I got some in ear monitors.

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iams i mean any monitors they're exactly as they sound they go in your ears so you got big open backs that make it you know you feel like you're in a big room well these are literally the absolute opposite one of their usefulness is the fact that they are basically earplugs so it's really nice being able to cut out noise and just have the music delivered straight into your greasy ear holes i lived out of a sennheiser set of in-ear monitors like all through high school and stuff with my ipod because you you basically just find a quiet room wherever you are i worked as a professional drummer and that's all i did through school and so basically having earplugs in my pocket at all times just oh so good so i got a selection of them and i know like there's so many different types these people go oh you didn't check out these all these like these are the ones i got and yes i baited you on the thumbnail i do have a two thousand dollar pair of innie monitors here to show you but we're gonna start at the cheapest mate and it's these very ones at 18 dollary dues that's aussie dollars samsung tuned by akg buds i mean i think these come with most samsung galaxy whatevers sort of like a cloth cable but cheap for some reason my pair arrived all scratched up on one side and speaking of scratched up i'm sorry if my hands look filthy that's all industrial glue and look at that i pinched my hands and a pair of pliers like that don't you love it when that happens i'm acoustic treating my warehouse room and so like not hand friendly activities i'm sorry but sound by akg i love akg first professional set of studio headphones ever used were k240s first audiophile investment set of headphones i got were k712s and hey these sound like crap they really do they're really muffly and wolfy the top ends all crushed together they have no sound stage any set of headphones could do left and right but then like better headphones can start doing in front and behind you these just do left and right but hey it's got a microphone and i get to yell into it so at this one time i'm eating some biscuits and all mate runs in and goes don't eat those mate they're dog biscuits and i'm like freaking out because i thought they were made out of dogs so i'm crying at this point i'm going is this labrador flavored i mean he's like no mate they're four dogs they're not for you and then i'm like oh that's all right and i kept eating them hey that's a pretty good mic i don't hate that at all i mean i hate the rest of it like um this cable and this is such a noisy cable and what do i mean by noisy cable like static or something no no i have a beard right and when wearing these this cable rests on my face guess what also rests on my face my beard so what happens is this rubs against it and you let you get like a like you hear everything that these rub up against could be your jacket it could be the straps on your backpack it sucks like heaps you guys might be living with a noisy cable thinking it's normal it's not it's cheap and garbage as soon as a cable does that for me it's disqualification what's the point of having earplugs if all it does is amplify the sound of your jacket rubbing on your headphone cable so 18 bucks not out of here yeah you know akg's dead guys all their engineers are gone they're all austrian audio now so yeah samsung just uses the akg brand the slap on stuff to make it seem like it's high range like the samsung beans and would you know they're not good either hmm oh poor akg so going up in price now fellas we're up to 35 aussie dollary dues and i've already shown these in another video but mate i've got a shout out them about them again it's the kz zsn pro x's yes i say zed just deal with it these fit great the samsung's didn't by the way that's actually metal oh i love the clear plastic they're not hiding anything oh removable cable you can only do that with those akgs with a pair of scissors they've got a little bit extra bass and a little bit extra top end but i think it's tastefully done with like walking around headphones like these those are the sounds that get soaked up by like bus engine noises airplanes whatever so a little bit extra that i mean that makes sense and hey this cable not noisy at all rubs up all over my greasy beard and there's no problems oh and mate look it's got a mic so it's one time we're driving off to the shops because like we're all out of dog biscuits and then like we're three calls away there we realized that like our dog died three years ago and then it's kind of like dawning on me that i like those dog biscuits with with three years old they're still pretty good not as good as the samsung's but then it's got the way better sounding earbuds which are like user replaceable cables so you can get balanced outputs if you want actually have some sound staging where there's a little bit of forwards and back and has a cable that doesn't amplify whatever it's rubbing up against now we're jumping up a bit right you know my early sennheiser days i'm a fan of sennheiser right so these are 120 aussie bucks but i mean you do get this hard case i really like it so these are the sennheiser momentum in ears they are not that comfortable they they just aren't like a bullet it's like you're loading your ears not bad sound not bad not anything amazing i still think like the cheap kzeds are way better it's got a mic so at this one time we're looking for a new dog but then like uncle kevo hasn't had a job in a while and he was kind of like yo how about i be your dog and you can hire me and it's like well you know he can sleep on the veranda he gets eat dog biscuits they're not bad you know it's better than the current situation he's out where he's literally like sleeping under a kindergarten i'd like it's it's not even above ground mate but he's figured out a way to get under there good mic better than the kz's i think it's probably the best mic to be honest and then just bang disqualification why is that well made of course it's got the noisiest cable out of all of them anything that touches this cable is amplified straight into your earhole so yeah the sound is alright the microphone's actually quite good they're not particularly comfortable and then all you hear is your beard wow in that weird the two biggest companies so far have made headphones that are literally unwearable like this is unbearable i don't i'd never want to wear these for the money of those sennheisers you could get four pairs of these like ugh all right now we're getting into the real keen territory all right so these ones come in at 460 bucks very kind of theo to send me these i'm trying to buy everything for reviews now i really do just prefer doing that it's a lot easier because usually you know companies want me to sign something and they piss me well when's your video coming out and it really annoys me if you just sent them to me anyway like that so they're always super cool the fd5s and look at these against my shattered warehouse hands these look like jewelry polished stainless steel like they are satisfyingly heavy these fit great my left ear is a different shape to my right it's normal i swear stop bullying me these fit beautiful and they just look epic of course fully removable cable as you'd expect but when you're getting into this price range it's usually the accessories that come with it that really make these a bit of value i suppose so inside the box well i don't get worked up about presentation anymore you know beats by drain the raycons kind of kill that for me like what does a nice unboxing mean if the product's no good but i mean oh snacks well i mean the the presentation is beautiful like this cut foam and like this wallet it's not what i'd call a portable case but i would still call it a very very nice one and under here i mean it's like a factory it's like a full-blown workshop in here for however you want to wear them i mean working as a drummer i love these earplug tips they are so good you do take a knock in the sound naturally it's so good being able to be on like a full-blown loud stage and you just get that monitor dial just in that's super good and there's memory foam ones there's so many kinds but the the cleverest trick here the more hardcore audio equipment has balance output where the signal sent down both cables set of just one and it gets rid of noise through phasing you know and so you can get the little tiny 2.4 and also the big 4.4 a lot of time you'd have to swap cables but what theo have done is you just change the tip you've got a nostril brush just stick that in your nose and twiddle it feels great don't do it extra tubes i guess you know because they can get clogged up over time yes earplugs are gross so they give you spares excellent but then the 4.4 and 2.5 balanced connectors which would turn this into a balanced cable like that's so cool you don't need a new cable just change the tip like they've given you everything to plug these into whatever the heck you got basically put the snacks back for later well for that amount of cash though they better sound good and uh yeah they do the kz's are conventionally good like they they sound great but this is a noticeable step up i mean with any monitors it's hard to get sound stage that nice big wider feel these are far wider than these they're far more balanced they've still got like a little bit of extra top end people tend to like that kind of sound with in-ear monitors you know that kind of intense thing but what i realized this is the bass is way smoother with like really big stinky like dancehall music or whatever the kz's do a really good job of giving a nice top and bottom end and then these guys fill in all the details in between it's a noticeable bump up no microphone to yell into that so these next ones weren't really meant for this video actually i bought these purely for me i haven't really done any traveling at all i'm a country boy here in sa you know moved to the city for a jazz degree but when i go traveling i'd love to bring a nice set of headphones with me now my favorites are the audeze lcd twos the only problem is you need like a support truck along with these to use them your big crazy cables you need an amp and a dac with these the case for these is huge like in this strangely fragile hey yeah i i don't want to be dragging these around the world so the cool thing about them is they're not like standard speakers a standard speaker looks like this it's called a dynamic driver it's just a single piece of plastic that makes all the noise there's a magnet on the back you know classic speaker that we're used to the lcd2s are a planar magnetic it's literally like a membrane with traces on it no magnet hanging off it the magnets are around it and it just goes boom it's so crispy clean and the base is heaps like ah i'd love a super portable version of that well hold on to your butts orders you've done it he's been out for a few years but planar magnetic in is and yes they are full-blown open backs these are not ear plugs at all when you put them in you don't hear the world go it's just yeah you're just sticking like an open tube in your ear and you can see look how big the outside of it is it's just like these it actually has like plano magnetic technology in it so they're called the i signed 10 it's a smiling man certificate of authenticity because these were over 500 aussie bugs i'm telling you like these were not cheap and you got dingus bits and 128 megabyte flash drive with the instruction manuals on it that's a little bit like it's a bit wasteful for plastic considering most people never even read instructions if you look at the back man you see there's a lot going on in there look it's even got a diagram of this oh i'm so excited oh look here they are right at the gate they feel nasty they are so cheap feeling and this springy spaghetti cable that's got like a memory to it so it fights me it wants to be a shape these have really big overhang right so these clips are really important to hang on your ear so they actually stay on your head but oh oh this plastic housing is just yuck yes you can swap the cables out that's i mean you'd expect that at this price range the cable is just like the cheap nasty sennheisers i mean they're not noisy but they're not nice but hey it's all about the sound maybe these are all the concessions i had to make to put this technology in something so portable that i literally could stuff in my pocket and have just plano magnetics just whenever i want i hate how they sound yeah sure they've got great bass extension that doesn't mean they have heaps of bass it means like your cheap headphones can't play the crazy low sub bass the stuff that you don't even hear you feel it these can do some of that but the top end is rubbish my audio engineer friend put this on and went oh the top end's not very good huh i don't find them comfortable i don't like the cable and i just don't like the sound that means i especially hate the price honestly i'm a huge fan but ah not with these so we're up to the last lads and the ones i baited you in here with because they are 2 000 aussie dollar dues if i wanted to buy them meze the makers of the classic 99s and the cheaper neos which have the same guts but without the mahogany housings i love them when i tried them they're awesome they're like would you like to try some two thousand dollar innie monitors i'm like you're insane for sending them to me but sure the madmen did it they even gave me the big stinky 4.4 balance cable oh big boy so they look like headphones that if you bought a new maserati these would be waiting in the glove box for you that's how they look to me they are understated yet really classy looking i love that logo of theirs and these are vented on the back so they're like semi open backs funny enough look at the milling on that it messes just make really nice cases that's this is my favorite case out of all of them i know so i've got the regular three and a half mil cable you know that's that's the one they ship with it uh and then you've got the the big dingus and then the airplane double dingus that's nice romanian by the way now i love saying that because i'm all the romanians who watch go not as many as fio but enough bud bits i mean they don't have those earplug tips but it's not really what these are about i suppose um i love these ones here like open cannons but they didn't fit as good those ones did that's it really that's all it comes with so the left ones a little bit hard to fit in my ear it's not a fault of these it's my stupid head i'm very aware of that but these are the most balanced out of all of them it doesn't have that really intense high end that maybe a lot of iem drivers kind of like that something that they do they can be really intense and that's fun for some genres of music but soundstage like again these are semi-opens they bleed a little bit not heaps so they're not really meant to be full-blown earplugs but these are the widest out of all of them like percussive sounds like applause and stuff like it's crispy and sharp so yes these are very expensive although funny enough this is nowhere near the top end i mean you could spend five or six thousand bucks on a set of iems this is like the beginning of the top shelf and you know it's all diminishing returns the higher up you go the harder it is to make improvements a lot of pop music sounds great out of nearly anything even those crappy akg samsungs like earth wind and fire september with the bongo man in the right ear that you can't ignore now you can't ignore the bongo man but live albums is what brings out the good and bad headphones to me like acoustic instruments the sound of synths bouncing off the walls in the stage along with the audience participation you that's where you get that huge 3d vibe you can hear in front of you and behind you so much detail my go-to test for this is george benson's affirmation the live version because the intro like there's so much going on those samsung akgs just do left and right but you put on a good set of cans and this is all around you the mastered version on title and yes there is a bump over spotify these just have that extra and i found myself using these the most you know where i'll just let tidal pick a whole bunch of songs and only half of them load because it's barely functioning apps so funny enough these might take the place of the audeze eye signs that i bought where i wanted a nice wide sound stage that i could just chuck my pocket or maybe in that little case and put it into a bag as i travel so heck there you go so cheers messy you did it ah but there are a couple of little gadgets i want to show you last time i took a quick look at some iems people mentioned that like i didn't say that you can get things that turn these into wireless this is like a cheap ebay one so it's pretty nasty to be honest plug your headphones into this and now you have beautiful stainless steel headphones connected to ebay nonsense but there's something better than this so when theo sent me these like thanks guys you didn't have to the cheeky monkeys also included the utw 53 catchy name i know it's this box metal lid plastic everything else though usbc good but inside oh are you catching on and now you got true wireless audiophile in ears because these just aren't like bluetooth dongle whatevers they're also headphone amplifiers this might be a big chunky case but it's designed so you can just stick in whatever earbuds you have hanging off of them and if it looks like these only work with fios no these work with shoes oh heck they'll work with the mezzes there you go that's fun i could literally listen to one message and one theo if i wanted to uh about 100 us bucks i mean this it's just so cool that these things exist where like there are some things that cables do better than bluetooth like latency that's why it's been the focus of this video because yeah sometimes you just need a hard-wired connection to get the best but then these same companies are also making really cool gadgets to make things wireless as well so super quick recap akg samsung's trash nice mic trash cable trash sound i'm sorry if i offend any of you who use these and like him but if anything get excited because music gets so much better than this for instance you know a little bit extra and this is a humongous jump humongous i keep rating these because they keep being good so boy sennheiser's disqualified terrible cable not that great of fit nice mic you know and again like the samsung akg and sennheiser ones you can't pull out the cable you can't even fix the biggest issue with them how much does it cost to just have two cables you can go like that kzed's doing it for a quarter of the price with better sound so hmm big companies sure like to make junk the fio fd5s uh i really like these you know for pop music i actually found these a little bit more fun to listen to and the fact that they are earplugs as well like that's just super useful it's one of my favorite things about these you know if i want a big open sound i'll wear big open ears yeah really nice and well supported lots of spare parts heaps of bits and whatevers and that interchangeable cable it's not i mean it's 400 something bucks but you get everything in there and you know stainless steel anyone who knows what stainless steel is all about knows that he's gonna look good for a long time all these eye signs they're cheap and nasty feeling and just don't sound that good that's all i have to say uh and the meze ray pentas the best sounding ones of the day funny enough i mean you kind of hope that the two thousand dollar pair be the best ones it's all diminishing returns and again nice wide sound stage out of something this small like and they're beautifully built not as many accessories as the fio but i love that you can get a big stink cable just right out i genuinely enjoyed wearing these i haven't used any buds for like quite a while now you know i tend to do all my listening at home nowadays but i'm i'm super stoked to have these and uh you know and that quick mention of um theo's like headphone wireless maker and i don't worry very well they can bounce around a little bit on the top of my ears but that's okay and actually they have a microphone there in there so like uncle kevin's that dog now and it like super sucks because all he does is rob the house and he poos on the carpet and he dug up the back lawn i don't even know how he did it mate well actually i mean he bowed the excavator from bunnings mate because like you know he took all of our things and sold the money to rent the bunnings excavator but now it's going all right i mean hey we all get dog biscuits now the microphone's pretty average huh i mean they're not that expensive and they basically turn your already awesome iems into nice wireless ones with an app go fear just yeah if it was my money i probably would get the fios i mean they're literally a quarter of the price and they still do a fantastic job but that said owning both of these i would grab these portable nice wide headphones so nice and that's it thanks so much for watching a huge thanks to my patrons especially these stinky names right here mate because one dollar a month i do it to videos and i've been putting this warehouse together it's why my hands look awful i'll give you a quick tour of the nugget realm i mean there are things in here i'm not going to make vids out of for a really long time and so hey you get a little bit of a sneak peek of what could be future vids in a few years time there's some weird stuff in here so thanks so much for watching and mate i'll see you all next time what's so good about this rock man there's something about this rock that she knows that i don't know look at that face lick in the rock well simple pleasures give me a lick
Channel: DankPods
Views: 2,244,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IEMs, in ear monitors, dankpods, noise cancelling headphones, in ears, looking at my tags are you??
Id: KFv3eThZTo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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