Do NOT Eat VENOM Hubba Bubba 😫 DIY Superhero Food & Drinks Spiderman, Hulk, Antman - Giant Food

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web-shooters locked and loaded well careful hang on no come back to another video we are doing Marvel superheroes so we need to start out by doing a derby me a second he's already here wash them all oh it's Hulk I wasn't expecting this ok so please don't get mad but I was hoping that Bruce Banner was gonna show up you know the other version of you what Hulk is strongest help Hulk no hope need more energy oh so you did bring something ok sure I'll have a look I've always wondered what oklet drink let's see wait a second all it says is Hulk Pringles so you just wanna can of Pringles Oh getting angry oh I see of course hulk-sized Pringles okay so this is doable but I'm gonna have to go get some stuff first so I'll be right back Hulk always wins clear this area well Hulk hopefully this is big enough for you you know go big or go home I guess yes hunk really Bob Bob so of course we need a picture of Hulk on this container Hulk is definitely one of the strongest Marvel heroes the madder he gets the stronger he gets he also has an incredible ability to heal very quickly that would be deadly to most other heroes take just a short amount of time for hope to recover from he got his abilities by accidentally being exposed to massive amounts of gamma radiation turning him into a monster of course look has many stages when he stopped the Hulk and his Bruce Banner he's a scientist who's incredibly smart and able to create advanced technologies like force fields and teleporters however what he's the green savage Hulk well he's not that smart his IQ drops significantly and it can be difficult to reason with him he also has a form that we see an endgame where he's professor Hulk where he's this combination of green savage Hulk and gray Hulk with the smart brains of banner however he is weaker because he can't use his rage mode to amp himself up but when Hulk is in his full rage mode especially when he goes Hulk smash he's an unstoppable force of destruction that terrifies even the most powerful villains however many times he just wants to be left alone and he doesn't really want to be a green monster that destroys everything therefore he often runs away and secludes himself from others and there we go that looks great so I realize that we've cut off little bit of tubes so that the dimensions look more proportionate to a giant Pringles can this is a little bit harder than I thought to cut through but I'm making progress go back and forth a bunch of times and oh there we go next I need to cover this tube with green poster board paper which will be the background color and once we have that let's go ahead and add our Hulk face drawing I'll place it right about here near the top of the container I really like how this looks and of course we need this drawing of the Pringles label so let's stick this on that should work oh and we have a drawing of these chips jumping off of a diving board in the sauce dip this is on a lot of Pringles cans now let's turn this over and do the back I have this giant Pringles nutrition label but instead of 150 calories per serving this is probably closer to like 1,500 calories per serving next we have Hulk punching his fist through a wall I guess that's how strong you'll be after eating these chips it does make for a cool design though and we need a barcode if this was sold in stores I wonder how much this would cost probably would be pretty expensive but at the same time these chips would last you quite a while now for the lid I'm using a plastic plant saucer base it actually looks like a lid and it fits perfectly Oh Rogers all wrong now for the tasty part we'll need one cup of mashed potatoes one egg yolk and few drops of green food coloring yeah well we'll start with that now let's mix this up really well until it's all blended together this doesn't look too appetizing right now ah this is weird it's starting to look like green play-doh next I'll add one cup of flour I might need some more flour well let's go ahead and mix this all up I'm gonna use my hands and mush it and form a ball out of it actually I ended up using another cup of flour so that it would stick together more now place the ball onto some non-stick parchment paper and hopefully this will roll out flat we can spread this out pretty far a little bit more flour yeah if I can just stretch out the sides a little bit more I don't want it too thin or else it might break but that should be good for the circles I have this tin lid I can get two chips out of this one here and the other over here these are some big chips all right I can remove the excess dough and place this onto a pan I'll bake this at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes of course the time can vary ok I'm back I ended up adding more food coloring to the top to make it super green next we need some vegetable oil and we can use a paper towel to spread it around just dab it a little here and a little over here I'm hoping this adds to the taste oh and some salt on top up close this actually looks like Hulk's skin which is pretty cool and these are all ready I can't wait to try these I'm sure Hulk could probably eat an entire one of these chips in one bite well let's do this well no word is if this is sold in a store it would pretty much take up most of a shopping cart I think it turned out pretty good yes Hulk agrees okay let's try one of these here it is okay it's uh it's alright I mean it's kind of plain tasting but I do taste the vegetable oil and the salt so that really helps pump even stronger than before I have to get the taste of these chips uh seven Hulk smashes out of ten it has a nice crunch to it just the way Hulk likes them punk rock the ball okay now that we've done the Hulk chips I'm supposed to do something for ant-man but he hasn't shown up yet so I wait what why are there ants on the table [Applause] oh there's even more ants over here hey wait did you hear that it sounds like someone's talking uh I don't know wait no way is that ant-man you're so small I didn't even see you I'm having a hard time hearing what you're saying is it possible to make yourself any bigger oh yeah there it is hey there yeah that's a lot better uh yeah I'm so glad you can make it yeah I'm kind of a big deal so what can I do for you should I just enlarge some ants and let them handle this oh nice yeah I can take a look at this as long as it's not dealing with the quantum realm because I don't know much about that whoa Ant Man coca-cola and has a few things mixed in with it lemon juice vanilla cream tasty honey frozen orange raspberries yeah I can do this I'm assuming you want this in the classic coca-cola bottle yeah okay I'll get the ingredients but first we need a cool ant-man design for this bottle all right let's do this for the label we need ant-man also known as Scott Lang now ant-man that should not be underestimated because he's probably one of the most powerful superheroes well maybe not so powerful in terms of strength or speed but in other abilities he has a Pym particles on his belt which allow him to shrink himself down to the size of an ant yet still maintain the punching power of a normal-sized man actually even though he's called ant-man he has the capability to go even smaller down to the size of atoms or enter the quantum realm that's quite dangerous so he only goes that small if he absolutely has to on the other hand though he can become super big like 65 feet tall making him a giant when you're that big you can really do some damage but it's not just ant-man that can make himself big or small the Pym particles can make just about any object do the same thing ant-man could throw a coca-cola bottle at a villain and then midair activate the particles to make it a giant coke bottle smashing into the villain with incredible force and I haven't even mentioned his ability to communicate with the ants and have ants help him out on missions he even uses ants to fly around ants are actually incredibly useful for all kinds of things such as spine and sneaking into the enemy's base ants are great allies to have actually speaking of allies I have to mention Hank Pym he is really the original ant-man who invents the Pym particles technology and he's first to wear the ant-man suit and then there's hope Pym also known as the wasp who has similar powers to ant-man in terms of being able to change her size however she has wings attached to her suit so she can fly around and be more agile than ant-man anyways there we go the drawing is all done so I have the drawings but they're just way too big to fit onto this coke bottle so I need to draw this a lot smaller and put it onto a red colored label the hair we go it's definitely smaller but at least it should fit now let's place the label onto the coke bottle oh nice it's simple but hey it works especially for a bottle shaped like this I think people are gonna be quite curious if they saw this in a store now we just need to mix up the drink can we hurry this up I've got to pick up Cassie from school so the ingredients list said to use two bottles of coca-cola ants love sweet drinks especially this one with these bottles you have to pop the top off with a bottle opener by the way there was a commercial on TV awhile back of man stealing a coke from the Hulk at the end a man helps the Hulk could drink the coke let me know if you've seen that commercial now for some lemon juice actually I wonder if lemon coke has been invented yet you know it probably has well anyways we just need a tablespoon of this hopefully this doesn't make the coke taste too weird next was vanilla cream this is some coffee creamer mixing this in the soda is quite unusual so hopefully this is what ant-man had in mind I do like vanilla coke so this should be a good choice now for some honey ants also love honey as long as they don't get stuck in it I guess I need a spoonful of this now that's a coke I don't think they have yet I'm starting to wonder if I'll even be able to distinguish the taste of all of these ingredients uh just need to get this off the spoon and there we go now for some of this yeah frozen orange juice concentrate I need two spoonfuls of this this stuff tastes all right but it does have a strong taste hopefully it doesn't dominate the overall drink it kind of looks like a mushy orange popsicle I know people who eat this stuff straight out of the can Oh some raspberries yeah and seem to be addicted to these I need about ten of them this drink would definitely give ants an energy boost that's for sure time to mix it all up with my handheld mixer it's working all right I just need to make sure that these blended up just a few more seconds I want this to be mixed up really well I think that did the trick now we need our bottle and a funnel we really don't need all that much to fill this up actually I'm kind of surprised the coke looks the same even with all of those added ingredients but it does smell a little different I'm very curious as to how this will taste need to make sure I don't overfill this that should be enough oh this should be refreshing I actually since I knew you were coming I got something now I know it's not as good as yours and I can't do all of the size changing stuff but it's still pretty cool whoa whoa is this on right oh there we go would you look at that well what do you think that's a big surprise way to go now we can be twins anyways um let's just get back to the drink oh well you know since you're here there's one more thing I want to try so ant man I was wondering could you shrink this down to like a mini coke bottle because that would be really cool yeah sure [Music] oh no way this is incredible how did you do that so fast thanks dude it's so tiny take a look at that it's like the size of my thumb no it's uh it's small sip of coca-cola it's so cute oh wait a second if you can make this small could you make it bigger like a little bit bigger than a normal-sized coke bottle oops sorry no Hey what this is incredible I was thinking just a little bit bigger but this is even better oh wow I can barely lift this look at the size of this thing now this is what I call giant man-sized oh no aah hang on oh my goodness this is heavy over here how much coca-cola do you think it's in this Oh careful oh well I need to take a drink out of this bottle and find out what this ant-man Coca Cola tastes like I need to get the lid off where's my bottle opener oh yeah there it is oh I hope I don't spill this all over myself that would be embarrassing oh wait a second uh uh I should probably take the mask off so I can drink this oh this is crazy [Music] maybe a little bit more [Music] whoo for me I'll take that oh now of course it tastes a lot like coke but it does have more of a fruity taste oh yeah I can taste the honey and the orange a little bit this definitely has a very unique taste I think a lot of people are gonna like this I have to give this uh eight ants out of ten thanks I'm not the first stand man but I'm probably the best see you later [Music] okay I'm super excited for this next drink because we have spider-man coming so I need to prepare something ah what spiders we already have some spiders crawling around first its ants and now it's spiders that must mean that spider-man must be close by [Music] spider sense tingling hey there Oh spider-man I'm so glad you can make it yeah I'm a big fan of yours so uh yo what can I do for you web shooters locked and loaded are we gonna do this or what hmm what do we have here now this looks really cool I'm assuming that it's a spider-man drink yep I've been looking forward to this for such a long time whoa spider-man energy dr. pepper I thought that might be in here white chocolate syrup body armor super drink mini Spidey smoothies red white and blue popsicles cotton candy well this should be interesting first I need to get the ingredients Oh actually what am I thinking I need to design the bottle label first so let's do that I'll just be over here doing whatever a spider can okay so spider-man is probably my favorite superhero he is so diverse in his abilities of course we all know his incredible powers actually one of the first computer games I ever played was a spider-man game and I played that game for weeks and weeks until I'd completed every level and collected all of the Easter eggs and Spidey suits maybe that's one of the reasons why Spidey is my favorite but anyways speaking of Spidey suits spider-man has worn many different outfits throughout the years his first spider-man outfit is just sweats and the ski mask he quickly throws together it doesn't have much function other than keeping Peter Parker's identity a secret of course later on he upgrades to the more iconic look with the vivid red and blue spandex outfit like the one I'm drawing right now and then there are the more upgraded versions of the Spidey suit that Tony Stark designs for him such as the costume with the moveable eyes which helps to show spider-man's facial expressions he also has an outfit with the flying spider drone that detaches from a soup like in homecoming then there's the Spidey Iron Man suits that are made out of metal so he can survive in outer space it even has these metal arms that pop out to assist him in fighting and hanging onto stuff of course there are many other Spiderman outfits such as the stealth costume that we see and far from home it looks like something a high-tech spy would use oh and there's the slimy black alien symbiote suit which takes over spider-man's body and makes spider-man's start to turn evil yeah that suit actually turns out to be venom thankfully spider-man is able to tear it off and venom goes on to possess someone else it's super creepy and well there we go we have a spider-man label time to place the label onto this red painted bottle oh I have to say this design really pops my favorite part is actually the spiders well I guess it comes down to how it will taste or how much energy it will give to people who drink it you actually did it nice work would you look at that so of course we need some dr. pepper Spidey's favorite soda it's even in the first spider-man movie when he's testing out his web-shooters abilities for the first time he shoots his weapon Dr Pepper to drink it oh wow this is very bubbly and the next ingredient is white chocolate sauce interesting I guess I'll add a little bit this stuff is pretty tasty and maybe a few more drips yeah that should be enough well he wanted some mini smoothies I'm so glad I found these spider Mandana bowls they should be perfect so here are some of the options pretty cool huh now Green Goblin and venom would not mix well with Spidey drink but the mild spider-man and classic spider-man will work well I usually wouldn't think that yogurt would go well with soda but hey maybe in this case it does body armor super drink I didn't even know this was a thing well I'd assume it helped spider-man protect himself against villains in a fight it also might be for his Spidey Iron Man suit it looks cool though oh yeah popsicle some red white and blue ones this will make it a nice cold drink I think I used yellow and red popsicles for the tales of knuckles drink cotton candy I definitely was not expecting this when I saw it on the list actually it kind of looks like a mesh of spiderweb so I can see why this is one of the ingredients this is basically pure sugar so this is gonna make the drink taste ridiculously sweet Wow it's like instantly being absorbed by the liquid and this red dye is being released and some blue cotton candy I need to try this yeah yeah this is the best I could easily eat an entire bag of this stuff this also reminds me of like a fluffy pillow oh wow that turned blue really fast this might be a sugar overload [Music] oh it's time to fill the bottle with some of this energy it turned out to be this dark purple color well I guess that's what you get when you mix blue and red together it doesn't look as appetizing as I thought it would but you know as long as it tastes good then I'll be happy imagine if this drink was featured in the next spider-man movie well let's do this for me oh you shouldn't have huh oh actually there's something I want to do before I drink this I'll be right back do you need something else [Music] it's a little tight but I think that's how it should be well no I'm more like you spider-man easy pal I left my spare costume at home two spider-men are better than one okay now I'm ready so when spider-man needs some energy he just drinks this to get a boost ah I should probably take the mask off first let's see how do I do this ah huh the bugle would pay big money for pics of this [Music] whoa this is really good stuff I think the car can DISA brings us to a whole nother level yeah I'm definitely feeling a lot more energized whoa something else is happening too spider sense tingling it's like everything that's more real I don't know how to explain it I might just be imagining things but I think by hearing and smelling are a little better my vision is way better okay if anything this enhances your spidey senses and it tastes amazing I'd have to give this nine spidey tingles out of ten this has to be one of my favorite drinks hey thanks things actually worked out for once let's get moving got a run arts swing you know what I mean now if only I had like real-life web-shooters then I'd be feeling a lot more like spider-man oh well have a lot to clean up what am I gonna do with all that ant-man soda let the fun times beginning wait what who is that don't be scared let's be friends Oh No you gotta be kidding me why are you here don't worry we won't teach you like now we yeah oh ho no no I believe me there's no we in this situation I'm nothing like you no matter who our opponent is with blessing I'm never joining you I'm always with spider-man don't mix in spider-man's name we despise him yeah that's strongest no I don't know what's on the list so many snacks so little time okay here's the deal I'll look at it but if it's some type of drink then I'm definitely not gonna do it I've learned from my past experiences and I'm not going through that again [Music] Benin gone baba Baba well at least it's not a drink we've been looking forward to this spider okay I'll only do this if I get to use normal gum and there's no added ingredients or anything that could change the gum like no bad stuff so that's clear right we can stand through this okay I'm gonna do the drawing then let's go let's go I really should not be doing this I don't know why but this just has to be done besides venomous right there are things that the alien suit can do that Spidey just can't this is crazy but anyway see how venom is this alien symbiote that survives best when he merges with the hosts yeah usually a human venom is best known for merging with spider-man and Eddie Brock he is capable of shape-shifting and when he bonds with a host he can greatly enhance their physical strength he is also able to use telepathy and get inside the minds of people and talked to them venom can even put his hosts to sleep and take complete control he does this to spider-man when he's sleeping making him web slinging around the city when spider-man finally wakes up in his bed he has no idea that venom has been controlling him also he has this dangerous acid saliva that helps him dig me and I jest all types of things that normal humans would not be able to digest venom can also camouflage his body so that he can be nearly invisible however he does have weaknesses one of them being fire which can really do some damage to the symbiote the other is extremely loud sounds or high-frequency sounds these can even cause him to separate from his hosts this is how spider-man is able to separate himself from venom and oh ho this really does look like venom so I'm using this cake container to make a giant venom hubba bubba now first i need to paint this here we go it definitely stands out a lot more the ridges around the edges make for a cool aesthetic now we need to put the labels on this will work well as the background oh my this will look seventy-two feet of gum that's crazy well for venom this is just a small snack and speaking of venom here he is looks like there will be just enough room to place him on the container perfect that will grab people's attention and of course the hubbub of a label will place this right about here Wow I have to say this does look pretty cool now I need to make an opening for easy access to the gum right about here almost got it if it will just pop out oh yeah I think that will work it should be big enough twelve normal size containers should do this will make it 72 feet just need to get them out of this package actually I haven't had bubble tape gum in quite a while now I need to open all of these up so that I can overlap them and make one big circle yeah halloween is coming up imagine going trick-or-treating and someone dressed up as venom hand you a giant hubba bubba they say don't take candy from strangers but especially don't take candy from venom you never know what his intentions might be oh my goodness this is already giant how many more of these do I have to do it kind of looks like the inside of a tree with all of these rings okay just a few more rolls imagine taking a massive bite out of the side this no way well venom is definitely in for a treat with this you look tasty oh wow it's heavier than I thought it would be it's like cool but creepy at the same time well since I made it I know it's just normal bubble gum so sure I'll try a little piece this doesn't mean that I'm joining your side I'm still with team spider-man okay who are you copied spider-man let's see here oh wait why is this it's like a bubble gum venom tongue how is this possible how did you do this devour everything it I'm not biting into that that's ridiculous there's something wrong here hey I like that do you think we're weak you know what fine I'll do it I just want to get this over with get a rush rush oh this isn't hot bubblegum it's Joey but it's not sweet Oh see isn't this fun mmm it tastes like meat fat okay this is not for me I've had enough I'm spitting this out oh wait what it turned all black ah wait was just pink a second ago what was i chew it on it looks like an alien symbiote what it just moved it's like it's joining together oh I can't believe that was in my mouth uh well I need to trap this thing before it starts crawling away oh come on I need some type of Cup or or like a ball oh we went Australia this should work there we go you're not going anywhere now venom you do not want me as your host you're wasting your time I don't have much to offer you besides there are other people out there no believe me you are much better off with a oh ah ah what's happening to me oh I don't feel too good I don't think I spit it all out some of it might have went down oh no this is really bad my whole left side you have much to pay for oh it's like it's seeping out of my skin oh it's in my Spidey suit oh I think I see it blimey come on you can't escape from us [Music] venom I'm not falling for your evil ways spider-man is the or something crawling on my back my suit [Music] now we're bad you beat us oh I'm changing into I should have never be in that gum I'm sorry Spidey but there's nothing more I can do I can't save this soup Benham it's just too powerful Sami pot only room for one spike Oh [Music] venom you think you're so smart don't you well why don't you try some of this we hate my gum back we'll cheerier to pieces you're not so sad this is what happens when you mess with spider-man he doesn't go down without a fight shut up and a seat shell yeah not as easy as you thought to take out spider-man huh we're not finished with yet why don't we get right Yael oh the spider is back just a little bit left oh come on oh I think I beat it I'm all back to normal oh it's all over the table oh I need to capture this before it all starts crawling away yeah come on I should do gotcha well I'll place you right next to your other Park yeah this is where you belong get out of here Who I am you over you're no match for spider yeah I'm gonna disguise a field of yours we never hang up ever again yeah well I think I have this all under control now I'm gonna have to burn these symbiotes and if that doesn't work I'm gonna have to use some high pitch frequencies on them but I'm gonna have to deal with that later anyways thank you so much for watching make sure to hook smash that like button buddy what that subscribe button and hit that Bell so you can see my newest videos as soon as possible oh let me know which one of these drinks or snacks is your favorite you guys are the best and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Lightning Lane
Views: 27,167,452
Rating: 4.6341381 out of 5
Keywords: venom, spiderman, giant hubba bubba gum, hubba bubba tape gum, giant food, hubba bubba diy, bubba bubba, diy drinks, miniature food, superhero, superhero food, do not drink, food challenge, hulk, antman, bubble gum, superhero food recipe, diy superhero food, giant vs miniature, lightning lane, drawing, coloring, marvel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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