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we should stop we should stop okay let's they're telling me to stop what who's telling you to stop st what's up YouTube today we are going to make some Ramen at 3:00 a.m. okay there's a specific Ramen I really really really want to try and the ramen I want to try is this apparently it's really good so let's try it and uh apparently it tastes a lot better at 3:00 a.m. so uh this is my favorite thing about this stove it's this look you turn it on o good like you literally don't have to like go to the sink and then do the thing and pour the water put I put it on wrong let turn this on uhoh okay so we're going to put the noodles in first and then we're going to put this at the very end when once the noodles have boiled oh did what did you do that no I was recording you Marlin you did this no I you check it what the heck I swear I closed the door and I turned off the light right no you did I didn't even hear the door open okay so I just moved into this new place and ever since oh I'm getting Goosebumps ever since I moved here there have been like random things happening okay especially around 3: to 4: a.m. so that's why I wanted to do this video because hopefully we can capture wait what's this hell what's this hell did you turn this on no oh why is this on I don't know I I really didn't touch anything right okay look at this come come come come come come okay so it's this is the perfect time to put the foodles it's going to be so good put here got to put that here and then just leave oh be careful when you make the ramen because it's hot boiling hot water is hot okay all right once o we get to put this little I think these are the vegetables too the the plate I swear I think this dishwasher is haunted who what what is this what is that's the Marlin Marlin the water is boiling the water's [Music] boiling I just want D do you hear that it came from upstairs that definitely came from I just want to eat my Ramen I'll be back Ramen we should see yeah that came from up here no it sounded like upstairs Roy um hey who's up here did you do this plate who did you just break my plate you know how expensive the plate was o this is kind of creepy I don't know if we want to go up there really let's just go okay okay I just want to eat my Ramen Marlin Marlin I just want to eat my Ramen no I just want I'm hungry I mean we we could just go back down and make rum we that plate maybe I didn't put let's just say I didn't put the plate back in the disc rack and it just fell down I think I think I think do you think someone's in the house that's what I told you earlier my ever since I moved to this house I just things like this happened things like this happen you think like someone's living here like a oh like a real person yes like a person that's even scarier than you have this ladder what is this ladder for what is that ladder for to get the books okay Marlin here's the game plan uh-huh we're going to scope the entire upstairs yeah if we don't see anything we don't hear anything then we just go back downstairs and MC Ramen MC Ramen yes and the plate totally fell because I put it wrong in the dish rack okay okay okay but I would what really like to just eat stop stop don't leave me don't leave me I don't why did it make a noise wait I'm you there's a guy there there's a person here is anyone there does anyone live here get out get out you need to leave the house you need to oh my God come here this is why you keep a bat oh oh jeez okay this is why you need to keep a bat at all times if anyone's there all right you need to leave immediately [Music] I Mar you go first no I can't go first go first scope ITA scope it with the camera okay okay look I'm going to look around the corner scope it okay look I'm looking around the corner there is nobody if anyone anyone's there we got you on camera I don't see anything no I don't see anything I don't see anything okay I'm going in then okay don't worry I'll film it I have a basball bat I know I know oh shotani he taught me how to play baseball this is where I do all the gaming B did you leave your fan on did you leave thisan I did not I swear I swear to you it turned everything off why would I leave things on this early in the morning 3 okay is there anyone I just want eat ramen Marlin Mar I just want Ramen hungry I'm so hungry it's 3:00 in the morning and I got thing I think it's your computer was this on when we got here I don't think so what is that how do that even happen computer monitors don't do that turn off turn it off that's so weird like just unplug it just like I'm scared turn everything off okay there you go that's better thank you for your purpose yes thank you okay let's go back uh okay oh the water's probably perfect for the ramen right now we got to we got to like put the sauce absolutely okay do you hear that no no I can't go bro oh my God the light is dude I'm going to let you know I really really have to fart and I'm not scared to whip it out on you see I here you hear that that'll be to you it's on me you don't want that ghost this is so creepy man how come everywhere I move to things still keep happening to me okay let's go here for now I this room is dark I'm going do a game plan okay Marlon here's the game plan we go there we scream like crazy you make noise too you scream cuz the only way to defeat evil is with screaming okay okay and uh that's that's what we got to do okay okay so oh what what what what I just realized this painting yeah yeah why is it what I I bought this from like the the the the flea market uh-huh for like $2 and I did not realize this creepy what has happened why is a face like that and why is the lady follow that's freaking wild wait didn't you say like on this street something happened a couple years ago like a a guy and the kid yes yes okay so I'm getting Goosebumps I'm not kidding I'm getting like Goosebumps right now okay here's the story about the street so I moved to the street all right it's a it's a pretty dark Street you cannot see anything outside but I was going to work early in the morning and I thought I saw a figure literally a figure of a woman and a little daughter just walking like this I rubbed my eyes looked up the figure wasn't there anymore I was curious I was like okay let me just type in my street address and type the word death the first article that was found was a woman and her daughter struck by a car the month before I saw that figure this is creeping me out let's just go over there you know the plan right okay here we go okay wait oh okay we go in there screaming okay okay 1 2 3 get away from my what no one's here no one's here no one's here no no no we got to check behind those things there's always something behind those things Marlon there's nothing behind those things how do you know cuz there's no like peripher are okay okay under the bed under the bed I'll check for you though I'll check for you we're good we're good oh okay under the bed under the bed yeah you check that side check this side okay 3 2 2 1 go I don't see anything you see me I don't think so let's just go downstairs and eat ramen Marlin call it night I know I'm so hungry wait wait wait what what what you need to look outside the window I'm just kid you need to look outside the window kidding like you need to this okay turn off the light so he can't see you uh there's definitely something out there do you see it what where do you see it go closer I don't see it where's is it on this side oh my God okay wait I think it was like a person I think it's a person I think it's a person you think it's an intruder I think it's an intruder it's an intruder it's an intruder it's not I don't think it's a ghost I think someone literally is here which is not good we need to call the cops or something that's not wait wait do we see them again I don't see him everywhere close close it wait what do we do Roy never like like I never had an intruder oh my God okay are we going downstairs or we going to no him do we go outside we need to go outside we have to go outside oh man so we're not dealing with a ghost we're dealing with the actual person I told you that's where the the ladder and the attic and stu oh oh we got to check on the ramen oh no Ramen Ramen how you doing Ramen give us this is wild this is how does this even happen cuz he how does this happen I don't know how this happen did you say like uh the person who used to live here was it like what happened like didn't they something with the house okay so this house we moved in because the people who used to live here before us there was a husband and wife but then the wife went missing huh and they had to sell the house what so that's why we're here I should have just taken that as a red flag I just want to make ramen that looks so good okay okay F so we go outside yes but we got to call the cops too okay do you hear that right that's definitely that's definitely a person dude that's definitely a person no I don't oh the door's open the door's open God oh my God oh my God the door is open the door is open Marlin the door is open boy the door is open Marlin how did I don't know I don't I swear I locked the doors every I I lock it every time no I just want to eat ramen we heard you out here you need to leave the premises now you need to leave hey you hear that you hear that I have a I have a bat I'm not afraid to throw it I'm not AF to throw my bat wasn't he standing over there so we saw the figure right there yeah and literally so this is where we were here yeah yeah we were in that we were in that right there and then we saw a person right over there I don't know why that light is on I don't know the why the back of the the house is open but that is exactly where we saw okay okay oh it's crazy he is anyone here we heard we saw you earlier we saw you earlier nothing shut what the heck Marlin you know where they could be oh yeah so we just wait for the police yeah that's a good idea what is that okay okay I heard you we know you're there we're calling the police right now yeah let's just see his face 3 2 1 you see what I don't know something like fell when you open the door he's in here he's got to be in here are you here are you here what did we just hear Marlin I don't know if we I thought it look look there's literally nothing here I don't know if we're dealing with a ghost or a human I don't know anymore I don't know so like I was saying the history of the house um the the Wife disappeared and then the husband he just sold the house so we were oh my God Marlin Marlin Marlin no there's no one in here and now he's out there but no one can the thing is we heard the knocking coming from inside this I know there's no one here and there's no way there's no there's another there's no other exits here no they can't leave you go go go go go I swear if this is locked I'm going to be so upset okay we're good we're good we're good okay it's not locked okay let's go inside call the cops eat some Ramen yes and then go another day okay there's no one here anyone here what the heck maybe it was just the wind oh my God what's that no no no no no no no no no I stop something like this no no no no get inside get inside like this okay let's just go make the let's just make the why why why why is all the cabinets [Music] open Roy Roy Roy Roy what what are you doing you okay Roy Roy Roy Roy what you what what wait hello you okay Ro what what it's just the the cabinet what the cabinets are open do you see that are you okay you I fell right I don't think it's good I don't think it's good what what's not good I don't think this is good no I know but that's why we have to call the police we should stop we should stop okay I L let's they're telling me to stop what who's telling you to stop stop they're telling me to stop who they telling me to stop who's telling you they're telling me to stop who telling you to stop just start
Channel: Guava Juice
Views: 402,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guava juice, guava juice youtube, youtube guava juice, roi, challenges, tutorials, funny, comedy, comedian, guava, juice, roi wassabi, ramen, spicy, spicy ramen, 3am, horror, guava juice 3am, new, new guava juice, 2016 guava juice, 2017 guava juice, old guava juice, spooky, ghost, haunted
Id: Rw4yKHgNVIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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