Do Does Did ‖ Basic English Grammar ‖ Learn English with Teacher Aubrey

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hello i am teacher aubry and welcome back to my channel [Music] i offer here free english learning lessons in english in english grammar or in english language i invite you to subscribe here in my channel and also click the notification bell paradigm updated lessons in today's video lesson yes and and of course at the end part of the video made on short quiz to check how well you understand the topic so what are we waiting for let's begin before i discuss the basics of do dos and dead as well as the usage tips let's know first the basic rule of the grammar and kunsan let's look at the table here on the board we have here the different nouns or the different pronouns we have for the present and we have for the past objects plural nouns okay i you we they are plural nouns [Music] video let us now proceed to the basics for making negative sentences for making negative sentences in filipino [Music] so helping verb not to make it negative let's have here an example let's read i like chocolate cake is the main verb okay like okay and in this sentence verb okay so in this sentence a sentence do not like chocolate cake so in this sentence it will adding positive sentence now i like chocolate cake okay i do not like chocolate cake i don't like chocolate cake i do not like chocolate cake i don't like chocolate cake so a new formula negative sentences the formula goes like this this is the formula for you to master how to compose a sentence uh using do does indeed and to make that into a of course we need to have the subject plus the helping verb do or thus the word not okay i do not plus the main verb nabes plus the rest of the sentence chocolate cake so we have i do not like the chocolate cake and for oral communication usually pina paklina then we have don i don't like chocolate cake that's it we have here another example let's read he plays basketball he plays basketball let's try to change it into a negative sentence formula first we have the subject he after the subject we need to add the helping verb do or dos since i'm adding subject it or any singular noun i does he does not he does not what's next the main verb the nasa based form a new verb not a main verb we have is play original sentence and did a main verb nothing so we need to use play he does not play and the rest of the sentence basketball [Music] instead of saying does not or do not we use the construction so instead of saying does not we will say does doesn't okay we use does it let's read again the examples we have i do not like chocolate cake or we may say i don't like chocolate cake we have another example he does not play basketball he does not play basketball or we may say he doesn't play basketball think of your own examples don't be shy to share it on our comment section below now in this portion of our lesson i have here more examples of positive sentences in which you have to change them into negative sentences you may pause this video for a while yes and also i encourage everyone whenever i'm going to read a particular sentence you may repeat after me let's read first the very first example i gave you we have i don't like chocolate cake the next one we have is you dance gracefully you dance gracefully the next one is we go to negros every year we go to negros every year next is they live in a subdivision they live in a subdivision next we have is she wants a new book she wants a new book and the last we have is that room looks comfortable that room looks comfortable it's not comfortable it's not comfortable it's comfortable now let's try to answer them the first one we have here is you dance gracefully the subject we have on subject the word not okay you do not dance you do not dance gracefully okay as i told you by this do not don't okay you do not dance gracefully your wedding said you don't dance gracefully try to think of your own examples and through that way nicely and that's real so what you share is adding comment section saying using the negative sentence next as we have we go to negros every year let's change this into negative of course firstly we have the subject we plus do or does since our subject is we do plus the word not we do not um we don't we do not or we don't plus the main verb go to negros every year so that is the negative version of this sentence we do not or for oral communication they usually say we don't we don't go to negros every year now let's move on to the next sentence we have they live in subdivision they live in subdivision how about you senkera they leave in subdivision let's change that into negative firstly we have the subject they since the subject is slay and adding helping verb i do they do plus the word not or we may say don't they don't or they do not live in a subdivision period so the negative sentence for this the elevenness of division it becomes they do not or they don't live in a subdivision next sentence we have is she wants a new book she wants a new book this holiday season um try to think of that she wants a new book so let's try to make this into a negative sentence we have first the subject she since the subject is she a subject [Music] plus the word not so but it's everything she does not or for oral communication she doesn't she does not or she doesn't want we just have to use the base form of the main verb the main verb we have here is once since we need to use the base form yes she does not or she doesn't want a new book that's it and for the last one we have that room looks comfortable that room looks comfortable hmm we have first the subject that room room is singular noun that room is a singular noun plus the word not or we may use the construction doesn't look we just have to use the word look the main verb in and use its base form look comfortable so that's the sentence we have that room does not or that room doesn't look comfortable that's it now let's try to read all these answers that we have one by one the helping verb do or does plus the word not and of course the main verb of course the rest of the sentence and always end that with a period let's read the sentences we have i don't like chocolate cake we also have you don't dance gracefully you don't or you do not dance gracefully we also have we do not or we don't go to negros every year we also have they do not or they don't live in a subdivision we also have she does not or she doesn't want a new book and lastly we have that room does not or that room doesn't look comfortable and now as i told you plus the helping verb the helping verb did okay did plus the word not plus the main verb form and the rest of the sentences didn't okay so i didn't like chocolate cake i didn't like chocolate cake you didn't dance gracefully you didn't dance gracefully what else we didn't go to negros they didn't live in a subdivision we also have she didn't want a new book she didn't want a new book and lastly we have that room didn't look comfortable then is okay so this is the first usage of do just ended for making negative sentences you may pause this video for a while [Music] the rest of the sentence okay let's look at the example here we have i look good in this dress i look good in this dress i look good in this dress followed by the subject i do i do i followed by the main verb which is look do i look plus the rest of the sentence do i look good in this dress and of course since this is a question so that's it we already have a question do i look good in this dress do i look good in this dress [Music] let's try to read them one by one repeat after me do i look good in this dress that's the first example next these are the sentences we have you speak french you speak french another one we have we have some activity for tomorrow we have some activity for tomorrow does he walk to office okay so others we have leia works at the bank leia works at the bank another one is these device has a microphone this device has a microphone let's now uh change them into questions the first one we have is you speak french the subject we have here on subject nothing i you know subject i you i be they or any plural [Music] do you speak french and the vegan question mark that that's it do you speak french next we have some activity for tomorrow the subject we have is we the hello do we have some activity for tomorrow and that must end with a question mark do we have some activity for tomorrow musa do you speak french do we have some activity for tomorrow does he walk to office does he walk to office into question works at the bank leia works at the bank on thus [Music] at the back english language works and of course that should end with a question mark and lastly we have this device has a microphone this device has a microphone so the subject we have here is this device it don't device like a device so that is singular [Music] is device has a microphone and the main verb the base form of the word has or the verb has is have so instead of saying has it will be have does this device have a microphone question mark so these are our sentences change into questions we have the first one do i look good in this dress the second one is do you speak french do we have some activity for tomorrow does he walk to office does leia work at the bank does this device have a microphone those are the examples do you speak french do we have some activity for tomorrow rising intonation the question is do you speak french yes you do you you subject plus the helping verb yes you do do we have some activity for tomorrow pretty much yes we do no we don't know another example is does he walk to office but it will be so good now yes he does i say our subject no she doesn't and lastly we have does these device have a microphone does this device have a microphone yes it does [Applause] [Music] words we have w and h we have what where who when why and how um the first one we have is do i look good in this dress how do i look in this dress instead of answering yes or no straightness how do i look in this dress next do you speak french how many languages or how many language do you speak how many language do you speak next we have do we have some activity for tomorrow what kind of activities do we have for tomorrow next we have does he walk to office what time does he walk to office where does leia work where does leia work and lastly we have does this device have a microphone what kind of microphone does this device have what kind of microphone in these example questions that we have no questions positive questions okay positive negative questions formula let's look at the formula we have do or dos plus the subject ayan okay that was the subject not do or does plus the subject plus the word not plus the main verb the base form and the rest of the sentence negative sentence the first one we have is do i look good in this dress negative sentence do i do i not look good in this dress looking negative next do you speak french do you after the subject we need to add not do you not speak french do you not speak french do we have some activity for tomorrow after the subject we need to add not so after we that the now not do we not have some activity for tomorrow do we not have some activity for tomorrow next does he walk to office the subject we have is he so after he we need to add not does he not walk to office does he not walk to office next does leia were at the bank does leia work at the bank after the subject layout not does leia not work at the bank does leia not work at the back next and then does this device have a microphone does this device have a microphone so after the subject device mcdonald not does this device not foreign and instead of do and us doesn't okay instead of saying do i look good in this dress mcgee don't i look good in this dress nothing not okay let's try you may pause this video for a while and write your answers on the comment section below so boo hannah then so you're adding do i look good in this dress magiking don't i look good in this dress nagging don't i okay next we have do you speak french mcgeeking don't you speak french next we have do we have some activity for tomorrow mcgee don't we have some activity for tomorrow we also have does he and does he doesn't he walk to office doesn't he walk to office does leia work at the back magiking doesn't lay your work at the back and lastly we have does this device have a microphone does will become the subject okay and lastly i'm adding helping verb helping verb in making questions didn't okay then plus the subject was the main verb known as a base form and the rest of the sentence so you don't attend did i look good in this dress did you speak french [Music] did he walk to office did leia work at the back and lastly we have did this device have a microphone you may pause this video for a while paramas mabasa atmos didn't i looked good in distress section those are the two uses of do does and did or the helping verbs do dos for making negative sentences and also for making questions [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't can swim i don't can swim hindi so you know i don't can't swim i don't know okay or did not that is a big no-no sentence verb now not okay i cannot swim okay instead of saying could not you may say couldn't that's it now let's move on to our second usage tip which is for the verb be the verb be or be verbs special case noun verb okay you'll be verb or verb be we have am s or we have here is are where okay i am that is just a present form of a linking verb okay of the verb present for the pronoun i i am a teacher negative sentence sentence i am not a teacher and to sound more fluent more especially in spoken english instead of saying i am contraction i am which is i'm i'm not a teacher okay i'm not a teacher um are you a teacher are you a student that's it is that's the second usage tip now let us move on to our usage tip number three which is the double do ah double do or double [Music] [Music] we have here this example let's read i do a lot of reading in my free time i do a lot of reading in my free time main verb it doesn't function as a helping verb sentence i don't do a lot of reading in my free time okay i don't do a lot of reading in my free time the first do is don't which is a negative helping verb don't or do not okay followed by our main verb which is do okay i don't do a lot of reading in my free time that's it don't you do a lot of reading in your free time don't you do a lot of reading in your free time okay let's have another example he always does his tasks on time he always does his task on time i think a made verb does sentence or negative statement negative statement it will become he followed by the helping verb doesn't he does it always base formula i think these formula does i do he doesn't always do his tasks on sign he doesn't always do his task on time so nakarita and double do we first have the doesn't which is a helping verb followed by the word jew which acts as on time now let us move on to our usage tip number four and the last usage tip for this topic of dodos indeed yes dude or examples the first one we have is i do have money i do have money usually i have money i have money since the subject we have here a subject in a verb or helping verb okay i do have money i do have money i do have money that's it next is bo does speak english fluently bo does speak english fluently [Music] does speak english fluently beau does speak english fluently cannot be in my emphasis statement okay and lastly we have i did send you the file i did send you the file hmm okay is i did send the file once again i didn't do those indeed for giving emphasis into our statements and those are the different uses of do does i'll try my best to check and read them one by one change the following sentences according to the instructions video number one i go to the church every evening i go to the church every evening into a negative sentence negative sentence number two he wants to move to hong kong he wants to move to hong kong negative sentence it rained heavily yesterday it rained heavily yesterday number four yuna did something wrong yuna did something wrong number five you have a beautiful garden you have a beautiful garden gagawini number five number six his friend rides a motorcycle his friend rides a motorcycle you have to change the statement into question number seven the program started on time the program started on time question adding statement number seven and for statement number eight um let us now reveal the answers i hope you got the same answers let's look at the board number one you know why not independent negative the answer we have is i don't go to the church every evening looking negative i don't go to the church every evening number two he doesn't want to move to hong kong he doesn't want to move to hong kong number three it didn't rain heavily yesterday it didn't rain heavily yesterday but it didn't it's a yesterday okay at you'll reign [Music] yesterday and didn't next number four yuna didn't do something wrong yoona didn't do something wrong past tense next question do you have a beautiful garden at the question question mark next number six does his friend ride a motorcycle does his friend ride a motorcycle pass okay does his friend ride a motorcycle and that was the question mark number seven did the program start on time okay [Music] helping verb did did the program start on time question mark and lastly for number eight magdalene emphasis statement you don't know how to fix this beginning if you share your answers and your scores on the comment section below and that's all for today's lesson if you learned something from this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up share it with your friends and of course i'm inviting you to subscribe to my channel as well as to hit the notification bell comment section and also i would like to thank you all from different video lessons very [Music] yaya wonder thank you so much for subscribing next is shout out to mandate yolinda abarentos hello you need the albertos shout out mom [Applause] here in romania god bless romania romania and thank you edward next to man shout out nathan i see jay boy burbante hello sayojay boy burban desavina you deserved it ma'am i'm happy for you thank you so much congrats but shout out to the next videos j boy congrats to your unexpected milestone for only a few months as i told you ma'am silver button from you yes [Music] subscribe support us on a subscriber i suggest you can put it on the wall at your back while you're having a vlog or wonderful content about english actually staffing uh working area computers silver play buttons next time your voice is very convincing and you are down to earth and your content is very informative that's why that youtube bottom deserves for you or this you deserve that youtube often i am so ecstatic and proud of you your hard work and sleepless nights are now paid off i love you ma'am as my english teacher and mentor in life shout out again my name nathaniel aka for being a very one of my very loyal subscribers since i started up to now yet but i really appreciate that next time i eat chocolate and see leo hello leo coyo solid subscribers hello bernadette she is my uh at this high school friend best friend i'm so proud of you ob watching her muscat and till our next learning english videos bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Aubrey Bermudez
Views: 487,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aubrey Bermudez, Learning English, English Lessons, Paano Gumaling sa English, Improve Speaking, Improve Writing, Aubrey, Teacher Aubrey, Learn English with Teacher Aubrey, Learn Grammar, Matuto ng English, Paano Matuto ng Mag-English
Id: 6KDGGycyWik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 34sec (4234 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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