Do NOT Get Sniffed In ROBLOX

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welcome guys to our vacation location doesn't this place look great what you call this the vacation yeah it's a vacation Alexa check it out like a nightmare what no oh and you guys are in the safe Zone come out over here guys um oh wow I don't know about this one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh go my butt no oh no oh no oh my gosh oh my goshy blue one guys a booger okay all right uh Crystal are you okay yeah but I'm going to use some Luke BL to revive oh yeah really smart really smart if you guys die you could just revive Luke's money but I'm not going to die cuz I'm not a noob and oh gosh wait the screen shaking that means he sees us that oh okay who just got yeated who just why did I go the way oh gosh oh gosh guys we have to defeat this nose and we have to collect 14 boogers to do it all right Bros actually yo bro actually ah he's going to get me helps hold your horses what does that even mean bro what does that even where do I go oh no it's over for you boy it's over no no no no no it's over ly ly I don't want to go bro I don't want to go bro you're going to have to go my boy hi ly I avoided the booger yeah what's good wait wait you collected a booger Lily how do you collect booger where's the booger there's little jars of boogers all around oh okay jars of boogers ly do you see any jars of boogers we have to collect those bab over here babes okay we found Crystal oh Crystal oh Crystal I'm try my best to be careful oh gosh oh gosh I'm going through the middle part okay oh my gosh are you serious right now yes dude they're such try hards but wait there's an item over here we can pick up it looks like it's a key I got it all right Heather Lily follow me and wait oh there's some vents oh gosh you need a screwdriver for this I can't open it this is not good oh gosh oh watch your jet guys watch your jet where are you I'm running on on the right side right now and bro is literally snipping us no cap wait guys there's a booger over here Heather collect the booger yes we got one of them easy bro is not him bro is not him yeah seriously cuz I'm him oh it's going to stiff me wa ly where are you where are you oh gosh who has the most boogers I have one right now Crystal how many do you have okay ly what about you my boy I got the screwdriver wait Roxy where's the screwdriver at my boy where's the screwdriver it's at the front wait is it red Yeah it's red that's a key Roxy that that's k y that spells key what do with that oh my gosh I don't know but Heather I think we're in bro's nose e he has a hairy nostril bro got boogies everywhere here but wait that guarantees that there's boogers up here uh that guy oh gosh hello sir oh no bro's been here for so long okay let's get out of here he has a weird St dad face I think he's seen some things before Oh no yeah he looks creepy but wait uh it only goes down over here and oh boogers boogers let's go boogies I'm at three Crystal what are you at I only at two let's go I'm himothy bro I'm himothy okay okay let me go where are you I'm at na actually Roxy but actually for real I don't even know where I am I'm super duper lo oh gosh creepy eye over here look at this oh no you not funny but guys look this eye tracks your movements oh no that's mad creepy that means that the booger dude knows exactly where we are oh gosh all right keep your eyes open what Roxy where are you my boy where are you I don't know front we're coming to the front come on guys we're coming to the front uh where are you where are you wait L I found where we have to use a key there's a locked area unlocked it let go it's over here where are you I have no idea I would to tell you Roxy I'm not going to lie I have five boogers what that's never mind four four wa me and Heather are literally in like Boer heaven right now oh yeah this is the back rooms oh no okay hop over Heather don't slip oh gosh careful careful oh nice I'm not going to fall into those toxic boogers oh gosh Heather it's a dude we saw from before oh no he's trapped uh sorry bro we're not saving you come on Heather let's go let's go Y and wait wait wait I just got is this a chainsaw what the what is this yes that's to cut his butter what I do not think that's what it's for H have you guys seen a section that needs a chainsaw or something yes I have wait what where up Crystal where where where where is it this way oh okay okay okay do you actually know where you're going cuz I'm complet l i saw a metal thingy what a metal thingy that would be perfect for a chainsaw follow us follow it said you need a chainsaw ooh and wait there's something it says you need a yellow key for this but I think it's nice let's use a chainsaw bow where did you find the chainsaw oh my gosh uh it was like in a room back over there but there's also a purple key in here and hm you need a yellow key for that and right now I'm at five boogers oh oh six over here guys L turn turn turn right here on the booger Roxy we just got it Roxy watch oh no get oh no oh no guys careful oh no l just got eat hide hide Oh no you're dead oh gosh n no no you're crazy my boy you're crazy but we're in a new area so that means we could probably find where to put this key yes look over here Heather there's a booger we're at seven Y and what the what is this it looks like do we have to use a key for this or something hm no it says one with a purple remember that for later oh Roxy hi you have the purple key as well boogers bers get away we already got it Roxy we already got it but follow don't follow oh no we're dead we're dead we're dead n bro that was so close all right let's go on the other side Roxy let's make sure the coast is clear okay it's good boogers let's get it I'm at eight right now this is actually easy picking wait what you're at seven you're going crazy Roxy yeah and wait what what is this H 1 2 three wait guys remember Heather it said one was purple so that means we have to leave it as purple and then two and three okay guys we have to figure out what colors two and three is so let's run around L have you seen any colors on the wall that's two and three h not yet all right look for it look for it keep your eyes peeled what Roxy we already found one bro stop yapping my boy we already found that oh oh oh my goodness gracious uh let's see over here oh two wait what color is one one is purple and bro two is also purple H now we just have to find three down here I don't know this place looks creepy oh goodness gracious Roy stick close stick close stick close okay we're going down on the boogers oh yeah yeah do not step on that that's mad gross come on we got to go guys oh no he's behind us let's go Roxy go go go he's going to vacuum our Buttes oh no oh no oh gosh it's over it's over Crystal other way other way Crystal how are you on fire Crystal you're on fire right now what oh my gosh no we're dead we're I got to go arounde it Juke it Heather bro just oh gosh he just let out boogers on me oh no this is bad this bad this is bad oh gosh oh gosh are you good oh no that was close that oh gosh Rob just walked into him oh no that was crazy wait guys it looks like one and two is both purple so I'm going to go back and I'm going to cheat the system I'm just going to guess what number three is nope can you actually do that of course I can ly that's why I'm doing it Heather I literally see your body going crazy bro got yeated my boy I'm appr Pro so I juk that boy out but I'm retracing my steps and I think it was back over here where the colors are but you can't really tell cuz every place looks the same wait this is the boogers Roxy said not to step on I'm going step on it yeah and I think yeah yeah this is the server room over here this is where all the big boxes are so if I keep going here yeah I see two that's purple then one should be right over here I think oh gosh I'm lost guys I am completely lost hello what color is the floor uh the floor is red where I'm at oh I'm on red too here here oh what's up ly what's up bro what's up all right right oh look it's right over here okay okay so let's guess is it uh blue no green green yes we got it and bro boogers oh no oh gosh ly lure them away I'm getting these boogers guys there's three there's three over here P where are you guys oh my gosh guys oh no it's where the color thing com back wait what are you serious how close is he wait wait wait I'm get I'm get oh I'm out 11 I'm out out oh gosh this was close but I left it open for you guys so once you walk past you could easily get it but now I'm at 11 where is everybody at oh no I'm scared we're eyeball an eyeball hold up I've seen an eyeball before somewhere H but wait it looks like now I just need to use this purple key where could we use a purple key at oh hi Lily come follow follow me Lily follow me we have to find out where to go all right where do you want to go oh gosh I don't know wait over here it says we need a screwdriver I remember I tried it earlier so H do you know where a screwdriver could be has anybody seen a screwdriver yet nope I'll keep my eyes peeled though all right keep your eyes peeled Roxy you too keep your eyes peeled Li follow me down over here chasing me oh gosh Lily where are you Lily oh go I just lost Lily Lily oh no oh gosh this this this is why we have to stick together guys oh no are you guys okay guys come to safe Zone all right oh oh Lily I see you I see I see you I see you okay let's meet up at safe Zone everybody uh Roxy I'm not going to lie I have no idea where safe zone is my boy oh no Still's not good I know right oh God yeah I'm completely lost wait wait actually no wait I recognize this and I think that means a safe zone is right over here yeah I found it I'm at safe Zone Roxy what's up what's up what's up oh in the safe Zone wait the full Squad is over here what's good y'all what's good y'all all right we actually have to stick together three more boogers but if if we get boomed we lose all of our progress so follow me he's right there he's right there watch out jet guys watch out J oh no oh no this is not good this is not good oh no he's on my butt he's on my butt oh he almost got my cheeks oh no guys this is not good this is not good dip dip dip dip dip dip oh Crystal just got eated Crystal are you okay oh no oh gosh go go I'm trip you I'm going trip you why would you do not what what wait we've been here before guys everyone over here over here over here hide hide oh no someone's about to get you're crazy wait L are you okay my boy wait I'm going on the other side I just to him oh gosh I'm not feeling good my screen is going crazy okay wait he's on that side we're safe on this oh God we're not safe not oh die again how are you why am I going so slow oh no bro dead wait cring my boy click oh no bro a n bro a noob oh gosh Crystal how do you have fire on your toes what okay yeah hop in the safe Zone look up in the safe Zone bro behind you oh that was a close one dude that was a close one but we're definitely miss missing something I say we go on this side of the safe Zone this time guys stick together and bro it's just me and Crystal and ly now Lily Heather Alexa are you guys okay oh go are you serious no that's not how I lose Ain no way bro I just got trolled it's not letting me revive wait did I just fold the game guys hold up what happens if I click restart and oh I keep my boogers I just lose my keys okay okay wait that's actually fire that's actually fire okay okay I have my progress oh where are you guys at Crystal stay with me everybody has to stick what is you doing what are you doing Crystal bab I was just smooching you cuz I'm scared what okay Roxy you did not see that that L excuse bro L excuse oh gosh okay wait these are the server rooms ly where are you at bro I need three more boogers and I'm scared right now I'm by the server rooms but I went to some water things wait wait by the server rooms wait wait stay right there stay right there stay right there oh gosh oh guys wait oh gosh oh no no it's over Luke I'm dead Luke I'm dead I'm I'm close to you my bad oh my are you serious bro no it's over it's over L it's over BR he's close to me now wait where are you where are you that means we're nearby cuz L behind you behind you oh no it's over bruh it's over bruh it's over he's right here no got take a new routees yeah new route new route Crystal go go go go go go go oh gosh where do we go I think this way guys turn right turn right oh no sideb area hi barely made it oh no we're in a dead end though babes we have to wait for him to go away yeah let's see and okay yeah he's gone Crystal good thinking now let's go and I think did he go this way or this way oh gosh let's just go this way wait I haven't been over here yet just a dead end bro where could there be three more boogers no me and Heather already went up over there hi Roxy you see anything cool over here no but I need five more boogers five more oh my gosh I need three morees did you do the chainsaw thing uh yeah yeah where you break the door I did that I already did that but M what about the purple lock wait where do you put the purple oh I'm dead I'm dead bro on the blue floor wait what we on the blue Flo head where you all the way on the right corner you have to find P up to the right corner and oh gosh oh gosh I'm going to Chas I just saw L's body get yeated are you serious ly are you being a noob right now I don't want to talk about it oh my gosh but wait we also need to SC wait Heather I see no that's Crystal Crystal we have to go to Heather right now Heather knows some information we got to use to Lily I see your body you got eating my boy guys run I'm sorry I got distracted by seeing Lily and yo Heather we made it all the way to this side we're not seeing anything my boy where you at oh ly it's oh God we're dead we're dead we're dead oh God ly did you just die I just went for it oh my gosh bro's big Nob bro okay Roxy come on bro come on dip dip dip dip dip di dip Okay jump over the boogers oh gosh uh hello no I think we should be good on this side server room Heather are you next to the servers you guys chasing me what where oh gosh oh gosh we already lost you oh no this is not good this is not good this is not good this way this way this way okay it's this way I think did you buy your speed yo Crystal spent 250 Luke's Roblox to go fast really yeah I get what's wrong with you crystal I didn't approve of that thank you Crystal I don't know thank you and I'm also going to buy a punch people so I can contr you I walked into him I walked into him are you serious right now are you serious are you serious ain't no way bro no no no this is a life hack this is a life hack guys I'm actually zooming right now Roxy look at how fast I am in my quick feet up what wait Roxy wait wait stop moving let me test let me test something bow I can hear you oh sorry Roxy run sorry I'm really sorry sorry oh gosh run up run up sorry sorry I didn't mean it I didn't mean it but wait right there sorry I'm really sorry about that but oh gosh guys where could this be I just went through the booger area again but I'm still not finding any sauce H wait we've definitely been here before and okay this is the server oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh gosh oh my gosh I'm dead guys I'm dead wait have you guys seen a yellow key no I'm looking for it though oh gosh I'm dipping to I'm dipping to Oh My Gosh guys we're running in circles right now we need a real plan right now we're big noobing No Cap Yeahs we need to try something else what do we Do's over here wait I just found Heather Heather where's the sauce M do you have the purple key no where's the purple key at I thought you had it what I think I had it in a previous life and then I died oh no but wait what do you do with the purp ke found a painting of you are you serious right now I don't look like this I L do I look like this no it doesn't matter oh gosh run R we're not skipping that look do I look like that photo my boy do I look like that photo yes you do bro I don't dude I look nothing like that Crystal oh gosh he's right here wait Crystal you said you found the purple key where's it at you have to go through the red door and then you have to go through the like the jumping thingy wait I found it I see I see I see where you have to put the purple key wait wait where is the actual purple key where get the red key where wait the red key that's in the front I have to open the door oh gosh oh gosh okay so Luke stay over here Crystal come with me I'll go with you to get the red key where are you Crystal I'm you go go go go go go go Heather stay with ly so we don't lose each other go go go Crystal where where where is it this way this way this way this way safe zone right here oh okay safe Zone got the red key now what do I do with the red key where do we go I have to find the red door come on Roxy where's the red door at my boy oh found it found it nice W Rocky and then we go in the secret area oh yeah I remember I did this and then with the speed I can do the parkour yeah super easily and oh gosh there's more people in here now huh y y and wait I got the chainsaw oh yeah this how we get the purple key you have to open the door and you have to get the purple key ooh W Crystal W Crystal all right wait where's the door where's the chainsaw door I forgot I forgot but let's let's let's just look at their oh gosh oh he's right here oh my gosh oh my gosh yo yo Crystal where is it where is it I'm getting chased by the nose boy that's land oh gosh it's not over here does anybody remember where the chainsaw area is serious seriously this is important I'm currently looking for it oh my gosh but I know the purple key area is over there so after we get the chainsaw we should be good I'm pretty sure it was around the front over here so I'm going to walk around let's see on this side anything here uh oh gosh anything oh no guys looking for it I'm not finding anything I'm not a big circle yeah me too I keep going in circles hold up what if it's over nope there is a dead end what about this side hi Crystal oh my gosh we're literally going C right now Roxy we're going in circles my boy we're going in circles I found it wait guys I found it it's right over here hi guys where you at boom got it wait L I got the Ain no way there's actually no way there's actually no way there's actually no way n I'm Reviving you got it I'm Reviving bro I just got trolled I got it then instantly got boom ly I'm keeping my keys bro I'm keeping my keys I'm close to you so I must be close to the key oh wait what uh find the keyi and I think the purple one was on the left side Heather are you still over here no I got boomed a no way but I found it myself guys yeah and wait what the what is this I got a C4 and yes another booger baby oh fire okay guys I have a C4 and I think we have to put this on something to blow that John up oh oh booger right over here guys there's a secret booger I'm at 13 I repeat I'm at 13 OHS you're actually cooking yes sir and it says I need to turn this on somehow oh it looks like there's a portal over here H wait guys I figured out where to use a C4 it looks like it's a wall I put it down oh no guys oh no it's is not oh gosh oh come on come on go crazy and wait nothing's happening never mind something happened and hold up hold up secret area oh guys I just unlocked the secret area nice you're that guy and hold up with this I can collect the next booger and it says 14 boogers required I just unlocked the secret area and I got the screwdriver we've been missing that means you can go up the vent yes sir ski all right I'm teleporting and hold up where am I guys where are are you guys meet up meet up right now meet up right safe Zone I see your body going crazy l oh gosh all right everyone pull up the safe Zone pull up the oh gosh he's right there pull up the safe Zone I see I see okay we made it I see Crystal hi Roxy hi guys okay uh L come to Safe Z room oh no I'm trying to come but guys don't worry we could all do it together I have the screwdriver I'm going just open it for you ly pull up to the safe Zone Alexa you too and Heather come on guys what's good Luka y I just got sniffed oh nice all right boys I'm going for it yo oh oh oh and oh golden key guys golden key I got a golden key yeah wait are you guys not able to go through no we're not I'm going just pretend like I was able to oh my gosh but wait I have a golden key this is to beat the game guys do not get snipped if we die we lose our keys run butts on our butt oh my gosh where is the golden room I've seen it before I've seen it before where could it be oh gosh guys are you following follow me hurry up Roxy I'm coming you're super speed shoes cuz I'm that guy pal don't forget oh gosh and wait I just found where number three was with the green light pretty useful after we already did it yeah not useful at all then seriously but oh gosh is it over here golden room golden room oh no guys I'm not seeing no golden room I'm not going to lie I just turned black oh over here Roxy and oh gosh Alexa did you die yep I got sniffy oh my Nar Crystal hi wait I'm seeing it looks like this was the painting area where is the yellow BR where is the yellows it has to be somewhere D just look oh thank you ly really it has to be I thought it was not somewhere dude really bro are you trolling right now are you trying to troll me huh I think it's up your na what where's up my na na bis really guys really oh my goodness you got TR I did not get trolled bro I did not get trolled but I'm back at the Cy but s oh my gosh bro on you and he's not going to get me cuz I'm himothy bro I'm himothy maybe he was in this red area my Rob let me see over here no bro I'm just walking in circles right now guys I repeat I'm just walking in circles yep that's what happens with you're newbie Baka I am not a newbie Baka I have to be missing something Roxy have you seen the golden room anywhere I don't even know where anything is oh my gosh dude oh my gosh he's on my butt he's he's literally on my butt no it's over guys it's over it's literally over I feel like that he a circle what oh gosh Roxy I see you bro where do we go I think I found it did you actually oh gosh oh Roxy we got to drink this boy out it's by the safe Zone really oh my gosh we were there the whole time all right Roxy po to the safe Zone my boy let's go wait for me all right just ride Roxy I'm waiting all right I'm right over here a safe zone is this way Roxy come on I just died oh my God all right I'm going to the safe zone I'm going to the safe Zone I made it guys I made it okay at the safe Zone where are you ly oh hi P up let's go it was right here the whole time Ain no way oh come on guys are you guys not able to get inside oh go we got sniffed ain't no way okay I'm hitting the button guys and 30 seconds wait I think that's for the portal guys it's for the portal R the portal it's all the way the back it's all the way in the back oh gosh I'm avoiding oh gosh Running Out of Time guys the timer's ticking I repeat the timer is ticking it's all the way in the back go go Roxy Watch Out J my boy go go come on come on come on come on come on oh no we're going the wrong way ro oh I'm going to get sniffed no we're going the wrong way we're it's over it's over I'm Reviving ain't no way I'm no I'm Reviving bro I'm Reviving ain't no way they're trolling us like that revived bro all of the look bucks yeah wait hold up I have an idea let me just go back over here I reset it I reset the timer guys okay okay we have 30 seconds come on follow me guys follow me I'm getting sniffed don't get sniffed it's all the way in the back it was like the portal room ly this way this way this way here freedom is it open for you ly yep let's go all everyone hop inside and what what the what where are we wa did we beat the game where is this dude we're in an all-white room this looks awesome I think I've been here in my dreams bro this is literally a dream whoo wo it's a cut scene I just moved by myself wo what the what is this are we about to get jum scared yo chapter 2 coming soon hold up guys we beat the game let's go wait it just said wait wait wait not so fast not so fast the game just said wait oh no oh gosh what's about to happen what's about to happen hold up hold up yo yo yo yo yo we got some motion right now yo the sniffer just broke through the portal boy ain't no way oh my gosh but let's go guys we beat the game and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: OmzBlox
Views: 352,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, Omz, Crystal, Roxy, Luke, Lily, Do NOT Get Sniffed In ROBLOX
Id: 40JaifFcdUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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