh to to pour on us so that we can be we can be um basically safe yeah my older brother myself would refuse to have the shower my mom took all the water and said she she she put it on top of herself because she's very frightened about her kids the problem remind you a man called yob when I lost my husband I was so I was so young but you know frightened they said that the next person to that is this and that and that so I started moving my children from one spiritual prayer to another is one of them we thank God we're here I just I told that we need to be separated from this things because it's too much confusion going oner going on for the F family mother and daughter the might name of Jesus father I command the spirit of killing stealing destruction go be free in Jesus name have your freedom in Jesus name my name is Alex mome I come from Kenya you would have said an engineer because you were supposed to be an engineer man of God is true remember the home near the hill that is where the problem came from that's is actually our home that has an issue and as we're talking right now the land has been SN it's almost been snat from us our father could not be buried from that piece of land there's a hill beside it what you said is true about that hill and the house and again Prophet have an issue it's like the same same thing has followed me of pieces of land around five of them have not titled it and my father died the other day he has not tled it and he was not buried in that land so I'm fearing it might follow me it is following you but Oregan you had a grandfather Yeah involved in witchcraft he was he was he was he was he was he was prophet let me remove this grandfather's isssue brother Alex from Kenya being set free be restored in Jesus Holy Name don't forget Jesus all these contracts have now passed they're cleared thank you Jesus you were almost left alone my name is Virginia Yura from Kenya after all your contribution to the family you were almost left Al yes man of God this is the agony you have at heart yes man of God we have been building with my husband I gave him all my money and it is as if he don't want to give it back to me so I am a own father Resto my name is Rosemary dururu from Nairobi my question is I would like to know why I have Financial struggles and this disunity in my family with my siblings Once Upon time there was a house and the house and that house something happened and they said that they caught a thief inside the house that was the beginning of the disaster man of God have remembered about the house it is uh it ours was a rented house and my neighbors were just nearby so what happened one day the neighbor lost his sewing machine and then they decided to say that it is my brother who stole the sewing machine mhm and then he was taken to the police but uh because they didn't have any evidence on that the case was just stopped and my brother was set free once a beloved daughter my name is j onyango I'm a beloved daughter my Dad loved me so much too much yes he led me too too much so even before he died handed over everything to me [Music] what my name is neosi this I'm from bana uh the question that I have for the prophet is that I have a son who was well behaved he 15 years so every almost every day during the evening he'll go outside the house and he when we ask him what are you doing outside the house he say I'm been freshening up but some few days he told me that he saw something there was a [Music] tree father I can confirm the prophecy is true there was a tree inside myard of which we cut it down so this is my house and this is the tree this place before they divided the [Music] land I can confirm the prophecy to be true men of God the this house it it is it's a big land of which it was divided and we were given the other part so this is where we built our house and in this house there was a big tree of which I decided I don't need this tree let me cut it down and we removed the tree because this is where they used to go and present the offerings and worship demons so the boy say I'm going to rest he could come and rest at this place where you people poured the soil that's very true man of God and that is where he got a terrible headache and he started seeing Stars this demon whatever so my son normally complains of the headache and you find that his eyes normally are brown so I'll be thinking that maybe because he spend lot of time in the in the sun maybe that's why and I'll be telling him drink some more water maybe it's because you are dehydrated and there was a time he told me that he saw something black jumping out of the yard so then I said how can it jump something jump out of the yard because we have an electric fence so why didn't it get shocked the go from receiving Deliverance be delivered in the might name of Jesus father I command the spirit of killing stealing destruction go in Jesus Holy Name father we thank you we bless your Holy Name you said if the man of God doesn't talk to me I don't know what will happen God do you know me or you don't know me this man of God why does he pass and he doesn't talk to me I want to to decide where to go this area or the other area true true man of God my name is G KAS I'm coming from Zambia yes uh man of God what you have said I want to confirm the the prophet to be through MH I was I was complaining to say man of God is just byass let's hear from them maybe I'm your name's sir ah my name is uh Moses Wenda yes I'm from Zambia as we there you you came this side and he said in the first place I wanted my wife to s to the other side so that maybe the man of God can sport her from the other side but the man of the man of God just passing by us here so I don't know what to do maybe the problem that side are greater than he maybe so where's your wife here you have a good wife thank you man of God she's not a thief she doesn't wish you anything that's that's true so what do you want me to do for you inclusive politics oh my God because I've seen you at a RAR you were campaigning too much you are talking too much man of God you too much no Jesus is too much Jesus is too much how to say now we are going two of us to the RAR we are going to win two of us I deceive man of God two of us we are going to do what to win to win for this couple from Zambia man of God what you said is true uh I do participate in politics politician M go and [Applause] win CL for Jesus I that in the name I contribute to the Ferrari thank you the my name is Chris Mo man of God I'm coming from Ami Zambia the competition in the family these were three families which one is richer than the other one so they started working against each other okay they started witchcraft bringing families down yes please man of God now in this competition you have emerged a winner thank you thank you man of God the competition Among The Three Families yes is very much true there are three families which involved three uh sisters these three sisters were comp were competing as to who is I mean Rich so in that competition is there's a lot of witchcraft which was being practiced in the in the what process so much that my daughter fell victim to that witchcraft which was being practiced by the three sisters in terms of competition so she's been having some uh evil attacks for the past 25 years I'm really happy that the man of God has given me this prophecy Mr crispy from Zambia being set free Mr Krispy from zose let him go and do very well very well everybody will say we have never expected this to happen very well even in politics very well thank you Jesus Christ [Music] the small house of your mom my name is Victor muu I'm from Kenya I've been an alcoholic for like 10 years I remember a small house for my mother where we used to live in our rural Village before we shifted to a different location it was a two roomed house be restored thank you be restored be fruitful now don't drink again commit your life to Jesus everything has come back you'll be happy thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you man of God thank you for setting me free Jesus you tried so much to educate them but what a disappointment okay my name is David Mambo I'm from Kenya the word that the man of God has said it's true and I'm with my wife I've tried to to educate my family members and some disappointment on like they didn't achieve much what is the issue now okay the question is we seek the to have the the the children cuz we've stayed for 8 years I see for kids tell me about this before I get married I have a son which I got a bit earlier when I was in college I had a elder sister who left the kids Behind they're about three receiving this special prayer of Deliverance as delivered in Jesus Jus Deliverance Prayer for the wife as well father you bless you all my name is mosesi you almost lost [Music] everything I have lost everything my name is Moses I come from Kenya I have lost all almost everything I am also sick my wife is here she's also sick when I when I retired I got money and built a house but people came and demolished the houseal pr going on for Mr Moses to be set free together with the wife my name is Dorka in Zambia Once Upon Time you people had a working Place father in father in yes man of God this is the road this is the market where I used to work is here a saloon the one I was working for he refused to pay me then I stopped working go and work give me the apples you're coming back within the 6 months to give your [Music] testimony go and be fruitful my name is dor mango and I'm from Zambia there's too much failure in our family you people you okay and you had another family to sponsor and that family was not contented so the day they come and you don't give them this and that it became a battle and they started cursing but otherwi you people you were world to do yeah we used to sponsor a lot of people in families all those were unable to sponsor their school fees we used to sponsor them and there started the battle they used to fight us with my husband and problems started this is going on for her right now my name is Sally from Zimbabwe your Wars started at 15 years who is this lady in here this is my mother let's he from your mom my name is from Zimbabwe what you saying men of God is true this my child started facing problems when she was 15 we fa to get even form one place from a bing we to put a somewhere just to for for her to to complete a form one program of St big what was your relationship with the butcher where they sell meat my husband rented a butcher yes I can confirm it to be true he rented a Bucher in an area called in Zimbabwe my dad you closed the buery you you went broke you can know what happened between the father and the butcher where the poverty came from be released from this butcher issue mother and daughter from zimb receiving Deliverance Pastor k m from Zambia the headache issue the headache issue of let I've been experiencing headache because of thinking too much prophe no sir Once Upon time there was a man this man had headache queer headache which cannot be controlled so with this headache they took this man to which doctors that is where a lot of Witchcraft entered your family there was one of my uncles who had a terrible headache and before he died you had to consult Heist be free in [Applause] jesusa Tania my name is godre Cala I come from Tanzania I have a challenge I need the man of God to help me me my mother has been having stomach pain for 45 years very early in the morning also my father get something to strangle the neck Once Upon time there was a home to the road it is true man of God this is where the problem came from that is the village of my home and there's a hill there to God be the glory amen so this is where the problem came from and that is how they were misled with a short man and they got into witchcraft it is true very true man of God in the village back home they used to worship devils and spirits come God from tanzia being delivered man of God my name is from Zambia you're not easy woman man of God at 17 remember what happened at 23 remember what happened you cannot forget all this Prophet I would like to confirm the prophecy that you gave me at the age of 17 I had a boyfriend then he disappointed me then I told him to say you it's fine you can go go away after you're not educated in at the age of 23 in college I met a boyfriend uh later on I felt pregnant I had to go back home my parents were okay with it but the mother wanted me to go back to school so I went back to school so when I was in college I just received a call to say he had died in a rock ddent later on I moved on I met another man uh in7 17 uh he died I just received a call to say he had collapsed man of God from there been experiencing from 2019 up to now I've been experiencing disappointment and my behavior man of God you spoke about it uh I normally don't tolerate when someone is not trying to be straight I always tell them more out of frustration unclear your [Music] life in the name Jesus Christ thank you Jesus for S her pray my name is memory Mandu I'm from Zambia uh man of God help me I really want to understand what's really happening in my life together with my siblings I remember you dancing what is that Spirit yes I've been going to bars drinking beers and dancing with friends stop it because this Rend your life to in Jesus s name the abandoned dad my name is jacine Mugi from Kenya my mom was married and she and she abandoned my dad because he was poor and get married again she's now being delivered in Jesus [Music] name be free in Jesus my name is dcas aokang from Kenya man of God I would like to know the root cause of stagnation in my family Once Upon Time your family lived on a mountain and then they come down to the forest I confirmed the prophecy to be true at my my home where I was born we used to live our place is hiling so the home was up there and uh according to our culture or our custom the first born has to go down so my father was the first oneor we came from up there to down near the river I confirmed the where is the forest yeah there there were trees it was a forest so we were the we were the ones who came to make it look like a home now do I know you you don't know me man of God who knows you Jesus Christ there was no problem yes except when this woman entered that come the other woman [Music] yes she's not the one this one is a good woman this lady looks like uh my uncle's wife from my home honestly she's not the one she's not mama what is your issue thank you man of God the girl you loved ask me the question the question is from where I come from my father's house there are problems the CH and also my own children the girl you say I I loved it's my first born I really love her but she's not listening to me she's St like you I I confirmed the prophecy I'm very firm in my decisions because I'm the first born in my home but I give her the grace she's being set free what you said man of God is true about that lady that lady looks exactly like my uncle my younger uncle's wife but she didn't stay she the relationship just got spoiled and she went away be free in Jesus Soul name you have struggled have struggled with the family yes there's nothing you have not done yes to see that you're much yes man of God my name is I'm Kenyan but I've been in America it doesn't matter who my mother my siblings my husband's side I still I've struggled with them man of God your prophecy is true man of God it's a prayer for her Deliverance father give peace to her life to her family and prosperity than in Jesus name the bad dreams which trouble you it is true it is true man of God my name is Lucy wangui I normally have bad dreams which disturb me in March you almost is true man of God I almost ran mad in the month of March I went to see a friend of mine my friend told me go and see now she's being [Music] delivered now that home where they have a lot of flowers don't go back you going to get but don't go their family thank you Jesus thank you Jesus that Homestead was for my grandma right now in that parcel of land in that Homestead people don't talk to each other because of problems and disagreements my name is I'm from the land issue left you people hel what the prophet said concerning the land it was true my parents my parents had big land and in the family we are five of us and this land was shared accordingly to the five children I started building on that particular land but later on I had to sell it from there I've not bought another plot come I pray for you this is the biggest problem you have because what they did they turned into be wiing you is being set free right now in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: The Kakande Ministries
Views: 21,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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