Do these CLASSIC FNF Mods hold up in 2024?

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fnf is a pretty awesome rythm game that hasn't been updated in oh my [ __ ] God but in the 3 years this game hasn't been touched the community has done one thing good and that's make good mods and there were some classic mods some mods are going to be playing today typ bars little man these mods shaped the way the community was and paved the way for an amazing Community to be formed so today I will be playing some classic mods to bring back Nostalgia and to cope that this game is never coming out update whilst I was making this they did just like tease something uh it's the ched woo they also tease the song No but it begs the question why the [ __ ] is there a song in the chart editor that is going to be muted 90% of the time anyways if you like this video please leave a like and comment down below what your classic fnf mod was what you loved the most back in the day God I sound old and if you like this kind of video please subscribe to the channel I be sure to make more in the future instead of letting my Channel like dormant where I just post music okay onto the video versus tricky a classic I haven't played This ining months hold on [ __ ] hell God it's crazy I played this and I knew none of these [ __ ] now I'm friends with some of [Music] them dude I had no idea Su made this [ __ ] intro [Music] dude it's been so long bro dude it's been like years since I've ever seen anything about it [ __ ] it we're going in hard clown replay clown dude this man bit ahead of its time I don't even know when this came out this is the most downloaded mod but when I think about it this might have been way ahead of its time somewhere in NADA it was definitely really good I feel like tricky was one of the like the one of the first full-fledged ones and then the update dropped and it was like 3 2 1 go God I wonder if any of these songs are going to hold up I feel like they will did I or did I not change my [ __ ] setting I remember watching the uh the Youtube premiere when uh this update 2 dropped and it was so hype seeing experation at the end and like thinking that that was going to be the hardest song in eff I'm pretty sure there's most that have definitely beat it on difficulty but back then everyone was [ __ ] at this game 3 2 so i s like experation and how hard it was is [ __ ] crazy never mind I think even though the songs are perfect they still hold up they're Charming God [ __ ] damn it this charting sucks God I've been so used to a what was that dude I've been so used to like good Charing playing garbage Shing is [Music] crazy oh cookie cookie remember that was like the [ __ ] old Mini [Music] tricky Jesus Christ this is strange like what is that the Triple J [Music] I didn't miss okay it's the CID inut I really shouldn't be [Applause] [Music] upset Jesus I just reminded myself what's next oh I forgot about this I forgot about the card scene this was awesome and he get so pissed off yeah 3 2 1 go probably I I have a feeling this is the most listened to fnf song Madness and that's what it is madness now that I can play the game this doesn't really seem too hard the charting is a bit strange but I I could possibly do this now maybe [Music] not God it dude this song will hold up years from now like in 10 years this song will still be so [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] good I think the combination we going to see with uh a lot of these mods is that the charting will be a bit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] strange [Music] now that I think about it like back in the day when freaky first came out it was the closest thing we had to something that felt like an official new week I think that's why this mon did so well is because it was like it had the soul of Bas game [Music] God damn that song is still so good I imagine a remaster of that today you do not kill clown clown kills you oh oh I don't care that wrong 1995 what the who did that scream screen's visceral dude and I remember this and I only recently found out this was Morrow the dude who does like used to do all the indic cross stuff it's [ __ ] crazy no and then Hank comes in to save the [Applause] day Goosebumps genuine chill this has the gimmick doesn't [Music] it I might not be good at this [Music] I feel like the middle finger here also like caused some problem in fet back in the day I don't know why I feel like there was some issue with that it was really the joke but I remember hearing complaining about it dude a couple years ago I would not be able to play this but now I can do this so easily oh the hit her so no no no if I lock in I've got this easy I got this I'm looking hold on I forgot if that one [Music] hit I feel like a rage quit this song A lot like when I if I played it when I was like 8 years ago I probably would have ra it cuz I would not been in this [Music] [Music] good I I I remember this now yeah I remember this bit specifically I gave off [Music] on now look at me I'm [ __ ] [Music] good I feel for 19 misses I feel like I haven't missed a single note maybe one or two but Jesus Christ maybe I'm so used to psyches input cuz for years i' I've dealt with the psych inut and I've it's it's been a while since I played K [Music] inut oh never mind okay I mean that's only one though I'm [Music] killing I didn't mean to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] that oh dude I am convinced I am pushing the buttons to do the right input but I guess I'm not I guess I'm not Kate engine is [Music] Right h [Music] f anime seems they go [Music] hard this G is still so crazy I I reckon if this came out current day it would still get the same hype as it did that then maybe not as much cuz e is kind of dead now but like I'm telling you I have seen a Resurgence of this game on Tik Tok it's crazy people are yearning for the old days I'm so sorry he pulls over he dies and then he cuts the I forget this guy's name auditor is that his name the auditor dude genuine chills dude dude and in [ __ ] expanation dude I still fake xation to this day holds up this song is [ __ ] crazy for the time I wonder if I get a [Music] Best got to love JS what am I doing man what am I doing I swear I swe that was a bad no what am I doing [Music] too dude it's so good and the [ __ ] sign go [Music] [Music] away dude this s is so [ __ ] crazy when you think about it cuz if I fig this song is crazy now after hearing it after so long think about how back then the impact this song had God I Y for the old [Music] days this is back when Community game used to Che I remember that cuz he [ __ ] bot played it and hit it Jesus Christ these like signs are like [ __ ] me up more than they should [Music] God this [Music] [Music] song dude the signs dude I feel like these signs didn't [ __ ] me off as nearly as much back then dude I'm missing so much but dude I'm not even trying I mean I'm trying in the song but like I'm just [Music] garbage dude people have seen [Music] this I cannot believe people that back in the day dude 100 misses on the do of the go to this day I think this one holds up I will honestly say put my hands up and say that this mod holds up I reckon you could play this today and still have fun like I just had a great time going from the blast in the past and right is it my click him this he meow doesn't he me yeah me damn go this coming off 3 years ago is crazy cuz at the time I was in [ __ ] College this mod got me into modding that that is a fact don't me wrong I actually did play the game play Bas game when Pico came out and that's how I learned about the game I saw Gill and I was like damn that character is kind of cool I'm going to play this mod and that [ __ ] spiraled everything I can't even change the options that's how ancient this is and I still to this day love this mod and this was the first mod with four songs I remember that was like the a really huge thing at the time is that this was the only mod that ever had four songs in a single week which is crazy for some people what's up little man this smoke catch your attention yeah it's pretty cool you should try it out are you sure come on tell you what if you beat me in the friendly little rat battle I'll get off your case sound cool little man that girl you hyped up it's settled then as long as you don't mind me smoking a bit helps come NES you know [Music] reference oh no I have to I play arrow keys [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on yeah I'm going to have to use uh this keyboard that has half the keys missing um don't ask why but they have arrow keys and so I will be playing on arrow keys [Music] I'm going it I'm going never [Music] mind I remember I had back when I worked a little longer uh well what came out I had this o Ste repeat for over 60 hours I was like G's biggest fan [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah God I still love this mod this mod is definitely still in my top five 100% I I like every time I hear about this one I get really [Music] [Music] happy God this is subjective but this mod holds up still to me I I can go back and play this and feel really happy I love garello I feel like garel is like such a good I don't know how the music is made no I know how the mod was made but this Mod's [ __ ] awesome huh hey that was fun but my chest is starting to feel funny I'm not giving up just yet though you've got some type ass little man oh you want me to keep going fine by me I'm enjoying this actually one more could hurt right it's going to hurt three two one missing cut scene [Music] cough [Music] and you tried to copy it and it's [ __ ] [Music] up God this music's so good man it's an oldie but a [Music] [Music] [Music] goodie dude I'm playing AR keys and I'm kind of [ __ ] up like I'm doing good with ar keys I never played with ar Keys even when I first saw [Music] [Music] it [Music] this this is what's going to happen to me I I'm I'm going die and I'm get turn into a ghost oh would you look at that I guess I overdid it huh it's all right I'd rather be me than you that hurt like hell but it's probably better than what you're going to your girls father's going to do with me I can I can I got stay like this for too long but even if our time was short let's end things off with a bang little man and he says a line he says a line in this [Music] one God this music is still makes me [Music] happy [Music] [Music] God can you see why I listen to this for like 60 hours on Loop I can see [Music] why [Music] I promise I'm not doing this B on purpose he's going s a line soon wa [Music] BR typ bars you little man [Music] I can't play with this [ __ ] keyboard dude I ripped off the [ __ ] keys off to play [Music] [Music] Tekken [Music] okay guys get your tissues ready for the next song If you're going to cry to this mod don't [ __ ] lie I know some of you did man would you look at that the sun's rising and I won't be awake for once I muted it how' I do that hey sorry for dying I didn't want this thing killing you you're actually really cool I would have loved to Funk with you more but this my fault you two have a lot going on and I don't want to add to it I've got enough time for one more song you two stay saful right my goat this is how he do that's how I this is just me go looks like my OC I'm literally like foreshadowing my own death is that drum beat off offbeat or am I [Music] stupid I'm not TR [Music] no yeah and that's go solo and then there's no dude this was [ __ ] there's no music there's no music until you close the game and I'm pretty sure if you open the game up again there's no music yo I see you crying there hold on let me let me wipe those tears for you there there your 12 billion vxe mode will come out soon don't you worry my son but yeah that's oh I forgot it did that if you don't know what this mod is you're living under a rock this is probably the most recognized fnf mod of all time the bombhead dude who I think has a new design and a the same modor but a different design now I don't know there a lot of rules now as to what you can do with this character and what you can't do which I kind of get this is witty uh very classic a lot of people love it and to be honest I'm going to be very honest with you right now I have never played this mod I have watched videos of the songs and I've never actually played the on this this is technically my first time playing with it which is kind of [ __ ] crazy when you think about it I'm a little confused at what was what people knew at this point because this with was pretty early on so I'm I'm trying to think like what people knew back then like what they were able to do oh this is back when they released it on the weeks which I argue is this is before tank man God damn and this has LW right this has like oh this says remorse crashes on any other song so I go to this and type in wait that worked H let me install the right witty I guess I remember the cut scene beforehand was uh where everyone was talking about way back cuz they're like damn this is [ __ ] crazy how they do that and then L code it's actually this I don't this was L code uh who beep boop oh you two would both of you kindly leave me alone I don't want anyone know when I'm here listen I looking for trouble tonight just leave me alone and I'll be cool and then we see 2 1 go I miss that first see I know what the song sound like but I've never played it so I remember this s was pretty chill L [Music] key I'm not a fan of this boyfriend voice though I never [Music] was damn that's all I remember about this song is that like mash up of it you know now that I think about it like looking at we design now he's kind of just perfect like witty is kind of like a character that you could look at and think like yeah that's in a Cartoon Network show he just kind of has that look to [Music] it like I know know the comparison is he looks like the bomb from Gumball but like I feel like genuinely he would be a bullet in like some show or some misunderstood uh bad behaved kid who wants to do good I I'm Bullit like that this m has four SS or three I see how it is B baity Boop you're really pushing my limits dude well how about you go and die in a ditch understand don't make me do this 3 2 1 [Music] go all I like now that I think about it all I think about the about this mod is the matchups the even matchups got it I think like lowy the reason why I didn't play this back in the day is cuz I didn't like the boyfriend voice and it's still kind of I still don't like it but like the music's good is the just the voice is strange but the time this came out this [ __ ] was catchy now think about it I wonder if it's Loops or if it actually genuinely composed that's someone getting on Siege God wait no this song is a lot harder than that for it was oh that there's a triple Jack [Music] again Jee I can't click that fast this is a f right that be there I don't know what the [ __ ] that [Music] was dude if this got an official remake in current year this song would crazy cuz it's it's it's that like the song is there like change that God aful boyfriend I [ __ ] beg of you go playing these old Mones making me SM it making me be a little happier making me feel good I don't know why oh there you go [ __ ] P just pissed I know this was Jack Heaven they've taking all head I've been doomed to do angle running and hiding from these things I can out control cuz you cuz you in the film I brought you to this world was this like impossible hard or was it possible but Jack [Music] heav [Music] does this sound different this does sound different see I remember [Music] it or am I [Music] stupid that instr Al sounds very different was this always [Music] instrumental I'm actually confused if I'm like misremembering [Music] this this SS more new [Music] dude I can't even say that I I remember this song cuz this instrumental sounds so different no this can't be the clap this can't be the original this sounds way too good to be the original like it sounds I'm must I'm a wrong right in thinking that this isn't the original or has it been so long that this actually got updated officially and I'm just [Music] stupid I I've got to I've got to look this up is this are we done or was there anything in free play I don't think there was anything in free play was there so I was right there was an old version so I was [Music] right so we at some point got dead I'm just like I never this sh's [Music] abysmal [Music] what is this [Music] Johnny you see what I mean now by saying like the instrumental sounded way too good to be like the old one cuz now it sounds like it should have been in this huh more Noti what if they just make it [Music] f got no you know what I hate to say it but maybe the song isn't that good even if you [Music] really maybe we're just blinded by Nostalgia what are we gassing up and what's cool the first two songs are good but this song's kind of jeez cu the more I play this the more I'm like this is a really nothing song [Music] okay I feel like there's some notes missing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here [Music] yes that's a song that that that is a that is a audio wave I like it but only when he's normal and not being schizophrenic towards the right left right why is tutorial playing anyways I have played free classic fnf mod I needed to revisit I didn't need to I just wanted to and I wanted to see if old F still holds up and yeah it does it really does most of these mods were made years ago but they were made with love and compassion for the game and even then it makes the game so much better and you know we're not going to get an update anytime soon so we have to enjoy the things that we got and to all the creative people making month for the future and with that if you would like to see more and see me explore some other underrated or just old bangers from the days leave a like subscribe and comment a classic mod you would like me to play the next video and with that I'm going back to injecting hen into my system m
Channel: Speedz
Views: 406,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnf, tricky, garcello, whitty, mods, speedz
Id: 4FH0sLunTpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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