Do You Love God If You Don’t Obey Him?

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amazing prayer minister brian thank you so much yes we will rise up quickly quickly from any adversity amen that's what we do yes that's what we do you know and this is the year of resilience and uh i'm excited about it you know because one of the definitions i found was you know the capacity to respond positively from a negative situation and respond quickly as quick as possible you hear them do that again repeat that please remember resilience yes uh the ability to to respond uh positively not just to respond but positively and and that because resilience is it comes out of a mindset right right and i talked uh we had a tuesday night gathering with the tuesday night campus and we talked a little bit about resilience and i talk about my son and i used to i i still do i annoyed my son and one of the things i i realized and it turned into a message but he would watch the tv and i was standing in front of him i'm a big guy so i can you know block a whole tv and i s instead of getting frustrated you know he changed how he looked at the tv and next thing i know he's climbing on top of me and he's on my shoulders and what i saw is i said wow one of the things we have to do a part of resilience is make sure that we put ourselves in the advantage point of seeing the final goal seeing the target that's right so resilience is to to respond positive to positively from a negative situation and the capacity to respond positively from a negative situation and quickly respond as soon yes and a quick response yes but you can only do that if something has been built inside of yes resilience doesn't come from out in the air nope it's a result of things that have developed over time experiences and how you've handled those experiences yes yeah wow and that's why i think at the core of resiliences depends on what you have your hope anchored in right right that's good that's great what are you you're preaching man are we going to switch chairs today that's good stuff no you heard that resilience depends upon what you have your hopes anchored in what is the anchor of your soul and that soul that's very important the soul because that's what it is it's about the growth and development of the soul uh when god created man in his image and likeness he breathed into him the breath of life he animated this matter this physical body right and it became or he man became a living soul the soul is the mind the will and the emotions in an elementary way that we can understand it a lot more depth if you bring the philosophers into it yes but for us the soul is your mind your will right and your emotions and we respond to life as an integrated system not separately we don't respond with our mind without our emotions without our will no it's an integrated system and that's why prayer is about elevating the mind right yep elevating the world and we're going to talk continue i heard that they've been yes they started right eight i think i believe it was eight keys for effective prayer uh you teased them and gave uh i think the first two or three so i keep people keep asking questions about yeah so we're gonna drop another one on them today yes yep yeah and i like this one i like this one i'm excited and i just i just want to give a shout out to the team once again our um social justice team uh keith dario um annette uh as well as the security the volunteers bernice uh we've we've had so far which has been amazing uh thursday so okay let me bring the people into my my yeah thank you into your mind we've been doing uh this our second round of vaccines that we've been doing in our community and despite you know some of the tension that was created when we first presented this on our you know chat uh our people have been responding so um and they've been going to get their uh vaccinations and they're excited uh we thursday we had 516 people vaccinated at the church on friday we had 798 people vaccinated and in this just yesterday this past saturday one thousand four hundred fifty-seven whoa vaccinated so yeah we're moving towards two three thousand people yep well that's not including the numbers from somos so this is northwell that we teamed up this is just northwest and this is uh yeah somos and it's uh this week somos is coming back to do the second round of vaccinations wow wow things are are progressing and what what i what i love about it this golden saints are thanking us that we have provided access you know and and that's the thing people you know they get mad and get frustrated but a part of the goal of the church is to be the vehicle or the gateway for access right whether it's spiritual education regular education uh health and things like that that's one of the things that we do as our social responsibility within the community yeah yeah and it's it's community yes the church is always especially in the communities of color yes black and latino and asian the church has always been the institution that fostered community out of the church came education political activity arts entertainment you know nurturing of those things uh the reason why you're able to type and read what people other people are typing is because the push for people to be able to read the bible exactly exactly so literally stemmed from that yeah all of that was critical so you know especially i was on a uh i was in clubhouse you don't know about that i got it i got to educate him on the latest i was helping you set it up last sunday don't do that yes don't do that i forgot all right anyway you know i was in this this thing called clubhouse in this room and it was a great conversation we had a panel discussion um and we talked about uh i got a chance to talk about the black church in the history of the black church in america yes and that was so important because it was it was the only institution uh during slavery and post slavery that gave us as a people control yes something that we had control over uh it gave us affirmation uh celebrated education you know a a center of community uh insight information with regard to what's happening in society so it really played an important role and it's true in the white church as well that the church becomes community so the church is more as you'll hear me say again and again than a religious institution yes it is a social cultural institution why because jesus came to save the whole person all right spirit soul and body all right mind will and emotion yes and so the church has to be a a you know soup to nuts holistic approach and that's what this that's where discipleship comes into play and that's the focus because he didn't just say make converts he said preach the gospel but make disciples of nations of those who respond to the message and that's a long-term relationship with people helping them grow because essentially your value as a human being is not based upon what you consume it's based upon what you contribute you say that again please hit our saints that's good your value as a human being is not based upon what you consume and that's so true in this consumer society yes we're consumers cons it's all about consumption what can i take in what can i get no it your value as a human person uh comes as a result of what you contribute now i'd like to take credit for that that phrase but i was actually in a meeting um with dr bernice king dr martin luther king jr's daughter and uh some other individuals known to jones and lewis upkin and a group of us and we were talking about faith and prejudice and what we can do to respond to the inequities in society and the education of the entire society because people of color need to be educated about our history uh white folks need to be educated about our history not in the way that we have been typically but really reevaluating reassessing and re-examining history so that we can be educated and i was sharing that you know that education process has to look at the student body yes because we have people who are we're gonna we have to deal with ignorance denial and indifference and on the ignorant side there is what is called willful ignorance as well as culturally induced ignorance so we've got a lot of work to do in order to change what's happening in america again what what this and talk about positive right what this season has done is expose and reveal those two of the biggest and strongest words expose and reveal it expose the state of affairs in american society with regard to relationships black white relationships issues of inequities you know and it has revealed some things about the character of the nation that has to be addressed yep so this is a great season those of you who are you know bugging out because all everything is going to collapse no no no no number one we believe god is in control and if god is in control and you believe that then that's where your hope should be anchored like you said before that's where our hope should be anchored in god's providence yes and talk about uh a lot of stuff that we have to do men listen up men we have an announcement for you we are doing a men's conference ccc icb has teamed up with organization called kingsman and so mark this in your calendars march 19th and march 21st you can go to and and something significant it says because president biden's executive orders force a conversation about gender gender roles and gender identity and so we're gonna we have individuals like dr bernard dr mario chris broussard uh coach tony dungy bishop broner and so many more so please go check it out yeah that's going to be very exciting and you need to be there and what's nice is you don't have to get on a plane and travel and hotel arrangements and cars and all that no through technology you can be there and benefit in an incredible way so women nudge your husbands and tell them you need to be there exactly exactly tell them they need to be there and look you know it's important that men step up we want men we want men to level up that's what we want uh that's that's an important responsibility that the church has as well because it's about family yep and and and the significance is what does leveling up look like now in this generation compared to 20 30 years ago right because uh it's it's it's a good conversation and you know so we've been talking about prayer and you know even with men wait wait let me i've got to read this testimony okay because you talked about our golden saints and we've got and this this came in from from one of our golden saints rhoda thomas and she wrote this to dr norio dear dr norio i took the vaccine yesterday she was at the uh brooklyn campus where we were giving back from friday friday i'm sorry yeah i i took the vaccine yesterday and i have to share how proud i was to tell people this is our church yes from the time you entered to the time you exited it was the perfect demonstration of coordination respect and caring for those being vaccinated by our people of course but also with the northwell uh healthcare staff our lobbies was transformed into an upscale mass unit organization to a t their staff introduce themselves to you which is what healthcare workers are supposed to do but these workers made eye contact with and addressed you by name making a personal connection with you lovely i was so excited i told a couple of them this is our church which he's proud of the last time i was here was february of 2020 2020 uh at which time one of the ladies looked at me and smiled dr norio i've always known our church strives to do things well but this is a major undertaking in the midst of a pandemic with news reports of obstacles etc to experience peace when you walk in when you got the the injection she called it the stick he injects it and when you exited was truly a blessing the goal to provide the vaccine to those who wanted it with care and consideration was evidenced by the cooperation and understanding of both teams working together this could only have come from the top and through prayer i pray everyone workers and recipients who enter will continue to have the same experience that i had and an even better experience to me this is an example in real time of pastor bernard and our leadership commitment and admonishment to us the people should feel warm welcome and wanted when they come to this church i'm scheduled for the next stick in two weeks and looking forward to it i'm so proud of being a member of our church christian cultural center that's great yes we want people to take pride in their church and in the ministry and whether you're local here in new york or in long island or local to orlando campus anywhere around the world we want you to feel a part of this community that is nurturing your spiritual growth and development we want you to ex to to learn to grow and to contribute because that's what's going to make you whole as an individual that's great that's great and i ever see the phone calls uh you know individuals like nephi she's tearing up just excited the fact that she was able to get the vaccine in her church and talk to people about her church it became a ministerial tool for a lot of the members talking to the healthcare professionals so they were enjoying it it was very good and then just to be in the building again you know yeah and and we're you know we're looking at that and that you know there's so many different opinions as to when we're going to be fully back in to in-person services across the country you know some some churches are doing it depends on what part of the country you're in here in new york you know it's a different story because we were the epicenter yes we got hit hard and from the very beginning you know our numbers were high and thank god that we are where we are today but we still want to be careful yeah and then the reports came out that long island is one of the highest right now yeah wow wow yeah that's so we want to be careful especially on a day like today which is super bowl sunday yes when uh patrick mahone is going to uh play against uh yes play against tom brady yeah i'm not throwing any hints out there all right but it's the old guard uh and the new old news yeah and not just the quarterbacks but the team as well because you know you got some of the older individuals that are uh you know kelsey compared to gronk uh you know you got tariq compared to i forget the other his running back so there's a bunch of young individuals on chiefs but you know we will see we will see see age and wisdom i just want a good game yeah i think it's going to be a good game i think and i i love the interaction between mahome and brady you know on the commercial on the promotions and mahone said that you know he looked to brady as his idol the one that he wanted to be like it is it's wonderful in sports where peop kids who grew up looking at other players are now facing them yeah in tennis yep right uh and now here in in football so yeah you had kobe with michael so that's right yeah it was that's right alan iverson with jordan so that's that's tremendous so uh we'll see yeah it'll be super bowl sunday today but we're talking about prayer right sorry sorry thinking about the wings i'm gonna cook yes my chicken wings we'll pray for those wings yes all right and the people who eat them yeah but don't show up to the house i'm not gonna get some wings now of course that's what i do right in the house yeah what i do i just show up so uh prayer we're going there or do you have questions that no we i i have questions but uh to stay on the track look at the uh uh the i love prayer so we can talk about prayer all day you know so uh yes that's uh i got a lot of reports of people saying you know thank you because it's been developing their prayer life uh and they're enjoying the whole concept of reorienting their thinking on prayer their their way of expectation uh pertaining to what they request and um that they're going to god not just on a level of give me give me give me but lord let's talk yeah he wants relationship he wants fellowship he wants interaction he wants to share even in his providential work within human history he wants to share with you know jesus says at one point his disciples he says i call you friends yes you know he says he says if you were just slave slave and massive relationship the slave doesn't know what the master's doing he said but i'm telling you what i'm doing i'm sharing with you my my my passions my ambitions the future that i look for human society for you as my followers he was he was sharing yep so that's that's the relationship and that's so good because i i tell parents you know when i was doing youth ministry you know i said you know stop praying for what you want in that child's life and start praying for what god wants and what what what the significance about that is that when you start praying for someone you love god allows you to be take get a glimpse of the providence over their life the purpose of that individual and it gives you a different understanding of your role in the life of the individual yeah yeah and when we use the word providence all right we're talking about god's guidance yes his provision for human society and his control over human history god works providentially and and let me just say this we have free will yes and there are a lot of factors that influence our free will and how we use it yep we just don't make choices without the influences of our family experiences situations circumstances you know things that we for yeah all of that influences so it is with providence god can use free will to achieve his ultimate plans and purposes but that talks about the sovereignty today but going back to prayer leading the prayer yes because you because we we talked about reverence yes all right that you have to have a godly fear and respect all right so that's important uh we talked a little bit about approach all right we're going to get back to that but the next one that i want to talk about uh is obedience and that is a very important subject because we don't think of obedience in relationship to prayer we think that that's separate no but when you come to god all right and you're asking him to do certain things level the playing field in a certain situation all right or to provide wisdom or favor or you know whatever it is all right what comes into play immediately is what he's already told you to do yep and if you have not done what he's already told you to do what good is more information wait you know you're going to walk backwards because you just you just went like a couple of individuals watching you know because you don't look at that right in relation to yeah and the prayer as well as just allowing you know being a part of what god wants you know to happen in the life of the individual when i think about prayer and the situation all right i do an assessment of myself okay what areas have i not been obedient in that are related to the circumstance situation yep so what areas have you not been obedient in saints obedience you know i let me i'm going to say this but i'm not going to unpack it okay but i want to tie it in all right i i said that the soul is the mind will and emotion so when god created man in his intimacy and likeness he breathed the breath of life into him he became a living soul the soul is the mind will and emotion so the mind was activated yes right the the the will was activated the emotions were activated as an integrated system so then death came sin came which opened the door for death to come in we became broken wounded yep all right we we became disordered all right and it affected our mind the way we think all right it affected our will it affected our emotions so it affected the soul that's why he comes to save our soul the saving of the soul is a saving of the whole person and that's why it's no longer integrated so you have an integrated system then sent enters in and it disrupts that integration and one's trying to fight it now they're in conflict yeah conflict you know which one is a supersede your actions and things like that and that conflict is very real because you experience it you're battling with your conscience when your conscience is telling you one thing so so i say that because the mind has to be educated in righteousness and just injustice yeah right now has to be educated and righteous righteousness and justice the will has to be surrendered to love educated the mind educated and righteousness and justice the will has already surrendered to love surrender to love god is love rendering to god is surrendering to love yes too often we don't put those two together so we think that we can surrender to god and not love and love is foundational to everything that is what he intended to hold human relationships and human science society together so the will has to be surrendered to love and the emotions have to be tempered tamed and talked all right so temperature but we're not unpacking that no i know because i i i i i was talking to one of my friends uh in ministry in the in a and i told him i said if you love me you shouldn't be able to be racist that's right that's it but if the will is not surrendered to love yes all right then we're going to make excuses not to do the things that god has commanded us to do and i want to say something about command there's a wonderful passage if i could find it here all right uh where it oh in in john 13 34 um i'm in the wow i'm in the esv actually i want to go to the new living translation so let me see if i can get to the new living the nlt uh today but john 13 34 is where we want to go and what we want to look at all right because our our our jump off text is is hebrews 4 16 all right which we've talked about but in john 14 34 all right jesus said so now i'm giving you a new commandment do you hear what that is yes what is a commandment it is a precept it is something that you have to do obey it not something that you negotiate think about no a commandment is just that it's like the stop sign says stop we don't stop we roll through we slow down the yield sign exactly we treat the stop sign like it's for you yes no he said so now i'm giving you a new commandment love each other just as i have loved you you should love each other your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciple boy have we messed that up we've seen that american society we've seen it in the church we've seen it amongst christians you know we have not followed that commandment and it's not easy it's tough that's why i say uh you you know the the will has to be surrendered to love because love is not centered in the emotions it's centered in the will otherwise it can't be commanded to love we can't hear that man he's dropping some some jewels yeah love is has to be centered in the will not it is it is centered in the will right so it's not a choice yes it is centered in the world so you don't fall out of love and fall in love no that's that that's the world's talk no you love because you choose to and then you rearrange your thinking and your actions to be consistent with that choice so love is a choice it's a choice yes okay it's a choice i i don't know i just i i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm i love him but i'm not in love with him what are you talking about what is that that's a justification for you to exit the relationship so notice so now verse 34. so now i'm giving you a new commandment and i emphasize the word commandment because somehow we think because this is the new testament and this is grace that all commandments have gone out the window that grace doesn't command yes grace does command yes so it's not that commandments were tossed out because we're no longer under the law we're under grace no here's the commandment what is the commandment a new commandment that jesus is giving love each other and remember he was contrasting that to an eye for an eye and a truthful tooth which was the old old testament way of looking at it but he's saying no love your enemies right love those who who despitefully injure you and hurt you from especially for my name's sake if they're doing it because you're associated related to me or identify with me so what's the new commandment it's a new commandment can you imagine that a new commandment to love love each other just as i have loved you and he said that when the world witnesses the love of christians for one another all right that is going to draw their attention to say all right these people are different it's th this is this is distinctively not the world not us these people are different but we haven't really done that the way we need to so the new testament and grace did not eliminate uh commandments god still commands us and if there's a command it brings in the word obedience yes yes that's important he's not saying well if you prefer to do this if you'd like to no if it's a command a command demands obedience and you either obey or disobey and that's why i say the will has to be surrendered to love and you choose to surrender your will or you choose to hold on to your will and be in charge of yourself and can i say this because it's been pressing my heart just let you know love is not void of boundaries all right love is not void of boundary so there are necessary boundaries so you won't get hurt again but you still can love with those boundaries loves love and truth work together yes and they set boundaries yes so that's another sorry i just i didn't really fit in my heart because i don't yeah i just felt that i needed to share that yeah that's good think think about this and and we would talk about obedience right think about this matthew 28 19 all right therefore this is the great commission therefore go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit teach these new disciples to obey all the commands i have given you and be sure of this i am with you always even to the end of the age again the word obedience acts 6 7. let's go to acts 6 7. i hope they're keeping up with this on the chat right all right so god's message continued to spread the number of believers greatly increased in jerusalem and many of the jewish priests were converted to what were they converted to they were converted to obedience to the faith because they said absolutely not we're not going to have this man rule over us especially according to the parable all right so so it's about obedience and that word comes up again and again and again so let me give you some principles why and even john which i this is my favorite he said i call you my friend if you obey me ah come on so obedient friendship based on obedience yes yep you got that friendship with god yes is based on obedience i'm going to drop a few more of those all right but let's go to romans 5 19. romans 5 19 because one person disobeyed god many became sinners talking about the first adam but because one other person obeyed god many will be made righteous so how did jesus free us how did he bring salvation through his own obedience that's the importance of obedience very very important how about romans 16 16 greet each other in christian love i'm sorry not that one i don't want i want 16 16. i want hebrews 5 8 my bad hebrews 5 8 even though jesus was god's son he learned obedience what did he learn obedience obedience from what what did he learn obedience from the things he suffered suffering is designed to produce obedience because when you're when you're in crisis you're making choices as to how you're going to go through that crisis how you're going to deal with that crisis and often there are alternative ways other than the way of righteousness other than the way of justice to resolve the situation and you're in a situation where you have to choose yes all right how what way you're going to respond to this this situation this crisis so you learn obedience to the truth to justice to righteousness god's righteous way of doing and being when you're in the midst of crisis and suffering because look even he was faced with it he said father if it be possible take this cup from me nevertheless not my will but your will be done so he knew that cup was the will of the father and he was trying to negotiate it we are in crisis right now speaking truth yes you know he was negotiating it but it was through his obedience that he brought salvation to us and that's how he became the perfect high priest the one who could stand on our behalf all right so obedience again is surrendering our will to the will of god but essentially it's surrendering our will to love yes all right it's surrendering the will to love so obedience is critical uh in fact let me let me let me drop some of these on you let's go to um john 14 15. we need a boom moment here you ready for this yes all right and you if you love me yes obey my commandments i'll say that again if you love me obey my command how many times are parents we tell our children yes all right oh the child will come and try to you know manipulate and smooth and hug and oh [Music] come and hug and say oh dad you know daddy this and daddy that when they were little and try to manipulate i love you and trying to express passion but what does a parent want they want obedience obedience obedience and you're looking for what an obedient child and the obedient child is the one that becomes trusted the one that experienced the benefits the one that experienced all the favor yeah that's right why because of their obedience they develop a different kind of relationship so my children who will be i have children who are disobedient but you know if you obey me if you if you love me rather you'll obey me so here's the principle all right obedience not passion is the evidence of love because people feel that they can be show a passion for god i've seen worship services where people are passionate i've seen preachers preach with passion and and communicate and it's very animated and and you know a lot of things going on there and it stirs the passion in the people but at the end of the day your passion for god is not your evidence of your love the evidence of your love for god the evidence of your love for god is your obedience if you love me you will obey my commandments wow wow yes yes bam so you so you can't just feel that if you're a passionate follower of jesus christ and you you get into the emotional realm of loving jesus and and all that stuff but you don't do what he says to do you don't obey all right then that's not true love yes again that's good all right obedience not passion obedience is the evidence of your love for god let's let's go to oh man i love this one let's go to john 14 21 john 14 21 those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me wow so you distinct distinguish yourself in terms of your love for god based on your obedience now he continues and because they love me how by their obedience my father will love them and i will love them and reveal myself to each of them so what does that say obedience is the basis for manifestation you want god's the basis for manifestation obedience is the basis for manifestation you want god to manifest himself his power his grace his favor in your life especially in situations financial situations you want a manifestation of god you need god to reveal them you need god to show up yes right in relationships whether it's in marriage or or or child parent or friendships jobs whatever it may be the situation that you're facing you want god's presence you want god to show up yet the basis for that is your obedience if you don't obey him you put him in this awkward situation because you are in rebellion against something that is according to his will and yet you're praying and asking him to move on your behalf yep and it's key because if you haven't obeyed him what makes him think that you're going to obey him exactly and god's not going to act based on a promise of future obedience okay one more time lord if you get me out of this situation i promise you god's not gonna act based upon your promise of future obedience no what's going on now yes and this is important because let's say you're you're having financial struggles right all right financial struggles comes from violating certain principles that govern finance there are laws and principles and precepts and patterns that god has put in effect in this material existence in this world of ours all right and those laws govern everything that happens so those laws will either work for you or against you they're laws for relationship their laws for finance so if you are violating the laws of financial management and you get yourself into financial crisis it's your obedience that puts you there and now you want a miracle i just want my miracle lord give me that miracle obedience but what if it's a tragic situation that puts you into that financial situation yeah well there are things that are in your control and they're things that are out of your control and god knows the difference when you pray to him yeah when you come to him he knows the difference yeah because i'm looking at you know what you did and what somebody did to you yeah okay so sometimes you know it's not your decision your disobedience sometimes it's somebody else yeah but think think about this how god enters and beautiful in in um the gospel of luke chapter five oh we're out of time yes oh snap okay come on let's go to the real quick luke yes whoa all right so luke all right verse one five one one day as jesus was preaching on the shore of the sea of galilee great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of god right he noticed two empty boats at the water's edge for the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets notice the boats were empty and they were washing their nets where was the fish i mean they caught nothing empty boats meant no fish all right so it was over and they had nothing so he takes note of it right verse three stepping into one of the boats jesus asked simon simon peter its owner to push it out into the water so he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there now notice what's happening jesus eyes the empty boat he what is he seeing he's seeing an opportunity all right to respond to a need yes remember he's jehovah's ira hallelujah hallelujah he's jehovah jireh he is the god that sees and provides based upon what he sees so he eyes the empty boat he can put it together okay they were fishing but what does he do he creates a scenario for obedience he steps into the boat asks you know can i can i you can i use your boat stepping into verse three stepping into one of the boats jesus asked simon its owner to push it out into into the water so he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there all right so he creates a scenario that he can now bless yes verse 4. say it again he creates a scenario where he can bless but that blessing will be based on obedience yes yes very very important that's powerful goosebumps all right he creates a scenario where he can bless you because remember this is legal action yes the devil accuses all right to bring action against us but now what does god do he sets up the scenario so we can obey and we can shut the devil's mind yes you just you just boom yes yes first four when he had finished speaking he said to simon now he turns to simon he sets this all up right yes now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish get it now this is going to mess with simon because he's the fisherman jesus is the itinerant preacher he's not the fisherman so he doesn't know about fish right supposedly and that's how we treat god sometimes he doesn't know about our situation all right so and and i love the king james language launch out into the deep that's that's i love that language verse five master simon replied we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing in other words he's presenting to god all right his effort can we do that i've been doing this you don't know because why god is setting up an opportunity to obey and obedience is an act of faith very important obedience is an act of faith it takes faith to obey that's why disobedience is based in unbelief so master simon replied we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing but if you say so i'll let the nets down again and this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear a shout for help brought their partners in the other boat and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking talk about have not we won't have room enough to receive it the tithe is an invitation to obey through fate yes giving offerings that's all an invitation to obey in faith because it's about trust do you trust him trust me with this and see what'll happen i'll open the windows of heaven you won't have pour you out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive it and here is it a shout for help brought their partners in the other boat and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking when simon peter realized what had happened that's important because this can happen you still don't get it when he realized what had happened he fell to his knees before jesus and said oh lord please leave me i'm too much of a sinner to be around you the man was struck with the power of god the benevolence of god he knew he came into contact with the divine yes something supernatural just took place he forgot all about the fish what was important was his his relationship and interaction with this individual that he thought he knew because remember this is not the first time that jesus called him jesus called peter earlier this was the time that peter would be convinced yes all right so when you come to god in prayer you must be convinced of god's power and god's goodness yes because he's going to respond out of his power all right and he's going to respond because he's good he's not benevolent he's not mischievous we're out of time we've got more to talk about yeah with this and that's why i tell people i said if you're not you don't at the foundation of your prayer life you have to believe and understand the nature of god absolutely right hallelujah because once once because if your prayer is not answered uh based on a misconception misunderstanding of you know with your belief in the nature of god then you start doubting right because doubt comes in not on the answer of the prayer but on the nature of the one you're praying to come on come on you've got to be convinced yes persuaded yes that god is good yes benevolent and that god has the power yes to act on your behalf yeah so that attitude your belief just will govern your actions the the man with the one talent mm-hmm right what did he do he buried it yeah i was you would and why did he bury it he said because i knew he's temporary i know that you're a hard man reaping where you have and so his attitude and his understanding of the nature of of the master govern his beliefs and his actions okay that's not because we're going into approaching heaven and oh man that's obedience is the evidence of your love for god obedience is the basis for god's manifesting himself in your circumstances in your situation in what areas are you lacking in obedience what did god tell you to do that you still haven't done and yet you want him to step in the situation when you go to get i'm sorry i'm just full you go to get a loan from the bank to get you out of a situation or to purchase something that's your dream or your vision what do they do they give you things to do i want a credit report i fill out this application i want copies of your paycheck i want this and what do you do you do it in response so that you can reap the benefits yeah but this also goes back towards you saying what you know have you been obedient because then the question is your obedience is expressing your credit report oh go watch it we got to close it yes all right all right wow that's some good good preaching good preaching please you gotta there was a lot in this message please go back and listen to i'm going to go back and really listen to it because he said some things that you know we we skipped over because of length of time but there's some serious nuggets especially with satan being the accuser there's a whole lot going on that's why i said you don't know what's going on behind the scenes it has to be done in order for you to righteously receive what you're asking for come on i'm sorry yeah it's good that's a good message yes oh father god bro um we have all the call okay and uh that's right you have to call first for those out there who don't have an official relationship with jesus because you haven't asked him to cut him come into your heart you have not uh you know express your surrender to him as lord and savior christ died that's history christ died for you is salvation when you embrace that all right except that you're a sinner all right and that's going to be expressed i don't want to go into what our ministers are going to teach you all right but we want to make that available to you because we want you to have a relationship with jesus that's where it begins right and then begin the process of growth and development or if you're one of those sorry uh that have been disobedient and you want to come back into the fold please listen you know this is you can rededicate your life through the same prayer the same process amen don't miss out you know if you've fallen away and you know falling short you know please listen up to our minister [Music] praise the lord for his word today you know in the midst of kovid every invitation we have or received this change parties have changed cookouts have changed birthday celebrations have changed and so we've had to do everything socially distantly [Music] but despite that social distance social distance doesn't stop our father because god is spirit and so today we know that he has spoken to your heart if you're wondering if that's you all you have to do is actually take your pulse right now if your heart is fluttering if you're feeling uncomfortable even in the midst of your own house that means the lord is talking to you see jesus doesn't want religion he wants a relationship and he actually died for that he paid for that just for you and so if you want to respond to that call into that invitation today i want to tell you what romans 10 9-10 says it says if you would confess with your mouth which means verbally and that if you would believe in your heart that in your spirit that jesus was rose from the dead that you should you are saved that is with the mouth that confession has made and it's with the heart that you believe so jesus made this very personal approach and invitation for you today and i'm gonna pray a prayer and as you follow me in that prayer and respond to me in that prayer jesus is doing for you and in you what you could not do for yourself which is bridging the gap in and cutting the distance between you and him and so already before i pray i want to say thank you for your response to him he's been calling you and he's been waiting for this moment so let's pray father we're grateful today for those who have now said yes to you we say thank you for the price that you paid a debt that you didn't owe and a price that we couldn't pay we say thank you for the forgiveness of our sin we say thank you for bringing us into right relationship with you we say thank you because life is now brand new and even if there are some circumstances that remain unchanged we know that you have made a change in us and we will walk in that change so we say thank you for saving us we say thank you for the process of renewing our mind and we say thank you for bringing us into the family and the kingdom of god if you prayed that prayer with me we want to hear from you if this is the first time that you've made a public profession of faith in jesus christ we'd love to hear from you so there'll be a number at the bottom of your screen would you please call it there's also a number you can text at the bottom of your screen would you please text it we would love to hear from you to celebrate with you to answer questions for you we are so grateful for your response to jesus we say thank you that you have entered a life-changing relationship with him not religion but relationship he says he'll never leave you nor will he forsake you even to the end of the age so we thank you and we welcome you to the family and the kingdom of god god bless you amen amen and welcome to the family of believers we're excited you know you talk about there's a song that thurston wrote come about shout for glory this is when we shout for glory when we know that individuals are being radically changed to become better individuals by the with their relationship with christ so christian o'neill yes thirsty o'neill yes what about neil remember that song he wrote it and it's available right yes it's one of my favorite songs i try to sing it but he tells me don't sing it uh but uh once again to repeat the number if you are one of the individuals that have uh was uh saved came back into the fold uh text a number saved to 631 250 or call the number 718-306-1061 once again welcome amen did you hear him command me not to sing did you all hear that no i said they told me not to sing oh i thought you told me that no you you used to do everything for i was the choir yeah you were in the choir yeah you had that afro that would bob so moving right along well i just just said let me let me say this real quick please uh your ability to come boldly is determined by the depth of your obedience your ability to come boldly is determined by the depth of your obedience that's it that's it jesus obeyed yes so he can come back but mark him because the whole life his whole life in ministry the devil is trying to get him to disobey yeah and that was such that so and that's what he does to us yeah but we're done for today i know we got it we got to it sorry i started thinking about the person but guy you know um i know i'm a senator but you know yeah yeah you know yes yes thank you yeah and thank you again for being with us and supporting the ministry here we pray that it continues to be a blessing to you uh it continues to grow we have so many people now who are joining us from around the world i've got a letter from someone in australia i want to share that next opportunity we get uh someone from south dakota uh and someone from south africa again so all around the world wherever you are whether you're joining us live today or in a rebroadcast we're glad to have you as part of our family and this is the place that you're getting spiritual nourishment uh welcome and we're working on some we're going to do everything we can to have you have a full experience online so we're working on some virtual water so we can baptize you oh lord have mercy come let's pray are you going to pray us out no you're praying i can't pray after that come with you oh father god thank you so much for who you are always uh coming to this throne humbly recognizing that you are a mighty god even our finite mind can't understand how mighty you are but lord we say thank you for jesus bless you how good you are how you have me on your mind how you have us on your mind yes constantly looking out of your benevolence to do good looking for opportunities to do good for us looking for ways you desire out of your heart of who you are to do good so lord forgive us for our sins of disobedience forgive us for for for not moving when you have told us to move but not stopping when you have told us to stop but not opening a particular door that we have open and you said not to open yes lord yes lord lord for chasing the rabbit holes forgive us yes right now with lord we actually just take control of our mind we surrender it to you for you to allow us to for us to allow you to help us with our thought process our thinking touch our hearts lord so that even if unforgiveness is the act of disobedience we pray and ask that you help us to forgive to release that unforgiveness hallelujah thank you lord lord if stubbornness is the root of our disobedience reactions you forgive us for that stubbornness hallelujah lord we surrender ourselves to you so that we can consistently come to the throne of grace boldly but humbly with humility petition to say lord your will be done in our lives so lord we act as you have your way bless us throughout this week guide guard and govern our steps our paths our walkways lord we pray even in uh you know with the snowstorm coming that you protect the vehicles that we're driving in from bumper to bumper inside and out lord yes lord lord bless us so much that that individuals that are around us that might not know you are our recipients of the overflowing of blessing in our lives yes lord so lord we say have your way thank you we surrender in jesus precious precious me amen amen good prayer man thank you you're depressed you don't have to write a book on prayer prayer that the power of your prayer comes out of your your walk with god strong walk strong prayer week walk week week prayer thank you we got to go yes yo as we leave this place whenever god's presence jesus is lord spirit we believe it we proclaim it and we're seeing it come to pass god bless you
Channel: A. R. Bernard
Views: 2,512
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Id: Fq3bWtp-uhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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