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hey everybody I had a message the other day and the message asked me whether or not you had to had to show a receipt whenever you left the store I thought that was a great a great question and I wanted to answer that question today and give you an idea about your rights that you have whenever you're leaving a retail store now before I give you my answer about leaving a retail store I want to tell you why these greeters or receptor or receipt checkers or at the stores and it's not to catch shoplifters okay that's not why they're there the studies showed that for every shoplifting event there are 13 employee thefts okay so the greeter slash receipt checker is there to make sure that the employees aren't stealing that's what they're there for an example of what they're looking for is you've got somebody that's doing the checkout person and an accomplice the accomplice comes in buys $500 worth of stuff they go through looks like it's rang up and they give $100 for it and then they leave the store that's an example of what they're trying to catch so that's the real job of the greeter / receipt checker you know at these stores is not to catch shoplifters is to catch employee theft okay now my answer applies today it applies to regular retail stores not club stores okay not your Sam's not your Costco that kind of thing those stores are club stores they're member stores you have a member agreement that you sign and it may allow them or it may say is a club member I'm going to let you look at my receipt whenever I leave the store well my answer today applies to there's regular retail stores okay like Walmart like Target like Kohl's that kind of thing now there is no legal requirement for you to show your receipt when you leave those regular retail store okay now the way it works is is that think of it this way there's no legal requirement for you to show a receipt to the store greeter or checker to prove that you legally bought your property okay because the way it works is when you're in the store shopping and you pick up whatever you're buying and put it any car that's really the stores property now when you go through the checkout and they give you the goods and exchanged for payment once you've paid those are your goods okay there are no longer store merchandise they belong to you okay so after you pay for them they're your property the store has no right to stop you and make you show a receipt to prove that you own that property they have absolutely no legal right it's the same thing is let's say if they wanted you to prove that your cellphone belongs to you when you leave the store they can't do that okay they have no legal right to do that to stop you and look at that receipt now they can ask you for your receipt but you don't have to show it that's that's the way it works at the stores okay and that's regular retail stores not the club stores like Sam's or Costco because there may be a member agreement that you signed saying that you will allow them to look at it but regular stores like Walmart Kohl's Target these kind of things it applies to them perfectly they have no legal right to stop you and make you show a receipt and the way it's work now it used to be you know they were the greeters would say hey how you doing whenever you came in the door now when you leave they want to see your receipt alright and it's gotten worse than see your receipt and look through your your cart this kind of thing like you know they're actually checking something now because in my opinion because people have let them get away with this they stand in line you know there'll be six seven sometimes six seven eight quarks they're people standing in line to show them their receipt now they've actually got scanners so they're going through and scanning stuff again making you prove that you own the property can't do it cannot do it now even the police they have no right to stop you and force you to show a receipt without reasonable suspicion to stop you and probable cause to search you that's the way it works okay now my advice is if you don't want to stand like sheep in a line of cattle in a line if you don't want to do that and have your property checked and you know and check that off and look through to make sure you can prove that that's your property okay if you don't want to do that my advice is just say no thank you and walk all by smile be nice friendly just say no thank you and just keep walking alright the greeter the receipt checker they have no right or ability to require you to show that receipt nothing okay so my advice whenever you if you don't want to stand in line if you want to be cattle there you know and just you know blindly having to prove that it's your but your stuff it's you just paid for that belongs to you and no longer the store do you don't want to do that just say no thank you smile and go out the door keep walking okay that's my advice to you now this advice applies to regular retail stores like Walmart Kohl's Target okay it doesn't apply to club stores okay Sam's Costco that kind of thing alright thank y'all
Channel: George McCranie
Views: 123,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7f-m5TMMjM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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