DO THIS BEFORE & AFTER 1370! 14 Tips & Mistakes To Avoid!! | Lost Ark

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[Music] welcome everyone today we have a special guide video for los arc and in this video as you can see for our last video i was 1300 almost 70 and in this video i'm close to 1385. so what is happening is i want to give you guys a ton of tips and also advices to help you prepare for the massive jump between 1 370 and also 1 385 i could go even higher if i knew some of those tricks and also methods so the bigger focus of this video is about preparing for the lip stones preparing for different resource of items preparing for a lot of silver preparing for different owner shots and also preparing for everything you want to cover massive jump after you get to 1 370 and you want to prepare those concepts those ideas and those tricks and methods before this because it's very important to do this beforehand so you get a massive boost of your item level and also progression after you reach 1370 and over here as you guys can see i have just reached 1385 using a lot of the method i'll share with you guys so it is very important to prepare this before 1 370 to get a massive boost in progress into 1 385 which will unlock a lot of futures into the game you know the next level of the ks dungeon and also the next tier of the acquistrate which will be the second stage now the best part about my preparing method is that this is free to play and this is so good and saves you so much money and if you don't believe me look at my gold so remember last week i was on 400 000 gold i made 50 profit so i'm on six hundred thousand gold i actually didn't spend much gold to get my gear to progress and this only took me one to two days after i get to 1 370 and also some of the tips after reaching 1370 but the major tips will be before reaching this level and over here what you're going to see is i have prepared a number of listings that you need to be aware before 1 370 and there's a lot of things that can save you a lot of gold so i really want to touch up on some very important things i discovered while i'm getting to 1370 for the tier 3 and also things to do after now what i'll do in this video is i'll briefly touch up on some of the most important factors and i'll use my video replace to explain those to you guys and then as we go further i'll talk about more tips and also more guides before 1370. what to do you know before that what things you should be aware and also very big you want to save a lot of silver so let's get into the summarizing of the list and i'll go through some of the replays and then we'll keep going through this list we have about 14 tips for this particular guide and i think those are very important so coming over to a list of tips one of the first tips i want to share with you guys is be careful with your epistem dream 1 325 and also 1340 because once you actually clear those easy modes you actually can't reach you actually can't play the hard mode dungeons because this will take your weekly chances i'll show you guys in this video guys very quickly and also be aware that your weekly owners task will instantly update and what i mean by that is instead of getting on the live storms once you get to 1 370 your owner's weekly tasks and also daily tasks will instantly give greater on the storms and this means you actually get five times the value so let's come over to the replays and let me just show you guys briefly some of those important tips i want to share with you guys so after reaching 1370 what you're gonna notice is instantly of your daily and also weekly quests will be instantly updated into the higher tier and instead of getting the on the lipstones you'll be getting great on the lip storms and we'll touch on this as well in one of my tips because this is going to be a major factor and you actually get five times the value notice all my dailies and all my you know all my weeklies are instantly updated into the great owner lip storms and this will be a big factor so the first first thing i want to warn you guys is do not do your easy mode of the ks dungeons so what i mean by not the case the abyss dungeons so before 1370 you can do the chaos dungeons the 1325 and also the 1340 ks dungeons but if you have done those in the week and once you hit 1 370 you cannot do those anymore so notice that i've done the easy ones before and now i cannot do the hard ones because you can only pick between the hard ones or the easy ones you can't do both i thought i could have done both and that was not the case and this means upon the week i reached 1370 i was actually unable to do my dungeons because i can't get my new gears because i have to wait for the entire week of the reset to do the hard mode because i've done the easy mode the loots we get from the easy mode is not a lot but the loose we get from the heart mode including the crafting materials for 1370 legendary gears which is essential for gear progression into the next tier so this is very important make sure you guys if you think you're going to hit 1 370 do not do the easy abyss dungeons this week and there's also other tips as well so once you hit 137 you're qualifying for the chaos another case the ghost ship and you can only do this once a week and guess what happened doing this once a week you got to be careful don't join at the random timing because there's not a lot of players if you join the random timing look at this this is a ghost ship and i only found you know five or six people in this and we can't do it because i joined at the random timing so there's a lot of things you need to be aware before and after hitting you know 1 370 so i want to you know highlight a few things with you guys and we actually failed this scholarship and another important factor in terms of you know before 1 370 i need to prepare for that it's going to be enough then amount of silvers it's gonna cost you so at once i get to 1 370 i was sitting on about 4.7 million gold and very quickly my gold diminished because it costs a lot of gold to transfer it also costs a lot of gold to hone your gears so over here you can see i have gotten two gears from the aggress rate and just by holding my gears and failing multiple times what you're going to see is my gold went from 4.7 million to 3.7 million in about few clicks and i only got one gear to plus seven and also one gear to plus nine and i started with plus six by transferring them now i know i got carried away with the tips with the replays so let's come back to tip number three so one of the most important things i realized is i want to use as many as the untreatable lipsticks i can as i'm upgrading to 1 370. i know it's quite common but once you get over that you have to convert your your lipstones into greater lipsticks with the with the honey exchange and this costs you five of the on the lip stones to greater lipsticks so what most players do is they actually start to sell their tradable lipsticks into the market and if they really need they can buy those back from the market with a four to one or less than four to one price with the greater honest lipsticks and that's why those items are selling for so high of course you don't have to buy them you can just get them from daily so you can get them from weeklies but it is very important for us to not use too many of the tradable lipsticks try to use as many untreatable as you can because those were diminishing in value after you get to 1 370 they'll actually lose a lot of value so the idea is you don't want to be sitting on too much of those once you're honing you want to kind of plan so that you use all of the untreatable ones and you don't use too many of the treatable ones but this depends on lack of cost so coming over to the next tip and i think it's very very important of this tip and this is about buying your great honor lip stones in the mario secret shop now you might not be 1370 but if you start to build the great on the lipstones this can matter a lot so what i mean by that is as you go through the mario secret shop you're gonna see that purchases like the great the on the lipsticks i'll move my head a little bit you can see the price you can send on the lipsticks and you'll be definitely buying those because they give you the best value right but you also come across the great on the lip storms and they give only five for 50 crystals now initially i was like hey that's i don't need that that's not a great deal i wouldn't waste my crystals but be aware guys you buy as much of those as you can because those are insanely valuable once you get to 1 370 i notice i went back and bought all of them what i wish was i would have bought all of them the moment they appear in the shop because they actually give insane value this is 50 crystals for close to 5 000 gold worth of the great owner lipstones and this is very important in building up the next progress of the game because as you progress into the next stage of the game it is likely you need two thousand great on the lip stones to get your gears to plus 20 again and just for reference it cost me 10 great on the lip songs to get armor from plus 8 to plus 9 each attempt and i've failed multiple times so just just be aware you do want to buy as much of those in america shop as the the moment they appear because this will save you a lot of crystals now since we're talking about the great on the lipstill i also want to cover a little bit on the destruction stones and also guardian stones so two of those items what i do recommend is i do recommend buying them a little earlier so this is the tip i just added i was like hey that's pretty important is that to actually buy your tier 3 materials during two of the important timings each week one is after the weekly reset as you guys can notice usually after weekly reset price will drop pretty massively and this is how i got a lot of mine you can see i got a lot of guardian storms i'm also using a lot of destruction stones so what i want to show you guys is we also have you know graphs which keep track of the pricing of items you can see on the last weekly reset the price of those items actually dropped pretty sharply there was also the patch patch notice that people got scared right to the panic sale and they start to climb after during the week and similarly what i do want to show you guys is guardian stones guardian stones have been dropping and they're around about 30 gold now in my server yeah they're around 29 gold now in my server so the kind of the flooring is about 30 gold so they have been dropping steadily what you want to do is for those two stones two times you can buy them once after weekly reset i usually stop cup quite a bit why is about 30 to 6 minutes after each daily reset and players will do the chaos down dreams and start selling those items and i usually stock up a bit but don't stock up too much guys simply because if you stock up too much and the price reduces again and its chances that price keeps falling right like the guardian stone over here so you don't just stock too much i think i stuck too much i was like buying trigger happy i spent about 40 50 000 gold back then to buy them i did lose some gold so don't be like me talking too much but stuck enough that it helps to get to 1 385 so basically what i mean by that is notice i'm slowly getting my gear there the plus 8 plus 10 and then plus seven so i'm slowly getting my gear there but i did stalk color though too much i think stocking up to close to 5000 of the storms or maybe 10 000 maximum don't be like me stocking up a little too much now the next tip about crystals is that you might want to look into crystal exchange when they are lower so what i mean by that is if we come over to a graph of tracking the crystals you can see that there are certain time of the day and crystal prices may be going lower notice at this moment it went up to 730 but during my recording or during my writing up the notes they were around 680 for 95 crystals you want to stock up some of the crystals while they're cheap because as the you know as the server changes as a player's preference of gold and crystal changes they might be looking at the rise so you don't want to buy them at a rise you want to buy them when they're at lower point in my server the lower point is about 680 or 660 if you can get lucky 700 is okay but sometimes they even raise to 900. so buying crystals when they're cheaper will greatly help you within the latest stage of the game because you know it always changes during the day and it could easily cost you 50 to 300 crystals a day once you get over to 1 370 because a lot of things you can buy this homing materials there's great illness lipstones and the small homing materials and it's a lot of other things i'm even buying things for my tier 2 account so because of that you know some of those costs 150 crystals and some of those cost 50 crystals so very soon you realize you actually need a lot of crystals as you progress into the game so buy those while they're cheap now one of the little trick i do with buying crystals with gold is that i go to buy crystals and i look at the crystal price and you can see people listing a different crystal pricer so instead of buying them right away sometimes i list for a little i list them for a little lower and over here oh it's just refreshed i think oh you refreshed to 682 so what i do is i was going to do 680 i can do 670 and i do usually do 10 stacks of those and you can list those this way and notice over here if you actually get the price to 4 to your point you actually save some gold now of course if it's low enough you don't have to be like that and you know this just went to 690 right so it is up to you this is optional i tend to list a little lower than the recommended price and if i get away with it i'm happy if i don't sometimes they do go up so this is just the thing i do that's why you see some of my listings were cancelled i usually list my gold for crystals for a little lower than the market price and try to get that slightly little bargain but this is very optional guys sometimes the price will rise so be careful with that now coming over to our next tip now if you guys remember one of my previous videos about you know getting 333 with your purple gears and getting your engravings i do want to apologize for that i'll talk about that very soon as we get into the next tier of the items and the next tip so one thing i do round to recommend is don't overly invest too much gold into your gears between 1 340 to 1355 and even after that because the moment you get your legendary gears and also your new gears from the chaos dungeon and also new accessories those will be replaced of course you can still sell them but the cost of using fans to buy them and also the five percent fee is also pretty hefty so don't overly invest i think i invested about 10 to 20 000 gold into my gears back then i'm not looking back i don't think it's that worth it i could have used those gears for homing materials or i could just progress into the game because unless you get 1370 you don't really need um really strong gears because you can't do much of the dungeons most of the damages can be cleared and 1340 with the normal purple gears now in the replay clip you saw that it was insanely costly to spend silver to transfer the gears it cost about 120 000 to transfer each of my gears and also it cost like 25 000 to upgrade each of my gears so just for two gears to get one two plus seven one to plus nine it's been it cost me 1.5 million silver so i'm estimating two for the phase two of the aggregates to get to 1385 which will be the next next phase it will cost close to four to five million silver now if you guys are showing the silver i'll be making my silver guide we do have a silver guide but i really want to warn you guys to save your silver and to make as much silver as you can because as you get over to 1370 you will need so much silver and i'm also looking for ways to make my silver as we progress into the game because trust me this is gonna be a massive massive roadblock and if you're not aware of this you'll be in for a big shock now over here as you guys can see after getting a lot of gears and a lot of weapons what you're gonna notice is my great honors stone is much much lower i'm actually running all of those and you can see my silver so i started with 4.7 million silver i'm down to two million silver and what's happening is i have been trying to push for 1385 which will unlock the next content and also more tears of the ks dungeon but currently what you're going to notice is you'll be running shot on the great on the lip stone that's this is why i'm telling you guys to get as many as those as you can from the merry secret shop you'll be running a shot on the on a shot which is a surprise but yes you will be running a shot on the shot and finally you'll start to run shot on silver and i just want to make this update because as i progress into the game i want to give you guys warnings to prepare ahead of time for one 370. and once you prepare for one 370 what you're gonna find is you're gonna have a much easier time to jump right away into one three eight five now one thing i also want to highlight with you guys is you will be running out of on a shot and this is something i realized as the latest stage i got so notice i understand the selling for really cheap they're selling for about 60 gold at the lowest point they're selling for about 70 gold right now and what i notice is if you look into the exchange on the mario secret shop it is actually still slightly cheaper to buy from the mario secret shop i believe right now it's yeah it's about 689 or about 700 no gold per crystals and those are the current prices and at the current price it is still slightly cheaper to buy the ownership pouches i've actually buying them so notice it's 56 crystals for 10 of those so in return it is slightly cheaper than the marketplace and i actually started to buy them because i actually went back to buy all of them because you'll actually be running out of undershirts surprising enough look at my undershot i only have 2 000 and each of the upgrades is costing me so much so just to show you guys over here from level 8 to level 9 with one of the gear upgrades to get this to maximum experience it cost me about 4 600 and this really stack up for all of the gears and very soon by plus 8 or plus 9 or close to past 10 you will find yourself to be shorter on the shots and this is one of the reasons i actually went back to the mario secret shop and keep track and actually bought all the ones i actually didn't buy before now this is not a master because simply it helps a little bit with progression but the bigger point is you want to buy the great honest notes those are massive massive savings and later if you do find yourself to be short on a shot compare the prices in your marketplace and also compare the mark mario secret shop and if my secret shop is simply cheaper you can still come back and buy those like over here as you can see i'm also buying other stuff for my old characters too that's why you can see me buying a little more in my recipe shop and i've been trading a lot of my gold into crystals as you can see over here so i've been trading a lot of those now the next tip we also show in eclipse is about the ghost ship try to not rush the ghost ship and don't do it randomly at a random time interval because if you arrive early in the day when there's a lot of people make sure you arrive to the to the whirlpool to see there's a lot of people and if there's a lot of people you go in and if not a lot of people you do not going blindly because once you go in you will take your claim of the week and you can't do it again and basically what this means is that you want to find a good timing at the start of the day of start of the reset middle of the day is not a good chance because sometimes there isn't a lot of people that reaches 1 370 and you might want to save your goal ship before that because let's say if you're planning to reach this gear level this week you might not want to do your 960 goal ship you might want to save for the higher tier when you reach for this one now upon reaching 1 370 you have the choices of doing two different dungeons one is going to be the accuracy rate and the other one will be the abyss ks dungeon which is going to be a four-man rate performing dungeon and this one will be an eight minute rate so what i have noticed and what a lot of players are doing is they're crafting five armor sets with r groups so coming over to the crafting of the high tier weapons you can see that the abyss dungeons will give you the older the infrared and those will be the next legendary gears you can craft you can craft one set of those and you can also craft two sets from the across rate so what's gonna happen is if you look at the cost of crafting a weapon over here it costs 15 of those currencies right but if you look at the agros currency it will cost 20 of those currencies so and if you look at the crafting of the armor it costs 12 and over here the crafting of armor costs 10 so the armor difference and the weapon difference is only five of the currency but for aggros armor difference and the weapon difference is actually eight of the currency so this is what i'm trying to say with crafting of that group set you actually want to craft using the aqua set for the armor because it's actually cheaper with the currencies over here and you craft the cheaper version of the weapon over here with the apples dungeon set so this way you're actually saving yourself recurrences to progress quicker into 1385 so coming over to my gears you can see that two pieces of my gears is from the ibis rate for aggros and also three pieces of my gears are from the average dungeon so the form and hard mode for 1 370. this is because crafting the weapon this way is much easier and this also gets me progressing into five pieces upon the first week of you getting to 1 370 and it's very important to get this much because with five pieces if you get close to items to plus nine and plus ten you can then get to 1385 without having the last piece sometimes it's very hard to get the last piece on your first week and that's why you can see my last piece is still not that quiet now if you want to craft your weapons with the across blood so basically if you craft a weapon with the the aggress blood over here then it is much more costly because you cannot actually craft two pieces of aggregate skier so i think you'll be one piece shot so you'll be on four pieces of the gears compared to five pieces like here with a combination of selection of which one to craft now coming over to our next tip what you're gonna notice is once you get over to 1370 you're actually going to need a lot of homing materials especially radar materials this is because after you transfer gears your new legendary gear will be instantly plus six and to go from plus six to plus seven it's gonna be about sixty percent and then go from plus seven to plus eight he'll be forty five percent then thirty percent then thirty percent and then fifteen percent so the rate goes extremely lower and to get to 1385 which will be your next goal you actually want to save some of the homing materials for the weapon and then save them for the armor because this will be opening up a new content and it's quite important we'll try to get there now be careful with the new homing rates because those new lower rates are very low i am looking into homing guides soon for us for the next tier of the across of the gears of the new gears right but just be careful you might want to save up some rate up materials once you reach you know the next tier and try to not waste too much of them beforehand i know it's hard right you kind of want to get to 1 370 but after that you actually need a lot of materials and that's why those things sales were so high in the market so make sure you have as much of those as you can after that for a quicker progression now over here i also have some general tips after reaching 1370. one is that we will be sweeping into gears and i do want to apologize for one of my previous videos that i rush into you know 333 with engravings for 15 for three of those engravings that actually ignore the stats it is very important for us to focus on stats first and then go for engravings so for most of classes people will be going for critical chance and also swiftness and some class will go for specialization those are three of the top steps that you want to look for and those are some of the stats you want to look into accessories to sell and then people will focus on two of the engravings so what i mean by over here is if you look at my stats i want into crisp and also swiftness and by switching into my gears and basically you can see most of my gears have been changing into the legendary set of gears and my engraving have went from three three three into three three and i got some random ones just as i make do and i even got a negative one so notice i kept the core ones with me but the rest of them i'm actually going for the random ones because that is so much more important and also hp is important for the address rate and also for the new rates because you don't want to die right and finally once you get to 1 370 you do want to press check multiple things the legendary tripods the legendary ability stones and also the legendary accessories just to show you guys over here you can see i've actually made a lot of gold recently i'm gonna make the gold guide video for you guys soon because i've been trading a lot i'm making lots of gold right so in auction house you can see i'm registering some of my tripods and also gears for insanely amount of gold i'm overselling them but yes they have a great potential to sell for a lot of gold so make sure you price check them and you can also see my sell history even the blue ones sometimes if you check correctly they sell for 5 000 gold i'm planning to make more videos on the auction house but it's very important that the dudes you get for aggros you price check them so what you do is you come over to the market you select it here you select the grid and then you select whatever you know let's say if i'm going for ability stops and if i wanted let's say the popular ones with my class is going to be no no they don't have my hair it's going to be masters net city so masters tenacity and followed by let's say cursed or so just one of those round versatility zones the minimum price of selling them is like 20 000 gold so make sure you price check those items and it's very important after getting there you don't sell those super cheap price check them it's okay to list them for a little higher but this is one of the ways to make a lot of gold after 1370. now hopefully you guys found those tips helpful because i did you know find that if i knew those tips before 1 370 it'd be really good and i would have avoided a lot of mistakes and especially after 1 370 we'll be discovering new tips and also new matter to make more currency you know as free to play and also to make more gold and also to do better homing right so what i'll do is in the future once we have more tips on these particular regards i will be updating this list and best of luck guys with homing to 1 370 because this is where the the crazy chances begins we'll be making more homing guys as well for this pretty good tier so tips and also tricks to get you know plus 14 or plus plus 13 to plus 15 and this is gonna be like a big focus i'll be making more guides to share you guys with small numbers more tips and also more tricks to help you to get to 1370 and hopefully you found those tips helpful because you do want to prepare what happens after now if you guys haven't subscribed to this youtube channel make sure you do so because we'll be getting a lot of guides a lot of tips as i discover them and i love the game so i want to share as much as i can with you guys and let's have a great time in los arc as we explore this game and get the most out of it
Channel: Mattjestic Life
Views: 142,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, lost ark guide, lost ark tricks, lost ark rates, lost ark honing, lost ark honing guide, lost ark honing gear, lost ark gearing, lost ark honing gear guide, lost ark t3 honing, lost ark honing rates, lost ark honing success rate, lost, ark, honing, lost ark excel, excel, lost ark 1370, 1370, lost ark t3 1370, lost ark 1370 guide, new, lost ark reach 1370, lost ark 1370 tips, lost ark mistakes, lost ark tips, 1385, lost ark 1385, lost ark T3 tips, lost ark T3 advices
Id: 3kBDdVRjyww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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