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hey guys what's up my name is fox and welcome to another video today's video is super important we're going to talk about where to park your alts and what to do with your main this is probably one of the most asked questions that i get every single day when i'm streaming hey fox should i push what should i do with my alts what is a good spot and so on in this video we're going to have a look at some numbers we're going to do some math and then we're going to see what is the best spot to actually park your alts and what should you do with your main so make sure to stay tuned for some real good information [Music] first let's talk about what to do with your main your goal with your main should be to reach gear score 1415 for the release of walton which we currently don't know when it is but that is your number one priority right now let's really quickly talk about why this is so important the reason why having access to walton and also the scaluda the guardian that will also require tomorrow 1415 is so important is due to the fact that you will have access to relic jewelry drops and trust me just like it was with legendary jewelry that relic jewelry will be selling for a lot this is though obviously just looking at it from an economy point of view one mediocre or just little better than that average drop will probably net you more gold than you're making right now within a whole week or two weeks of just grinding in the game so you definitely do not want to miss out on these chances of getting some juicy drops that could catapult your own economy but with that i often get the question should i push to item level 1445 to be ready for vault in heart mode now what does vault the heart mode actually give you that normal does not it generates a bit more gold has a few more relic drops and accelerates the pace at which you will get your relic gear set now my personal opinion is that it is not worth to push to item level 1445 unless you get really lucky in terms of honing the reason i believe it is not worth is because you currently are investing a lot of resources into something that will only give you back access to vault in hard mode and a higher tier chaos dungeon that has a chance at relic jewelry and tripods while potentially this can indeed net you some gold it's all a gamble right now in my opinion it is better to invest this gold into pushing you out or into stocking up on gold engravings and what not in general just investing into something that will have long-term guaranteed benefits my whole approach right now is to upgrade my main with only bound leap stones and as much as possible i am still selling unbound leap stones to generate additional gold because like i explained i don't believe it is worth to push past 14 15 right now now that you know what to do with your main let's have a look at what to do with your alts most of you probably have noticed by now that lost arc is a very alt-heavy game but what exactly should you do with your alts is the real question of course besides the obvious which is having some fun on a different class yeah having fun in 2022 yeah it's a thing but of course your alts also bring you economical value additional materials and additional gold income is what we're looking for but what exactly are the spots you want to invest into let's have a closer look with some math let's first talk about the lowest parking spot that i advise which is item level 1302 it virtually has no investment besides getting up to tier 3 but will net you instant benefits with material generation and from the tier 2 abyssal dungeons at gear score 1302 you can either then run necrozena or alba hustic for the leap stones sell them and make additional gold of course don't forget you also have your chaos dungeon it is ironically right now one of the better parking spots due to how costly material prices are and they often outweigh the generated gold from instances that you can get my advice is to park characters at 1302 if they are not part of your initial six gold generating characters anymore so if you already have six characters above 1302 let the next one sit at 1302 otherwise if you are unsure if you want to continue playing this class this is also a very good spot let that 1302 alt generate bonus run your dailies and of course don't forget to abuse low pang island for some additional silver generation the next spot is also very good as it is still quite low in terms of gold investment 1325 let's have a quick look at our investment that you're doing when pushing a character to that level in this scenario we are of course assuming that you are only using bound leap stones and don't need to buy additional shards the reason why we need to calculate the prices for everything else is because most of the resources are sellable and could be sold for instant gold in our case i'm using the eu central prices right now to calculate our investment as you can see the total gold investment is around 3200 gold to push a character from 1302 to 1325 now let's have a look at how much income this character will generate in terms of gold value the answer is 900 per week please keep in mind this is not accounting for materials you generate nor for anything else you possibly could sell obviously the character will generate in fact more gold than this but in materials that you can sell which always depends on the market board as we add up the numbers we can see that an investment to item level 1325 pays off pretty quickly within only three to four weeks definitely a good spot to park an alt as it will simply add 900 gold per week to your income once it has paid off my suggestion is to only leave characters at 1325 that can generate gold and if your main is not yet at 1385 to get the additional honing increase from your stronghold next up is one of my favorite parking spots d1340 please note i do not suggest pushing to 1340 unless you already have researched the additional honing increase chance keep your alts at 13 25 until your main has reached 1385 let's have a quick look at the 1340 push bar in mind i'm using the same conditions as earlier in this case we are looking at a total of 9979 gold barely missing the 10 000 gold mark also applied to stronghold research in this case our investment now has tripled from earlier but our goal generation has only doubled from 900 a week we are now making 1 800 a week but fear not this investment will still pay off pretty quickly as a matter of fact within five weeks you probably generated enough for the 1340 push to pay off already since we have no honing chances changes in the foreseeable future this is definitely a very good parking spot if those characters obviously can generate gold for you i personally also believe this is a decent push as it allows you to do egregion on a daily basis over necrozaina and because you get access to both of the aurea abyssal dungeons ak you got more different content to do and now on to the big boy parking spot for the current situation in lost ark 1370 let's first get it out of the way the very big investment it currently costs you a total of 42 000 gold to push a character instantly from 1302 to 1370 but that's very unrealistic unless you push a newly released class as to where it costs even much more due to the fact that you'd have to buy materials so in this scenario we are changing our starting point to 1340 which is how it should be you park your alt for while at 1340 to generate leap stones and shards to then do the final push to 1370. now we're looking at a different and more realistic number a total investment of 32 000 gold to finally have you attempt argos phase one and the rear heart mode on that newly pushed character your goal generation sadly only increases to 2 900 per week on that character and as you can tell it will take you a lot of weeks for this to pay off but why is the 1370 push still so good let me explain the 1370 push is so great due to different reasons it finally lets you stack up greater leap stones for a later push down the road which is super important once we reach that stage of the game obviously your alts will not stay forever at they will at some point reach 1415 to also do walton and argos p3 this will help you to generate the leap stones bout for that character so that you don't need to invest into any other leap stones down the road of course on top of that gameplay wise you get to enjoy the character with legendary gear which is really the first time where a class feels really playable you get more engravings you get more stats and classes start to excel a little bit more this is one of the reasons why i prefer 1370 as a good parking spot obviously from an economical point of view it is still currently not the best spot until material prices have dropped a few comments i want to make is that i have not accounted for any honing chance increased materials in these calculations nor calculated any of the materials your characters generate you will probably take less gold to reach these item levels and you will also take less time to make the gold back so please take them with a grain of salt for those of you that still have no real answer to what to do with their characters this will be a quick tldr now before that though if you guys so far enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel that will really help me in order to grow as a content creator and continue focusing on youtube or content creation in general but now let's get back to our question your number one priority is to still have your main getting close to 1415 pushing pass it is a luxury that is not needed no advice from me as you could be investing that gold into other more useful things try to only use bound leap stones and sell anything else once your main is past 1385 you finally get access to the research in your stronghold to increase honing chances up to 1370. this is the moment where i advise to push your alts to 1340 let them sit there for a while to generate bound leap stones and then again sell everything other leaf stones just to make additional gold if your main is not yet at 1385 i suggest sticking to 1325 for your alts until your main has reached it any character that goes beyond the six character limit should be at 1302 or lower to generate materials and nothing else and with that we're at the end of today's video now i really hope this video was helpful and educational for some of you that are struggling with finding some good spots for your odds or don't really know what to do with their main right now now keep in mind please these are obviously only my personal suggestion and my opinions on what to do with your characters i still don't know what exactly is going to come at which point how much gold stuff will generate down the road and a lot of other things that just are uncertain right now because amazon doesn't really communicate that well with us anyway i hope you guys are excited for lance master or the glavier release and i hope you guys are still enjoying low stark even though it currently feels like a really hard grind i can guarantee you the game will become much better down the road if you did enjoy this video make sure to leave a like subscribe help me out and yeah that would be it hoping you guys have an amazing rest of your day wherever you live [Music] you
Channel: Hilmfox
Views: 139,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berserker, Zerker, raid, Paladin, Chaos, Dungeon, Gameplay, Footage, Endgame, POV, Gunlancer, Wardancer, Scrapper, Gunslinger, Bard, hi_im_fox, fox, Lost Ark, Lost Ark Review, Lost Ark Preview, Lost Ark 2022, Lost Ark Na release, Lost Ark EU release, Lost Ark English, Lost Ark mmoarpg, is lost ark pay to win, is lost ark p2w, lost ark ultimate, lost ark beginners guide, lost ark beginners guide 2022, lost, ark, Alts, Twinks, Parking, Push, Honing, Efficient, placing, Second Character, honing
Id: S596lbysFYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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