Do Teens Know Their Parent's Favorite Video Game? | React: Do They Know It?

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- Man, everyone should get this. If not everyone gets this, then I will be surprised. - It's a big monkey throwing barrels! Who doesn't know it? ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So tell me who you have with us today. - I have my amazing mom right here. Mwah! - I am here with my wonderful, loving, amazing, beautiful mother Tabitha. (loud kiss) (laughing) - (FBE) Have you ever played video games with each other? - Uh... - No. - Not so much. - I'm so bad at it. - I know. We both suck. - (gasping) No! - I mean, not really. - (FBE) Today, we're testing teens' knowledge of classic video games. - Oh, wow. [Inaudible]. Oh, goodness. - (FBE) So it's gonna work is we'll play the clip from a classic video game and you have to correctly name it. - Okay. - (FBE) And all of the picks today are from parents and their favorites. - Mwahahahahaha! - I know most of your favorites. It depends how long we're talking about. - Oh, we're talking way back. - Pong, Dig Dug, around that area. - Pong! Oh, come on! - You better know it. - Do you think I know it? - I don't know. I don't want you to know it, but you probably will know it, which will be totally annoying. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ ♪ (game blooping) ♪ (silence) - Oh, wow! - What? - The frame rate and the speed everyone's moving, how could that guy even get over to that side of the screen? - It's gonna take him a minute. - I mean, this is how I remember video games-- very basic. ♪ (chiptune) ♪ - Okay. ♪ (chiptune) ♪ - It looks so crazy, doesn't it? - This is so old-fashioned. - That was so ahead of its time. (laughing) - That was ahead of its time? - Yes! - (FBE) So do you know this one? - No. - I don't know it. - I've never seen that in my life. - I have no clue. - Street Fighter, but I don't know which one. - Is this one Street Fighter? - It's Street Fighter. - (FBE) So this is Street Fighter. - Street Fighter? Okay. - This is the game that I picked. (sniffling) Thank you. - (laughing) - I mean, I don't even think kids would have fun playing this. - Street Fighter! - Street Fighter? I'm a street fighter. - Yeah. PEW! - So I'm really into old stuff, and I also play a lot of Smash Bros, and knowing that Ken was just recently added or was added to the game, they added an assist trophy called "Guile" and because they're both from Street Fighter, that kind of gave it away. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ ♪ (chiptune) ♪ - Wow, man, this is old-school! ♪ (timer beeping) ♪ - Nintendo. I know that. Nintendo. - Yes, you can read. Good job. (engines revving) - This is mine. - This is yours? - This is my pick. - You didn't pick Frogger? - Ooh! I know exactly what this one is because there's a Mario Kart map that has this game's map in it. - This is my favorite Mario Kart stage. - It's like Mario Kart but from a different perspective. - It's like a bike version of Frogger. We just need the frogs to go-- - No, because this is a racing game. - So is Frogger! You gotta race or you die! - Pffft. - (FBE) So do you know it? - I don't know. - I have no guess. - Nintendo Motorcycle Race? - I don't know it. I'm gonna guess that's Motorcycle Galore. - It's Excitebike. - This one's Excitebike, right? - (FBE) This is Excitebike. - (both) Excitebike. - Wow. - I'd rather ride my real bike. - I knew he was gonna do well, but I didn't know how far back everybody was gonna select games from, so I was quite impressed. Maybe you get to drive home. - Oh, yeah. - Boy, did I play the heck out of that game. - Did you? - When I was little, yeah. - Do you wanna verse me later? - Yeah, totally. - Pew! - It's time to break out the classics. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ (fighting sound effects) - "Blue Suede God and Taffy"? - (laughing) That's Elvis. - We played this! Come on! - Did we? - Yes, we played this. - (Elvis) Whoa, mama. Yo, watch the hair, man. - He said, "watch the hair, man." - (laughing) - Who would choose this and how does this exist? - (FBE) Do you know this one? - Yeah, I don't know. - No, I don't know it. - I don't know this one. - I don't think I know this one. - I don't know that one. - (both) I don't know. - I honestly don't. I'm so sorry. I don't. - Yes! - (FBE) This is called ClayFighter. - Never would have guessed. Seems interesting. I'd play it. - How did that seem interesting? Elvis hitting toffy of Taffy? - This one's mine, kid. - This one's yours? - Yes. - I totally would have played it just to whip Elvis's hair around. - (laughing) ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - Ooh, boy. What is this one called? - Oh! I know it. - I picked that one. That's mine. Oh, I miss it! - Bleep, bleep! - There's a modern version of this, too. - Dawg, why do you wait so long to cross? Whoever's playing this right now is pissing me off. (laughing) - ♪ Do do do ♪ - I remember the arcade version more than the home version. - Get it! Get it! Yay, he made it. All right. - (FBE) So, do you know it? - Leap Frog. - I don't know, Jumpy Frog? - Froggy Run? I don't know. ♪ (game over tune) ♪ - Was that Frogger? - This one's Frogger. - That's Frogger. - (FBE) This is Frogger. - Frogger! Come on, we knew that. - (both) Frogger! - Oh, dude. - I was close. - I should have known that. - Frogger! - Frogger. - Frog-ger. I thought you would get it. It's a frog. - I didn't see a frog. I didn't think that was a frog. I thought that was a green square. - It seems a little harder because you don't know what's what, especially from the graphics back then. - That was state-of-the-art, Jaden. Come on! - That was good graphics back then. - 8-bit or nothing. Come on! ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ ♪ (cheerful chiptune) ♪ - Everybody knows this one. - Man, everyone should get this. If not everyone gets this, then I will be surprised. - Ah, I know it! I know what it is. - The water levels are the most annoying though. This guy's got a lot of patience. - This one looks fun. I would like this one. - Was this yours? - This is mine! - (groaning) - What's wrong with this? - It's so basic! Everyone knows this. - (FBE) What is this video game? - This has gotta be Mario, period. - Mario. - Mario Swim? ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Go Mario Go! - (laughing) ♪ (game over music) ♪ - Oh, Super Mario Bros. - Super Mario Brothers. - Super Mario Brothers. - Super Mario Bros? - (FBE) Super Mario Brothers. - Oh, god. That's the full name. Of course! Gee. (groaning) - Oh, so stupid! Why didn't I get that? - "Super." "Super Mario Brothers." - That's what everybody knows. It should be a staple. That's the mascot of Nintendo. Come on! ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ ♪ (cheerful chiptune) ♪ - Oh, this is easy. - Yeah! - Easy. - Pac-- - I know this one. - Guess who picked this one. - No! You did? - Yeah, I loved this game! - This is extremely slow. - Yes. - It's amazing how slow it is when you look back. - Hmm. Eat those yummy ghosts. - Yep. - It's such simple gameplay that got everybody into it, you know? Pretty crazy. I think it's so crazy that is what got people's money. - (FBE) So do you know this one? - That's Pac-Man. - Pac-Man. - That's Pac-Man. - It's Pac-Man. - This is Pac-Man. - Oh, this one's Pac-Man. - Pac-Man, obviously. - (FBE) That is correct. Did you think she would guess right? - I certainly hope so! See, it was a gimme. - I knew that one. Hey, at least I knew yours. That's cool. - If you wouldn't have got that title right, you would have to turn in your gamer card. - I would have. I would have. I would have to sell my Xbox. - Oh, no! I would just take it over. - Oh, okay. Right. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ (video game beeping) - Oh, yes! - Gee, I remember this thing. - Ooh, dad's favorite. - It was my favorite, too. - What is this? It looks like bowling. - I mean, I did like how random it was. It wasn't a set-- - There wasn't an algorithm. - It's a big monkey throwing barrels! Who doesn't know it? - (FBE) Do you know what this is? - No, I don't know. - I think this is Donkey Kong. - This one's Donkey Kong. - This is Donkey Kong. - It's Donkey Kong. - Donkey Kong! - Donkey Kong. - (FBE) Donkey Kong! - Donkey Kong-- - I was gonna say-- (laughing) - I think he did great but he's pretty well versed in video games anyways. - They still hold up. I'd still go drop a quarter on this. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - Thanks for watching Do They Know It-- - On the React channel. - Subscribe for new shows-- - Every week. - Did you know these classic games? - Let us know in the comments. - (both) Bye! - Hey, guys, Caprise here, a React channel producer. Make sure you check out Super Fam. By joining, you're helping us grow on YouTube, so for more details, check out the link in the description. Bye!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 1,724,403
Rating: 4.9046187 out of 5
Keywords: classic games, video games, classic video games, Do Teens Know Their Parent's Favorite Video Game?, do they know it, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, People Vs food, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, guess that do teens know, do parents know, do kids know, do elders know, do teens know, DTKI1917
Id: pYgky8HjK4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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