Do All Strippers Think The Same? | Spectrum

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- Society says that women can move seductively. It is sexy. It is looked at as beautiful. When a man does it, it's looked at a little of feminine. - Gyrating like this? - Yeah, it's thought of being-- - Like this? (Chris laughs) - Feminine. - There you go! - Yeah that's-- - Give us an example. (upbeat synth music) - [Prompter] I consider myself a sex worker. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - I think there are varying degrees of sex work. I think that there's a spectrum and I think that as a stripper, I was on the spectrum of being a sex worker. I wouldn't necessarily have called myself a sex worker in the past because I didn't have enough education on what a sex worker was. And I also feel like I've not earned the right to call myself a full service sex worker. So, that's why I just prefer sex worker because there's a higher degree of sex work above stripping I think. - I don't find myself to be a sex worker. I find myself to be creative. When I'm on stage performing, even though it's sexual, you're creating a whole act. - I agree with that it is an art form and that you are creating a whole persona. Whether it's the fireman act or your cop act, cowboy, something like that. But it's still in the sex industry. And you're a sexy ass dude. Don't try to deny it. And you out there being sexy for the ladies and that's why they're there to see you because it's sex. Sex sells. - For me a lot goes into what I do at work. The way that I put myself together, the way I present myself, the way that I do hair and makeup and glam and outfits and all that kind of stuff goes into it. And I think that goes more into entertainment than it would sex work. - But don't you think that when you're out there that the majority of your clientele is men, right? - Yeah. - They're out there because they fantasize about being with you, specifically, you know what I mean? So I think that you should be considered a sex worker cuz that's what your clientele's thinking when they see you. - Well that would be the same way that they see Angelina Jolie as well though. They go see her movies because she is a great actress, but she's also an extremely beautiful woman. So a male can go and watch her movies and say, "God I wish I was married to Angelina Jolie." But she's a bonafide movie star. - [Prompter] My career is misrepresented in the media. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - Magic Mike and Chippendales are two most iconic figures for males stripping and I don't think they misrepresent males stripping. If anything I think they're pretty on point because I actually started dancing because I watched Magic Mike. Yeah. That's what got me thinking I could do this. Yeah, I wanna be a male stripper and since I've started dancing it is very similar to the movie. You got the review, you got the house parties and that's pretty much, it's cut and dry. But we got a lot of people that think that we gay too a lot of times. And I get women all the time saying, "Are you gay or you're dancing gay?" I have nothing against gay people. - Where does that media come from though? You know? Like, where do they get that idea? - Society says that women can move seductively. It is sexy. It is looked at as beautiful. When a man does it, it's looked at a little of feminine. - Gyrating like this? - Yeah, it's thought of being-- - Like this? (Chris laughs) - Feminine. - There you go! - Yeah that's-- - Give us an example. - This is gay? - Not that it's gay. - This is gay? - It's just, most men do not have that kind of coordination and rhythm. Okay. - It's wild cuz customers will talk to me or talk to dancers for a little bit and then they'll be like, "Wow, you're kind of smart." And they're surprised or they're like, "Wow you're funny." - But they say that to us too. They don't think we're smart at all either. They just think we're muscle in a body. That's all they think we are too. - Jokes that I see all the time is that we are supporting our drug habits and our children and we're just turning tricks all the time. Yes, some of those things are true but that's not all it is. And then on "Family Guy". Is it "Family Guy" or "American Dad" where they're basically like strippers have no souls. And I've actually had people say that to me because they're learning it on TV and I told her very kindly, don't ever say that to someone ever again. You learned the wrong information. That is not how we are. - [Prompter] Sexual harassment comes with the job. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - For example, the DJs that that we have sometimes they're really touchy with the girls and if you're not the type of girl that likes to get touched, then you tell them no, they won't put you on stage and they will skip you and they will put girls ahead of you. So it's either you're gonna really tip them. - That's crazy. - And I tend to tip them a lot. - I've never experienced that. - Yeah, and I have always kind of bumped heads with some of the DJs because of that. I mean, it's wrong. And then sometimes the customers are really touchy and it's kind of like-- (exhales) You know? I don't know. - I've never personally had that experience. Customers, they can get drunk. But I've never had anything outlandishly disrespectful happen at work. I've been recognized by people at the mall and stuff and I've had really nasty things said to me. - So would you say outside work you get harassed more than inside work? What do you think? - Yeah. 'Cause I mean, I'm free game at the mall. I'm shopping, I'm on my phone and I just hear somebody down the hall screaming, "You strip," you know, they called me the B word. And I'm like who is this person and then I turned around and he was like, "When you in the club, "you act like you don't know me, you can't dance with me "you don't see me, you think you too good." And stuff like that. I've been cursed out malls, parties, all kind of stuff. Called slut, all kind of stuff. So that does happen. - There's a difference between male stripping and female stripping because you got bouncers, you got security, you've got your employer. Male stripping is independent contracting. So when we show up to a party, it's usually house parties. It's the majority of our work. There are reviews. But you're only there for what like one to two hours at a club and we're men. It's just like a classic case, I don't know since way back when, since the beginning of time that women have always been victimized and sexually harassed and it's kinda hard to sexually harass a man I feel like. - I've had people punch me when I was on stage. I'd have people try to finger me during a lap dance. I've had everything. People untie your bikini, people touch your boo. Like, everything. Touching your face is gross. But I think you should expect somewhat of some sexual harassment from a situation that's that sexually charged. Especially if you add alcohol to it. - Sometimes I like the sexual harassment, I'm not gonna lie. - Well I'm not saying that you should like it or you should have to like it, but you should kind of expect it sometimes or be prepared for it at least. - [Prompter] My job affects my ability to maintain a romantic relationship. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - I am a dad of three kids. When they come see me and Cali, I don't dance. I shove it to the side for three, four weeks. But at the end of the day it's important that I maintain a single life so I can make the utmost money for them. And being single is better because if I have a woman, she's gonna tell me, "Well I don't want you to go out this tonight. "I want you to perform tonight," and stuff like that and it's gonna hurt my stuff. - I was with someone for five years and it was all fine until one day he just wasn't okay with it anymore and started slut shaming me after five years. But, the dude I'm with now just doesn't really, not that he doesn't pay attention to it, but he doesn't come into the club. He doesn't really have to see what I, you know. I don't know, I guess it would bum him out if he saw the amount of flirting. - [Chris] Like outta sight, outta mind? - But it's different flirting than how I would flirt with him. But it's weird cuz people change. Like, they think that they're fine with it or they pretend like they're fine with it and they're really not. - For me, it's not that I can't find someone that'll accept me. I wouldn't want to date anyone while I'm stripping. Because I mean, the things that we have to do, it's like we're acting like if we're interested in the customers or flirting. And I feel like in a way that's to me, I'm not saying for everyone. To me that's like cheating. Like I can't, I can't. And then when they ask you, "Do you have a boyfriend?" And then if I say yeah, then it's like that's already kind of like a deal breaker. You know? - [Prompter] I've dated or gotten intimate with a customer. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - In my 10 years of dancing, I had one guy come in and try to actively pursue me. So it was like every shift he was coming in and he wasn't totally haggard. So, after a while I was like, all right I'll go on a few dates with you. But, he turned out to be a total fucking weirdo so it didn't have to last anyway. - Oh no. - I performed in New York City in Webster Hall and I met my ex-wife there. - Oh wow. Oh! - It was a blessing because I have three beautiful kids and we are still friends and it's cool, you know what I'm saying? Because I did meet a good person at the time. - Sometimes you meet someone just like you would out at the nightclub or the bar and you're like, yeah let's go home and do stuff together. I mean, yeah. I'm a person, I'm attracted to other people and sometimes it just works out. - [Prompter] I would support my child if they wanted to become a stripper. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - [Jacob] Whoa. Whoa. - I didn't have the greatest upbringing. My mom was pretty terrible to me. Everybody was. So I grew up kind of like loner. Oh my gosh, to even think about like my daughter... I feel like I'm there. I feel like she can do so much more than dancing, than what I'm doing. I'm not saying that stripping is bad because it pays my bills and there's beautiful women that you meet and they're there because they're single moms. But, I just feel like my daughter would, there's something so much better that she can do than this. - I mean I didn't have a bad childhood and I ended up in something like this. I was actually very well supported my entire life as a child and given every opportunity and I still did it and it was my choice. - But this is something that you're not gonna be able to do when you're 40 really 50 years old, 60 years old. It's a shelf life. That's what it is. You do this right now that you're young, you get as much as you can. But what's to say that if something happens to my daughter, she's not gonna make money at 40, 50, 60 stripping. - If had a girl, I'd be scared. You know? I'd be really scared. - Scared of what? - Scared of her being taken advantage of. Scared of her having bad experiences that you've experienced dancing. You'd probably have them even whether or not you did dance. - I was date raped when I was 18 by a coworker and I wasn't at a strip club. - I'm not saying it can't happen. Just because you're not a stripper doesn't mean you can't get raped. I'm just saying that you come across and put yourself in a lot more difficult positions being a stripper, I would imagine being a woman from what I've heard from other girls. - No. - You don't think so? - To her point I had the complete opposite upbringing. I'm third generation college. I had a great middle class upbringing. I'm in the situation I'm in because I put myself in that situation and I made the adult choice to dance. However, I'm not saying if my child chose to dance, just like my mom, I would demonize them or love them any less. I just would want more for them. - But would you support them is the question? - Yes, yes. My mother supports me. Would she rather me not be a stripper? Of course. - I think that it takes a strong person to be an entertainer or a sex worker on any level. And if I had a child that grew up to be any of those things and if it wasn't right for them or if they felt like it was too much for them, I would hope that they would recognize it and get out of it. 'Cause I've seen girls kind of be emotionally crippled by this job and that's really hard to see. 'Cause it's not made for everybody. I would just hope that my kid would be aware enough to be like, "This sucks for me." - [Prompter] If it wasn't for the money, this would not be my job. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - It's strictly cuz I make decent money. That's just the bottom line. I mean, have I had really fun times at work? Yeah, I've had some great times at work. But, at a point in time it does start to wear on you. Like I said, the late nights. There are just certain things and aspects about being in the club that just really can wear on you over time. So yeah, it's definitely cuz of the money. - There's times where it's real dead at the club and you have to go up and you make like two bucks. You're like, damn that was brutal. But you still had fun looking at the ceiling mirrors, laying there doing nothing. - I mean what man wouldn't want to go to a party that, there's only women. - That's right. - And you're out-numbered, and you're like 20 to one and you gotta take your clothes off. Like, it doesn't sound pretty. It's not bad at all to me. - It's fun for us. It's fun. - It's fun. - We like it. - [Prompter] Stripping is empowering. Three, two, one, go. (footsteps plodding) - [Chris] Strongly agree baby. - Stripping's the best. You get people's money. (group laughing) You stand over a sea of dudes and then their wallets fly towards you. It's amazing. - Until you had like money just fall over you. It's like an adrenaline you can't get from. - Yeah, the sound of singles. - I mean, maybe like skydiving or jumping off of. That feeling feels like yes. You're like, oh yes I can pay this bill tomorrow. - When I'm on stage doing a show. Do a towel act, pull the G-string off. Just hearing women scream at the top of their lungs, not because somebody told them, "Hey make some noise," but just because they couldn't control themself enough and they just had to scream. They just had to just let it out. And I hear all of them do at the same time. That's very empowering. - I mean, being able to make your own decision about your body, that's the number one. When it comes to feminists and being like, "You're not empowered doing this." It's like I made the decision to be here. Nobody's making this decision for me. It's my body and my choice. And that's empowerment. - Yay. (group clapping) - [Bonnie] Thank you guys. - That was awesome! Okay, so that episode totally had me rethinking my career choices. - I was obsessed with that episode. - I know. - We hit on so many different topics. It was so much fun. It was such a great cast. I was obsessed. - It was great. But we just love talking to people and we love talking to you guys and we love hearing from you guys. So leave us a comment below about what you thought about this episode. Also send us a DM on Instagram but you have to be following us. And as always, we'll see you next time. - Bye guys. (chill piano music)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,875,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, do all strippers think the same?, magic mike, hustlers, career choices, unconventional careers, strippers representation in media, is stripping a legitimate career?, what is it like to be a stripper, do strippers love their jobs, why do people become strippers?
Id: Gtjfvcqw0pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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