Do gaming headsets sound good?

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high end competitive gaming oh it's really taken off the last few years and it's more accessible than ever so much so a lot of you guys have reached out to say that you want to move out of your dirty buds into maybe some more serious kinds of headphones but then there's a problem it's like it's one thing to be able to hear the people you're playing against but it's another thing to be able to yell at them too you've probably noticed as well with the same money as headphones you could get headphones and a mic combined it's called a headset uh here's one i made earlier don't laugh this works but since i also cost the same money as like a nice set of headphones you'd hoped you'd be able to use them for music as well i mean do gaming headsets sound any good well maybe i'm here to figure it out so i'm actually trying something for the first time and i'm still practicing but it's super exciting i've picked up these freakish ears on a stand so this is the mini dsp here's nice pun boys it's basically a means of calibrating headphones and such but i'm hoping to also record the headphones so you guys can take a listen as well but the thing is you know you'll be listening through your speakers or headphones so you know it's going to sound like those for the most part and also it's been put through the garbage compactor of content known as youtube which squashes things down look there are so many grains of salt right you're literally gonna have to go to the hospital for sodium poisoning i'm still learning how to calibrate and use this properly so it's like a bit of a benchmark maybe it's the herder six hundreds by old mates any you know recording these through these you know it almost sounds like it's getting a little bit of reverb or something again i'm still practicing and you know it doesn't affect my final outcomes just my attempts of hoping you guys can join in too [Music] now if i'm just going to claim gaming headphones that means my we got to start at the ground floor for the low low price of 25.99 it's these no name blue things base hd gaming headset your whoa it's got a corded cable it actually feels like a cheap shoelace for children's shoes ends in this array you know so you got mic headphones huh usb does this have usb audio no mate it's got something even more useless oh man when you rock up to the land party mate and you bust this puppy out whoa it lights up it's like two leds in like a crappy plastic housing best bit see how it shines through here that gets right into the peripheries of your eyes so any pair of headphones worth your money should have some sort of swivel in because out like our ears face forwards yeah they don't just sit on this like that they kind of angle in these don't do any of that in fact they just flat out don't fit they don't seal at all they actually sit like this a little bit open and they are just a crappiest plastic like screwy bit there oh oh they just come right out don't they oh baby that's where the business is they sound like a sock but the microphone is amazing so like this one time someone dared me to eat four bags of allen's chicos and i was like you're on and i spent two days on the toilet i lied i lied about the microphone it's got that horrific buzz in it the whole time there it is well it certainly earned a free mojo session i get messages from you saying make sure you go full volume oh ye of little faith i always go full volume whoa [Music] they didn't like that at all i mean 20-something bucks what a rip-off they absolutely stink they're literally good for nothing eyeballs oh no no it'll handle it oh that's a shame how many how many laps oh impressive oh gee but hey take a quick listen for [Music] yourself [Music] do [Music] so so up next for 78 aussie dollary days the razer krakens i mean these are trying to be pretty cheap i mean they're just a symphony of plastics but i actually really like these ear cups the ears go all the way in it's fake leather obviously but it's no no i actually kind of like how they feel basic controls down there and a microphone sound wise they're not bad they're not bad like the bass is pretty punchy but it's a little bit woofy and the top ends like pretty undetailed you know critical listening they not be but you know they're cheap although that said the left side was quieter than the right side and so and like looking at r things they were complaining about the exact same thing so this is the frequencies of the hd 600s see pretty dang flat a bit of a roll off in the base that's pretty common for you know critical listening kind of headphones and down here i've got what all this noise kind of means you know so down here is the sub bass here's regular bass most instruments honestly live here and then up here is like symbols and titans noises and whatnot and the higher the line is the louder that particular section of the music is and these graphs are things are tings by the way like such a good site anyway let's have a look at the krakens yeah yeah that's why the base is really punchy because this high-end bass bit has got that big kind of camel hump in it and then there's a roller coaster over here wow but that bump there's good for games because you know like gunfire and such kids love that but these guys aren't just a pair of headphones these have 7.1 simulated surround and actual super fun i mean the app that i had to install to get all that to work was super annoying and intrusive wanted all my details and like a scratch off code just to enable 7.1 surround on what is a budget pair of headphones razer but i gave it a try and rust you know so i found a section where there was like the ocean behind me and like grass and i just spun my character around a whole bunch of times and with my eyes closed i could find where the ocean is and all these gunshots off in the distance how tranquil but i was able to follow the noises and find the hateful people with the guns and then i died but then actual kicker the mic came bad so like i kind of lose track thinking about really important things like if a hot dog is a sandwich or not and like if you ask me it's totally a sandwich and i'll totally fight you about it right it's got this kind of crackle in the background and i'm gonna call it the crack and crackle but if you took that out of there it would actually be really good they got their flaws but they are comfortable and they are cheap and it does have the 7.1 surround and also it's very simple back end here it's just got the split or you can just have the single thing so it's just like a regular pair of headphones and i think that's why the app is so important because it kind of activates a lot of those like surround features they're low detail lopsided but they're comfortable and they work and heck depending how cheap they are why not take a quick lesson [Music] so so for one hundred and thirty eight dollar dues mate see we're going up the ranks i got some hyperx cloud twos and somebody's got a lot of headphones these things look like an absolute love child i mean look it's got the same support as bear dynamics which i've been doing since forever and the oval shape from a set of sennheisers so they're very very fun because i bet on american sennheiser being some of the oldest headphone makers in the world so yeah maybe a little bit of burrowing going on but in quality as well this is metal just like a bear dynamic and i gotta say these are comfy i you know they feel nice nice adjustment i really appreciate the dots so you can get both sides the same and that's like a bear dynamic very good the red's a little bit weird though i'm not nuts about the red i don't hate it but like i don't like it either sound wise i thought these were great they're quite balanced so here's all mate sennheiser 600s wait that is really flat a slight hump here again you know that just makes the base a little bit punchy being gaming headsets gunfire missile there you go flat flat flat and then kind of like a bear dynamic bear dynamics love doing that i'm not sure what that's all about but i don't find it ruins them it's like a very very specific spot and these don't bleed at all like they're yeah very well sealed and i love the modular vibe to this because look at that boom that comes out these really do look like a regular set of headphones if we get to the other end of this much nicer braided cable than the 20 ones we find usb doodler so you just got some simple controls here and literally you just go boink and you got 7.1 surround enabled no crappy razor speck app or any of that sort of thing no settings to play with you know since it doesn't have an app but man the simplicity of this i actually really vibe with it and look you can just get rid of it and that to me is a regular set of headphones and they actually sound good i like them i've had friends put them on and they went whoa i mean value-wise it comes with this breathable egg bag keep your eggs fresh and that but geniusly spare pads these got like the pleather ones which is fine i actually really like them but these are felt ones but more than that usually these pads are the first things to let go so if these go bad use whack these on like these will last forever the microphone is okay it's all right even with this massive like really fun looking pop filter i found it popped a little bit but i mean yeah take a listen so my last job was working at mcdonald's but i got a sack day because i stole all the cooking oil and poured it all over the car park mate turned into a drifter and hey people pulling in for maccas didn't even know they were participating man never seen a camry slide like that straight into the lamp pole made of superman i really like these i think they sound great honest i mean you know the recording gun here doesn't really sell these as well as actually wearing them you know it's like a vr roller coaster versus a real one but you know take a quick listen i really like these [Music] get a little more expensive now mate at two hunji aussie dollar doonies the steel series arctus fives nice rotating cups like that means they fit on your head better if we flip it around yeah very good a retractable mic which is nice cold mornings eh boys so right out the gates i do have to say they're really plasticky i really don't like this headband it's meant to be like a self-adjusting hockey spec whatever but i don't like it and these ear pads i mean there's nothing wrong with them they kind of feel like the front seats of a toyota camry you know you want them to be breathable and easy to wipe down and that sort of thing but they just kind of fall flat they don't have a lot of support in them and they're just ah i don't know like stuff like this wheel just doesn't feel too good it's all just uh sound you know it's conventionally good it's just not super detailed at the top end is okay uh you know honestly i don't find these better than the hyper x's i'd actually rather the hyper x's and they fit way better and they're way better built but maybe none of that matters to you maybe there's only one thing you care about and it's disgusting but i won't judge oh rgb rgb with that said this comes with a really nice app and like i you know i'm never going to like make fun of people for igb it's a hobby it's fun i don't have to make any sense never mind that you can't see them when they're on your head at least i don't shine into the sides of your eyes i mean that's a good thing but the app made it so easy and fun to like play with the rgb that you i ended up really liking it you know it just ends in like a usb cable you can use like regular headphone style for him but it's got this which is nice so that you can get your chat and your game balance just right just like with a little flick of this it does move pretty easily and it doesn't actually feel that nice uh and the mic is uh probably one of the best ones so like alert that cheese is just milk here and i was like i'm a genius so i tried to make cheese out of farmers union iced coffees and like there's so many toxins i need a liver transplant so yeah it's got a better mic than the hyperx's but honestly whenever i pick these up i never liked using them you know while testing just because they're just ah they don't feel like 200 headphones well i wish i took the rgb away and just gave better headband and better ear cups but that said i know a lot of you guys really like rgb i won't judge yeah they're not bad they're just not great value to me yeah quite lesson [Music] so it's getting a little bit more expensive now and i got really high hopes for these next ones these ones aren't closed backs these are open back headphones and also the same company that made the hd 600s i give you the gsp 550s also by old mate sandy these are built like a what the heck i mean look at this like aluminium parts these ear cups like really supportive and you can feel that they're you know sweat resistant basically it's like for army people but it's gaming but they better be built like a tank mate because they were three hundred and thirty seven dollar doonies that's hd 600 money at least the cables removable you know that's a nice touch so these are full blown open backs which actually makes them really nice to talk with you know because like clothes backs it's i don't know talk with your thumbs in your ears yeah number one you all look insane because i know you're all trying it how you get a lot of your own voice in your head kind of thing so like really noise-cancelling headphones can do that whereas these don't have any of that boominess so they're actually really nice to talk with unfortunately artings didn't have a graph for these like they didn't test them so sorry i don't have that but you know what the big problem is the top end i think it sucks it all sounds all kind of crushed together at the top it doesn't sound a nice big and open it's got a pretty good sound stage like soundstage is like the 3d effect you know how wide it feels but ah i don't know they don't even go that loud i mean where's the other end of this it's just got this button and then it just like you know it turns into the usb so most of these headsets they come with an app of some sort so that you can control them and like do settings and whatevers and make them you know hopefully work better so i was figuring that was what the issue was i couldn't get sennheiser's app to work at all not i was using my windows gaming machine like all the others just plugged in and went installed plugged in off you go some needed an update whatever's nothing it wouldn't recognize them and then right down to the end of it the sennheiser app wouldn't even open anymore so i couldn't test the 7.1 surround maybe they just suck for music but then they're amazing for gaming who knows the big killer they don't fit good at least in my head they pinch at the back of my ears it's really aggressive like they it's the hardest clamping headphones i've ever tried and i've done all the crazy adjustments that they got which flattens the top and this adjusts and oh man i'm so disappointed i really i thought these were going to be the ones that i keep oh man they're sennheisers they fit in with the horde of other headphones i got but then they had that terrible app i don't like that for the money they shouldn't sound like this they're not good enough i prefer the hyper x's again i put them on and go oh wow treble amazing that said the mic is actually good so it's one time i went down the shop so i was like we may give us all the biscuits you got and he's all like you like he's different kinds of biscuits which one and like i wasn't even ready for that kind of question and then we sat down and talked for 15 hours here it's a little bit crackly at the top end because all these i just smash from the computer and immediately started yelling into the microphones so i think with a little bit of adjustment this would be the best microphone it wasn't but you know it's still not worth it for the money for how they fit disappointment have a quick listen [Music] so we're at the top of the tree now like last ones these were 550 aussie bucks the astro a fiddies not cheap and honestly a lot of plastic going on a lot it's kind of got this rubber coating on it which you know it feels nice but over time that stuff usually turns into goop but we'll see who knows maybe got it better these are metal and like i like the the measuring lines you can really dial it in to fit your greasy head the controls are really nice wireless obviously they come with a base station that you can clack them into look here it is it's it's kind of like it's you know you get it it's kind of it's kind of like that because yes these are full-blown wireless but thankfully they got means to use them cabled style as well so they're not cheap there's a lot of plastic but oh man are they comfortable this shape just my ear fits in and it just i don't know these are just so comfortable and look at this you can easily take this off to clean them or replace them and they just go boink back ah wow but how do they sound they're effing great they're great you know again they're not crazy detailed you know a lot of these headphones are doing a lot of jobs and that you know changes how they kind of have to sound but man i would happily live out of these i thought it was great inbuilt means that makes your game and the voice really cool the kick thumps like it's they got a quite a good sound stage in terms of like how kind of big and wide they sound and amazingly when wearing them they feel like open backs like you don't get that head talky business which is a humongous plus like it's got that close back bass and punch but with that open back you know chatting and talking vibe the app is real nice there's heaps of options and things to change like noise gates for the mic they synced up just fine it shows you how much charge is left on the computer like yeah like well supported but unfortunately these had the the worst mic just one day i was jumping up down heaps because i was standing in a whole pile of ants with thongs and i'm like ah ants that's awful and the rules i could just not stand in the ants and then i didn't and then like everything was all right totally serviceable but it's it's woofy i mean you can see it's got that hump there you know basically all these do that gives it that but i mean forgive the up and down a little bit but for the most part it's reasonably balanced take a listen [Music] so are gaming headsets any good as regular headphones yeah yeah they are we've got two winners i mean the a50s i mean i really like these they're so comfortable and they were the best sounding by far in every single means mike's a bit of a letdown but it's totally serviceable yeah they're expensive but yeah they're good and mate i'd happily have the hypers gladly but how much they cost for how much value they are for how versatile and like actual headphone like you know no wireless to worry about you just plug them in and you use them and they got 7.1 surround just like these guys and i haven't said much about the 7.1 surround because it was just fun with all the headphones that supported it so heck yeah big fan of these the krakens almost get a recommendation depending on how cheap you get them you know they're the least detailed they're the most wolfy and one of the headphones was quiet on the other but the mic ain't bad it's got 7.1 surround the sound itself is totally tolerable and i actually find them reasonably comfortable i don't know under 50 bucks why not the steel series weren't bad but they just sit in no man's land to me you know they cost more money than the hypers while not sounding better and not being built any better either maybe that rgb matters to you but if you're looking for like good usable headphones that are versatile just nah either get the sevens or save money get the hypers and sadly you know the sennheisers i these are the ones that i wanted to win they were the least comfortable they were the most disappointing sound weights given they're almost the most expensive ones with the worst app like yeah the mic's not bad but that just ain't enough for me uh well maybe i've got to try their other ones because these ones just didn't do it for me what a shame that just over built and just undercooked but easily the best ones are these ones but that's it thanks so much for watching i hope this was useful in any sort of means you know big thanks to my patrons these sneaky names right here one dollar a month i do it to bits 25 cents a video maybe we're going to look at my headphone horde you know we've got the rack of the gods and the scrub tree so i'm going to do a little bit of a rundown on why there's some living on the gods rack and why there's some living with the scrubs but i'll see y'all next i time do you have anything to say about this current situation how the years going ready frank back up back up
Channel: DankPods
Views: 1,446,982
Rating: 4.9691839 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming headsets, gaming headset sound, gaming headset review, razer kraken, hyperx cloud, gsp 550, steelseries, astro a50, dankpods, audiophile
Id: 5thXK91hAoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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