DO THE FREE PLAYS EVER STOP?! Winning BIG Jackpots at The Coin Pusher!

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look what's there it's a Gorn we know what I think we might be able to get it alright better start loading let's do it ladies and gentlemen welcome back today we're at Star Trek coin pusher and guess what we noticed oh good the rare card at the villains set a Gorn is on the field and we put in 200 place so all this is one of the free plays we just loaded some up this what you under plays we still have a buttload of coins left so whenever you're ready now one thing we noticed last time is we tried putting them all in but he like max out like at 250 and they start eating our coins which is not cool which was not cool no it actually reset to zero oh yeah so that's why we have to do it as small increments but this entire video will be technically free the der riese would we say the coins that we're recycling them today so today we're here at Dave & Buster's on a Sunday so I pretty much everyone left their loot from last night and we get first dibs because they open up at 10 a.m. on us on during the summer we get first fix yeah we got 54 to spin oh yeah 20-30 so what's nice is that there's a whole bunch of loot right there it's like perfect pickings right there like I like that they're not all scattered they're all in one spot so you might need to go back yeah just just wiggle a little bit and we'll be able to I'll do a little scattered showers all not going fast it's not going fast points they're not are they reloading already I think we might have to give it a bit let's see what your ass family's p50 nice I think I've heard it too much to the point where guns probably a little bit Oh so I think it blowed it up now Oh if I'm gonna have to reload some of these points that we kept leaving all the chicks over there battling there's tons of chips we're not aiming for kids for any for cards I know this sold already come on you must obey [Music] or house we call for help [Music] yeah so right now what's probably happening is that a lot of coins are loading in the hopper correctly so they might have to pull some of the coins out of here let's see I'm not gonna shot oh yeah she loading captain she's not loading I didn't run need to get assistance you want to do that we'll be right back we are back 120 plays coins have been reloaded into the hopper lots of oh nice The Iceman we got five [Music] spread the love the unearthed been pan back Barnes [ __ ] way up really five [Applause] and we got one more only a nerd five I was hoping it was only gonna be a 5000 so that was about to you into place right I mean how many more plate you think it might be to get him all these cards they get that they're right on the edge oh you know what let's put a couple more coins in and we'll go we'll go with that that's the pile load up all right yeah these literally on the edge it's like a good job the Avalanche it begins we've got a big oh my god nice point pressure guys there we go there you go you have a winch it be you and as we gun [Applause] understood and with all these cards but no board did not walk we got 20 will that be a good enough Oh oh we got fibers been every week nice let's confirm Oh a clogged up and the Avalanche it happens and where is it easier be somewhere here ladies and gentlemen we got born and sons under stops falling down - so got another cup that's see what we get we got a corn we got Rod Stewart it's a little cm4 or let's see where you can go any hollow feeding or any hollows and I was a good pile you know what we're I think we're gonna have to go look around oh nice you got a hollow full dekat well and it gives us more coins I guess we'll add that to our pile because we don't need them right so how many coins that we get out of here five now five six seven nice so you know what Oh nope there's more what I like eight or nine almost ten oh so you know what let's go look around on the other side let's see if we can get more avalanches maybe there's something at The Wizard of Oz who knows today's gonna be a good morning let's keep on going so we went to the nerd side we were on that side so now we're on this side and we wouldn't all these sides that we didn't notice anything good but this one has a whole bunch of cards it has at least 11 cards right here in this stack right here so you're gonna have to wiggle back and forth and we're just gonna focus right over there and we got a 50 working his way up pretty well I'll tell you that we got hollow - lo siento we got five her spin no hollow fallopian on that we'll be able to win oh yeah by for the spin [Music] every food we're down 200 on plays left well not hundred plate well we got we got we got a bucket low to please Allah load them up we can we got our queen on the field non Hollow I'm gonna be a good drop oh yes there you go yeah we have at the again again this is the next we may be more excellent graphic or a hollow fork appearing on the field we got five or two spin oh and they're right there too you know what I'm gonna have you reload and I'm just gonna keep the camera on this just in case something reared happens because a lot of times when you look away it'll actually fall so I think a few behind your plays and the other spin man we got spin we got cine fin go fifty secured [Music] yeah don't we got this solo leaves I'm looking down a did a good pun if we're at the Wizard of Oz and thank you very much you hue-hue your family and a 50 right when you run out nice guy let it reload Oh see I look away and they go in they fall have the cute though and she fell another four but that's a little addition one yeah not too bad besides looking pretty gig see who can keep on rolling and we got em for a spin all right oh we got an aircard fall down over here Oh use you keep your camera there sir to me give me a little top how much how many tokens do we have left I think we're good for a little bit longer so I'm gonna keep on this you know just in case something happens because somebody might fall especially Khan now I know I get a lot of criticism for calling him Rod Stewart's but that's the way the cookie crumbles or that might beat around I might beat away Rod Stewart crumbles I don't know we don't know but I don't want to get off of him if he works it fall down especially at his age he might not recover from that Miskin 150 plays all right let's go we got 24 the skin there we got a core on the field the ha'la'tha loci and about to fall down yeah so here we start focusing on know what I think we're focusing on that hollow port Queen it's probably been so yeah that is the hollow right no no that's not a hollow where is that hollow core Queen I think maybe I think she might be in the Chilean Oh fifteen and we got fifty so you see Vegas never shows let's do on the left side and the focus at right here see when we begin yeah go teapot gift that keeps on giving yeah nice things got five or queen four days whoa nice so I guess let's let's see if we have any more coins cuz I guess I think we might I got one though first oral problems when he needed our loot cup oh wow tons of chips we're actually saving on our chips for a big payout oh look how those coins okay let's get these chips out cuz I'll be you it's like we're mining for coins look at this see Dupree plays ever in that might be a good title for the video bring the cup is ruling itself didn't help alright let's start loading back up again 180 plays right how many points do we have left quite a few let's keep on rolling so what can we Inc for so again yeah so we're eating for this side right here so I guess let's so let's try anything for that 14 gives a hollow wait which one yeah so one way you can tell it to hollow the living Edition board Queen is on the back of this back of the card it actually says women edition [Music] you know don't get out there yeah pay for each video somehow right now fighting for this man oh my gosh please be a little born no it's just a regular corn we got it that's okay focus all our resources on the corn corn corn is now priority born is now priority priority confirmed corn I was hoping he would make another appearance on the on the field the car drop yeah we got a holic knowledge her Lane just and we got a nerve good deep oh my gosh he might work his way up pretty well to look at that we think you got the priority there like put him to the front down our lane oh look at that oh my god we got into grass then another hen we got a fifty again right after we run out yeah we need it for it to reload I think it's good now I think this is a good competition now do you think we will get it and with the pin 250 will it get it baby nothing God out there to look the end on hollow we got spin we got five go about playing we aren't out all right what else is there around here anything else have you read loves me and there's points falling down but nothing to really pay attention to but these were queens are about yeah we still have we came and see the floor of the cup we got hundred plays and it got spin for confirmed hopefully Eagle wind will pendants underplays we got 50 participant we got five first spin we got nurse Finn we've got another board Queen we've got the hollow board Queen it's about to happen charlayne puts the board over the edge and that's a limo just to teach our lane and we're done there 50 what nice then we got the board can we get an ultra lean we got another 20 oh it's moving let's see we deleted that you're lame come on they're easy to find areas and we got nerve five anything worth mentioning I don't think so we got another hollow to Lothian anything good over here No all right you ready for another loot cup I think I don't know let's see what we got got a hollow Charlane got a hollow bore but the one that we want is another corn oh man look at this we are filling up alright and there's more coins any I I don't know literally I don't know if it's ever gonna end it's a free play just keep on coming back it's like we want to take your coins back was like no keep on playing I'm like fine we'll keep on playing oh like we can't we can't get rid of these coins all right let's go we gotta get ready coin today we gotta keep on going let's see what else there is good ol boy sort of Oz now I put in a hundred plays only because there's a couple of cards right here it's pretty much a gamble I don't know what's underneath here we looked at all the sides like you always should there should be a todo or there's normally DeCoteau but there's no todos but maybe there's a total here you know what there is a todo here I bet you 5 bucks there's a total here there is a todo here I can feel it kind of into people watching feel it because I can feel it now if the people heal if you know what to look for for todo you know what we're looking at this is happening folks I did I didn't even look at that part but there it is here me it is gonna pay off come on he's not loading oh there she goes I didn't write the play flow [Music] that's your bad and I can feel a total Bruin really the rapper fighters we got 24 spoon maybe that's why it just empty out all the tokens you know what let's put in some more tokens and then we'll have them come out here so I'll have because I get feel that toto load enough tribal episode all right come on yeah what do you think I think you'll be easier just for them to come out here and put the tokens back in that's what we're doing today really just spreading the love back into all the machines yeah you want to do that we'll grab somebody and we'll be right back I feel you toto I feel you under one plays it is fixed he had the honors he you said man there's a reason behind this madness I'll explain shortly the unearthing we got five down 30 play before another spoon I was feeling it my dear 50 come on 50 please teacher help please watch be 5050 okay oh damn I'm gonna have vfe reload because I don't this thing we don't know when it's gonna fall [Music] reloading and keeping an eye on that loot that's right let's try that oh there it is come on come on come on pretty please down Denard Span all dirty there it is look it's not what happens he's there okay I think he got stuck he was there so the reason I was looking at where did he go so the reason I was looking at is because double O six I saw double oh seven total double oh seven don't don't don't put your hand in there he was in there all the points it gave me back then I swear there was a todo because what were we looking at I'm calling shenanigans look out he's Queens why is it paying out so many coins look they literally don't stop please I'm serious jumping man okay we saw this todo we're gonna get him he's in here somewhere so when in doubt always get a tech cuz little todo was literally sitting on the rollers but he was stuck thanks to the Wicked Witch of the West so Toto is confirmed yeah so we got 25 plays here there's a mountain I don't know it's gonna be worth going for you know when a couple plays left sure why not we got five her spin and we are out what is underneath there okay actually I looked underneath but it's a double oh wait which is I looked and it's clearly that card right there you can't see friendship but I believe that's double O eight so always notice pay attention see the barcode so one thing I noticed totals was completely covered up he was covered up by the ten man or someone right so all we can see is was that but if you pay attention to the barcodes double-oh-seven is toto now it did double O eight for corn now let me show you where do we have a going we just had corn there he is so born it's double O eight so even if you can't see see them if you could just see that part right there you're golden so always pay attention to the barcodes they do do really help you and they do make it a lot easier when you scan them so tell me that answers my question Mike Wow and he saw how many coins it had they had a handful you know what let's see if there's anything worthwhile getting if not we might just send a video cuz this is a super long video oh that we still have coins oh all right folks yeah because I'm smarter get hungry it's almost lunchtime right so let's see if there's anything else worth mint worth while bowling for so either double-oh-seven Toto's or double acorns and we'll go from there I think we're a winner today yes Pierre I'm gonna count these by hand but I'll let you guys know exactly how many tickets we got right here we got one tote Oh didn't get a full set of that and you know what we would have got a full set with the Goron's but guess what we're missing we're missing core if it wasn't for him we have two sets we know what I have a venture core at the house so that's cool but that's it for now guys we still got a couple of tokens left its gonna start saving up again but remember all of this was free technically this is all the coins that we guy you saw all the coins that original woz was paying out it pays out a lot of coins I know a lot of people sell these but I thought we would put them back into the machine because they probably need them back but hopefully you guys enjoy this video because let us know in the comments down below what y'all thought about it and if you did enjoy it feel free to leave a like and if you want to if you like these videos we got a new video every Friday so feel free to subscribe but that's it for searched at here a Star Trek coin pusher here at Dave and Buster's anything else on the field no no don't forget to follow us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter for all the behind-the-scenes actions till then [Music] maybe we'll go for night poor [Music]
Channel: ClawD00d - Coin Pushers
Views: 74,868
Rating: 4.786026 out of 5
Keywords: do the free plays ever stop, free plays, playing coin pusher games for free, claw d00d, coin pusher jackpot, clawdood, coin pusher, coin pusher arcade game, coin pusher big win, arcade jackpot win, coin pusher win, arcade jackpot, arcade game, winning tickets at the arcade, coin pushers, clawd00d, arcade game challenge, arcade win, arcade hacks, arcade games, arcade coin pusher, arcade challenge, arcade game win, coin pusher game, coin pusher challenge
Id: g5wJG69c9K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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