DO I HAVE A SPINE??? (Answered & Explained)

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mm-hmm [Music] hi guys it's Sophie dossi so this is probably the weirdest intro you've ever seen and you're probably like Sophie why are you in a backbend walking down the street in a public place first of all cause I can't second because I've been getting up the question a lot lately do I have a spine now I mean as you can see it doesn't really look like I have one and I hadn't made a video before about like do I have a spine it may you don't have a spine admit it I don't well I didn't expect her to actually admit but I didn't really answer the question so today I'll be doing the only thing a normal person would do when questioning they have a spine or not I'm gonna go see a doctor so let's go laughs [Music] wait what are you doing Sophie you can't drive like this we've already been over this um actually I can't let me teach you something about cars this is your foot that is the gas in the brake your foot goes on the gas in the brake [Music] no are you kidding Zach hand me the kids fine whatever you aren't driving though actually I am no what hey you're not driving like this this is dangerous you're literally gonna crash within the first five seconds how do you know that because you can't even touch the gas or the brake that's it Sophie get out get out of my car get out I don't want to die today get out you spineless fool get out I've already made an appointment with Dr Ricardo he's supposed to be one of the best doctors over there so we'll see I don't know maybe we'll get an x-ray or something I'm pretty sure this is it up here on the right Zach isn't that an animal Hospital uh yeah well that's the address I don't know see okay Zach are you sure this is a place yeah don't totally like this guy's the best okay [Music] what are you doing man hey what's up Ricardo how you doing man what have you been up to lately I've been just doing this stuff you know like lately I've been wanting to be one with nature so I I do dogs and I do humans in the same establishment wow that sounds pretty interesting yeah wow that's really interesting all right so what brings you in today well lately like a ton of people been asking me if I have a spine or not and I actually want to find out that for real show me why oh my God I only see two cases like this two cases so let me explain what I stick okay so imagine this stick is your spine right oh let me do some math real quick you don't have a smile the simple proof man you don't have no spine [Music] seriously yeah seriously well if you want the proper propagation you can go see a real doctor because I'm not a real doctor man wait you're not a real doctor wait what what effects are after me right now so no I'm gonna go now have a good day bye [Music] Sophie what's that I don't know man like like he said that he was legit we should go yeah we should go now yeah little weird he said the feds were after him yeah um I don't think we should go back there no no no no yeah I don't think so at all I don't know we need someone to like help us with this because I need to find out if I have a spine or not how are we even gonna do this now I don't know maybe we just get some random person to do it or something oh look it's some random person on the side of the road oh my God is that Matilda Matilda hey mom um I'm kind of lost can we go back to your house I'm hungry okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm so glad you found me I didn't know how to get home um Matilda why were you on the side of the road yeah I went I decided to go for a walk and you got lost yeah oh don't you live like five miles from here yeah so do you guys have food yeah okay okay like really hungry okay well I understand I'm so hungry so Matilda do you mind being in one of my YouTube videos I kind of mind so is that a yes or no well I won't feed you on this year I need your food [Music] oh for me so Matilda how you doing a lot better now that I rated your fridge so do you want a YouTube video now no no no no no no I don't think so are you gonna do a YouTube video with me give me back my watermelon are you doing the YouTube video with me only if you give me back my watermelon nope nope nope stay with me then I'll do a YouTube video you will yeah hi guys it's Sophie and welcome back to our new TV special called spine or no spine I'm with my friend Matilda I was given food to be here so first of all Matilda here um so basically I'm gonna be doing some super bendy contortion to eat and then Matilda's gonna try them and basically we're gonna see if I have a spine or not because Matilda here has a spot I'm excited first off foreign [Music] you guys I did it dang so proud of myself [Music] foreign [Music] now this is the final one it's called the triple fold Brett [Music] fine I can't do this anymore you are not human you don't have a slime goodbye [Music] Sophie I'm sorry [Music] Sophie and his name is John Cena I don't know why I let you do this to me this is my best friend no we're not best friends no [Applause] yes a few moments later [Music] Matilda yeah I'm sorry guess what I got you foreign [Music] anyways we're not going to end this video quite yet we're gonna resolve this we're gonna figure out if I have a spine or not so we're gonna go to Dr Google find out can you live nope nope okay well maybe here let me let me type in this does Sofie dossi oh that's the first thing that pops up have a spine no wait if you can't live without a spine and you don't have a spine I can't be alive right now foreign [Music] [Music] I'm breathing I wasn't breathing [Music] thank you so much for watching this video Matilda is not as weird as we made her look in this video I don't know why I let you guys do this no she did eat all that in and out I did not gonna lie what's up Mommy anyways guys thank you so much for watching this video I love you all three-way heart how do you do a three-way heart I'll be the bottom okay okay wait oh yeah Pizza Pizza [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sofie Dossi
Views: 45,979,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sofie dossi, america's got talent 2016, agt, contortionist, acrobat, sofie dossi youtube, logan paul, spine, vlog, daily, comedy, funny, ricardo, this shouldn't be possible!
Id: bLrhCKYTuHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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