3 Simple Inventions with DC Motor

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next level next level   next level up next level next step so guys this what you see is a really old cd   it was in a case so it does not looks  very old so let's place it inside so guys here i have this 12 volts dc supply  so keeping it steady and turning it on it's moving it's like a car i can use it as a grinder so guys these are the four important  components that i have managed to   salvage from the music system you can  see the shaft is quite long so i think   this is quite a unique motor i  didn't have this let's try and run it moving on to the smaller one this is also 9 volts   and now i'm still not sure how to run  this 4 wire brushless fan so that was fun john so uh now guys here as you can see is a rusted   bolt like thing so i'm going to use  this piece as the shaft for this disk now guys i performed the center drilling in this  piece but it was hollow from inside so i cannot   use it anymore so i did the same thing to this  bolt center drilling and this bolt will be used   as the shaft for this metal disc okay now if you  look closely i have already made the threads and it goes really smooth like this yeah see pretty  good and the bore size of the hole in this bolt   is a little bigger than the  shaft of this motor that i just   salvaged from the music drive so what i'm  going to do is use this heat shrink sleeve nice it's a little wobbly i think i will have  to even it out a little bit so let's do that now guys i have improved it as much as i  could and that's the max i was able to do   it's good enough once again  see quite nice so let's proceed so guys now it's time to test my  gyroscope and i've shortened its   shaft because the performance improved so  one terminal is going to go to the base um wow it's so cool now it's working so this spring actually stabilized it brilliant uh so next level next level next level   next level next level uh next level oh next next level so so so so ah so um so today i'm going to show you an amazing  motor which is this one a high torque 43 kg   centimeter motor and uh this head that  you see that is the gearbox now of course   in the video i'm going to show you uh which type  of gears have been used in the gearbox like if   they are metallic or if they are nylon gears plus  i'm going to make an amazing project with this   motor it is 24 volts and 5 amperes motor with  150 rpm so let's get started okay so guys it's   time to open up the gearbox of this motor let's  see which type of gears have been used inside well seems like i will have  to use the old method this one this one was easy this one is tight how very long screws you see it was really tight two more to go so guys the screws have  been removed it's time to open the gearbox that's the motor and inside is the gearbox ah ah so uh so i have assembled back the motor once again   and uh now it's time to start the main project  now guys if we look closely these are the high   quality screws that have been used  for the motor now the motor itself the label as you can see 24 volts 5 amperes  and 150 rpm since the rpm is low therefore   the torque is obviously going to be really  high company is tokusho denso tokyo japan   gear motor and a 43 kg centimeter torque a one is  to 24 gear ratio dc 24 volts 5 amps so that's the   label and uh the front as you can see it's written  made in japan and it will go to denso code limited   and that's the motor shaft as well as gear and  the bearing as you can see it's flashing thailand   and z809 the gearbox itself here we have  the shaft and i don't know the use of   this i think some kind of belt was on  this desk and you can see the gears moving   when i rotate the shaft like this it's quite  smooth really smooth let's take out the gearbox now comes the difficult ones let's  see if i can reach there with this now the other one yeah yeah it's out it's out yes oops   i think i will have to use some kind of foreign  platform it's going to get messy over here it's still not coming out yeah actually  now i think that the only possibility is   to take out this disc and then it is  going to be taken out from the back   now that is going to be very difficult uh  since this is all rusted it's an old motor so   i cannot go through all that but you can  get an idea of how it looks from inside seems like that's the max i can do and opening  these screws was not enough so let's place   them back so guys finally i've placed uh  back the gearbox and it's running smooth   now that's the motor that you already know let's  give it a spin with my 12 volts ups battery   so although this is a 24 volts motor let's  test it with 12 volts and we can get an idea you can see pretty high rpm and torque as well you can see the motor jumping because  of the high moment of inertia of rest do so um so um so ah so so here as you can see guys that  i've placed these two holders   and it's going to be placed somewhat  like this so let's mark the points uh so so as you can see guys that the metal piece is  really thick and here as you can see uh the cut so and you can see that it is through the metal piece  the thick metal piece and it is very straight
Channel: Mr. Electron - Alternator
Views: 424,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dc motor, motor, simple inventions, inventions, gyroscope, bench grinder, power hacksaw, 3 inventions
Id: vYhcwrpR-f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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