Do Not Throw Away your Car Power Window Motor - 12v 10 Amps DC Motor Salvage DIY

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foreign   so   so   so guys here as you can see  that i have used these two   single strand copper wires uh to hold the brushes  back in their place because they were not allowing   the commutator to get in the slot before i do  that i will also have to place it in this   yeah now it's gone and now i can take  it out this one as well as this one   let's send contact with the brushes now it's time  finally to place the rotor back in the field   well it's not very smooth seems like there is  some problem with the bushes of the armature   so guys from the previous video your question for  today is what was the maximum weight that i pulled   with the photocopy machine motor so guys the  motor was not working properly you see this piece   this was connected here to the shaft at the  back and there was another piece uh but it   was missing in the motor from the beginning  so i had to make this other workpiece and uh   this piece is uh like perfect for this and uh  all the dimensions are matching 100 you see that   plastic board and that i have to place this back  of the shaft with that holder so let's do that   nice fit now let's tighten up the  screws and see how it performs   somehow the motor was lying around and not  working like thrown away and it also had two   missing screws which means that it had been  opened initially and uh during the repairing,  the repair person lost to the piece. So guys  the motor is fully complete now and you can   see that i've placed two more screws you  see a little different but yeah they fit   perfectly and uh now it is running pretty  good let's test it with a 12 volts battery   and guys now i have another beautiful motor  in my collection pretty good performance   running really nice   so   you
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 2,483,949
Rating: 4.2630901 out of 5
Keywords: power window dc motor, window motor, window dc motor, do not throw motor, car power window motor, throw away motor, power window motor, dc motor salvage, power window motor repair, power window motor project, do not throw, do not throw away your, do not, car power window, motor, 12v, do not throw the old washing machine motor, salvage diy, motor salvage, stepper motor salvage, 12v motor, 12v motor projects, 12v motor speed control, 775 motor, high speed motor, car motor
Id: KmomJD-SOmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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