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here is a very cool deception that is made possible due to something that you find everywhere in the world now but 10-15 years ago wasn't anywhere the idea is to be able to get to someone's thoughts using a paper napkin say I'm gonna try to read your mind using a paper napkin because have you ever got a paper cut they really hurt right well I've got many layers here I've sharpened them I'll be slashing at your head getting into your mind mind mind that point they back away they're not sure what to do he's gonna try so Chris off my forever loyal guinea pig in these experiments paper napkin marker gonna give this to you my friend okay take them both I want you to think of any word in the world okay you take your time I know you're looking for a surface there any word in the world and he really can choose anywhere in the world and you look away say I want you to write on the napkin any word in the world I'm gonna try to get a sense of psychic touch I'm gonna turn around I want you to put it on my hand with a word facing down okay I'm gonna leave right there okay like that and people can see that there's no way and you guys can see watch my eyes here nothing weird there's no way you can see through the paper nobody can see through the paper in the leash you say it's gonna get a sense here let's see if I get a sense fact I'm gonna ball it up so you don't think I can do any kind of funny and hold it in my hand it's that fair okay I'm getting a sense again in a sense its I'm seeing toes toes there's something to Christa's have something to do with feet so yeah does okay seeing oh okay like a sock no no it's it's a it's a sandal no it's is the word shoe did you write show on here yes see whether I cut a little bit of active goes a long long way with a little bit of acting you can take the simplest trick and raise it to a huge crazy status and this is a great example of this because this is exactly what it seemed to be people can name any word think of a number and you can get a sense of it and then reveal it in any way you want just the way I did I mean really shocking potential but to pull it off at the right time and place requires some very subtle subtle acting on this and I didn't use a slight not a single slight gimmicks not a single gimmick okay so how is it done Chris if you can pan down to the table from here I'm gonna show you how this principle works here we got everything everything on the table and the shot I hope I'm gonna show you how this principle works now I don't know how you guys are different when I'm doing a set show but when I'm sitting around with friends I'm at a coffee shop or a restaurant or something it's not surprising to get this kind of stuff going there's usually a mark around maybe I'm doing something with a marker or a pen maybe there's a drink around of course there's usually at least a few cellphones kicking around bills money magazine all this stuff and the secret to this principle is called it's from an old term called using a shiner now a shiner is of course something in which you can catch the reflection of something okay now at a dining room table what makes for a great shiner is a butter knife a nice wide simple knife got a great potential to be used as a mirror and in fact in the Old West and even belongs us and in the time between now and them when dealing cards dealers would have a knife if there's a set table there and you're having a casual friendly game if you look at the reflection in the knife you can see the index of a card now obviously if you're dealing over quickly but what they do is deal up the cards and then have one card sort of while people are getting their cards up you just have to do this and this and you can look down and see the reflection in the knife of what the index of the card so that's a shiner a glass covered table makes for a great shiner okay and in fact my favorite shiner either with mine or somebody else's particularly when the phone is turned off this is an amazing shiner anything you hold to three feet above it for just a beat you practice your angles your glance downs and you can see the whole thing which is why the prints I'm gonna show you you can have somebody borrow a bill say fold it in half and write it on here a bill is it works nicely and when you fold in half there's no chance of it leaking through so they can write it on a bill they can write it on a business card they can write it on a magazine okay uh you know say look let's find something here or a newspaper let's find it here right here across here write a word down I don't want to see it okay you take it back but my very favorite is a paper napkin so with the paper napkin all I do like I said I mean if this is the only thing in your space sitting there at the lunchroom table right dead center set up you're gonna get busted okay if you're not careful but if you've got a couple of things there and you know how to handle people's eye management where they're looking so I handed this to Chris he wrote the word shoe okay now you're gonna find if you grab a piece of white paper or paper napkin and someone with a big black marker writes a word on this like this even though no one can see it right now I'm looking and the thing is and this is key you need to have a justification to look down and so I take it from them and I say and as you can see there's no way I can see through that right anybody can see anybody else and just by showing people this I'm scoring right over my phone every time and every time I glance down on my phone I just see the big honking word shoe okay but you don't want this you can play up the fact that you have a psychic x-ray vision or super-sensitive touch but what I prefer to do is no one can see it and I make sure my head's turned away for much of this as I then ball this up and you could even put it in someone's hand so think about the potential there any word any number their middle name their aunts that the year the aunt died anything you want they can write down a piece of paper and as long as you handle the situation in a in an easygoing way you can thanks to your phone being turned off you can and like amazingly Devine all this super private information speaking of crazy-ass mentalism tricks I take something last week I'm gonna share it probably next week maybe the week after it's a crazy mantle ism trick I'm gonna be sharing that so that's coming up really really soon yet another reason to subscribe turn on your notifications click the like button okay if you're into this kind of thing where you give people every reason in the world to believe that you've got some sort of supernatural psychic powers if you're a megalomaniac like I am you need to subscribe to this channel let's get real sanity [Music]
Channel: SankeyMagic
Views: 2,452,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, tricks, tutorials, street, secrets, revealed, sankey magic, tutorial, DIY, magic tutorial, card trick, magic trick, illusion, supernatural, cool trick, cool magic, spellbinding, prank, magic DIY, Jay Sankey, magic tricks revealed, magic show, coin trick, easy tricks illusion tricks, magic videos, Penn and Teller, CN Tower, mind reading magic, mind reading, mind reading magic trick, MAGIC TRICK WITH ANY PAPER NAPKIN, paper napkin magic trick, MAGIC TRICK WITH ANY PAPER, magics
Id: 0xC8nP-W7pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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